Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
195 lines
#include "peg.h"
Convert two longs representing a target hour and minute into seconds
from the day boundary, and update the running count for that time.
long fixhm( h, m )
long h; /* Hours */
long m; /* Minutes */
extern struct tm today;
extern long duback;
while( m >= 60 ) {
h += 1;
m -= 60;
If the specified time has gone by assume invoker means tomorrow
if(( today.tm_year == localtime( &duback )->tm_year )
&& ( today.tm_yday == localtime( &duback )->tm_yday )
&& ( today.tm_hour > h ))
h += 24;
dround( &duback );
return(( duback += (( m * 60 ) + ( h * 3600 ))));
void dround( t )
long *t;
while( (*t) % 3600 ) /* Round back to hour */
while( localtime( t )->tm_hour ) /* Then to the day */
(*t) -= 3600;
Convert 3 arguments (yy/mm/dd) into an offset in seconds from
the current date, and update the running count.
Bugs: Ignores leap seconds
long fixymd( y, m, d )
long y; /* Year */
long m; /* Month */
long d; /* Day */
extern struct tm today;
extern long duback;
static int modays[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31,
30, 31 };
int i;
Deal with months from 0-11 (caller passes 1-12), check against bounds.
if( --m < 0 || m > 11 )
specerr( "illegal month" );
Check if date gone by
if( y < today.tm_year
|| ( y == today.tm_year && (( m == today.tm_mon && d < today.tm_mday ) ||
( m < today.tm_mon))))
specerr( "illegal date" );
Check day against bounds
if(((( ! ( y % 4 )) && ( y % 100 )) || ( ! ( y % 400 ))))
modays[1] = 29;
if( d < 0 || d > modays[m] )
specerr( "illegal day" );
Convert mm/yy for target year into tm_yday
if((( ! ( y % 4 )) && ( y % 100 ))
|| ( ! ( y % 400 )))
modays[1] = 29;
modays[1] = 28;
for( i = 0 ; i < m ; i++ )
d += modays[i];
d -= today.tm_yday + 1 ;
Count number of leap years between next year and the
target year.
for( i = today.tm_year + 1 ; i < y ; i++ ) {
if((( ! ( i % 4 )) && ( i % 100 )) || ( ! ( i % 400 )))
Get the years offset
y=(long)abs((int)( today.tm_year - y ));
If this is a leap year and the target year is not this year
then we need another day...
if(((( ! ( today.tm_year % 4 )) &&
( today.tm_year % 100 )) || ( ! ( today.tm_year % 400 ))) && y )
Convert it to days then seconds
return( fixday((long)( y * 365 ) + d ));
Return some number of days converted to seconds, added to the
running total in duback.
Externals: duback
Returns: duback
long fixday( d )
long d;
extern long duback;
return( duback += ( d * 86400 ));
Check see if string starts with a valid month name. Return
0 if not, 1-12 if so.
ismonth( s )
char *s;
extern int eod;
static char *months[] = { "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun",
"jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec", "" };
int i;
for( i = 0 ; *months[i] ; i++ ) {
if( ! strncmp( s, months[i], 3 ))
return( ++i );
return( 0 );
Check see if string starts with a valid day name. Return
-1 if not, day of week (0 = sun) if so.
isday( s )
char * s;
static char *days[] = { "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu",
"fri", "sat", "" };
int i;
for( i = 0 ; *days[i] ; i++ ) {
if( ! strncmp( s, days[i], 3 ))
return( i );
return( -1 );
void copytime( t, n )
struct tm *t;
struct tm *n;
n->tm_sec = t->tm_sec;
n->tm_min = t->tm_min;
n->tm_hour = t->tm_hour;
n->tm_mday = t->tm_mday;
n->tm_mon = t->tm_mon;
n->tm_year = t->tm_year;
n->tm_wday = t->tm_wday;
n->tm_yday = t->tm_yday;
n->tm_isdst = t->tm_isdst;
#ifndef BSD
n->tm_tzadj = t->tm_tzadj;
strcpy( n->tm_name, t->tm_name );
#endif /* BSD */
showtime( t )
long *t;
printf( "%s", ctime( t ) );