Usenet 1994 October
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Easy-edit v1.22 by Larry Broda Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Illinois
Scrolling this window
The HELP window may be scrolled using the following commands:
ESC f - forward one page
ESC F - forward one line
ESC > - forward to next topic (in this Manual only)
ESC b - backward one page
ESC B - backward one line
ESC < - backward to previous topic (in this Manual only)
Introduction (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
Easy-edit (or "ee") is a simple text editor designed to be
to be usable without any previous instruction. Easy-edit splits your
screen into two "windows", one in which you edit your file and the
other in which a list of editing commands is displayed.
Type in text as with a word processor; line wraps will occur
automatically if you do not type carriage returns. Editing commands
are of two types:
1. Control commands (notated "^<key>"; e.g. ^A): Press the
control key and the letter key together.
2. Escape commands (notated "ESC <key>"; e.g. ESC A): Press
and release "escape" key, then press the other key.
In most cases the case of the letter following "ESC" does not
matter (that is, an "ESC S" is the same as "ESC s"); but in a few
cases (such as HELP window scrolling) there is a difference between
the upper and lower case version.
Exiting/Saving work (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
ESC S - Save and Exit
To exit easy-edit and save your work, press ESC, the S. This
will write your changes to the file and exit the editor.
ESC W - Save without exiting
ESC W save your changes as in ESC S, but does not exit the editor.
This is useful for periodically saving your changes if you are worried
about a system crash or phone-line disconnection.
ESC Q - Abort
To quit from easy-edit without saving the changes you have
made, type ESC, then Q. You will be asked if you really want to
cancel your changes; answer "yes" to proceed with the abort, or "no"
to continue editing. If you are creating a new file and abort with an
ESC Q, the file will not be created.
ESC T - Save to a different file and Exit
ESC T allows you to save your editing to a different file from
the one you originally began editing. The original file will be left
unchanged. You will be asked for the new filename and if it is an
existing file, you will be warned and asked whether you really want to
replace the current file. ESC T will fail if you try to write to a
file that you do not have read access to or create a file in a
directory that you do not have write access to.
Moving the cursor (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
^P / up arrow
^N / down arrow
^F / right arrow
^B / left arrow
When you type text, it will be inserted at the cursor
position; likewise, the effect of editing commands is determined by
the cursor position.
On most terminals or PCs, the arrow keys may be used to move
the cursor around within the file one character or line at a time.
Alternatively, the control keys listed above may be used. To move the
cursor by more than one character or line at a time, the following
commands may be used:
^G - move forward (right) one word
^B - move backwards (left) one word
^D - move forward one screenfull
^U - move backwards one screenfull
^A - move to the beginning of the line
^E - move to the end of the line
ESC A - move to the beginning of the file.
ESC E - move to the end of the file
ESC G - move to a particular line number (it will ask you for the
Overwrite/Insert (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
ESC N - Overwrite/Insert mode toggle
When you initially enter easy-edit, you are in insert mode,
and text you type in is inserted into the file at the cursor location.
The text to the right of the cursor is pushed over to make room for
the new text. The ESC N command switches you into overwrite mode, so
that text you type in is written *over* the current text, replacing
it. ESC N is a toggle switch; whichever typing mode you are in, ESC N
will switch to the other mode.
Undo (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
ESC U - Undo
The ESC U (undo) command lets you correct editing mistakes or
by reversing the editing action. The ESC U can command repeatedly to
undo earlier changes; each time the preceding command will be
"undone". There is a limit to the number of commands that can be
reversed; this is dependent upon the types of commands they were, as
it takes varying amounts of space to store different commands in the
editor's memory.
HELP Window (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
ESC F - Scroll HELP window forward one screenfull
ESC f - Scroll HELP window forward one line
ESC B - Scroll HELP window backward one screenfull
ESC b - Scroll HELP window backward one line
The HELP Window lists the editing commands that are available
to you. Since there are more commands than can be listed at once in
the window, the ESC F and ESC B commands may be used to scroll the
HELP window forward and backward, respectively. Note that these are
among the only commands in which the case of the letter matters.
ESC V - Switch between regular HELP/ short HELP
When you are more familiar with easy-edit, you may want to
switch the more concise "advanced" HELP window, which in some cases
will fit entirely on one page. You may switch between the standard
HELP window and the advanced version with the ESC V command. Also,
you may display the advanced HELP window on initial entry by following
the "ee" command with the "-e" option; e.g. ee -e filename.
ESC Z - Remove HELP window
ESC H - Restore HELP window
ESC J - Shrink HELP window (Enlarge EDIT window)
If you feel you do not need the HELP listing at all and would
like to have the entire screen space available for displaying the file
you are editing, use the ESC Z command to "zap" the HELP window. The
command ESC H will bring the HELP window back. If you merely want to
shrink the size of the HELP window to gain additional space for the
editing window, use the ESC J command. Each time you type ESC J, the
edit window will grow be one line, at the expense of the HELP window.
ESC H may be used at any time to return the windows to their original
You may also start ee with the HELP window turned off by giving
it a -z option (e.g. ee -z filename).
Deleting text (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
Backspace / ^H - backspace over text
A backspace will move the cursor backwards one character and
delete that character in the usual fashion. On some terminals (esp.
PCs), the backspace key may be redefined to be something else. If the
backspace key does not work, you may use ^H instead; the DEL key will
also work as a backspace on many keyboards.
^X - delete character
^W - delete word
A character may be deleted by moving the cursor over it and
typing ^X. An entire word may be deleted by placing the cursor at the
beginning of the word and typing ^W. If the cursor is not at the
beginning of the word, only the portion of the word from the cursor
position to the end will be erased.
ESC L - delete line
ESC L deletes the line that the cursor is on; the lines above
and below this line move together to fill in the space.
ESC X - delete to end of line
ESC X erases the line that the cursor is on from the cursor
position to the end of the line. If the cursor is at the beginning of
the line, a blank line will remain. If the line is already blank, it
will be deleted as with an ESC L.
ESC K - delete to end of file
ESC K deletes everything from the cursor position to the end
of the file. (Reminder: An ESC U (undo) will restore the text.)
Undeleting (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
^Y - Undelete line/word
^Y Undeletes a line or word erased by ^W, ESC L, or ESC X. If
done immediately after the delete, the text is restored in its
original location. However, if the cursor has moved, the text will be
restored at the new cursor location. In addition, repeating ^Y will
insert extra copies of the deleted text into the file; in this way ^Y
can be used to copy or move segments of text in the file.
If multiple ESC L, ESC X, or ^W commands were done in sequence
(with no cursor motion or other commands between), the ^Y will restore
everything that was deleted.
Note that for situations where ^Y does not restore deleted or
changed text (for example, text deleted with ^Xs), the Undo (ESC U)
command can restore the file to its previous state. Note also that
unlike ^Y, ESC U will restore deleted text to its original location
only (it will also remove newly inserted text; Undo undoes all
Moving Blocks of Text (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
ESC / - Mark block
ESC + - Insert block
Although text can be moved by deleting and undeleting (or retyping
it), often it is more convenient to be able to mark a block of text and
move or copy it. To move a block of text means to delete the block and
re-insert it somewhere else in the file. To copy the block means that the
original block is left intact, but a copy of it is also inserted somewhere
To move or copy a block, position the cursor the beginning of the
block of text (it may be the middle of a line) and type ESC /. Then move
the cursor to the other end of the block and type ESC / again. This will
mark the block. At this point you will be asked whether you want to move
or copy the block (see paragraph above). If you choose "m" for move, the
original block will be deleted; if you choose "c", it will be left intact.
In either case, you may now insert the block where the cursor is located by
typing ESC +. This may be done repeatedly; ee will remember the block
throughout the editing session until the next block is marked.
Searching (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
^S - Search forward
^Q - Search backward
^S searches for a text string (you will be prompted for it)
from the cursor location to the end of the file. ^Q searches from the
cursor location backwards to the beginning of the file. If the text
is found, the cursor is positioned to that location. The search
ignores case. If you merely hit return when prompted for the search
string, the previous search string will be used (if there was one).
Substituting (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
ESC Y - Search/Replace
ESC Y searches for and replaces every instance of a given string
with a new string. The replacement is done from the current position to
the end of the file. You will be asked for both strings, and then for
confirm or no confirm. Without confirm, all replacements are done without
pause. If you say "y" for confirm, the cursor will stop at each instance of
the search string and ask you to confirm before replacing it. At this
point, the following options are available:
y - do the replacement and continue searching
n - don't replace, but continue searching
. - Replace this occurrence and stop
q - Don't replace, and stop
! - replace all occurrences from here on without confirming
ESC or "n" will stop the search/replace at any time. To replace only
one (or fewer than every) instance of the search string, use confirm, and
use the "n" option to skip those you don't want to replace. Then use "."
to replace and stop when you reach the one you want to change.
Reformatting (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
ESC P - fill paragraph
Typing ESC P reformats the paragraph in which the cursor rests,
splitting lines which are too long and splicing short ones together
until all the lines fill the width of the page as well as possible.
The command is useful if editing changes have caused you to have very
short or long lines. The program considers a paragraph to be a block
of lines separated by blank lines from the surrounding text; it does
*not* recognize indented lines as starting paragraphs.
A repeat count has a special meaning if used with ESC P. If
you use an ESC C to give ESC P a repeat count (the actual value of the
count will be ignored), it will justify the paragraph on both the left
and right margins.
Repeat (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
ESC C - repeat command
ESC <number>
ESC C allows you to give a "repeat" argument to the
following command. Some commands will ignore the argument; however,
motion and deletion commands will honor it. To use the command, type
ESC C # <command>, where # is the repeat count and <command> is a
valid editing command. ESC C has a special meaning for ESC P; see the
documentation on ESC P for details.
ESC followed by a number has the same meaning as ESC C.
if the ESC C <number> or ESC <number> is followed by a regular
character, that character will be repeated as if you had typed in that
many times.
ESC C 12 ESC L will delete 12 lines (a ^Y following this
will insert all 12 lines back into the file)
ESC 18 ^X will delete the next 18 characters
ESC C 5 ^N will move the cursor down 5 lines
ESC 25 j will insert 25 "j"s into the file
Inserting Files (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
ESC I - Insert a file
This command allows you to insert the contents of
another file into the file you are editing. You will be asked for the
name of the file to insert. If the file is found, its contents will
be inserted at the cursor position.
ESC D - List a directory
This command is useful when you can't remember the name of the
file you want to insert. It will give you a directory listing in a
temporary window which replaces the HELP window. You will be asked
for the name of the directory to list, or you may hit return to list
your current working directory. While the directory window is
displayed, you are prompted for an f, b, or r command. f and b scroll
the listing forward and backward, respectively (if it is longer than a
windowfull), and the r command restores removes the listing and
returns you to editing.
Unix Commands (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
ESC ! - Execute a Unix command in window
The ESC ! (exclamation point) command allows you to execute a
Unix command and display it in a window which temporarily replaces the
HELP window. The command *must* be of the type which lists
information but does not require further input from you; for example,
"who", "ls", "cat filename", or "date", are allowable; "Elm", "nn", or
"talk" are not, since you would be required to type further input for
these commands. (See ^Z below for interactive unix commands).
The results of the command are listed in a window identical to
the ESC D window, with the same options for scrolling and one
additional choice: an "i" command which will insert the contents of
the window (i.e. the command output) into your file at the cursor
location. For example, you could use ESC ! to execute the "date"
command, and then insert the date into your file with an "i".
Refresh screen (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
^R - Redraw the screen
If extraneous messages such as notification of incoming mail
or requests to "talk" jumble your editing display, type a ^R to
restore the screen.
Recovery (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
ESC R - Recover file from aborted edit session
If you are editing a file and the editor is aborted (either
intentionally with ESC Q, or accidently due to a system crash or
disconnection), your editing session is not necessarily lost. The
next time you edit this file with easy-edit, you will probably get a
message warning you that a recovery file exists and suggesting that
you do ESC R to recover.
As you edit, easy-edit periodically saves your file to a
recovery file, and each time you edit a file the editor first checks
for a recovery file which is newer than the file itself. If you have
received the warning message and want to recover your lost changes,
type ESC R. The editor will ask you if you really want to recover,
and if you answer "yes", the editor will read in the recovery file in
place of the old version. (Note that the actual file will not be
changed until you exit with an ESC S). If, upon seeing the recovery
file, you decide that you would rather keep the old version, simply do
an ESC U (undo) to undo the recovery, or abort the editor with an ESC
Q. However, you will continue to receive the warning about the
recovery file upon editing that file until you modify the file and do
a save (ESC S) so that the true file becomes newer than the recovery
Suspending the Editor (ESC > next topic ESC < previous topic)
^Z - Suspend (temporarily) editor
A ^Z will temporarily suspend easy-edit and return you to a
Unix prompt, where you may read mail, or even edit a different file.
When you wish to resume the editing session you suspended, type "fg"
(for "foreground"). If you do not resume the suspended session and
attempt to logout, you will find that the system will not log you off
and will warn you that you have "stopped jobs".
^T - Edit status
Type ^T to review the time, the name of the file you are editing,
and whether or not you have modified the file during this edit.
Easyedit license
ESC @ - License Info
ESC @ displays licensing informatin in a special window similar to
the directory window. The information displayed is the same as follows:
Easy-edit novice screen editor for Unix systems with GNU emacs
Easy-edit 1.22
Copyright (C) 1992 Larry Broda
Department of Psychology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
is an extension of GNU emacs; See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation either version 1, or (at your option)
any later version.
By Larry Broda
Department of Psychology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Email: lbroda@s.psych.uiuc.edu
for GNU emacs information contact:
Free Software Foundation
675 Massachusetts Avenu
Cambridge, MA 02139