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LPR(1) LPR(1)
lpr - ``standalone'' interface to a remote BSD printer
llpprr [ --_j_o_b_-_o_p_t_i_o_n ... ] [ --_f_i_l_e_-_o_p_t_i_o_n ... ] [ _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
... ]
llpprrmm [ --PP_p_r_i_n_t_e_r ] [ -- ] _a_r_g_s_._._.
llppqq [ --PP_p_r_i_n_t_e_r ] [ --ll ] _a_r_g_s
This version of llpprr is an interface to a remote BSD UNIX-
style printer spooler that allows a user of a non-BSD UNIX
system to print files on printers attached to a server
that supports the BSD print spooler protocol.
When _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_es are supplied on the command line, llpprr
prints the named files. If no _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_es appear, standard
input is printed according to the supplied options.
llpprrmm removes the jobs specified in _a_r_g_s from the remote
print queue. The jobs must have been queued from the
local host. _a_r_g_s consist of some combination of user
names or job numbers. If no _a_r_g_s are supplied, the cur-
rently active job is deleted. The argument ``--'' is
interpreted to mean ``delete all print jobs queued by this
user,'' or if invoked by root, ``delete all print jobs
queued from this host.''
llppqq prints a listing of the jobs queued for that particu-
lar printer. The --ll option prints a more verbose listing.
llpprr requires that the LLPPDD__SSEERRVVEERR environment variable con-
tain the name of a printer server to which files are
spooled. If this variable does not exist, an error mes-
sage is printed.
Options fall into two general categories: job options and
file options. The former class of options affects an
entire print job. The latter class affects only specific
files and can be overriden for subsequent files. For
example, it is possible to print a troff file and a plain
text file in the same print job.
Options that require arguments can be specified with or
without intervening space between the option and the argu-
ment. Thus, either --PP_p_r_i_n_t_e_r or --PP _p_r_i_n_t_e_r will work.
JJoobb ooppttiioonnss
These options specify parameters that affect the entire
print job. These include:
21 March 1991 1
LPR(1) LPR(1)
--CC_j_o_b_c_l_a_s_s Names the job class, which will appear on
the job banner page. By default this is
set to the local hostname.
--JJ_j_o_b_t_i_t_l_e Names the job title, which will appear on
the job banner page when printed. By
default this is the name of the first file
named on the command line.
--hh Tells the printer server to not print the
banner page.
--mm When the print job completes, have the
printer server send a mail message to the
person who submitted the job. This
requires that your machine be able to
receive mail addressed to _y_o_u_r_-_u_s_e_r_-
_n_a_m_e@_y_o_u_r_-_h_o_s_t_-_n_a_m_e and that the print
server be able to get it there.
--PP_p_r_i_n_t_e_r specifies to which printer (of those
attached to the printer server) output will
be sent.
--qq_p_r_i_n_t_e_r The --qq option is synonymous with the --PP
option. This option is intended for use
with VMS systems that cannot distinguish --PP
from --pp.. SSiinnccee --pp has another meaning, --qq
is used on VMS to select the printer. VMS
users can also type --PP_p_r_i_n_t_e_r within double
--rr specifies that the named files are to be
removed after being successfully transmit-
ted to the remote printer spooler.
--ddeebbuugg Show messages sent to and from the server
on the standard error output. Not for the
FFiillee ooppttiioonnss
These options specify parameters that are particular to
one or more of the files to be printed. These options
pertain to any files that appear to the right of the
option on the command line, but they may be overriden by
specifing a different option between files.
Only one of the file-type options (--dd, --ff, --gg, --ll, --nn, --oo,
--pp, --tt, and --vv) apply to any given file. Subsequent use
of any of these options specifies the type of each file
that appears to the right of the option, until another
file-type option appears.
In the absence of any file-type options, llpprr tries to
21 March 1991 2
LPR(1) LPR(1)
figure out what kind of file is to be printed. It can
currently recognize TEX DVI files, as well as C/A/T
(``classic'') ttrrooffff(1) and PostScript files. If the par-
ticular kind of file is not recognized, llpprr assumes the
file is an ordinary text file.
--##_n_u_m_b_e_r Specifies the number of copies of each file
to print. Default is to print one copy of
each file.
--dd Files that follow this option are device-
independent (DVI) files such as might be
produced by TEX.
--ff Tells llpprr to expect files in FORTRAN output
format, where the first character of each
line determines how to handle the ``printer
carraige'' after each line (SSPPAACCEE=go to
next line, ``++''=overprint, etc.)
--gg Files that follow this option are expected
to be in V7 UNIX pplloott(5) format. (Very few
spoolers support this format.)
--ll Files that follow this option are ordinary
text files, but which may contain embedded
control characters. (Some printer spoolers
reject files which contain too many control
characters; this option overrides that fea-
ture in order to allow users to make use of
printer specific features that require use
of non-printable characters.)
--nn Tells llpprr to expect files in device-
independent troff (ddiittrrooffff) format. (Many
spoolers do not support this format.)
--oo Tells llpprr to expect PostScript files. This
generally requires that the printer itself
speak PostScript. Furthermore, many
printer spoolers do not grok --oo, but do
accept PostScript files submitted as ``nor-
mal text'' files, interpreting them as
PostScript programs rather than ordinary
text files.
--pp Tells llpprr that subsequent files are ordi-
nary text files, which should be printed
with page breaks and headers.
--tt Tells llpprr to expect files generated for a
C/A/T phototypesetter, such as are gener-
ated by old or ``classic'' ttrrooffff.
21 March 1991 3
LPR(1) LPR(1)
--vv Tells llpprr to expect Versatec raster-format
files, or files in the printer's native
format, whatever that is.
LLPPDD__SSEERRVVEERR eennvviirroonnmmeenntt vvaarriiaabbllee iiss nnoott sseett
The environment variable LLPPDD__SSEERRVVEERR must be set to
the name of the printer server.
bbiinndd:: ccaannnnoott bbiinndd ttoo pprriivviilleeggeedd ppoorrtt
Either no privileged ports are available (highly
unlikely), or llpprr is not installed as a privileged
program. Tell your system manager to read the
installation instructions again.
ccaann''tt ffiinndd nneettwwoorrkk aaddddrreessss ffoorr _s_e_r_v_e_r
An attempt to determine the network address of the
printer server failed. The server must be listed in
the Internet name server, your system's //eettcc//hhoossttss
file, or in the NIS hosts database, depending on
which mechanism your system uses for translating host
names to network addresses.
_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e iiss aa TTeeXX ..ddvvii ffiillee,, aassssuummiinngg --dd
The named file begins and ends with the magic numbers
used by TEX DVI files, and will therefore be inter-
preted as such instead of spewing garbage to the
_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e iiss aa CC//AA//TT ttrrooffff oouuttppuutt ffiillee,, aassssuummiinngg --tt
The file begins with the magic number generated by
C/A/T (``classic'') ttrrooffff(1), and will therefore be
interpreted as such.
_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e iiss aa UUNNIIXX lliibbrraarryy aarrcchhiivvee ---- iiggnnoorriinngg iitt
llpprr refuses to print library archive files, since
these usually contain non-printable data.
_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e iiss aa ccoommpprreesssseedd ffiillee ---- iiggnnoorriinngg iitt
The named file has been compressed with ccoommpprreessss(1),
and cannot be directly printed by llpprr. Either use
uunnccoommpprreessss(1) to restore the original file, or pipe
the file through zzccaatt(1).
sskkiippppiinngg zzeerroo lleennggtthh ffiillee _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
llpprr optimizes the printing of an empty file by skip-
ping the file entirely, thus saving trees by not
printing unwanted banner pages.
_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e iiss nnoott aa vvaalliidd ..ddvvii ffiillee
The --dd option was specified, but the named file is
not in DVI format.
21 March 1991 4
LPR(1) LPR(1)
There is currently no way to delete a print job (analogous
to the BSD llpprrmm command), nor to inquire on the status of
the print queue (analogus to the BSD llppqq command).
The protocol used by llpprr requires that it know the exact
size of a file before sending it to the print spooler. In
order to compute the size of a file piped to standard
input, and in order to work on non-UNIX systems which can-
not determine the exact size of a file, llpprr reads each
file into memory (counting the bytes as it goes) before
sending it to the spooler. Therefore, files larger than
available memory cannot be printed.
Not all printers or spoolers support all file types.
There is no agreement among the various spoolers as to how
to treat the --vv file type.
The --TT, --ii, --ss, and --ww options of BSD llpprr are not sup-
Job numbers are just independently-generated random num-
bers between 0 and 999, so conflicts between two jobs sub-
mitted on the same host are possible.
The VMS interface is crufty. LPR on VMS should take VMS-
style options, and return a reasonable error status, but
it doesn't do that yet.
_L_i_n_e _p_r_i_n_t_e_r _d_a_e_m_o_n _p_r_o_t_o_c_o_l_, _R_F_C_1_1_7_9_.
Documentation for the printer spooler you are using on the
printer server. On BSD UNIX and some other systems, see
the man pages for llppqq(1), llpprrmm(1), llppcc(8), and llppdd(8).
21 March 1991 5