Usenet 1994 October
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194 lines
"Mutant" Bob Forsman and his amazing 43 burner stove present
This directory contains faucet and hose.
faucet and hose:
These two utilities are useful for connecting arbitrary programs
over sockets. The power of the '|' characeter in the shell can now be
used over the network.
As an example of what they can do, compile them and on one machine
lightning:21 % ./faucet 3000 "tar cf - ." out
and on another type
springs:3 % ./hose lightning 3000 "tar tvf -" in
You will get output (from machine springs) that looks like this.
rwxr-xr-x771/50 0 Jul 7 11:53 1990 ./
rw-r-----771/50 9266 Jun 30 21:41 1990 ./faucet.c~
rw-r--r--771/50 6086 Mar 6 21:40 1990 ./server.cc
rw-r--r--771/50 1203 Jul 7 11:49 1990 ./Makefile
rw-r-----771/50 9757 Jul 7 11:49 1990 ./faucet.c
rw-r--r--771/50 4241 Jun 23 04:09 1990 ./hose.c~
rwxr-xr-x771/50 24576 Jul 7 11:50 1990 ./hose
rw-r--r--771/50 4041 Jul 7 11:50 1990 ./hose.c
rw-r-----771/50 592 Jul 7 11:48 1990 ./portname.c
rw-r--r--771/50 317 Jul 7 11:48 1990 ./portname.o
rwxr-xr-x771/50 24576 Jul 7 11:50 1990 ./faucet
rw-r--r--771/50 3378 Jul 7 11:50 1990 ./hose.o
rw-r--r--771/50 1069 Jun 23 02:42 1990 ./Makefile~
rw-r--r--771/50 4662 Jul 7 11:50 1990 ./faucet.o
rw-r-----771/50 377 Jul 7 11:53 1990 ./#README#
rw-r-----771/50 371 Jul 7 11:53 1990 ./README
rw-r--r--771/50 2917 Mar 6 22:13 1990 ./client.cc
The 3000 is the port number to connect to. Normal users can use any
number over 1023. You can also specify a service name in place of a
number since the program can look it up from the services database.
The argument in ""s (argv[2] for faucet, argv[3] for hose) is the
command to be connected to the socket. The flags in, out and err
govorn which file descriptors get connected to the socket after the
connection is successful.
hose is a one-shot program. It connects to the foreign server
socket and execs the command. faucet is an undying server. Every
time it recieves a connection on its socket it forks and execs a "csh
-c". faucet can be limited to one-shot by the "once" flag.
faucet <port> <command> (in|out|err)+ [once] [verb(|ose)] [quiet]
[unix] [foreignport <port>] [foreignhost <host>]
hose <hostname> <port> <command> (in|out|err)+ [unix] [localport <port>]}
Host names can be be the name of the machine or (if no name is
found) the internet number. The individual numbers are sscanfed with
%i so 0x or 0 prefixes mean hex or octal instead of decimal for that
one byte.
You must chose at least one of in, out, and err. The other flags
are optional and listed below
unix.........causes the program to go into unix-domain socket mode.
hose can also be forced into unix-domain operation by
specifying -unix- as the hostname (those dashes are
part of the arg) or by being run with argv[0] as the
string "uhose" (possible by hardlinking the binary).
Port names are then treated as unix domain socket
addresses (filenames) as opposed to internet port
localport....(only on hose) asks hose to bind to a specific local
once.........(only on faucet) the faucet command will not fork, but
will exec the command, and when the command exits
you're done.
verbose|quiet (only on faucet) enables|disables the printing of
extra information such as what host and port faucet is
getting connections from.
foreignport..(only on faucet) causes faucet to refuse (close
immediately) any connection from a machine that hasn't
bound its socket to the port specified immediately
after the foreignport flag. This can be used with the
localport option of hose to perform crude
authentication. If the foreignport is <1024 then only
a foreign root user will be able to connect to your
faucet because only root can bind to a port number
below 1024.
foreignhost..(only on faucet) causes faucet to refuse (close
immediately) any connection from any machine other
than the host specified immediately after the
foreignhost flag.
Be aware that addresses and ports can be spoofed if your network
isn't secure (yours probably isn't). If you have PCs or other
non-UNIX boxes connected to the network, then it's DISGUSTINGLY easy
for ANYONE to spoof the network.
reef:100 % ./faucet chat "echo send
$14M and 2 airline stewardesses or
you'll never see Hoffa alive"
foreignhost azalea verbose out
reef:40 % ./hose reef chat cat in
refusing connection from host 128.
azalea:20 % ./hose reef chat cat in
./faucet: Got connection from 128.
227.224.55(azalea.cis.ufl.edu) port
Unmatched '.
/* darn, screwed up the shell quoting */
reef:107 % ./faucet /tmp/blah 'echo
send '\'\$14M\'' and 2 airline
stewardesses or you'\\\''ll never
see Hoffa alive' foreignhost azalea
verbose out foreignport /tmp/auth unix
./faucet: foreignhost parameter makes no
sense with UNIX domain sockets, ignoring.
/* %#@)*, bite me */
reef:41 % ./hose -unix- /tmp/blah cat in
./faucet: refusing connection from port
reef:43 % ./hose -unix- /tmp/blah cat in
localport /tmp/auth
./faucet: Got connection from /tmp/auth
send $14M and 2 airline stewardesses or
you'll never see Hoffa alive
Notice the elaborate quoting on that one. faucet+hose fork a "csh
-c " to interpret the command. The echo command had to be quoted so
that faucet saw:
echo send '$14M' and 2 airline stewardesses or you\'ll never see Hoffa alive
faucet then performed this system call
and the "$14M" and "you'll" were properly quoted to survive THAT csh
as well. Commands to hose must be similarly protected.
Why use csh?
1) This allows you to have pipelines and other fancy stuff inside
the command, and
2) I don't have to write code to parse the command!
Hoohoohoo, god knows what sort of bugs are waiting to rip your
ankles off. I'm the only one who's extensively used these. They were
developed on Sun3s and Sun4s. They have been compiled (but not
extensively tested) on Sonys, DECstations and HPs. If your machine
needs different include files, start grepping and mail me the results.
If anything is not crystal clear, check the source and mail me.
I'll try to put it in the README.
I need to dragoon someone into writing a man page for this.
Robert H. Forsman Jr. <thoth@lightning.cis.ufl.edu>
former underpaid Systems Programmer
now piddly underpaid Research Assistant
University of Florida
Department of Computer
and Information Science