Usenet 1994 October
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Text File
115 lines
Maint is a program for browsing through your files and doing basic
tasks on them. It prints a full screen of file data and allows you
to operate on the 'current' file. The 'current file' is the file the
cursor is next to.
Maint does a number of functions on the files and directories:
o Move around among your files within a directory.
o Move from directory to directory.
o Mark a file for change (copy, delete or rename).
o Mark a file to changing characteristics.
o Execute or cancel pending marks.
o Examine a file (edit, view, list characteristics).
o Assign descriptive text to a file or directory.
o Other misc. commands
Each of these groups is described individually below.
Sometimes there is more than one command to do the same thing. Multiple
commands are separated by commas. Upper and lower case are the same.
Maint has a number of commands selecting the current file from those
on the screen. You may simply move around the screen by giving the
following motion commands.
l,>,space,tab - move right one column.
h,< - move left one column.
k,^ - move up one row.
j - move down one row.
You may ask for a file by name:
/ - search for a file by name. Make it the new current
If you have more files than will fit on the screen, maint breaks them
up into pages.
+,= - go to next page of files (if you have more files
than can be printed in a single screenful)
-,_ - go to next page of files (if you have more files
than can be printed in a single screenful)
Maint offers you a number of ways of moving from directory to directory:
b - BRANCH to a directory. You will be prompted for the
name of the new directory.
s - SELECT current file to become the new directory.
If the file is not a directory, it is viewed instead.
The maint commands for changing individual files are:
c - COPY current to another file (same directory only).
You will be prompted for a file to be copied to.
r - mark the current file to be RENAMED. You will
be prompted for the new name, which must be in the
same directory only.
d - mark the current file for DELETE.
Maint allow you to change various characteristics of a file:
g - Mark the current file to change the GROUP membership of
the file. This command can only be used by the system manager.
o - Mark a file to change the OWNER of the file. This command
can only be used by the system manager.
p - Mark a file to change the PROTECTION of the file. Currently
you must set the protection either by typing the individual
bits (eg, 755) or by mimicing the permission string
(eg `rw-r--r--', etc.)
Commands which mark a file are not executed immediately. The marks
be marked
x - EXECUTE all marks immediately. This causes all
pending deletions, renames, etc, to be done.
u - UNMARK (cancel) pending marks for the current file.
control-r - REBUILD the current directory. This
cancels all pending marks.
Maint will let you get various information and views of a file:
i - give INFORMATION about characteristics of the current
file. This includes type, size, last usage, etc.
e - EDIT the current file. The editor used will be
whatever is specified in your EDITOR environment,
or the system default (vi).
s - SELECT current file for viewing (if an ordinary file).
The viewer used will be whatever is specified in your
PAGER environment, or the system default (less). If
the file is a directory, it is BRANCHED to (see 'b')
Maint will let you assign descriptive text to a file or directory.
The 't' command functions as follows:
If there is no descriptive text in the current directory, you will
prompted for the creation of a 'Text descriptor file'. Type [y] if
you really want to add descriptions. If you say [y], you will then
be prompted for a brief description of the directory (up to 70 letters).
Once there is a text descriptor file, you may then added up to 40
characters of description for any file in the directory. Select the
file with the motion commands, then type 't'.
Misc maint commands:
! - go to the system to execute commands, return to
maint when done.
q - QUIT maint. If there are pending marks, you will
be asked if they should be EXECUTED.
O - Change display options. A menu will be displayed and
you will allowed to select what information should be
displayed for each file.
^L/^W (control-L or control-W) - redraw the screen.
There are more maint commands; try '!man maint' to see them all.