Usenet 1994 October
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From attcan!utzoo!henry@uunet.uu.net Wed Aug 9 10:40:14 1989
Received: from BBN.COM by pineapple.bbn.com
id <AA14007@pineapple.bbn.com>; Wed, 9 Aug 89 10:39:57 -0400
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id AA02418; Wed, 9 Aug 89 10:37:41 -0400
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 89 10:37:41 -0400
From: attcan!utzoo!henry@uunet.uu.net
Message-Id: <8908091437.AA02418@uunet.uu.net>
To: source-patches@uunet.UU.NET
Subject: C News patch of 23-Jul-1989
Content-Type: text
Content-Length: 27346
Status: R
Here is another patch. This one is being prepared in haste, as I'm about
to leave for 10 days' vacation, and consequently I haven't had time to
tackle the major pending issue, dbz. This one is mostly trivia. There
are no serious bugs outstanding in any case. There are a bunch of other
small fixes that didn't get into this one because of lack of time.
This one includes... Some fixes to reduce problems with doing compilation
as one user and installation as another. A fix for long-directory-name
problems in ihave/sendme. An Ultrix version of spacefor. Some more cleanup
and deletion of a couple of never-really-implemented features. A couple of
additions to build, essentially improvements in documentation. Addition of
a couple of options to doit.bin, so that you can suppress some stages of its
operation (notably, actual installation) easily. A small improvement to the
ihave/sendme example in the sample sys file. Minor portability fixes. A
fix for the off-by-one bug in the commented-out Lines: code in inews. Fix
for the inability to give arbitrary shell commands in a sys file. And a
quick-and-dirty fake -ms, not very good but functional enough to print our
documentation on broken systems that don't have -ms.
start of patch 23-Jul-1989
this should be run with patch -p0 <thisfile
Some versions of patch have broken the Prereq feature, but it
is such a good idea that we will try it anyway...
Prereq: 23-Jun-1989
Prereq: 7-Jul-1989
*** tmp.dates.with.really.long.filename.for.patch Sun Jul 23 00:19:05 1989
--- PATCHDATES Sun Jul 23 00:19:05 1989
*** 1,2 ****
--- 1,3 ----
+ 23-Jul-1989
Changed files, if any:
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:19:10 1989
--- batch/Makefile Thu Jul 20 17:56:15 1989
*** 36,42 ****
bencode.o: coder.h
! bininstall: all
-if test ! -d $(PGMDIR) ; then mkdir $(PGMDIR) ; fi
cp $(PGMS) $(PGMDIR)
--- 36,42 ----
bencode.o: coder.h
! bininstall: $(ALL)
-if test ! -d $(PGMDIR) ; then mkdir $(PGMDIR) ; fi
cp $(PGMS) $(PGMDIR)
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:19:14 1989
--- batch/batchih Mon Jul 17 17:47:33 1989
*** 14,20 ****
! dest=`expr "$NEWSSITE" : "^\([^.]*\)\.ihave$"`
case "$dest"
--- 14,20 ----
! dest=`expr "$NEWSSITE" : "^\(.*\)\.[^.]*$"`
case "$dest"
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:19:19 1989
--- conf/Makefile Thu Jul 20 17:53:40 1989
*** 18,28 ****
PGMS = spacefor queuelen
all: $(PGMS)
bininstall: $(PGMS)
- chmod +x $(PGMS)
! -if test -r hostname ; then chmod +x hostname ; cp hostname $(NEWSBIN) ; fi
: and build takes care of setnewsids if needed
--- 18,29 ----
PGMS = spacefor queuelen
all: $(PGMS)
+ chmod +x $(PGMS)
+ -if test -r hostname ; then chmod +x hostname ; fi
bininstall: $(PGMS)
! -if test -r hostname ; then cp hostname $(NEWSBIN) ; fi
: and build takes care of setnewsids if needed
*** 36,42 ****
rm -f junk
./subst -f substitutions `sed 's;^;../;' subst.hs subst.gc`
! spacefors: spacefor.sysv spacefor.v7 spacefor.sgi spacefor.bsd spacefor.null
spacefor.bsd: spacefor.proto Makefile
cp spacefor.proto $@
--- 37,43 ----
rm -f junk
./subst -f substitutions `sed 's;^;../;' subst.hs subst.gc`
! spacefors: spacefor.sysv spacefor.v7 spacefor.sgi spacefor.bsd spacefor.ultrix spacefor.null
spacefor.bsd: spacefor.proto Makefile
cp spacefor.proto $@
*** 50,55 ****
--- 51,59 ----
spacefor.sgi: spacefor.proto Makefile
sed '/dfunit=/s/1024/512/;/nf = 4/s//nf = 5/;/stupid/s/4BSD/SGI/' spacefor.proto >$@
+ spacefor.ultrix: spacefor.proto Makefile
+ sed '/nr = 2/s//nr = 3/;/stupid/s/4BSD/Ultrix/' spacefor.proto >$@
spacefor.null: Makefile
echo '#! /bin/sh' >$@
echo 'echo 100' >>$@
*** 74,80 ****
rm -f spacefor.sysv spacefor.v7 spacefor.null queuelen.null
rm -f spacefor.sgi
! rm -f allowed config mailname organization server whoami hostname errlog
rm -f substitutions history history.pag history.dir active localgroups
rm -f log mailpaths sys cron rc setnewsids setnewsids.o spacefor.bsd
rm -f replyusepath spacefor queuelen junk
--- 78,84 ----
rm -f spacefor.sysv spacefor.v7 spacefor.null queuelen.null
rm -f spacefor.sgi
! rm -f config mailname organization server whoami hostname errlog
rm -f substitutions history history.pag history.dir active localgroups
rm -f log mailpaths sys cron rc setnewsids setnewsids.o spacefor.bsd
rm -f replyusepath spacefor queuelen junk
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:19:21 1989
--- conf/build Sat Jul 22 22:07:13 1989
*** 10,16 ****
pgmdirs='conf batch expire input relay misc rna'
# control files built in conf
! ctlf="active allowed errlog history history.pag history.dir localgroups"
ctlf="$ctlf log mailname mailpaths organization postdefltdist postdefltgroup"
ctlf="$ctlf replyusepath server sys whoami"
--- 10,16 ----
pgmdirs='conf batch expire input relay misc rna'
# control files built in conf
! ctlf="active errlog history history.pag history.dir localgroups"
ctlf="$ctlf log mailname mailpaths organization postdefltdist postdefltgroup"
ctlf="$ctlf replyusepath server sys whoami"
*** 60,65 ****
--- 60,74 ----
case "$bingid" in
'') bingid=bin ;;
+ ./query "Do the C News sources belong to $binuid [yes]? "
+ read answer
+ case "$answer" in
+ n*|N*) echo "You may need to do some of the installation procedures by hand"
+ echo "after the software is built; doit.bin assumes that it has the"
+ echo "power to create files in the source directories and to update"
+ echo "the news programs."
+ ;;
+ esac
if test -d /var -a -d /usr/share
*** 249,254 ****
--- 258,264 ----
exit 1
+ echo '#! /bin/sh'
echo "umask $newsumask"
echo 'set -x'
echo ": making directories..."
*** 573,578 ****
--- 583,589 ----
echo ' bsd 4.2BSD and later'
echo ' sysv most System Vs'
echo ' sgi Silicon Graphics Iris systems'
+ echo ' ultrix DEC Ultrix 3.0 (and later) (and earlier??)'
echo ' v7 plain old style: no headers or fluff, just name and number'
echo " null don't know or don't care how much space is available"
while true
*** 587,593 ****
case "$dftype" in
! bsd|sysv|sgi|v7|null) break ;;
echo 'Sorry, no such choice is available.'
--- 598,604 ----
case "$dftype" in
! bsd|sysv|sgi|ultrix|v7|null) break ;;
echo 'Sorry, no such choice is available.'
*** 678,688 ****
read organization
- echo 'What user other than root (if any) should be allowed to create'
- ./query 'new news groups [no such user]? '
- read allowed
- echo
echo 'Manual pages are normally stored in a tree structure under /usr/man.'
echo 'Local practices vary a great deal, however, and System V has also'
echo 'introduced some bizarre distortions into this once-simple structure.'
--- 689,694 ----
*** 755,760 ****
--- 761,782 ----
read postdefltdist
+ echo 'The ihave/sendme protocol, although marginally useful in some cases,'
+ echo 'is a security hole -- it lets another site ask for any article by'
+ echo 'Message-ID, and if your Message-IDs are predictable enough (which'
+ echo "C News's generally are not, mind you), that site can get any article"
+ echo 'currently on your system. Do you have any newsgroups containing'
+ ./query 'confidential or proprietary material [no]? '
+ read answer
+ case "$answer" in
+ n*|N*|'') ;;
+ *) echo 'You should substitute relay/ihave.not.c for relay/ihave.c'
+ echo 'before running doit.bin, so that ihave/sendme is disabled'
+ echo 'at your site.'
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo
echo 'building doit.bin...'
if test ! -w doit.bin
*** 763,768 ****
--- 785,792 ----
exit 1
+ echo '#! /bin/sh'
+ echo '# -i suppresses install, -t suppresses stdio test, -s suppresses subst'
echo "umask $newsumask"
echo "set -x"
echo ': setting up for substitutions'
*** 832,838 ****
echo "cd ../conf"
if test " $needsubst" = " y"
! echo "make substs"
echo ": make substs not necessary, defaults used"
--- 856,865 ----
echo "cd ../conf"
if test " $needsubst" = " y"
! echo 'case "$1" in'
! echo '-*s*) ;;'
! echo '*) make substs ;;'
! echo 'esac'
echo ": make substs not necessary, defaults used"
*** 878,890 ****
echo ': library done'
if test " $libstdio" != " "
! echo ': testing libstdio'
! echo 'cd ../libstdio'
! echo ': produces some meaningless-looking output on terminal,'
! echo ': but do not redirect it -- it is important that stdio'
! echo ': think output is going to a terminal.'
! echo "make trials $cc $copts $postlibs || exit 1"
! echo ': done'
echo ': building programs'
echo 'cd ../conf'
--- 905,921 ----
echo ': library done'
if test " $libstdio" != " "
! echo 'case "$1" in'
! echo '-*t*) ;;'
! echo '*) : testing libstdio'
! echo ' cd ../libstdio'
! echo ' : produces some meaningless-looking output on terminal,'
! echo ' : but do not redirect it -- it is important that stdio'
! echo ' : think output is going to a terminal.'
! echo " make trials $cc $copts $postlibs || exit 1"
! echo ' : done'
! echo ' ;;'
! echo 'esac'
echo ': building programs'
echo 'cd ../conf'
*** 906,915 ****
echo "cat <<'!' >organization"
echo "$organization"
echo '!'
- if test " $allowed" != " "
- then
- echo "echo '$allowed' >allowed"
- fi
if test " $server" != " "
echo "echo '$server' >server"
--- 937,942 ----
*** 951,957 ****
echo "!"
echo "echo 'su news -c $newsbin/maint/newsboot' >rc"
echo ": done"
! echo ': installing programs'
echo "for dir in $pgmdirs"
echo "do"
echo " cd ../\$dir"
--- 978,987 ----
echo "!"
echo "echo 'su news -c $newsbin/maint/newsboot' >rc"
echo ": done"
! echo 'case "$1" in'
! echo '-*i*) exit 0 ;;'
! echo 'esac'
! echo ': installing programs'
echo "for dir in $pgmdirs"
echo "do"
echo " cd ../\$dir"
*** 980,985 ****
--- 1010,1016 ----
exit 1
+ echo '#! /bin/sh'
echo "umask $newsumask"
echo 'set -x'
echo ': installing programs'
*** 1026,1031 ****
--- 1057,1063 ----
exit 1
+ echo '#! /bin/sh'
echo "umask $newsumask"
echo 'set -x'
if test " $sete" != " y"
*** 1052,1065 ****
chmod +x doit.root doit.bin doit.news again.root
! echo 'You should now run doit.root as root (or as somebody with the power'
! echo "to create $newsctl, $newsarts, and $newsbin"
! echo "and run chown), doit.bin as $binuid, doit.news as $newsuid, and"
! echo "again.root as root (or as somebody with the power to run chown),"
! echo 'in that order. Finally, you will want to add the contents of'
! echo "'cron', or something similar, to your cron's work-to-be-done"
! echo "file(s), and the contents of 'rc', or something similar, to"
! echo '/etc/rc or whatever your system executes when booting.'
echo '"make gclean" will clean up everything afterwards. "make lclean"'
echo 'does a less drastic cleanup affecting only the library directories.'
--- 1084,1097 ----
chmod +x doit.root doit.bin doit.news again.root
! echo "You should now run doit.root as root, doit.bin as $binuid, doit.news"
! echo "as $newsuid, and again.root as root, in that order. (This assumes"
! echo "that the source directories are owned by $binuid. If you need to do"
! echo "installation work by hand, run 'doit.bin -i' as the owner; this will"
! echo "create the programs but won't install them.) Finally, you will"
! echo "want to add the contents of 'cron', or something similar, to your"
! echo "cron's work-to-be-done file(s), and the contents of 'rc', or something"
! echo "similar, to /etc/rc or whatever your system executes when booting."
echo '"make gclean" will clean up everything afterwards. "make lclean"'
echo 'does a less drastic cleanup affecting only the library directories.'
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:19:28 1989
--- conf/sys.proto Sat Jul 22 23:25:17 1989
*** 25,27 ****
--- 25,29 ----
# Send articles in response to sendme messages from louie. (#5)
# Actually the last two could be combined.
+ # and send local postings to louie without waiting (beware ihave/sendme)
+ louie-local:comp,news,sci,rec,misc,soc,talk/all,!sendme,!ihave:L:
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:19:39 1989
--- doc/README Sat Jul 8 23:59:19 1989
*** 7,9 ****
--- 7,10 ----
install.out nroffed version of install
interface technical summary of how C News works and its interface to
the rest of the system
+ tmac.cn freely-redistributable fake of enough of -ms for C News
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:19:42 1989
--- expire/Makefile Thu Jul 20 17:54:55 1989
*** 21,30 ****
SHELL = /bin/sh
all: $(THEM)
bininstall: $(THEM) explist.proto
-if test ! -d $(NEWSBIN)/expire ; then mkdir $(NEWSBIN)/expire; fi
- chmod +x $(THEM)
cp $(THEM) $(NEWSBIN)/expire
newsinstall: explist.proto
--- 21,30 ----
SHELL = /bin/sh
all: $(THEM)
+ chmod +x $(THEM)
bininstall: $(THEM) explist.proto
-if test ! -d $(NEWSBIN)/expire ; then mkdir $(NEWSBIN)/expire; fi
cp $(THEM) $(NEWSBIN)/expire
newsinstall: explist.proto
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:19:54 1989
--- input/Makefile Thu Jul 20 17:55:47 1989
*** 25,33 ****
rnews.8 bdecode.c recenews recpnews
all: $(THEM) rnews
- bininstall: all
chmod +x $(THEM) rnews
-if test ! -d $(NEWSBIN)/input ; then mkdir $(NEWSBIN)/input ; fi
rm -f $(NEWSBIN)/input/newsspool
cp $(THEM) $(NEWSBIN)/input
--- 25,33 ----
rnews.8 bdecode.c recenews recpnews
all: $(THEM) rnews
chmod +x $(THEM) rnews
+ bininstall: $(THEM) rnews
-if test ! -d $(NEWSBIN)/input ; then mkdir $(NEWSBIN)/input ; fi
rm -f $(NEWSBIN)/input/newsspool
cp $(THEM) $(NEWSBIN)/input
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:20:09 1989
--- libcnews/ngmatch.c Sat Jul 22 22:09:15 1989
*** 39,45 ****
static boolean debug = NO;
/* forwards */
! extern boolean mpatsmatch();
--- 39,46 ----
static boolean debug = NO;
/* forwards */
! FORWARD boolean mpatsmatch();
! FORWARD int onepatmatch();
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:20:33 1989
--- man/newsbatch.8 Mon Jul 17 17:52:10 1989
*** 6,12 ****
.ds c /usr/lib/news
.\" =()<.ds m @<NEWSMASTER>@>()=
.ds m usenet
! .TH NEWSBATCH 8 "4 July 1989" "C News"
sendbatches, batchsplit \- news batching to other sites
--- 6,12 ----
.ds c /usr/lib/news
.\" =()<.ds m @<NEWSMASTER>@>()=
.ds m usenet
! .TH NEWSBATCH 8 "17 July 1989" "C News"
sendbatches, batchsplit \- news batching to other sites
*** 169,174 ****
--- 169,183 ----
\fB\-d\ \*a\fR to \fIbatcher\fR will speed it up noticeably.
Since \fIsendbatches\fR does this, other preparers had better be ready
to ignore an initial \fB\-d\fR option.
+ .PP
+ .I Batchih
+ and
+ .I batchsm
+ have to map from the phony ``site name'' given in their \fIbatchparms\fR
+ line to the name of the site they should actually send to; they do this
+ by stripping off the last `.' and everything that follows (usually
+ `.ihave' or `.sendme' respectively, but on machines which limit the size
+ of filenames these may have to be shortened).
Batch compressors in the standard distribution are:
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:20:36 1989
--- man/rnews.8 Fri Jul 14 13:06:53 1989
*** 6,12 ****
.ds c /usr/lib/news
.\" =()<.ds m @<NEWSMASTER>@>()=
.ds m usenet
! .TH RNEWS 8 "22 June 1989" "C News"
rnews, cunbatch \- accept and spool news input
--- 6,12 ----
.ds c /usr/lib/news
.\" =()<.ds m @<NEWSMASTER>@>()=
.ds m usenet
! .TH RNEWS 8 "14 July 1989" "C News"
rnews, cunbatch \- accept and spool news input
*** 15,24 ****
newsrunning \- control news-processing daemon
.B rnews
- [ file ... ]
.B cunbatch
- [ file ... ]
.B \*b/input/newsspool
--- 15,22 ----
*** 33,40 ****
.I Rnews
! accepts the named \fIfile\fR(s) (standard input default)
! as news, and spools it up for processing, space permitting.
.I Cunbatch
is a historical synonym for
.IR rnews ;
--- 31,38 ----
.I Rnews
! accepts news from standard input
! and spools it up for processing, space permitting.
.I Cunbatch
is a historical synonym for
.IR rnews ;
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:20:38 1989
--- misc/Makefile Thu Jul 20 17:57:44 1989
*** 17,27 ****
all: $(THEM)
bins: $(UTILBIN)
bininstall: $(THEM)
- chmod +x $(THEM)
-if test ! -d $(NEWSBIN)/maint ; then mkdir $(NEWSBIN)/maint ; fi
cp $(MAINT) $(NEWSBIN)/maint
--- 17,27 ----
all: $(THEM)
+ chmod +x $(THEM)
bins: $(UTILBIN)
bininstall: $(THEM)
-if test ! -d $(NEWSBIN)/maint ; then mkdir $(NEWSBIN)/maint ; fi
cp $(MAINT) $(NEWSBIN)/maint
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:20:53 1989
--- notebook/README Sun Jul 9 00:00:27 1989
*** 6,14 ****
Most everything here is set up for the -ms macros, although very little
fancy formatting is used in general. The standard R, I, and B are the
only fonts used. Conversion to another macro package should not be hard.
Ihave.pic.in is an illustration for ihave; ihave.pic is what you get after
you run ihave.pic.in through pic (in case you have a troff that knows about
the graphics commands but don't have pic).
! Config and newslock need tbl. Nothing here uses eqn.
--- 6,15 ----
Most everything here is set up for the -ms macros, although very little
fancy formatting is used in general. The standard R, I, and B are the
only fonts used. Conversion to another macro package should not be hard.
+ Or see doc/tmac.cn, which is a fake -ms good enough for this stuff.
Ihave.pic.in is an illustration for ihave; ihave.pic is what you get after
you run ihave.pic.in through pic (in case you have a troff that knows about
the graphics commands but don't have pic).
! Config, newslock, log need tbl. Nothing here uses eqn.
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:20:54 1989
--- notebook/config Sat Jul 8 21:53:39 1989
*** 149,155 ****
# foobar \- does foo, bar, and bletch
# =()<. ${NEWSCONFIG\-@<NEWSCONFIG>@}>()=
! . ${NEWSCONFIG\-/usr/lib/news/bin/config}
--- 149,155 ----
# foobar \- does foo, bar, and bletch
# =()<. ${NEWSCONFIG\-@<NEWSCONFIG>@}>()=
! \&. ${NEWSCONFIG\-/usr/lib/news/bin/config}
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:20:58 1989
--- notebook/log Sat Jul 8 23:52:39 1989
*** 65,71 ****
Jul 4 07:17:51.757 utgpu - <89Jul4.043358edt.10369@neat.ai.toronto.edu> duplicate
Jul 4 17:23:28.234 utgpu - <2537@quanta.eng.ohio-state.edu> no subscribed groups in `rec.arts.sf-lovers,rec.arts.startrek,rec.arts.drwho'
Jul 4 19:17:15.785 utgpu - <89Jul4.190330edt.5559@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca> all groups `list.humanist' excluded in active
! .ft R
The classification codes are:
--- 65,73 ----
Jul 4 07:17:51.757 utgpu - <89Jul4.043358edt.10369@neat.ai.toronto.edu> duplicate
Jul 4 17:23:28.234 utgpu - <2537@quanta.eng.ohio-state.edu> no subscribed groups in `rec.arts.sf-lovers,rec.arts.startrek,rec.arts.drwho'
Jul 4 19:17:15.785 utgpu - <89Jul4.190330edt.5559@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca> all groups `list.humanist' excluded in active
! .vs
! .ps
! .ft
The classification codes are:
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:21:15 1989
--- relay/hdrint.h Sat Jul 22 22:09:15 1989
*** 10,18 ****
#endif /* __STDC__ < 1 */
#endif /* __STDC__ */
! #ifndef REALSTDC
#define const
- #endif /* REALSTDC */
#ifndef DEFDIST
#define DEFDIST "world" /* default Distribution: */
--- 10,20 ----
#endif /* __STDC__ < 1 */
#endif /* __STDC__ */
! /*
! * using const seemed like a good idea at the time. then i discovered
! * const-poisoning.
! */
#define const
#ifndef DEFDIST
#define DEFDIST "world" /* default Distribution: */
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:21:21 1989
--- relay/makefile Thu Jul 20 17:59:05 1989
*** 48,53 ****
--- 48,54 ----
hdrint.h headers.h history.h system.h transmit.h trbatch.h $(SRC)
all: makefile relaynews
+ chmod +x sh/* aux/* ctl/*
mkfile: makefile
sed '/mkfile/d' makefile | mkconv | sed 's/make/mk/g' >$@
*** 70,80 ****
rm -f $(NEWSBIN)/relay/relaynews
cp relaynews $(NEWSBIN)/relay
: needs to be news-owned, setuid -- build looks after that
- chmod +x sh/* aux/* ctl/*
cp sh/* $(NEWSBIN)/inject
cp ctl/* $(NEWSBIN)/ctl
cp aux/* $(NEWSBIN)/relay
! cp sh/postnews sh/inews $(BIN)
-egrep TODO ../include/*.h *.h *.c sh/* | tr -s " \11" " " >$@
--- 71,81 ----
rm -f $(NEWSBIN)/relay/relaynews
cp relaynews $(NEWSBIN)/relay
: needs to be news-owned, setuid -- build looks after that
cp sh/* $(NEWSBIN)/inject
cp ctl/* $(NEWSBIN)/ctl
cp aux/* $(NEWSBIN)/relay
! ln $(NEWSBIN)/inject/postnews $(BIN)/postnews || cp sh/postnews $(BIN)
! ln $(NEWSBIN)/inject/inews $(BIN)/inews || cp sh/inews $(BIN)
-egrep TODO ../include/*.h *.h *.c sh/* | tr -s " \11" " " >$@
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:21:37 1989
--- relay/sh/inews Fri Jul 21 15:12:53 1989
*** 180,192 ****
# post with new headers and .signature
(anne.jones <$inhdrs # bash headers
! # echo "Lines: ` # sop to msb, just uncomment to use
! # if test -r $HOME/.signature; then
! # (cat $inbody; echo '-- '; sed 4q $HOME/.signature) | wc -l
! # else
! # wc -l <$inbody
! # fi
! # `"
# strip invisible chars from body, a la B news
case "$trversion" in
--- 180,192 ----
# post with new headers and .signature
(anne.jones <$inhdrs # bash headers
! # lines="` # sop to msb, just uncomment to use
! # (sed 1d $inbody; # take out the first (blank) line
! # if test -r $HOME/.signature; then
! # echo '-- '
! # sed 4q $HOME/.signature
! # fi) | wc -l `"
! # echo Lines: $lines
# strip invisible chars from body, a la B news
case "$trversion" in
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:21:40 1989
--- relay/transmit.c Tue Jul 11 12:47:15 1989
*** 176,183 ****
bincmd = strsave(binfile("relay"));
cmd = nemalloc((unsigned)(STRLEN("PATH=") + strlen(ctlcmd) +
STRLEN(":") + strlen(bincmd) + STRLEN(":") + strlen(newspath()) +
! STRLEN(" <") + strlen(filename) + STRLEN(" ") +
! strlen(syscmd) + strlen(filename) + 1));
(void) strcpy(cmd, "PATH=");
(void) strcat(cmd, ctlcmd);
(void) strcat(cmd, ":");
--- 176,183 ----
bincmd = strsave(binfile("relay"));
cmd = nemalloc((unsigned)(STRLEN("PATH=") + strlen(ctlcmd) +
STRLEN(":") + strlen(bincmd) + STRLEN(":") + strlen(newspath()) +
! STRLEN(";<") + strlen(filename) + STRLEN(" (") +
! strlen(syscmd) + strlen(filename) + STRLEN(")") + 1));
(void) strcpy(cmd, "PATH=");
(void) strcat(cmd, ctlcmd);
(void) strcat(cmd, ":");
*** 184,192 ****
(void) strcat(cmd, bincmd);
(void) strcat(cmd, ":");
(void) strcat(cmd, newspath());
! (void) strcat(cmd, " <");
(void) strcat(cmd, filename);
! (void) strcat(cmd, " ");
percent = index(syscmd, '%');
if (percent == NULL)
(void) strcat(cmd, syscmd);
--- 184,192 ----
(void) strcat(cmd, bincmd);
(void) strcat(cmd, ":");
(void) strcat(cmd, newspath());
! (void) strcat(cmd, ";<");
(void) strcat(cmd, filename);
! (void) strcat(cmd, " (");
percent = index(syscmd, '%');
if (percent == NULL)
(void) strcat(cmd, syscmd);
*** 206,211 ****
--- 206,212 ----
} else
(void) sprintf(cmd+strlen(cmd), syscmd, filename);
+ (void) strcat(cmd, ")");
exitstat = system(cmd);
if (exitstat != 0) {
art->a_status |= ST_DROPPED;
*** cnpatch/tmp.file Sun Jul 23 00:21:47 1989
--- rna/makefile Thu Jul 20 17:59:54 1989
*** 39,44 ****
--- 39,45 ----
$(INSTALL) -c $*.sh bin 755 $@
all: readnews checknews
+ chmod +x checknews
: warning, defs.h may not be right for your system
readnews: $(ROFILES) defs.h $(LIBS)
*** 55,61 ****
cp readnews $(BINDIR)
: "$(INSTALL) - readnews bin 711 $(BINDIR)/readnews $(BINDIR)/news"
$(BINDIR)/checknews: checknews
- chmod +x checknews
cp checknews $(BINDIR)
defs.h: at.h # $C
--- 56,61 ----
Files that are new:
new doc/tmac.cn (patch can't create, so diff against null):
Index: doc/tmac.cn
*** cnpatch/tmp.preposterously.long.name.to.make.patch.behave.right Sun Jul 23 00:19:04 1989
--- doc/tmac.cn Sat Jul 8 23:59:43 1989
*** 0 ****
--- 1,151 ----
+ .\" fake -ms, not very functional but enough for C News documents
+ .de Ph
+ 'sp 2.5
+ 'if \\n%>1 'tl @@- % -@@
+ 'sp |1i
+ 'ns
+ 'os
+ ..
+ .de Pf
+ 'sp 2
+ 'if \\n%=1 'tl @@@\\*(Da@
+ 'bp
+ ..
+ .de DA
+ .ds Da "\\$1
+ ..
+ .de TL
+ \&
+ .sp 0.5i
+ .ft B
+ .ps +2
+ .ce 999
+ .nr Tl 1
+ ..
+ .de AU
+ .sp 2
+ .Et
+ ..
+ .de Et
+ .if \\n(Tl=1 \{\
+ .br
+ .ps -2
+ .ft R
+ .nr Tl 2\}
+ ..
+ .de Eh
+ .Et
+ .if \\n(Tl=2 \{\
+ .ce 0
+ .sp 1i
+ .nr Tl 0\}
+ ..
+ .de AI
+ .sp 1
+ .Et
+ ..
+ .de AB
+ .Eh
+ .ll -1i
+ .in +1i
+ ..
+ .de AE
+ .br
+ .ll
+ .in
+ .sp 1i
+ ..
+ .de SH
+ .Eh
+ .br
+ .ne 0.75i
+ .sp 1.2
+ .in 0
+ .ft B
+ .nr Sh 1
+ ..
+ .de PP
+ .LP
+ .ti 5n
+ ..
+ .de LP
+ .Eh
+ .Es
+ .in \\n(Rsn
+ .sp 0.5
+ ..
+ .de IP
+ .Es
+ .br
+ .ne 0.7i
+ .sp 0.5
+ .if \\n(.$>1 .nr Ip \\$2
+ .in \\n(Rsn+\\n(Ipn
+ .ti \\n(Rsn
+ .ie \\w@\\$1@u<\\n(Ipn \{\
+ .ta \\n(Ipn
+ \&\\$1\t\c\}
+ .el \{\
+ \\&\\$1
+ .br\}
+ ..
+ .de Es
+ .if \\n(Sh=1 \{\
+ .ft R
+ .nr Sh 0\}
+ ..
+ .de DS
+ .Es
+ .br
+ .ne 1i
+ .sp 0.8
+ .nf
+ .ti 0
+ .ie '\\$1'L' .in \\n(Rsn
+ .el .in \\n(Rsn+0.5i
+ ..
+ .de DE
+ .sp 0.8
+ .fi
+ .in \\n(Rsn
+ ..
+ .de B
+ \\fB\&\\$1\\fR\\$2
+ ..
+ .de I
+ \\fI\&\\$1\\fR\\$2
+ ..
+ .de TS
+ .br
+ .ne 2i
+ .sp 1.5
+ .ti 0
+ ..
+ .de TE
+ .sp 1.5
+ ..
+ .de UX
+ ..
+ .de PS
+ .sp 0.5i
+ .in \\n(Rsn+0.5i
+ .ne \\$1
+ ..
+ .de PE
+ .in
+ .sp 0.5i
+ ..
+ .de RS
+ .nr Rs \\n(Rs+5
+ .in \\n(Rsn
+ ..
+ .de RE
+ .nr Rs \\n(Rs-5
+ .in \\n(Rsn
+ ..
+ .\" setup
+ .wh 0 Ph
+ .wh -1i Pf
+ .ds Lh "C News
+ .nr Ip 5
end of patch 23-Jul-1989