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- Subject: v19i091: Cnews production release, Part14/19
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Sender: sources
- Approved: rsalz@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: utzoo!henry
- Posting-number: Volume 19, Issue 91
- Archive-name: cnews2/part14
- : ---CUT HERE---
- echo 'nntpdiffs/cdiff.1.5.5':
- sed 's/^X//' >'nntpdiffs/cdiff.1.5.5' <<'!'
- XOnly in .: Cnews.diff
- XCommon subdirectories: ../nntp.1.5.5/common and ./common
- XCommon subdirectories: ../nntp.1.5.5/doc and ./doc
- XCommon subdirectories: ../nntp.1.5.5/inews and ./inews
- XCommon subdirectories: ../nntp.1.5.5/rrnpatches and ./rrnpatches
- XCommon subdirectories: ../nntp.1.5.5/server and ./server
- XCommon subdirectories: ../nntp.1.5.5/support and ./support
- XCommon subdirectories: ../nntp.1.5.5/xfer and ./xfer
- XCommon subdirectories: ../nntp.1.5.5/xmit and ./xmit
- Xdiff -c -r ../nntp.1.5.5/server/Makefile ./server/Makefile
- X*** ../nntp.1.5.5/server/Makefile Tue Jun 6 22:46:14 1989
- X--- ./server/Makefile Tue Jun 6 23:33:45 1989
- X***************
- X*** 3,8 ****
- X--- 3,9 ----
- X #
- X
- X SRVROBJ = main.o serve.o access.o access_inet.o access_dnet.o active.o \
- X+ batch.o \
- X ahbs.o globals.o group.o help.o ihave.o list.o misc.o netaux.o \
- X newgroups.o newnews.o nextlast.o ngmatch.o post.o parsit.o scandir.o \
- X slave.o spawn.o strcasecmp.o subnet.o time.o xhdr.o fakesyslog.o \
- X***************
- X*** 9,14 ****
- X--- 10,16 ----
- X ../common/version.o
- X
- X SRVRSRC = main.c serve.c access.c access_inet.c access_dnet.c active.c \
- X+ batch.c \
- X ahbs.c globals.c group.c help.c ihave.c list.c misc.c netaux.c \
- X newgroups.c newnews.c nextlast.c ngmatch.c post.c parsit.c scandir.c \
- X slave.c spawn.c strcasecmp.c subnet.c time.c xhdr.c fakesyslog.c \
- X***************
- X*** 19,25 ****
- X
- X # -ldbm here if you've #define'ed DBM in ../common/conf.h
- X! LIBS =
- X
- X
- X--- 21,27 ----
- X
- X # -ldbm here if you've #define'ed DBM in ../common/conf.h
- X! LIBS = -ldbm
- X
- X
- XOnly in ./server: batch.c
- Xdiff -c -r ../nntp.1.5.5/server/ihave.c ./server/ihave.c
- X*** ../nntp.1.5.5/server/ihave.c Tue Jun 6 22:46:12 1989
- X--- ./server/ihave.c Tue Jun 6 23:47:02 1989
- X***************
- X*** 52,59 ****
- X (void) strcat(errbuf, " NNTP server out of space. Try later.");
- X
- X retcode = 0; /* indicates that an error occurred */
- X! } else retcode =
- X! spawn(rnews, "rnews", (char *) 0, CONT_XFER, ERR_XFERFAIL, errbuf);
- X
- X if (retcode <= 0)
- X printf("%d %s\r\n", ERR_XFERFAIL, errbuf);
- X--- 52,65 ----
- X (void) strcat(errbuf, " NNTP server out of space. Try later.");
- X
- X retcode = 0; /* indicates that an error occurred */
- X! } else
- X! retcode = spawn(rnews, "rnews", (char *) 0, CONT_XFER,
- X! ERR_XFERFAIL, errbuf);
- X! #else
- X! /* C news input hook */
- X! retcode = batch_input_article(CONT_XFER, ERR_XFERFAIL, errbuf);
- X! #endif
- X
- X if (retcode <= 0)
- X printf("%d %s\r\n", ERR_XFERFAIL, errbuf);
- Xdiff -c -r ../nntp.1.5.5/server/misc.c ./server/misc.c
- X*** ../nntp.1.5.5/server/misc.c Tue Jun 6 22:46:12 1989
- X--- ./server/misc.c Tue Jun 6 23:33:46 1989
- X***************
- X*** 80,86 ****
- X *
- X * Side effects: opens dbm database
- X * (only once, keeps it open after that).
- X- * Converts "msg_id" to lower case.
- X */
- X
- X #ifndef NDBM
- X--- 80,85 ----
- X***************
- X*** 113,122 ****
- X datum key, content;
- X #endif USGHIST
- X static FILE *hfp = NULL; /* history file, text version */
- X-
- X- for (cp = msg_id; *cp != '\0'; ++cp)
- X- if (isupper(*cp))
- X- *cp = tolower(*cp);
- X
- X #ifdef USGHIST
- X hfp = fopen(histfile(msg_id), "r");
- X--- 112,117 ----
- Xdiff -c -r ../nntp.1.5.5/server/newnews.c ./server/newnews.c
- X*** ../nntp.1.5.5/server/newnews.c Tue Jun 6 22:48:36 1989
- X--- ./server/newnews.c Tue Jun 6 23:33:46 1989
- X***************
- X*** 249,257 ****
- X * Side effects: Seeks in history file, modifies line.
- X */
- X
- X! seekuntil(fp, key, line, linesize)
- X FILE *fp;
- X! char *key;
- X char *line;
- X int linesize;
- X {
- X--- 249,257 ----
- X * Side effects: Seeks in history file, modifies line.
- X */
- X
- X! seekuntil(fp, akey, line, linesize)
- X FILE *fp;
- X! char *akey;
- X char *line;
- X int linesize;
- X {
- X***************
- X*** 258,264 ****
- X--- 258,267 ----
- X char datetime[32];
- X register int c;
- X register long top, bot, mid;
- X+ extern long dtol();
- X+ char key[30];
- X
- X+ (void) sprintf(key, "%ld", dtol(akey)); /* akey -> time_t in ascii */
- X bot = 0;
- X (void) fseek(fp, 0L, 2);
- X top = ftell(fp);
- X***************
- X*** 321,326 ****
- X--- 324,332 ----
- X }
- X
- X
- X+ /*
- X+ * C news version of getword.
- X+ */
- X getword(fp, w, line, linesize)
- X FILE *fp;
- X register char *w;
- X***************
- X*** 328,363 ****
- X int linesize;
- X {
- X register char *cp;
- X
- X if (fgets(line, linesize, fp) == NULL)
- X return (0);
- X! if (cp = index(line, '\t')) {
- X! /*
- X! * The following gross hack is present because the history file date
- X! * format is braindamaged. They like "mm/dd/yy hh:mm", which is useless
- X! * for relative comparisons of dates using something like atoi() or
- X! * strcmp. So, this changes their format into yymmddhhmm. Sigh.
- X! *
- X! * 12345678901234 ("x" for cp[x])
- X! * mm/dd/yy hh:mm (their lousy representation)
- X! * yymmddhhmm (our good one)
- X! * 0123456789 ("x" for w[x])
- X! */
- X! *cp = '\0';
- X! (void) strncpy(w, cp+1, 15);
- X! w[0] = cp[7]; /* Years */
- X! w[1] = cp[8];
- X! w[2] = cp[1]; /* Months */
- X! w[3] = cp[2];
- X! w[4] = cp[4]; /* Days */
- X! w[5] = cp[5];
- X! w[6] = cp[10]; /* Hours */
- X! w[7] = cp[11];
- X! w[8] = cp[13]; /* Minutes */
- X! w[9] = cp[14];
- X! w[10] = '\0';
- X! } else
- X! w[0] = '\0';
- X return (1);
- X }
- X
- X--- 334,356 ----
- X int linesize;
- X {
- X register char *cp;
- X+ extern char *index();
- X
- X if (fgets(line, linesize, fp) == NULL)
- X return (0);
- X! w[0] = '\0'; /* in case of bad format */
- X! if (cp = index(line, '\t')) { /* find 2nd field */
- X! register char *endp;
- X!
- X! *cp++ = '\0';
- X! endp = index(cp, '~'); /* end of date-received */
- X! if (endp == NULL)
- X! endp = index(cp, '\t'); /* end of expiry */
- X! if (endp != NULL) {
- X! (void) strncpy(w, cp, endp - cp);
- X! w[endp - cp] = '\0';
- X! }
- X! }
- X return (1);
- X }
- X
- Xdiff -c -r ../nntp.1.5.5/server/serve.c ./server/serve.c
- X*** ../nntp.1.5.5/server/serve.c Tue Jun 6 22:48:36 1989
- X--- ./server/serve.c Tue Jun 6 23:41:46 1989
- X***************
- X*** 263,268 ****
- X--- 263,279 ----
- X
- X (void) fflush(stdout);
- X
- X+ (void) fflush(stdout);
- X+
- X+ {
- X+ char errbuf[2 * NNTP_STRLEN];
- X+
- X+ enqpartbatch(CONT_XFER, ERR_XFERFAIL, errbuf);
- X+ }
- X+ #endif
- X+
- X+
- X #ifdef LOG
- X if (ferror(stdout))
- X syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s disconnect: %m", hostname);
- X***************
- X*** 311,317 ****
- X #ifdef PROFILE
- X profile();
- X #endif
- X-
- X exit(0);
- X }
- X
- X--- 322,327 ----
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/active':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/active' <<'!'
- Xcontrol 0000000001 00000 y
- Xjunk 0000000000 00000 y
- Xfoo 0000000000 00000 y
- Xbar 0000000000 00000 y
- Xtest.a 0000000002 00000 y
- Xtest.b 0000000002 00000 y
- Xtest.c 0000000001 00000 y
- Xbaz 0000000000 00000 y
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/art1':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/art1' <<'!'
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#1@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.a
- X
- X## This should appear in test/a/1
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/art2':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/art2' <<'!'
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#2@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.b
- X
- X## This should appear in test/b/1
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/art3':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/art3' <<'!'
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#3@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.a,test.b
- X
- X## This should appear in test/a/2
- X## This should appear in test/b/2
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/art4':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/art4' <<'!'
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#4@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.c
- X
- XThis should get cancelled.
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/art5':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/art5' <<'!'
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#5@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.c
- XControl: cancel <#4@host>
- X
- X## This should appear in test/c/2
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/batch':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/batch' <<'!'
- X#! rnews 108
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#1@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.a
- X
- X## This should appear in test/a/1
- X#! rnews 108
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#2@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.b
- X
- X## This should appear in test/b/1
- X#! rnews 149
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#3@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.a,test.b
- X
- X## This should appear in test/a/2
- X## This should appear in test/b/2
- X#! rnews 101
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#4@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.c
- X
- XThis should get cancelled.
- X#! rnews 134
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#5@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.c
- XControl: cancel <#4@host>
- X
- X## This should appear in test/c/2
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/errlog':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/errlog' <<'!'
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/history':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/history' <<'!'
- X<#1@host> TIME~- test.a/1
- X<#2@host> TIME~- test.b/1
- X<#3@host> TIME~- test.a/2 test.b/2
- X<#4@host> TIME~- test.c/1
- X<#5@host> TIME~- control/1
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/log':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/log' <<'!'
- XTIME host + <#1@host> foo
- XTIME host + <#2@host> foo
- XTIME host + <#3@host> foo
- XTIME host + <#4@host> foo
- XTIME host + <#5@host> foo
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/run':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/run' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# run relaynews test
- Xhere=`pwd`
- XNEWSBIN=$here
- XNEWSCTL=$here
- X
- X./relaynews -r <batch >stdout 2>stderr
- Xecho $? >status
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/sys':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/sys' <<'!'
- XME:all
- Xfoo:all:f:/dev/null
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/whoami':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/whoami' <<'!'
- Xhostb
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/stdout':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/stdout' <<'!'
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/stderr':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/stderr' <<'!'
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/test/a/1':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/test/a/1' <<'!'
- XPath: hostb!host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#1@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.a
- X
- X## This should appear in test/a/1
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/test/a/2':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/test/a/2' <<'!'
- XXref: hostb test.a:2 test.b:2
- XPath: hostb!host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#3@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.a,test.b
- X
- X## This should appear in test/a/2
- X## This should appear in test/b/2
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/test/b/1':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/test/b/1' <<'!'
- XPath: hostb!host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#2@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.b
- X
- X## This should appear in test/b/1
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/test/b/2':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/test/b/2' <<'!'
- XXref: hostb test.a:2 test.b:2
- XPath: hostb!host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#3@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.a,test.b
- X
- X## This should appear in test/a/2
- X## This should appear in test/b/2
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/control/1':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/control/1' <<'!'
- XPath: hostb!host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#5@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.c
- XControl: cancel <#4@host>
- X
- X## This should appear in test/c/2
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/out/status':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/out/status' <<'!'
- X0
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/regress':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/regress' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- Xecho removing old dregs...
- Xrm -rf tmp
- Xecho making new working subtree...
- Xmkdir tmp 2>/dev/null
- Xchmod +x master/run
- Xcp ../relaynews master/* tmp
- Xcd tmp
- Xchmod u+w *
- Xecho running relaynews...
- X./run
- Xecho comparing output...
- Xsed 's/^... .. ..:..:..\..../TIME/' log >.log && mv .log log
- Xsed 's/ [0-9][0-9]*~/ TIME~/' history >.history && mv .history history
- Xrm -f gmon.out history.* relaynews
- X# diff -r ../out .
- Xfor f in `find . -type f -print`
- Xdo
- X cmp $f ../out/$f
- Xdone
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/active':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/active' <<'!'
- Xcontrol 0000000000 00000 y
- Xjunk 0000000000 00000 y
- Xfoo 0000000000 00000 y
- Xbar 0000000000 00000 y
- Xtest.a 0000000000 00000 y
- Xtest.b 0000000000 00000 y
- Xtest.c 0000000000 00000 y
- Xbaz 0000000000 00000 y
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/art1':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/art1' <<'!'
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#1@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.a
- X
- X## This should appear in test/a/1
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/art2':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/art2' <<'!'
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#2@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.b
- X
- X## This should appear in test/b/1
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/art3':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/art3' <<'!'
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#3@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.a,test.b
- X
- X## This should appear in test/a/2
- X## This should appear in test/b/2
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/art4':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/art4' <<'!'
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#4@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.c
- X
- XThis should get cancelled.
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/art5':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/art5' <<'!'
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#5@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.c
- XControl: cancel <#4@host>
- X
- X## This should appear in test/c/2
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/batch':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/batch' <<'!'
- X#! rnews 108
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#1@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.a
- X
- X## This should appear in test/a/1
- X#! rnews 108
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#2@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.b
- X
- X## This should appear in test/b/1
- X#! rnews 149
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#3@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.a,test.b
- X
- X## This should appear in test/a/2
- X## This should appear in test/b/2
- X#! rnews 101
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#4@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.c
- X
- XThis should get cancelled.
- X#! rnews 134
- XPath: host!user
- XFrom: user@host
- XMessage-ID: <#5@host>
- XNewsgroups: test.c
- XControl: cancel <#4@host>
- X
- X## This should appear in test/c/2
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/errlog':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/errlog' <<'!'
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/history':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/history' <<'!'
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/history.dir':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/history.dir' <<'!'
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/history.pag':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/history.pag' <<'!'
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/log':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/log' <<'!'
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/run':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/run' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# run relaynews test
- Xhere=`pwd`
- XNEWSBIN=$here
- XNEWSCTL=$here
- X
- X./relaynews -r <batch >stdout 2>stderr
- Xecho $? >status
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/sys':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/sys' <<'!'
- XME:all
- Xfoo:all:f:/dev/null
- !
- echo 'relay/regress/master/whoami':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/regress/master/whoami' <<'!'
- Xhostb
- !
- echo 'relay/README':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/README' <<'!'
- XThis is relaynews, the heart of C News: article filing.
- X
- XIf you're starting here, you are in the wrong place: go to ../conf and
- Xrun "build".
- X
- XSubdirectories are:
- X
- Xads some silliness
- Xanews stuff for conversion to and from the old A News format
- Xaux auxiliary programs of various kinds
- Xctl control-message shell files
- Xaltctl alternative, not recommended, versions of rmgroup and sendgroups
- Xsh shell files, including inews and postnews and their flunkies
- Xregress regression-test facilities for relaynews
- X
- Xihave.not.c is an alternate version of ihave.c for sites that specifically
- Xwish to disable ihave/sendme (typically because of foolishness like
- Xproprietary newsgroups).
- X
- XTo run a regression test, "make r".
- !
- echo 'relay/active.c':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/active.c' <<'!'
- X/*
- X * active file access functions
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <ctype.h>
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <sys/stat.h>
- X#include "libc.h"
- X#include "news.h"
- X#include "config.h"
- X#include "active.h"
- X
- X/* ordinal numbers of fields */
- X#define CURRFIELD 2 /* current article # */
- X#define FLAGFIELD 4 /* y/n/m/x/= flag */
- X
- X/* flag field values */
- X#define FLAGOKAY 'y' /* ordinary unmoderated group */
- X#define FLAGBAD 'n' /* unmoderated but locally-restricted group */
- X#define FLAGMOD 'm' /* moderated group */
- X#define FLAGNEVER 'x' /* unwanted group: don't file in this one */
- X#define FLAGGOTO '=' /* see another group (following) instead */
- X
- X/* imports */
- Xextern char *actfind();
- Xextern statust actfload(), actfsync(), actfwrnum();
- X
- X/* forwards */
- Xextern char *findflag();
- XFORWARD char *fieldfind();
- X
- X/* exports */
- Xchar actrelnm[] = "active";
- X
- Xstatic FILE *actfp = NULL;
- Xstatic struct lastngcache {
- X char *lnc_ng; /* newsgroup name */
- X char *lnc_line; /* matching active file line */
- X} lnc = { NULL, NULL };
- X
- X/*
- X * return a pointer to the active file entry for ng
- X * (or a pointed-to group (by ``=group'')), or 0 if no entry exists.
- X * since actlook is called repeatedly for the same newsgroup,
- X * actlook caches the last newsgroup looked-up and the result.
- X */
- XSTATIC char *
- Xactlook(ang)
- Xregister char *ang;
- X{
- X register char *ngline, *ng, *flag;
- X register int loopbreak = 100;
- X
- X if (lnc.lnc_ng != NULL && STREQ(lnc.lnc_ng, ang))
- X return lnc.lnc_line;
- X
- X if (actload() != ST_OKAY)
- X return NULL;
- X ng = strsave(ang);
- X while ((ngline = actfind(actfp, ng, strlen(ng))) != NULL &&
- X (flag = findflag(ngline)) != NULL && *flag == FLAGGOTO &&
- X --loopbreak > 0) {
- X free(ng);
- X ng = strsvto(flag+1, '\n'); /* follow "=ng" pointer */
- X }
- X if (loopbreak <= 0) /* "infinite" loop broken */
- X ngline = NULL;
- X
- X nnfree(&lnc.lnc_ng);
- X lnc.lnc_ng = ng;
- X lnc.lnc_line = ngline;
- X return ngline;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Find the active entry for ng (or a pointed-to group (by ``=group''))
- X * and add inc to its 2nd field (highest number).
- X * Return the resultant number.
- X */
- Xlong
- Xincartnum(ng, inc)
- Xchar *ng;
- Xint inc;
- X{
- X char testnum[40];
- X register char *line = actlook(ng);
- X register long nextart = -1;
- X
- X if (line != NULL) {
- X register char *artnum, *pastartnum;
- X
- X pastartnum = artnum = fieldfind(line, CURRFIELD);
- X if (artnum == NULL)
- X return nextart;
- X while (isascii(*pastartnum) && isdigit(*pastartnum))
- X ++pastartnum;
- X nextart = atol(artnum) + inc;
- X
- X /* update active file article # in place, from nextart */
- X if (pastartnum-artnum > sizeof testnum ||
- X !ltozan(testnum, nextart, pastartnum-artnum) ||
- X !ltozan(artnum, nextart, pastartnum-artnum)) {
- X (void) fprintf(stderr,
- X"%s: article number (%ld) too big for group `%s' active field of %d digits\n",
- X progname, nextart, ng, pastartnum-artnum);
- X return -1;
- X }
- X
- X /* give the implementation a chance to write line to disk */
- X if (actfwrnum(actfp, line) != ST_OKAY) {
- X warning("can't update active file", "");
- X nextart = -1;
- X }
- X }
- X return nextart;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Reload the active file cache.
- X */
- Xstatust
- Xactload()
- X{
- X register statust status = ST_OKAY;
- X
- X if (actfp == NULL &&
- X (actfp = fopenwclex(ctlfile(actrelnm), "r+")) == NULL)
- X status |= ST_DROPPED;
- X status |= actfload(actfp);
- X return status;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Write back to disk the active file cache, if any, and flush the
- X * last-newsgroup-cache, since it refers to the (now invalid) active file cache.
- X */
- Xstatust
- Xactsync()
- X{
- X register statust status = ST_OKAY;
- X
- X if (actfp != NULL) {
- X lnc.lnc_ng = lnc.lnc_line = NULL;
- X status |= actfsync(actfp);
- X if (nfclose(actfp) == EOF || status != ST_OKAY) {
- X warning("error writing `%s'", ctlfile(actrelnm));
- X status |= ST_DROPPED;
- X }
- X }
- X actfp = NULL;
- X return status;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Return YES iff any group in ngs (or a pointed-to group (by ``=group''))
- X * matches thisflag.
- X */
- Xboolean
- Xisflag(ngs, thisflag)
- Xregister char *ngs;
- Xint thisflag;
- X{
- X register char *newng, *flag, *ng;
- X register boolean result = NO;
- X
- X for (ng = ngs; !result && ng != NULL; ng = newng) {
- X newng = index(ng, NGSEP);
- X if (newng != NULL)
- X *newng = '\0'; /* restored below */
- X
- X flag = findflag(actlook(ng));
- X if (flag != NULL && *flag == thisflag)
- X result = YES;
- X
- X if (newng != NULL)
- X *newng++ = NGSEP; /* point at next group */
- X }
- X return result;
- X}
- X
- XSTATIC char *
- Xfieldfind(ngline, fieldno) /* return address of field "fieldno" in ngline */
- Xregister char *ngline;
- Xregister int fieldno;
- X{
- X register int field;
- X
- X for (field = 1; ngline != NULL && field < fieldno; ++field) {
- X ngline = index(ngline, ' ');
- X if (ngline != NULL)
- X ngline++; /* point at next field */
- X }
- X return ngline;
- X}
- X
- Xchar *
- Xfindflag(ngline) /* return address of flag field in ngline */
- Xregister char *ngline;
- X{
- X return fieldfind(ngline, FLAGFIELD);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Are any groups in ngs moderated?
- X */
- Xboolean
- Xmoderated(ngs)
- Xregister char *ngs;
- X{
- X return isflag(ngs, FLAGMOD);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Are any groups in ngs unwanted?
- X */
- Xboolean
- Xunwanted(ngs)
- Xregister char *ngs;
- X{
- X return isflag(ngs, FLAGNEVER);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Return 0 or a malloced newsgroup name corresponding to "ong",
- X * but without an "=" flag in its active file entry.
- X * This is done by tracing the chain of "=ng" pointers (in actlook()), if any.
- X */
- Xchar *
- Xrealngname(ong)
- Xchar *ong;
- X{
- X register char *ngline = actlook(ong);
- X
- X if (ngline == NULL)
- X return NULL; /* no such ong */
- X return strsvto(ngline, ' ');
- X}
- !
- echo 'relay/active.h':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/active.h' <<'!'
- X/* imports from active.c */
- Xextern statust actload(), actsync();
- Xextern long incartnum();
- Xextern char *realngname();
- Xextern boolean isflag(), unwanted(), moderated();
- X
- X#define nxtartnum(ng) incartnum(ng, 1)
- X#define prevartnum(ng) incartnum(ng, -1)
- !
- echo 'relay/ads/1':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/ads/1' <<'!'
- XINEWS. We have
- Xthe technology
- Xtoday to bring 'em
- Xback tomorrow.
- X
- X By the 1990s, fighter pilots will need an inte-
- Xgrated electronic warfare suite that fuses the
- Xcapabilities of multiple warning and response sys-
- Xtems. Advanced technology that provides complete
- Xprotection with greater reliability. That system is the
- XIntegrated Electronic Warfare System - INEWS.
- X The TRW/Westinghouse Joint Venture is the
- Xonly team that offers such a powerful combination
- Xof advanced technologies and specific, long-term
- Xexperience for INEWS.
- X Our Phase I and II VHSIC contracts, together
- Xwith our VHSIC 1750A program, will increase pro-
- Xcessing speed and memory and reduce space and
- Xpower demands. Our wideband microwave trans-
- Xmitters and receivers can make functional integra-
- Xtion a cost-effective, operational reality. Our detector
- Xtechnologies ensure instant warning of all fore-
- Xseeable threats. And our expendables technology
- Xprovides a wide range of threat-response options.
- X TRW and Westinghouse with
- XHoneywell, Perkin-Elmer, and Tracor.
- XThe team with the technology today
- Xto bring 'em back tomorrow.
- X
- !
- echo 'relay/ads/2':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/ads/2' <<'!'
- XINEWS. Technology on a totally different plane.
- X
- X The Raytheon-Northrop joint
- Xventure team brings state-of-the-art
- Xtechnology to the competition for
- Xthe Integrated Electronic Warfare
- XSystem. INEWS will go aboard the
- Xnext generation of tactical aircraft.
- X The combination of Raytheon
- Xand Northrop unites their comple-
- Xmentary capabilities in the design,
- Xdevelopment and production of
- Xinnovative EW systems.
- X Team members AT&T Tech-
- Xnology Systems (Bell Labs), GTE,
- XMagnavox and Tracor provide
- Xadditional experience which is
- Xkey to successful integration of
- Xadvanced technologies.
- X No other EW team provides
- Xthis same level of expertise in
- Xradar systems, surface-to-air mis-
- Xsiles and advanced tactical and
- Xstrategic aircraft. Strengths that
- Xare essential to INEWS develop-
- Xment and support.
- X The Raytheon and Northrop
- Xjoint venture team. Expertise on a
- Xtotally different plane.
- X
- XRaytheon NORTHROP
- XJoint venture program office
- X6380 Hollister Avenue
- XGoleta, CA 93117
- !
- echo 'relay/ads/3':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/ads/3' <<'!'
- XTheir future
- Xdepends on it.
- X
- XIn the 1990's and beyond, our pilots' survival and
- Xtheir mission success will rely on an effective
- XIntegrated Electronic Warfare Systems (INEWS).
- XGuaranteeing the best INEWS for tomorrow
- Xmeans selecting the right team to build it today.
- X With Honeywell, Perkin-Elmer, and Tracor,
- Xthe TRW/Westinghouse team brings an un-
- Xrivaled program and technology baseline to
- XINEWS. Together we are concentrating on
- Xsystem level development...providing risk
- Xreduction where it counts: system software
- Xand system integration.
- X Our team offers Ada on VHSIC, complete
- XINEWS system simulation, expert system devel-
- Xopment for full situation awareness and response
- Xmanagement, and reliability and maintainability
- Xrisk reduction to reduce operation and support
- Xcosts while increasing system availability. The
- XTRW/Westinghouse INEWS--reliable perform-
- Xance to beat the threat, sustainable in conflict,
- Xaffordable for a lifetime.
- X INEWS: The System for Their Future--
- Xfrom TRW and Westinghouse.
- X
- !
- echo 'relay/ads/README':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/ads/README' <<'!'
- XThese are reproduced verbatim from Aviation Week.
- !
- echo 'relay/anews/a.samp':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/anews/a.samp' <<'!'
- XA123@utcs.fun
- Xnet.rec.drugs.crack
- Xucbvax!ucbarpa!foo
- XApr 1 00:00:00 1986
- XWhee!
- XBoy I like this stuff!
- !
- echo 'relay/anews/a.samp.to.b':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/anews/a.samp.to.b' <<'!'
- XMessage-ID: 123@utcs.fun
- XNewsgroups: net.rec.drugs.crack
- XPath: ucbvax!ucbarpa!foo
- XFrom: ucbvax!ucbarpa!foo
- XDate: Apr 1 00:00:00 1986
- XSubject: Whee!
- X
- XBoy I like this stuff!
- !
- echo 'relay/anews/a.to.b':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/anews/a.to.b' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# a.to.b: A-format news to B-format converter (thanks, Norman)
- XPATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb; export PATH
- X
- Xsed '
- X1s/^A/Message-ID: /
- X2s/^/Newsgroups: /
- X3{
- Xs/^/Path: /p
- Xs/Path/From/
- X}
- X4s/^/Date: /
- X5{
- Xs/^/Subject: /p
- Xs/.*//
- X}
- X'
- !
- echo 'relay/anews/b.samp':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/anews/b.samp' <<'!'
- XPath: ucbvax!ucbarpa!foo
- XFrom: ucbvax!ucbarpa!foo
- XSubject: Whee!
- XNewsgroups: net.rec.drugs.crack
- XMessage-ID: 123@utcs.fun
- XDate: Apr 1 00:00:00 1986
- XHideous-Name: #@$%ucbarpa^edu&*foo
- X
- XBoy I like this stuff!
- !
- echo 'relay/anews/b.samp.to.a':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/anews/b.samp.to.a' <<'!'
- XA123@utcs.fun
- Xnet.rec.drugs.crack
- Xucbvax!ucbarpa!foo
- XApr 1 00:00:00 1986
- XWhee!
- XBoy I like this stuff!
- !
- echo 'relay/anews/b.to.a':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/anews/b.to.a' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# bnewstoa: B-format news to A-format converter (why, oh, why?) (thanks, Norman)
- XPATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb; export PATH
- X
- Xawk '
- XNR==1,/^$/ { # headers: save A headers only
- X if ($0 ~ /^Message-ID: /)
- X msgid=$2
- X else if ($0 ~ /^Newsgroups: /)
- X ngs=$2
- X else if ($0 ~ /^Path: /)
- X path=$2
- X else if ($0 ~ /^Date: /) {
- X date = $2 # skip "Date:"
- X for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++)
- X date = date " " $i # append remaining fields
- X } else if ($0 ~ /^Subject: /)
- X subj=$2
- X else if ($0 ~ /^$/) { # end of headers: spew out A-format equivalent
- X print "A" msgid
- X print ngs
- X print path
- X print date
- X print subj
- X inbody = "yes"
- X noblanksyet = "yes"
- X }
- X}
- Xinbody=="yes" { # copy body except first blank line, if present
- X if ($0 ~ /^$/ && noblanksyet == "yes")
- X noblanksyet = "no"
- X else
- X print
- X}
- X'
- !
- echo 'relay/anews/README':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/anews/README' <<'!'
- XThese are some ill-documented utilities for converting between A News and
- XB News formats. Probably not of any interest to anyone any more, but we
- Xinclude them just in case.
- !
- echo 'relay/article.c':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/article.c' <<'!'
- X/*
- X * article creation and destruction
- X */
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include "libc.h"
- X#include "news.h"
- X#include "headers.h"
- X#include "article.h"
- X
- Xvoid
- Xartinit(art)
- Xregister struct article *art;
- X{
- X art->a_status = ST_OKAY;
- X hdrinit(&art->h);
- X art->a_haccum = NULL;
- X art->a_hnext = NULL;
- X art->a_hpalloced = 0;
- X art->a_hpused = 0;
- X art->a_hptrs = NULL;
- X art->a_hbytesleft = 0;
- X art->a_files = NULL;
- X art->a_tmpf = NULL;
- X art->a_artf = NULL;
- X art->a_unlink = NO;
- X art->a_filed = NO;
- X art->a_xref = NO;
- X art->a_blvmax = NO;
- X art->a_charswritten = 0;
- X art->a_unread = 0;
- X}
- X
- Xvoid
- Xartfree(art)
- Xregister struct article *art;
- X{
- X freeheaders(&art->h);
- X /* a_haccum is currently not malloced */
- X art->a_hptrs = NULL; /* don't free a_hptrs; see hdrsave() */
- X nnfree(&art->a_files);
- X nnfree(&art->a_tmpf);
- X if (art->a_artf != NULL) {
- X (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: a_artf still open in artfree()\n",
- X progname);
- X if (nfclose(art->a_artf) == EOF) {
- X art->a_status |= ST_DROPPED;
- X warning("error closing %s", art->a_tmpf);
- X }
- X art->a_artf = NULL;
- X }
- X}
- !
- echo 'relay/article.h':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/article.h' <<'!'
- X/*
- X * All the information needed to describe an article as it is processed.
- X */
- X
- X#define MINSHPTRS 30 /* initial value for sh_alloced */
- X
- Xstruct article {
- X statust a_status; /* article status bits */
- X struct headers h; /* strictly from headers in input: */
- X char *a_haccum; /* accumulated output headers, if any */
- X char *a_hnext; /* -> first free byte in a_haccum */
- X short a_hpalloced; /* indices in a_hptrs */
- X short a_hpused; /* indices currently in use */
- X char **a_hptrs; /* -> array of ptrs to lines in a_haccum */
- X unsigned a_hbytesleft; /* in a_haccum */
- X char *a_files; /* filenames for history, added in filing, from h.h_ngs */
- X char *a_tmpf; /* temp link name or first spool dir link */
- X FILE *a_artf; /* stream corresponding to a_tmpf */
- X boolean a_unlink; /* true iff a_tmpf should be unlinked when done */
- X boolean a_filed; /* true iff article has been filed */
- X boolean a_xref; /* true iff Xref: header generated yet */
- X boolean a_blvmax; /* true iff a_unread is to be believed */
- X long a_charswritten; /* into spool directory, for batcher */
- X long a_unread; /* bytes of article input yet unread */
- X};
- X
- X/* return name of at least one link, for printing in error messages, etc. */
- X#define spoolnm(art) ((art)->a_unlink? (art)->a_tmpf: (art)->a_files)
- X
- X/* imports from article.c */
- Xextern void artinit(), artfree();
- !
- echo 'relay/caches.c':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/caches.c' <<'!'
- X/*
- X * cache control
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include "news.h"
- X#include "active.h"
- X#include "caches.h"
- X#include "transmit.h"
- X
- Xstatust
- Xloadcaches() /* reload in-core caches from disk */
- X{
- X return actload();
- X}
- X
- Xstatust
- Xsynccaches() /* force in-core caches to disk */
- X{
- X return actsync() | trclose();
- X}
- !
- echo 'relay/caches.h':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/caches.h' <<'!'
- X/* imports from caches.c */
- Xextern statust loadcaches(), synccaches();
- !
- echo 'relay/control.c':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/control.c' <<'!'
- X/*
- X * Implement the Usenet control messages, as per RFC 1036 (nee 850).
- X * These are fairly infrequent and can afford to be done by
- X * separate programs. They are:
- X *
- X * cancel message-ID restricted to Sender: else From: or root, in theory
- X * ihave message-ID-list remotesys generate a sendme from message-ID-list
- X * sendme message-ID-list remotesys send articles named to remotesys
- X * (ihave/sendme is semi-documented in the RFCs, kludgey and broken in B2.10.)
- X *
- X * newgroup groupname must be Approved:
- X * rmgroup groupname must be Approved:; allow some local control over this
- X * sendsys mail to Reply-To: else From:
- X * senduuname ditto
- X * version ditto
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <ctype.h>
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X
- X#include "libc.h"
- X#include "news.h"
- X#include "config.h"
- X#include "headers.h"
- X#include "article.h"
- X#include "caches.h"
- X#include "history.h"
- X
- X#define NO_FILES ""
- X#define SUBDIR binfile("ctl") /* holds shell scripts */
- X
- X/*
- X * These are shell meta-characters, except for /, which is included
- X * since it allows people to escape from the control directory.
- X */
- X#define SHELLMETAS "<>|&;({$=*?[`'\"/"
- X
- X/* imports from news */
- Xextern statust snufffiles();
- Xextern void ihave(), sendme();
- X
- X/* forwards */
- XFORWARD statust cancelart();
- XFORWARD void runctlmsg(), bombctlmsg();
- X
- X/*
- X * Implement control message specified in "art".
- X * Because newgroup and rmgroup may modify the active file, for example,
- X * we must flush in-core caches to disk first and reload them afterward.
- X * We handle cancels in this process for speed and dbm access.
- X * We handle ihave & sendme in this process for dbm access and
- X * to work around syntax restrictions (<>).
- X *
- X * In future, one could pass header values to scripts as arguments or
- X * in environment, as NEWS* variables, to save time in the scripts.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xctlmsg(art)
- Xstruct article *art;
- X{
- X int pid, deadpid;
- X int wstatus;
- X char *inname = art->a_tmpf, *ctlcmd = art->h.h_ctlcmd;
- X static char nmcancel[] = "cancel ";
- X static char nmihave[] = "ihave ";
- X static char nmsendme[] = "sendme ";
- X
- X if (STREQN(ctlcmd, nmcancel, STRLEN(nmcancel))) {
- X art->a_status |= cancelart(ctlcmd + STRLEN(nmcancel));
- X return;
- X }
- X if (STREQN(ctlcmd, nmihave, STRLEN(nmihave))) {
- X ihave(ctlcmd + STRLEN(nmihave), art);
- X return;
- X }
- X if (STREQN(ctlcmd, nmsendme, STRLEN(nmsendme))) {
- X sendme(ctlcmd + STRLEN(nmsendme), art);
- X return;
- X }
- X
- X art->a_status |= synccaches();
- X (void) fflush(stdout);
- X (void) fflush(stderr);
- X
- X pid = fork();
- X if (pid == 0) /* child? */
- X runctlmsg(ctlcmd, inname);
- X else if (pid == -1)
- X warning("fork failed", "");
- X
- X /* lint complains about &wstatus on 4.2+BSD; too bad, lint's wrong. */
- X while ((deadpid = wait(&wstatus)) != pid && deadpid != -1)
- X ;
- X
- X /* wrong kid returned, fork failed or child screwed up? */
- X if (deadpid == -1 || pid == -1 || wstatus != 0)
- X art->a_status |= ST_DROPPED; /* admin got err.msg. by mail */
- X art->a_status |= loadcaches();
- X}
- X
- XSTATIC boolean
- Xsafecmd(cmd) /* true if it's safe to system(3) cmd */
- Xchar *cmd;
- X{
- X register char *s;
- X
- X for (s = cmd; *s != '\0'; s++)
- X if (STREQN(s, "..", STRLEN("..")))
- X return NO;
- X for (s = SHELLMETAS; *s != '\0'; s++)
- X if (index(cmd, *s) != NULL)
- X return NO;
- X return YES;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * In theory (RFC 1036 nee 850), we should verify that the user issuing
- X * the cancel (the Sender: of this article or From: if no Sender) is the
- X * Sender: or From: of the original article or the local super-user.
- X *
- X * In practice, this is a lot of work and since anyone can forge news
- X * (and thus cancel anything), not worth the effort.
- X *
- X * Ignore ST_ACCESS while cancelling an already-seen article since the
- X * article may have been cancelled before or may have a fake history entry
- X * because the cancel arrived before the article.
- X *
- X * If the article being cancelled has not been seen yet, generate a history
- X * file entry for the cancelled article in case it arrives after the cancel
- X * control. The history file entry will cause the cancelled article to be
- X * rejected as a duplicate.
- X */
- XSTATIC statust
- Xcancelart(msgidstr)
- Xchar *msgidstr;
- X{
- X register char *wsp;
- X register char *msgid = strsave(msgidstr);
- X register int idbytes;
- X register char *wholemsgid = msgid;
- X register statust status = ST_OKAY;
- X
- X /* skip leading whitespace in msgid */
- X while (*msgid != '\0' && isascii(*msgid) && isspace(*msgid))
- X ++msgid;
- X /* replace trailing whitespace with NULs; `wsp >= msgid' is not safe */
- X idbytes = strlen(msgid);
- X for (wsp = msgid + idbytes - 1; idbytes-- > 0 &&
- X isascii(*wsp) && isspace(*wsp); --wsp)
- X *wsp = '\0';
- X
- X if (alreadyseen(msgid)) {
- X register char *histent, *filelist;
- X
- X histent = gethistory(msgid);
- X if (histent != NULL && (filelist = findfiles(histent)) != NULL)
- X status |= snufffiles(filelist) & ~ST_ACCESS;
- X } else {
- X status |= fakehist(msgid, DEFEXP, NO_FILES); /* start log */
- X (void) putchar('\n'); /* end log line */
- X }
- X free(wholemsgid);
- X return status;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Execute a non-builtin control message by searching $NEWSCTL/bin and
- X * $NEWSBIN/ctl for the command named by the control message.
- X * runctlmsg is called from a child of relaynews, so it must always
- X * call _exit() rather than exit() to avoid flushing stdio buffers.
- X *
- X * Enforce at least minimal security: the environment was standardised at
- X * startup, including PATH and IFS; close non-standard file descriptors;
- X * reject shell metacharacters in ctlcmd.
- X */
- XSTATIC void
- Xrunctlmsg(ctlcmd, inname) /* child process */
- Xregister char *ctlcmd, *inname;
- X{
- X register char *cmd;
- X register int cmdstat;
- X
- X closeall(1);
- X if (!safecmd(ctlcmd)) {
- X (void) fprintf(stderr,
- X "%s: control `%s' looks unsafe to execute\n", progname, ctlcmd);
- X _exit(1);
- X }
- X cmd = malloc((unsigned) STRLEN("PATH=") + strlen(ctlfile("bin")) +
- X STRLEN(":") + strlen(SUBDIR) + STRLEN(";") + strlen(ctlcmd) +
- X STRLEN(" <") + strlen(inname) + 1);
- X if (cmd == NULL) {
- X warning("can't allocate memory in runctlmsg", "");
- X _exit(1);
- X }
- X (void) strcpy(cmd, "PATH=");
- X (void) strcat(cmd, ctlfile("bin"));
- X (void) strcat(cmd, ":");
- X (void) strcat(cmd, SUBDIR);
- X (void) strcat(cmd, ";");
- X (void) strcat(cmd, ctlcmd);
- X (void) strcat(cmd, " <");
- X (void) strcat(cmd, inname);
- X
- X cmdstat = system(cmd);
- X if (cmdstat != 0)
- X bombctlmsg(cmd, cmdstat);
- X free(cmd);
- X _exit(0);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Notify the local news administrator by mail that "cmd" failed
- X * with "cmdstat" status, and _exit with bad status (again avoid stdio
- X * buffer flushing in the child).
- X */
- XSTATIC void
- Xbombctlmsg(cmd, cmdstat)
- Xchar *cmd;
- Xint cmdstat;
- X{
- X register char *mailcmd;
- X register FILE *mailf;
- X
- X mailcmd = malloc((unsigned)STRLEN("PATH=") + strlen(newspath()) +
- X STRLEN(" mail ") + strlen(newsmaster()) + 1);
- X if (mailcmd == NULL) {
- X warning("can't allocate memory in bombctlmsg", "");
- X _exit(1);
- X }
- X (void) sprintf(mailcmd, "PATH=%s mail %s", newspath(), newsmaster());
- X mailf = popen(mailcmd, "w");
- X if (mailf == NULL)
- X mailf = stderr;
- X (void) fprintf(mailf,
- X "%s: control message `%s' exited with status 0%o\n",
- X progname, cmd, cmdstat);
- X if (mailf != stderr)
- X (void) pclose(mailf);
- X free(mailcmd);
- X _exit(1);
- X}
- !
- echo 'relay/control.h':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/control.h' <<'!'
- X/* imports from control.c */
- Xextern void ctlmsg();
- !
- echo 'relay/cpu.h':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/cpu.h' <<'!'
- X/*
- X * CPU-specific definitions
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef MAXLONG
- X#define MAXLONG ((long)(~(unsigned long)0 >> 1))
- X#endif
- !
- echo 'relay/ctl/checkgroups':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/ctl/checkgroups' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# checkgroups - check active file for missing or extra newsgroups.
- X# stdin must a checkgroups news article, sends mail to $NEWSMASTER
- X# after updating $nl/newsgroups from $nl/localgroups
- X# based on v1.4 of 9/4/84
- X
- X# =()<. ${NEWSCONFIG-@<NEWSCONFIG>@}>()=
- X. ${NEWSCONFIG-/usr/lib/news/bin/config}
- X
- X# generate newsgroups from localgroups & beheaded stdin (checkgroups article).
- X# appending to newsgroups instead of overwriting is a hack,
- X# but is about the best we can do until checkgroups is defined.
- X(cat $NEWSCTL/localgroups; sed '1,/^$/d') >>$NEWSCTL/newsgroups
- X# backup newsgroups, then strip duplicates
- Xcp $NEWSCTL/newsgroups $NEWSCTL/newsgroups.bac || exit 1
- Xsort -u -o $NEWSCTL/newsgroups $NEWSCTL/newsgroups.bac
- X
- X# generate list of approved newsgroups from $nl/newsgroups
- X# [^.]*\. in next two egreps was net.|mod.|fa., which is inadequate - geoff
- X(echo junk; echo control; sed 's/[ \ ].*//' $NEWSCTL/newsgroups |
- X egrep "^([^.]*\.|general)") | sort -u >/tmp/$$a
- X
- X# generate list of locally-present newsgroups from $nl/active
- Xegrep "^([^.]*\.|general|junk|control)" $NEWSCTL/active | sed 's/ .*//' |
- X sort -u >/tmp/$$b
- X
- X# compare 'em & note differences
- Xcomm -13 /tmp/$$a /tmp/$$b >/tmp/$$remove
- Xcomm -23 /tmp/$$a /tmp/$$b >/tmp/$$add
- X
- Xif test -s /tmp/$$remove; then
- X echo "The following newsgroups are not valid and should be removed."
- X sed "s/^/ /" /tmp/$$remove
- X echo ""
- X echo "You can do this by executing the commands:"
- X sed "s;.*; $NEWSBIN/maint/delgroup &;" /tmp/$$remove
- X echo ""
- Xfi 2>&1 >/tmp/$$out
- X
- Xif test -s /tmp/$$add; then
- X echo "The following newsgroups were missing." # "and were added."
- X sed "s/^/ /" /tmp/$$add
- X echo ""
- X
- X# for i in `cat /tmp/$$add`
- X# do
- X# *** "Subject: cmsg " is a hideous botch of a kludge-hack; avoid it!
- X# inews -h <<!
- X#Control: newgroup $i
- X#Newsgroups: control
- X#Subject: newgroup $i
- X#Distribution: general
- X#
- X#Create $i locally.
- X#!
- X# done
- X
- Xfi 2>&1 >>/tmp/$$out
- X
- Xif test -s /tmp/$$out; then
- X (echo "Subject: Problems with your active file"; echo "";
- X cat /tmp/$$out) | mail $NEWSMASTER
- Xfi
- X
- Xrm -f /tmp/$$* # clean up temporaries
- !
- echo 'relay/ctl/newgroup':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/ctl/newgroup' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# newgroup group flag - create group (4-field version: B-2.10.3+ compatible)
- X# subject to our sys file group pattern
- X
- X# =()<. ${NEWSCONFIG-@<NEWSCONFIG>@}>()=
- X. ${NEWSCONFIG-/usr/lib/news/bin/config}
- XPATH=$NEWSCTL/bin:$NEWSBIN/relay:$NEWSBIN:$NEWSPATH ; export PATH # include mkpdir
- X
- XF=/tmp/nc$$
- X
- Xtrap "rm -f $F; exit 0" 0
- Xcat >$F
- X
- X# unapproved ctl msg? then quit
- Xgrep -s '^Approved:' $F >/dev/null || { rm -f $F; exit 0; }
- X
- XSENDER="`grep '^Sender:' $F | sed 's/^[^:]*: *//'`"
- Xcase "$SENDER" in
- X"") SENDER="`grep '^From:' $F | sed 's/^[^:]*: *//' `" ;;
- Xesac
- X
- Xgreppat="^`echo $1 | sed 's/\./\\\\./g' ` "
- Xif grep -s "$greppat" $NEWSCTL/active >/dev/null; then # group exists?
- X export SENDER
- X chamod "$1" "$2" # change moderated flag if needed
- X exit
- Xfi
- X
- Xme="`newshostname`"
- Xgngppat=`awk -f $NEWSBIN/relay/canonsys.awk $NEWSCTL/sys |
- X egrep "^($me|ME):" |
- X awk -F: '
- X{
- X fields = split($2, field2, "/") # split ngs/dists
- X print field2[1] # print only ngs
- X exit
- X}' `
- X
- Xif gngp -a "$gngppat" >/dev/null <<!
- X$1
- X!
- Xthen # no group in active, but sys file likes it: make it
- X case "$2" in
- X moderated) flag=m ;;
- X *) flag=y ;;
- X esac
- X echo "$1 0000000000 00000 $flag" >>$NEWSCTL/active
- X (echo "$1 `getdate now` $SENDER" >>$NEWSCTL/active.times) # rn hook
- X # make the directory since rn will bitch if it's missing
- X mkpdir $NEWSARTS/`echo $1 | tr . / `
- X echo "newsgroup $1 was created by $SENDER." | mail $NEWSMASTER
- Xfi
- !
- echo 'relay/ctl/rmgroup':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/ctl/rmgroup' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# rmgroup group - snuff group
- X
- X# =()<. ${NEWSCONFIG-@<NEWSCONFIG>@}>()=
- X. ${NEWSCONFIG-/usr/lib/news/bin/config}
- X
- XF=/tmp/nc$$
- X
- Xcat >$F
- X
- X# unapproved ctl msg? then quit
- Xegrep '^Approved:' $F >/dev/null || { rm -f $F; exit 0; }
- X
- X# quit if no active entry
- Xegrep "^`echo $1 | sed 's/\./\\\\./g'` " $NEWSCTL/active >/dev/null ||
- X { rm -f $F; exit 0; }
- X
- XSENDER="`grep '^Sender:' $F | sed 's/^[^:]*: *//'`"
- Xcase "$SENDER" in
- X"")
- X SENDER="`grep '^From:' $F | sed 's/^[^:]*: *//'`"
- X ;;
- Xesac
- X
- X# tell the local usenet administrator to do it by hand
- Xecho "rmgroup $1 says $SENDER" | mail $NEWSMASTER
- X
- Xrm -f $F*
- !
- echo 'relay/ctl/sendsys':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/ctl/sendsys' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# sendsys - mail sys file to sender identified in stdin's headers
- X
- X# =()<. ${NEWSCONFIG-@<NEWSCONFIG>@}>()=
- X. ${NEWSCONFIG-/usr/lib/news/bin/config}
- X
- XSENDER="`newsreply`"
- X(echo "Subject: response from `newshostname` to your sendsys"; echo "";
- Xcase "$1" in
- X"") cat $NEWSCTL/sys ;;
- X*) awk -f $NEWSBIN/relay/canonsys.awk $NEWSCTL/sys | egrep "^$1:" ;;
- Xesac ) | mail "$SENDER"
- Xecho "$NEWSCTL/sys file has been sent to $SENDER. Remain calm." | mail $NEWSMASTER
- !
- echo 'relay/ctl/senduuname':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/ctl/senduuname' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# senduuname - mail `uuname` to sender identified in stdin's headers
- X# =()<. ${NEWSCONFIG-@<NEWSCONFIG>@}>()=
- X. ${NEWSCONFIG-/usr/lib/news/bin/config}
- X
- XSENDER="`newsreply`"
- X(echo "Subject: response to your senduuname"; echo ""; uuname) | mail "$SENDER"
- Xecho "uuname output sent to $SENDER" | mail $NEWSMASTER
- !
- echo 'relay/ctl/version':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/ctl/version' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# version - mail version id to sender identified in stdin's headers
- X# =()<. ${NEWSCONFIG-@<NEWSCONFIG>@}>()=
- X. ${NEWSCONFIG-/usr/lib/news/bin/config}
- X
- XSENDER="`newsreply`"
- Xecho C | mail "$SENDER"
- !
- echo 'relay/aux/mailnews':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/aux/mailnews' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# send news by mail, encoded for protection
- X
- X# =()<. ${NEWSCONFIG-@<NEWSCONFIG>@}>()=
- X. ${NEWSCONFIG-/usr/lib/news/bin/config}
- X
- X
- Xcase $# in
- X0) echo "Usage: $0 destination ..." >&2
- X exit 1
- X ;;
- Xesac
- X
- X( echo ; bencode ) | mail $*
- !
- echo 'relay/aux/sendnews':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/aux/sendnews' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# sendnews destination... - protect & mail article on stdin to destinations
- XPATH=/bin:/usr/bin; export PATH
- X
- Xcase $# in
- X0)
- X echo "usage: $0 destination..." >&2
- X exit 1 ;;
- Xesac
- X(echo ''; sed 's/^/N/') | mail $*
- !
- echo 'relay/aux/canonsys.awk':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/aux/canonsys.awk' <<'!'
- X# canonicalise the sys file:
- X# delete comments & leading whitespace, collapse continued lines
- X# rewritten to avoid assignment to $0, which is broken in older awks
- X/^/ { thisln = $0 }
- X/^#/ { partline = ""; next } # delete comments
- X/^[\t ]/ {
- X for (s = substr(thisln, n); s ~ /^[\t ]/; s = substr(thisln, ++n))
- X ; # skip leading whitespace
- X thisln = s
- X}
- X/\\$/ { partline = partline substr(thisln, 1, length(thisln)-1); next }
- X{ # non-continued line
- X partline = partline thisln # terminate the whole entry
- X if (partline != "")
- X print partline
- X partline = ""
- X}
- XEND {
- X if (partline != "")
- X print partline # flush any partial line
- X}
- !
- echo 'relay/aux/chamod':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/aux/chamod' <<'!'
- X#!/bin/sh
- X# chamod ng flag - change the "moderated" flag for ng to flag
- X
- X# =()<. ${NEWSCONFIG-@<NEWSCONFIG>@}>()=
- X. ${NEWSCONFIG-/usr/lib/news/bin/config}
- X
- Xcase "$1" in
- X"")
- X echo "$0: null newsgroup not permitted" >&2
- X exit 1
- X ;;
- Xesac
- Xcase "$2" in
- Xmoderated) flag=m ;;
- X*) flag=y ;;
- Xesac
- X
- Xaflag=`awk "/$1/"' { print $4 }' $NEWSCTL/active`
- Xif test "$aflag" != "$flag" -a \( "$aflag" = m -o "$aflag" = y \); then
- X # old & new flags differ & old flag is m or y
- X # watch closely - shell quoting is tricky here
- X awk '
- X$1 == "'$1'" { # this line is for first arg.
- X print $1, $2, $3, "'$flag'"
- X next
- X}
- X { print }
- X' $NEWSCTL/active >$NEWSCTL/active.new
- X cp $NEWSCTL/active $NEWSCTL/active.old
- X cp $NEWSCTL/active.new $NEWSCTL/active
- X rm -f $NEWSCTL/active.new
- X
- X case "$flag" in
- X m) pfx="" ;;
- X *) pfx=un ;;
- X esac
- X echo "newsgroup $1 was changed to ${pfx}moderated by $SENDER" |
- Xfi
- !
- echo 'relay/aux/mkpdir':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/aux/mkpdir' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# mkpdir dir ... - make directory and parents
- X
- X# =()<. ${NEWSCONFIG-@<NEWSCONFIG>@}>()=
- X. ${NEWSCONFIG-/usr/lib/news/bin/config}
- XPATH=$NEWSCTL/bin:$NEWSBIN/relay:$NEWSBIN:$NEWSPATH ; export PATH # must include this file's dir.
- X
- X
- Xstatus=0
- Xfor dir
- Xdo
- X mkdir "$dir" 2>/dev/null
- X if test ! -d "$dir"; then
- X mkpdir "`echo $dir | sed 's;/[^/]*$;;'`"
- X mkdir "$dir"
- X if test ! -d "$dir"; then
- X status=1
- X fi
- X fi
- Xdone
- Xexit $status
- !
- echo 'relay/aux/newsreply':
- sed 's/^X//' >'relay/aux/newsreply' <<'!'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# newsreply - print return address from news article on stdin
- X# This version assumes a domain mailer (user@host.domain works) or
- X# "internet" in mailpaths file, unless $NEWSCTL/replyusepath exists.
- X
- X# =()<. ${NEWSCONFIG-@<NEWSCONFIG>@}>()=
- X. ${NEWSCONFIG-/usr/lib/news/bin/config}
- X
- Xart=/tmp/nc$$
- Xmroute=/tmp/ncm$$
- X
- Xcat >$art
- X
- Xif test -r $NEWSCTL/replyusepath
- Xthen
- X sender="`grep '^Path:' $art | sed 's/^[^:]*://' `"
- X echo "$sender"
- X rm -f $art
- X exit 0
- Xfi
- X
- X# pick out the appropriate header
- Xsender="` grep '^Reply-To:' $art `"
- Xcase "$sender" in
- X"") sender="` grep '^From:' $art `" ;;
- Xesac
- X
- X# strip header keyword, full name & duplicate lines, print result.
- X# this copes with "address", "address (full name)" and "full name <address>".
- Xsender=` echo "$sender" | sed 's/^[^:]*:[ ]*//
- Xs/ (.*)//
- Xs/.*<\(.*\)>/\1/
- X1q' `
- X
- X# B 2.11 mailpaths/"internet" hack
- Xcat $NEWSCTL/mailpaths |
- X while read ngpat route junk
- X do
- X case "$ngpat" in
- X internet)
- X echo "$route" >$mroute
- X break
- X ;;
- X esac
- X done
- Xif test -s $mroute; then
- X sed "s/%s/`
- X echo $sender | sed 's/\(.*\)@\(.*\)/\2!\1/'
- X `/" <$mroute # the real B 2.11 hack: u@d -> route!d!u
- Xelse
- X echo $sender
- Xfi
- X
- Xrm -f $art $mroute
- !
- echo done