Usenet 1994 October
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93 lines
The iid program is an interactive shell on top of the mkid, lid, aid
database programs. It allows interactive queries of an ID database in
a fashion similar to a DIALOG session. Iid remembers the sets of files
that were reported by any lid or aid request. These sets are refered
to by set numbers. The commands available are:
BEGIN <directory> cd to directory (presumably containing an ID file).
B short for BEGIN
SS <query> run query displaying the sets generated
FILES <query> run query listing the files in the final set
F short for FILES
SHOW <set number> run pager program on files in set
P short for SHOW
SETS show currently defined sets
HELP run pager on this file
? or H short commands for HELP
OFF exit iid
<cmd> run a shell command as a file name query
!<cmd> run a shell command
A <set number> is the letter 's' (or 'S') followed (with no space) by
a number. Set numbers may be used as terms in a query.
A <query> is:
<set number>
lid <identifier list>
aid <identifier list>
match <wild card list>
<query> or <query>
<query> and <query>
The words "lid", "aid", "match", "or", and "and" are keywords, along
with any word that looks like a set number. If you have to use one of
these (or in arguments to lid, aid or match, shell escape characters)
then quote the name.
The "match" operator constructs a set of files by running the "pid"
program with the wild card pattern as an argument. This is the only
operator which constructs sets based on file names rather than
An identifier by itself is simply shorthand for "lid identifier". (If
the -a option was used to invoke iid, then a simple identifier is
shorthand for "aid identifier").
Example run:
===> iid
===> ss lid "^get" or lid "Arg$"
S0 14 lid -kmn "^get"
S1 3 lid -kmn "Arg$"
S2 15 (lid -kmn "^get") OR (lid -kmn "Arg$")
===> f s1
===> ls *.c
S3 28 ls *.c
===> ls s*
S4 9 ls s*
===> ss s3 and s4
S5 4 (ls *.c) AND (ls s*)
===> !grep vhil s5
scan-c.c: setCArgs("vhil",'+',"v");
scan-c.c: setCArgs("vhil",'+',"v");
===> off
In this example the 'ss' command displays the sets it creats as it
does the parts of the query. In this case 3 sets are created, set S0
has 14 files in it, set S1 has 3 files and the union of the two sets,
S2, has 15 files. A description of the query that created any given
set is kept along with the set and displayed when sets are printed.
The 'f s1' command says list the files in set S1, and the three files
in the set are displayed.
The 'ls' commands are examples of using arbitrary shell commands to
generate lists of files. In this case the 'ls' command. (This could
have been done as part of another query using the 'match' operator).
The '!grep vhil s5' command runs the 'grep' shell command passing as
arguments 'vhil' and the names of all the files in s5.
The 'off' command terminated the example session.
Keywords, commands, and set numbers are recognized regardless of case
(and is And is aNd). Other parameters are case sensitive.
The iid program can also be run in a batch mode using the -c option.
For more information on command line options, run "iid -H", or use the
Unix 'man' command.