Usenet 1994 October
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140 lines
Easy-edit v1.23 by Larry Broda
Easy-edit (or "ee") is a simple text editor for novice users.
It is designed to be usable with no training at all, and it was
designed primarily for a Unix user community who used the system for
e-mail and little else, and are not willing or do not have the time to
learn vi or emacs to edit their mail messages. (At our installation,
even computer-shy users who were afraid of Unix or vi and emacs began
editing when ee was introduced. The response from such people, who
ranged from secretaries to professors, was quite positive).
When used as the default editor in Elm, it makes for a very
easy-to-use mail system requiring a mininum of user education.
Easy-edit is a major-mode of GNU Emacs. As such it avoids many
of the screen/keyboard handling bugs in custom-written editors of this sort,
as that work is actually done by Emacs. Ee splits the editing
screen into two windows; in the top window, the file is edited, and in
the bottom window (called the "HELP" window), a list of editing
commands is displayed. The HELP window may be scrolled up and down to
display everything the ee user needs to know to edit a file; however,
usually the first HELP page contains enough to edit, and the susequent
ones reveal more advanced commands. The editor itself contains most
desirable simple editing commands for insertion, deletion, searching,
and even text-justification.
Advanced users may choose a more concise HELP window display,
or may eliminate the HELP window completely (the HELP window may also
be shrunk to make more room for the file window). A full-text manual
can also be displayed in the HELP window.
Easy-edit can be installed for an entire system by the system
manager, or by individuals in their own accounts for personal use, as long
as the system has GNU emacs.
Easy-edit consists of the following files:
easyedit.el The Emacs-lisp program file. When loaded into Emacs,
easy-edit mode is enabled.
HELP-WINDOW The default HELP window display
HELP-WINDOW-ADVANCED The advanced HELP window display
HELP-MANUAL The full text manual HELP window display
easy-edit The Bourne shell script file used to call
easy-edit. This script calls emacs with the
arguments to bring up easy-edit mode. This
script is generated by the makefile to use
to the site-define directories.
ee.sh.template The template for the sh script, used by the
Makefile to create easy-edit.
ee A link to easy-edit, created by the Makefile,
provided as a convenient abbreviation.
easy-edit.man The man page for easy-edit
ee.license Copyright/license info
Requirements: GNU Emacs.
Easy-edit was designed with GNU Emacs version 18.57 and 18.58,
and is untested with other versions.
Ee assumes that it is running on a Unix system with BSD/csh
type process control facilities. Some commands may not behave properly
on other types of systems (esp, ^Z, ESC D, and ESC !).
1. Edit the Makefile
Copy Makefile.templ to Makefile and change path variables to reflect
your system according to the instructions at the top of the file. It
is recommended that you create a new directory for EE_LIBDIR, where the
program and HELP files are stored. Be sure the full pathname for your
Emacs executable is given where required.
The variable EE_RESUME_CMD should be set to reflect the command that
is issued to resume a suspended process. On most systems, it will be
probably be "fg"; if your system suspends Emacs by forking a shell, this
will be "exit". The sole purpose of this variable is to issue an
informational message to users who suspend Ee reminding them how to start
it again.
Create the directories for EE_LIBDIR and EXEDIR if they do not exist.
2. Do a "make easy-edit"
This will create the shell script "easy-edit".
3. Do a "make install"
This will mv easy-edit to the specified directory, create "ee", which
will be a hard link to easy-edit, and copy the easyedit.el and HELP
files into the EE_LIBDIR directory.
4. If you want man pages, do a "make install-man"
5. Give it a try.
Easy-edit novice screen editor for Unix systems with GNU emacs
Easy-edit 1.23
Copyright (C) 1992 Larry Broda
Department of Psychology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
is an extension of GNU emacs; See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation either version 1, or (at your option)
any later version.
By Larry Broda
Department of Psychology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Email: lbroda@s.psych.uiuc.edu
for GNU emacs information contact:
Free Software Foundation
675 Massachusetts Avenu
Cambridge, MA 02139