Usenet 1994 October
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Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
From: dbell@canb.auug.org.au (David I. Bell)
Subject: v27i142: calc-2.9.0 - arbitrary precision C-like programmable calculator, Part15/19
References: <1.755316719.21314@gw.home.vix.com>
Sender: unix-sources-moderator@gw.home.vix.com
Approved: vixie@gw.home.vix.com
Submitted-By: dbell@canb.auug.org.au (David I. Bell)
Posting-Number: Volume 27, Issue 142
Archive-Name: calc-2.9.0/part15
# this is part 15 of a multipart archive
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
# file calc2.9.0/help/intro continued
if test ! -r s2_seq_.tmp
then echo "Please unpack part 1 first!"
exit 1; fi
( read Scheck
if test "$Scheck" != $CurArch
then echo "Please unpack part $Scheck next!"
exit 1;
else exit 0; fi
) < s2_seq_.tmp || exit 1
echo "x - Continuing file calc2.9.0/help/intro"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> calc2.9.0/help/intro
X fact(old)
X and the calculator prints 13763753091226345046315979581580902400000000.
X Notice that numbers can be very large. (There is a practical limit
X of several thousand digits before calculations become too slow.)
X The calculator can calculate transcendental functions, and accept and
X display numbers in real or exponential format. For example, typing:
X config("display", 50)
X epsilon(1e-50)
X sin(1)
X prints "~.84147098480789650665250232163029899962256306079837".
X The calculator also knows about complex numbers, so that typing:
X (2+3i) * (4-3i)
X prints "17+6i".
echo "File calc2.9.0/help/intro is complete"
chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/help/intro || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/help/intro fails"
set `wc -c calc2.9.0/help/intro`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "1895"
then echo original size 1895, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/help/list (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/help/list &&
XUsing lists
X Lists are a sequence of values which are doubly linked so that
X elements can be removed or inserted anywhere within the list.
X The function 'list' creates a list with possible initial elements.
X For example,
X x = list(4, 6, 7);
X creates a list in the variable x of three elements, in the order
X 4, 6, and 7.
X The 'push' and 'pop' functions insert or remove an element from
X the beginning of the list. The 'append' and 'remove' functions
X insert or remove an element from the end of the list. The 'insert'
X and 'delete' functions insert or delete an element from the middle
X (or ends) of a list. The functions which insert elements return
X the null value, but the functions which remove an element return
X the element as their value. The 'size' function returns the number
X of elements in the list.
X Note that these functions manipulate the actual list argument,
X instead of returning a new list. Thus in the example:
X push(x, 9);
X x becomes a list of four elements, in the order 9, 4, 6, and 7.
X Lists can be copied by assigning them to another variable.
X An arbitrary element of a linked list can be accessed by using the
X double-bracket operator. The beginning of the list has index 0.
X Thus in the new list x above, the expression x[[0]] returns the
X value of the first element of the list, which is 9. Note that this
X indexing does not remove elements from the list.
X Since lists are doubly linked in memory, random access to arbitrary
X elements can be slow if the list is large. However, for each list
X a pointer is kept to the latest indexed element, thus relatively
X sequential accesses to the elements in a list will not be slow.
X Lists can be searched for particular values by using the 'search'
X and 'rsearch' functions. They return the element number of the
X found value (zero based), or null if the value does not exist in
X the list.
chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/help/list || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/help/list fails"
set `wc -c calc2.9.0/help/list`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "1880"
then echo original size 1880, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/help/mat (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/help/mat &&
XUsing matrices
X Matrices can have from 1 to 4 dimensions, and are indexed by a
X normal-sized integer. The lower and upper bounds of a matrix can
X be specified at runtime. The elements of a matrix are defaulted
X to zeroes, but can be assigned to be of any type. Thus matrices
X can hold complex numbers, strings, objects, etc. Matrices are
X stored in memory as an array so that random access to the elements
X is easy.
X Matrices are normally indexed using square brackets. If the matrix
X is multi-dimensional, then an element can be indexed either by
X using multiple pairs of square brackets (as in C), or else by
X separating the indexes by commas. Thus the following two statements
X reference the same matrix element:
X x = name[3][5];
X x = name[3,5];
X The double-square bracket operator can be used on any matrix to
X make references to the elements easy and efficient. This operator
X bypasses the normal indexing mechanism, and treats the array as if
X it was one-dimensional and with a lower bound of zero. In this
X indexing mode, elements correspond to the normal indexing mode where
X the rightmost index increases most frequently. For example, when
X using double-square bracket indexing on a two-dimensional matrix,
X increasing indexes will reference the matrix elements left to right,
X row by row. Thus in the following example, 'x' and 'y' are copied
X from the same matrix element:
X mat m[1:2, 1:3];
X x = m[2,1];
X y = m[[3]];
X There are functions which return information about a matrix.
X The 'size' functions returns the total number of elements.
X The 'matdim', 'matmin', and 'matmax' functions return the number
X of dimensions of a matrix, and the lower and upper index bounds
X for a dimension of a matrix. For square matrices, the 'det'
X function calculates the determinant of the matrix.
X Some functions return matrices as their results. These functions
X do not affect the original matrix argument, but instead return
X new matrices. For example, the 'mattrans' function returns the
X transpose of a matrix, and 'inverse' returns the inverse of a
X matrix. So to invert a matrix called 'x', you could use:
X x = inverse(x);
X The 'matfill' function fills all elements of a matrix with the
X specified value, and optionally fills the diagonal elements of a
X square matrix with a different value. For example:
X matfill(x,1);
X will fill any matrix with ones, and:
X matfill(x, 0, 1);
X will create an identity matrix out of any square matrix. Note that
X unlike most matrix functions, this function does not return a matrix
X value, but manipulates the matrix argument itself.
X Matrices can be multiplied by numbers, which multiplies each element
X by the number. Matrices can also be negated, conjugated, shifted,
X rounded, truncated, fraction'ed, and modulo'ed. Each of these
X operations is applied to each element.
X Matrices can be added or multiplied together if the operation is
X legal. Note that even if the dimensions of matrices are compatible,
X operations can still fail because of mismatched lower bounds. The
X lower bounds of two matrices must either match, or else one of them
X must have a lower bound of zero. Thus the following code:
X mat x[3:3];
X mat y[4:4];
X z = x + y;
X fails because the calculator does not have a way of knowing what
X the bounds should be on the resulting matrix. If the bounds match,
X then the resulting matrix has the same bounds. If exactly one of
X the lower bounds is zero, then the resulting matrix will have the
X nonzero lower bounds. Thus means that the bounds of a matrix are
X preserved when operated on by matrices with lower bounds of zero.
X For example:
X mat x[3:7];
X mat y[5];
X z = x + y;
X will succeed and assign the variable 'z' a matrix whose
X bounds are 3-7.
X Vectors are matrices of only a single dimension. The 'dp' and 'cp'
X functions calculate the dot product and cross product of a vector
X (cross product is only defined for vectors of size 3).
X Matrices can be searched for particular values by using the 'search'
X and 'rsearch' functions. They return the element number of the
X found value (zero based), or null if the value does not exist in the
X matrix. Using the element number in double-bracket indexing will
X then refer to the found element.
chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/help/mat || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/help/mat fails"
set `wc -c calc2.9.0/help/mat`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "4259"
then echo original size 4259, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/help/obj.file (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/help/obj.file &&
XUsing objects
X Objects are user-defined types which are associated with user-
X defined functions to manipulate them. Object types are defined
X similarly to structures in C, and consist of one or more elements.
X The advantage of an object is that the user-defined routines are
X automatically called by the calculator for various operations,
X such as addition, multiplication, and printing. Thus they can be
X manipulated by the user as if they were just another kind of number.
X An example object type is "surd", which represents numbers of the form
X a + b*sqrt(D),
X where D is a fixed integer, and 'a' and 'b' are arbitrary rational
X numbers. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division can be
X performed on such numbers, and the result can be put unambiguously
X into the same form. (Complex numbers are an example of surds, where
X D is -1.)
X The "obj" statement defines either an object type or an actual
X variable of that type. When defining the object type, the names of
X its elements are specified inside of a pair of braces. To define
X the surd object type, the following could be used:
X obj surd {a, b};
X Here a and b are the element names for the two components of the
X surd object. An object type can be defined more than once as long
X as the number of elements and their names are the same.
X When an object is created, the elements are all defined with zero
X values. A user-defined routine should be provided which will place
X useful values in the elements. For example, for an object of type
X 'surd', a function called 'surd' can be defined to set the two
X components as follows:
X define surd(a, b)
X {
X local x;
X obj surd x;
X x.a = a;
X x.b = b;
X return x;
X }
X When an operation is attempted for an object, user functions with
X particular names are automatically called to perform the operation.
X These names are created by concatenating the object type name and
X the operation name together with an underscore. For example, when
X multiplying two objects of type surd, the function "surd_mul" is
X called.
X The user function is called with the necessary arguments for that
X operation. For example, for "surd_mul", there are two arguments,
X which are the two numbers. The order of the arguments is always
X the order of the binary operands. If only one of the operands to
X a binary operator is an object, then the user function for that
X object type is still called. If the two operands are of different
X object types, then the user function that is called is the one for
X the first operand.
X The above rules mean that for full generality, user functions
X should detect that one of their arguments is not of its own object
X type by using the 'istype' function, and then handle these cases
X specially. In this way, users can mix normal numbers with object
X types. (Functions which only have one operand don't have to worry
X about this.) The following example of "surd_mul" demonstrates how
X to handle regular numbers when used together with surds:
X define surd_mul(a, b)
X {
X local x;
X obj surd x;
X if (!istype(a, x)) {
X /* a not of type surd */
X x.a = b.a * a;
X x.b = b.b * a;
X } else if (!istype(b, x)) {
X /* b not of type surd */
X x.a = a.a * b;
X x.b = a.b * b;
X } else {
X /* both are surds */
X x.a = a.a * b.a + D * a.b * b.b;
X x.b = a.a * b.b + a.b * b.a;
X }
X if (x.b == 0)
X return x.a; /* normal number */
X return x; /* return surd */
X }
X In order to print the value of an object nicely, a user defined
X routine can be provided. For small amounts of output, the print
X routine should not print a newline. Also, it is most convenient
X if the printed object looks like the call to the creation routine.
X For output to be correctly collected within nested output calls,
X output should only go to stdout. This means use the 'print'
X statement, the 'printf' function, or the 'fprintf' function with
X 'files(1)' as the output file. For example, for the "surd" object:
X define surd_print(a)
X {
X print "surd(" : a.a : "," : a.b : ")" : ;
X }
X It is not necessary to provide routines for all possible operations
X for an object, if those operations can be defaulted or do not make
X sense for the object. The calculator will attempt meaningful
X defaults for many operations if they are not defined. For example,
X if 'surd_square' is not defined to square a number, then 'surd_mul'
X will be called to perform the squaring. When a default is not
X possible, then an error will be generated.
X Please note: Arguments to object functions are always passed by
X reference (as if an '&' was specified for each variable in the call).
X Therefore, the function should not modify the parameters, but should
X copy them into local variables before modifying them. This is done
X in order to make object calls quicker in general.
X The double-bracket operator can be used to reference the elements
X of any object in a generic manner. When this is done, index 0
X corresponds to the first element name, index 1 to the second name,
X and so on. The 'size' function will return the number of elements
X in an object.
X The following is a list of the operations possible for objects.
X The 'xx' in each function name is replaced with the actual object
X type name. This table is displayed by the 'show objfuncs' command.
X Name Args Comments
X xx_print 1 print value, default prints elements
X xx_one 1 multiplicative identity, default is 1
X xx_test 1 logical test (false,true => 0,1),
X default tests elements
X xx_add 2
X xx_sub 2 subtraction, default adds negative
X xx_neg 1 negative
X xx_mul 2
X xx_div 2 non-integral division, default multiplies
X by inverse
X xx_inv 1 multiplicative inverse
X xx_abs 2 absolute value within given error
X xx_norm 1 square of absolute value
X xx_conj 1 conjugate
X xx_pow 2 integer power, default does multiply,
X square, inverse
X xx_sgn 1 sign of value (-1, 0, 1)
X xx_cmp 2 equality (equal,non-equal => 0,1),
X default tests elements
X xx_rel 2 inequality (less,equal,greater => -1,0,1)
X xx_quo 2 integer quotient
X xx_mod 2 remainder of division
X xx_int 1 integer part
X xx_frac 1 fractional part
X xx_inc 1 increment, default adds 1
X xx_dec 1 decrement, default subtracts 1
X xx_square 1 default multiplies by itself
X xx_scale 2 multiply by power of 2
X xx_shift 2 shift left by n bits (right if negative)
X xx_round 2 round to given number of decimal places
X xx_bround 2 round to given number of binary places
X xx_root 3 root of value within given error
X xx_sqrt 2 square root within given error
X Also see the library files:
X dms.cal
X mod.cal
X poly.cal
X quat.cal
X surd.cal
chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/help/obj.file || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/help/obj.file fails"
set `wc -c calc2.9.0/help/obj.file`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "6792"
then echo original size 6792, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/help/operator (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/help/operator &&
X The operators are similar to C, but the precedence of most of
X the operators differs. In addition, there are several additional
X operators, and some C operators are missing. The following list
X gives the operators arranged in order of precedence, from the
X least tightly binding to the most tightly binding.
X , Comma operator.
X For situations in which a comma is used for another purpose
X (function arguments, array indexing, and the print statement),
X parenthesis must be used around the comma operator.
X a?:b:c Conditional value.
X The test for 'a' is identical to an if test.
X = += -= *= /= %= //= &= |= <<= >>= ^= **=
X Assignments.
X || Conditional OR.
X Unlike C, the result is the first non-zero expression or 0,
X instead of just 0 or 1.
X && Conditional AND.
X Unlike C, the result is the last expression or 0,
X instead of just 0 or 1.
X == != <= >= < >
X Relations.
X + -
X Binary plus and minus.
X * / // %
X Multiply, divide. and modulo.
X Please Note: The '/' operator is a fractional divide,
X whereas the '//' is an integral divide. Thus think of '/'
X as division of real numbers, and think of '//' as division
X of integers (e.g., 8 / 3 is 8/3 whereas 8 // 3 is 2).
X The '%' is integral or fractional modulus (e.g., 11%4 is 3,
X and 10%pi() is ~.575222).
X | Logical OR.
X The signs of numbers do not affect the bit value.
X & Logical AND.
X The signs of numbers do not affect the bit value.
X ^ ** << >>
X Powers and shifts.
X The '^' and '**' are both exponentiation (e.g., 2^3 is 8).
X The signs of numbers do not affect the bit values of shifts.
X These operators associate rightward (e.g., 1<<3^2 is 512).
X + - !
X Unary operators.
X The '!' is the logical NOT operator. Be careful about
X using this as the first character of a top level command,
X since it is also used for executing shell commands.
X ++ --
X Pre or post indexing.
X These are applicable only to variables.
X [ ] [[ ]] . ( )
X Indexing, double-bracket indexing, element references,
X and function calls. Indexing can only be applied to matrices,
X element references can only be applied to objects, but
X double-bracket indexing can be applied to matrices, objects,
X or lists.
X variables constants . ( )
X These are variable names and constants, the special '.' symbol,
X or a parenthesized expression. Variable names begin with a
X letter, but then can contain letters, digits, or underscores.
X Constants are numbers in various formats, or strings inside
X either single or double quote marks.
chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/help/operator || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/help/operator fails"
set `wc -c calc2.9.0/help/operator`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "2550"
then echo original size 2550, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/help/overview (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/help/overview &&
X CALC - An arbitrary precision calculator.
X by David I. Bell
X This is a calculator program with arbitrary precision arithmetic.
X All numbers are represented as fractions with arbitrarily large
X numerators and denominators which are always reduced to lowest terms.
X Real or exponential format numbers can be input and are converted
X to the equivalent fraction. Hex, binary, or octal numbers can be
X input by using numbers with leading '0x', '0b' or '0' characters.
X Complex numbers can be input using a trailing 'i', as in '2+3i'.
X Strings and characters are input by using single or double quotes.
X Commands are statements in a C-like language, where each input
X line is treated as the body of a procedure. Thus the command
X line can contain variable declarations, expressions, labels,
X conditional tests, and loops. Assignments to any variable name
X will automatically define that name as a global variable. The
X other important thing to know is that all non-assignment expressions
X which are evaluated are automatically printed. Thus, you can evaluate
X an expression's value by simply typing it in.
X Many useful built-in mathematical functions are available. Use
X the 'show builtins' command to list them. You can also define
X your own functions by using the 'define' keyword, followed by a
X function declaration very similar to C. Functions which only
X need to return a simple expression can be defined using an
X equals sign, as in the example 'define sc(a,b) = a^3 + b^3'.
X Variables in functions can be defined as either 'global', 'local',
X or 'static'. Global variables are common to all functions and the
X command line, whereas local variables are unique to each function
X level, and are destroyed when the function returns. Static variables
X are scoped within single input files, or within functions, and are
X never destroyed. Variables are not typed at definition time, but
X dynamically change as they are used. So you must supply the correct
X type of variable to those functions and operators which only work
X for a subset of types.
X By default, arguments to functions are passed by value (even
X matrices). For speed, you can put an ampersand before any
X variable argument in a function call, and that variable will be
X passed by reference instead. However, if the function changes
X its argument, the variable will change. Arguments to built-in
X functions and object manipulation functions are always called
X by reference. If a user-defined function takes more arguments
X than are passed, the undefined arguments have the null value.
X The 'param' function returns function arguments by argument
X number, and also returns the number of arguments passed. Thus
X functions can be written to handle an arbitrary number of
X arguments.
X The mat statement is used to create a matrix. It takes a
X variable name, followed by the bounds of the matrix in square
X brackets. The lower bounds are zero by default, but colons can
X be used to change them. For example 'mat foo[3, 1:10]' defines
X a two dimensional matrix, with the first index ranging from 0
X to 3, and the second index ranging from 1 to 10. The bounds of
X a matrix can be an expression calculated at runtime.
X Lists of values are created using the 'list' function, and values can
X be inserted or removed from either the front or the end of the list.
X List elements can be indexed directly using double square brackets.
X The obj statement is used to create an object. Objects are
X user-defined values for which user-defined routines are
X implicitly called to perform simple actions such as add,
X multiply, compare, and print. Objects types are defined as in
X the example 'obj complex {real, imag}', where 'complex' is the
X name of the object type, and 'real' and 'imag' are element
X names used to define the value of the object (very much like
X structures). Variables of an object type are created as in the
X example 'obj complex x,y', where 'x' and 'y' are variables.
X The elements of an object are referenced using a dot, as in the
X example 'x.real'. All user-defined routines have names composed
X of the object type and the action to perform separated by an
X underscore, as in the example 'complex_add'. The command 'show
X objfuncs' lists all the definable routines. Object routines
X which accept two arguments should be prepared to handle cases
X in which either one of the arguments is not of the expected
X object type.
X These are the differences between the normal C operators and
X the ones defined by the calculator. The '/' operator divides
X fractions, so that '7 / 2' evaluates to 7/2. The '//' operator
X is an integer divide, so that '7 // 2' evaluates to 3. The '^'
X operator is a integral power function, so that 3^4 evaluates to
X 81. Matrices of any dimension can be treated as a zero based
X linear array using double square brackets, as in 'foo[[3]]'.
X Matrices can be indexed by using commas between the indices, as
X in foo[3,4]. Object and list elements can be referenced by
X using double square brackets.
X The print statement is used to print values of expressions.
X Separating values by a comma puts one space between the output
X values, whereas separating values by a colon concatenates the
X output values. A trailing colon suppresses printing of the end
X of line. An example of printing is 'print \"The square of\",
X x, \"is\", x^2\'.
X The 'config' function is used to modify certain parameters that
X affect calculations or the display of values. For example, the
X output display mode can be set using 'config(\"mode\", type)',
X where 'type' is one of 'frac', 'int', 'real', 'exp', 'hex',
X 'oct', or 'bin'. The default output mode is real. For the
X integer, real, or exponential formats, a leading '~' indicates
X that the number was truncated to the number of decimal places
X specified by the default precision. If the '~' does not
X appear, then the displayed number is the exact value.
X The number of decimal places printed is set by using
X 'config(\"display\", n)'. The default precision for
X real-valued functions can be set by using 'epsilon(x)', where x
X is the required precision (such as 1e-50).
X There is a command stack feature so that you can easily
X re-execute previous commands and expressions from the terminal.
X You can also edit the current command before it is completed.
X Both of these features use emacs-like commands.
X Files can be read in by using the 'read filename' command.
X These can contain both functions to be defined, and expressions
X to be calculated. Global variables which are numbers can be
X saved to a file by using the 'write filename' command.
chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/help/overview || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/help/overview fails"
set `wc -c calc2.9.0/help/overview`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "6614"
then echo original size 6614, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/help/statement (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/help/statement &&
X Statements are very much like C statements. Most statements act
X identically to those in C, but there are minor differences and
X some additions. The following is a list of the statement types,
X with explanation of the non-C statements. In this list, upper
X case words identify the keywords which are actually in lower case.
X Statements are generally terminated with semicolons, except if the
X statement is the compound one formed by matching braces. Various
X expressions are optional and may be omitted (as in RETURN).
X NOTE: Calc commands are in lower case. UPPER case is used below
X for emphasis only, and should be considered in lower case.
X IF (expr) statement
X IF (expr) statement ELSE statement
X FOR (optionalexpr ; optionalexpr ; optionalexpr) statement
X WHILE (expr) statement
X DO statement WHILE (expr)
X GOTO label
X These all work like in normal C.
X RETURN optionalexpr
X This returns a value from a function. Functions always
X have a return value, even if this statement is not used.
X If no return statement is executed, or if no expression
X is specified in the return statement, then the return
X value from the function is the null type.
X SWITCH (expr) { caseclauses }
X Switch statements work similarly to C, except for the
X following. A switch can be done on any type of value,
X and the case statements can be of any type of values.
X The case statements can also be expressions calculated
X at runtime. The calculator compares the switch value
X with each case statement in the order specified, and
X selects the first case which matches. The default case
X is the exception, and only matches once all other cases
X have been tested.
X { statements }
X This is a normal list of statements, each one ended by
X a semicolon. Unlike the C language, no declarations are
X permitted within an inner-level compound statement.
X Declarations are only permitted at the beginning of a
X function definition, or at the beginning of an expression
X sequence.
X MAT variable [dimension] [dimension] ...
X MAT variable [dimension, dimension, ...]
X MAT variable [] = { value, ... }
X This creates a matrix variable with the specified dimensions.
X Matrices can have from 1 to 4 dimensions. When specifying
X multiple dimensions, you can use either the standard C syntax,
X or else you can use commas for separating the dimensions.
X For example, the following two statements are equivalent,
X and so will create the same two dimensional matrix:
X mat foo[3][6];
X mat foo[3,6];
X By default, each dimension is indexed starting at zero,
X as in normal C, and contains the specified number of
X elements. However, this can be changed if a colon is
X used to separate two values. If this is done, then the
X two values become the lower and upper bounds for indexing.
X This is convenient, for example, to create matrices whose
X first row and column begin at 1. Examples of matrix
X definitions are:
X mat x[3] one dimension, bounds are 0-2
X mat foo[4][5] two dimensions, bounds are 0-3 and 0-4
X mat a[-7:7] one dimension, bounds are (-7)-7
X mat s[1:9,1:9] two dimensions, bounds are 1-9 and 1-9
X Note that the MAT statement is not a declaration, but is
X executed at runtime. Within a function, the specified
X variable must already be defined, and is just converted to
X a matrix of the specified size, and all elements are set
X to the value of zero. For convenience, at the top level
X command level, the MAT command automatically defines a
X global variable of the specified name if necessary.
X Since the MAT statement is executed, the bounds on the
X matrix can be full expressions, and so matrices can be
X dynamically allocated. For example:
X size = 20;
X mat data[size*2];
X allocates a matrix which can be indexed from 0 to 39.
X Initial values for the elements of a matrix can be specified
X by following the bounds information with an equals sign and
X then a list of values enclosed in a pair of braces. Even if
X the matrix has more than one dimension, the elements must be
X specified as a linear list. If too few values are specified,
X the remaining values are set to zero. If too many values are
X specified, a runtime error will result. Examples of some
X initializations are:
X mat table1[5] = {77, 44, 22};
X mat table2[2,2] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
X When an initialization is done, the bounds of the matrix
X can optionally be left out of the square brackets, and the
X correct bounds (zero based) will be set. This can only be
X done for one-dimensional matrices. An example of this is:
X mat fred[] = {99, 98, 97};
X The MAT statement can also be used in declarations to set
X variables as being matrices from the beginning. For example:
X local mat temp[5];
X static mat strtable[] = {"hi", "there", "folks");
X OBJ type { elementnames } optionalvariables
X OBJ type variable
X These create a new object type, or create one or more
X variables of the specified type. For this calculator,
X an object is just a structure which is implicitly acted
X on by user defined routines. The user defined routines
X implement common operations for the object, such as plus
X and minus, multiply and divide, comparison and printing.
X The calculator will automatically call these routines in
X order to perform many operations.
X To create an object type, the data elements used in
X implementing the object are specified within a pair
X of braces, separated with commas. For example, to
X define an object will will represent points in 3-space,
X whose elements are the three coordinate values, the
X following could be used:
X obj point {x, y, z};
X This defines an object type called point, whose elements
X have the names x, y, and z. The elements are accessed
X similarly to structure element accesses, by using a period.
X For example, given a variable 'v' which is a point object,
X the three coordinates of the point can be referenced by:
X v.x
X v.y
X v.z
X A particular object type can only be defined once, and
X is global throughout all functions. However, different
X object types can be used at the same time.
X In order to create variables of an object type, they
X can either be named after the right brace of the object
X creation statement, or else can be defined later with
X another obj statement. To create two points using the
X second (and most common) method, the following is used:
X obj point p1, p2;
X This statement is executed, and is not a declaration.
X Thus within a function, the variables p1 and p2 must have
X been previously defined, and are just changed to be the
X new object type. For convenience, at the top level command
X level, object variables are automatically defined as being
X global when necessary.
X Initial values for an object can be specified by following
X the variable name by an equals sign and a list of values
X enclosed in a pair of braces. For example:
X obj point pt = {5, 6};
X The OBJ statement can also be used in declarations to set
X variables as being objects from the beginning. If multiple
X variables are specified, then each one is defined as the
X specified object type. Examples of declarations are:
X local obj point temp1;
X static obj point temp2 = {4, 3};
X global obj point p1, p2, p3;
X EXIT string
X QUIT string
X This command is used in two cases. At the top command
X line level, quit will exit from the calculator. This
X is the normal way to leave the calculator. In any other
X use, quit will abort the current calculation as if an
X error had occurred. If a string is given, then the string
X is printed as the reason for quitting, otherwise a general
X quit message is printed. The routine name and line number
X which executed the quit is also printed in either case.
X Quit is useful when a routine detects invalid arguments,
X in order to stop a calculation cleanly. For example,
X for a square root routine, an error can be given if the
X supplied parameter was a negative number, as in:
X define mysqrt(n)
X {
X if (n < 0)
X quit "Negative argument";
X ...
X }
X Exit is an alias for quit.
X PRINT exprs
X For interactive expression evaluation, the values of all
X typed-in expressions are automatically displayed to the
X user. However, within a function or loop, the printing of
X results must be done explicitly. This can be done using
X the 'printf' or 'fprintf' functions, as in standard C, or
X else by using the built-in 'print' statement. The advantage
X of the print statement is that a format string is not needed.
X Instead, the given values are simply printed with zero or one
X spaces between each value.
X Print accepts a list of expressions, separated either by
X commas or colons. Each expression is evaluated in order
X and printed, with no other output, except for the following
X special cases. The comma which separates expressions prints
X a single space, and a newline is printed after the last
X expression unless the statement ends with a colon. As
X examples:
X print 3, 4; prints "3 4" and newline.
X print 5:; prints "5" with no newline.
X print 'a' : 'b' , 'c'; prints "ab c" and newline.
X print; prints a newline.
X For numeric values, the format of the number depends on the
X current "mode" configuration parameter. The initial mode
X is to print real numbers, but it can be changed to other
X modes such as exponential, decimal fractions, or hex.
X If a matrix or list is printed, then the elements contained
X within the matrix or list will also be printed, up to the
X maximum number specified by the "maxprint" configuration
X parameter. If an element is also a matrix or a list, then
X their values are not recursively printed. Objects are printed
X using their user-defined routine. Printing a file value
X prints the name of the file that was opened.
X SHOW item
X This command displays some information.
X The following is a list of the various items:
X builtins built in functions
X globals global variables
X functions user-defined functions
X objfuncs possible object functions
X memory memory usage
X Also see the help topic:
X command top level commands
chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/help/statement || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/help/statement fails"
set `wc -c calc2.9.0/help/statement`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "10197"
then echo original size 10197, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/help/todo (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/help/todo &&
XNeeded enhancements
X Send calc comments, suggestions, bug fixes, enhancements and
X interesting calc scripts that you would like you see included in
X future distributions to:
X dbell@canb.auug.org.au
X chongo@toad.com
X The following items are in the calc wish list. Programs like this
X can be extended and improved forever.
X * Implement an autoload feature. Associate a calc library filename
X with a function or global variable. On the first reference of
X such item, perform an automatic load of that file.
X * Use faster multiply and divide algorithms for large numbers.
X * Add error handling statements, so that QUITs, errors from the
X 'eval' function, division by zeroes, and so on can be caught.
X This should be done using syntax similar to:
X ONERROR statement DO statement;
X Something like signal isn't versatile enough.
X * Add a debugging capability so that functions can be single stepped,
X breakpoints inserted, variables displayed, and so on.
X * Figure out how to write all variables out to a file, including
X deeply nested arrays, lists, and objects.
X * Implement pointers.
X * Eliminate the need for the define keyword by doing smarter parsing.
X * Allow results of a command (or all commands) to be re-directed to a
X file or piped into a command.
X * Add some kind of #include and #define facility. Perhaps use
X the C pre-processor itself?
X * Allow one to undefine anything. Allow one to test if anything
X is defined.
X * Support a more general input and output base mode other than
X just dec, hex or octal.
X * Allow support of POSIX bc via a translator reads bc commands,
X converts it to calc and pipes it into calc.
X * Implement a form of symbolic algebra. Work on this has already
X begun. This will use backquotes to define expressions, and new
X functions will be able to act on expressions. For example:
X x = `hello * strlen(mom)`;
X x = sub(x, `hello`, `hello + 1`);
X x = sub(x, `hello`, 10, `mom`, "curds");
X eval(x);
X prints 55.
X * Place the results of previous commands into a parallel history list.
X Add a binding that returns the saved result of the command so
X that one does not need to re-execute a previous command simply
X to obtain its value.
X If you have a command that takes a very long time to execute,
X it would be nice if you could get at its result without having
X to spend the time to reexecute it.
X * Add a binding to delete a value from the history list.
X One may need to remove a large value from the history list if
X it is very large. Deleting the value would replace the history
X entry with a null value.
X * Add a binding to delete a command from the history list.
X Since you can delete values, you might as well be able to
X delete commands.
X * All one to alter the size of the history list thru config().
X In some cases, 256 values is too small, in others it is too large.
X * Add a builtin that returns a value from the history list.
X As an example:
X histval(-10)
X returns the 10th value on the history value list, if such
X a value is in the history list (null otherwise). And:
X histval(23)
X return the value of the 23rd command given to calc, if
X such a value is in the history list (null otherwise).
X It would be very helpful to use the history values in
X subsequent equations.
X * Add a builtin that returns command as a string from the
X history list. As an example:
X history(-10)
X returns a string containing the 10th command on the
X history list, if a such a value is in the history list
X (empty string otherwise). And:
X history(23)
X return the string containing the 23rd command given to calc, if
X such a value is in the history list (empty string otherwise).
X One could use the eval() function to re-evaluate the command.
X * Restore the command number to calc prompts. When going back
X in the history list, indicate the command number that is
X being examined.
X The command number was a useful item. When one is scanning the
X history list, knowing where you are is hard without it. It can
X get confusing when the history list wraps or when you use
X search bindings. Command numbers would be useful in
X conjunction with positive args for the history() and histval()
X functions as suggested above.
X * Add a builtin that returns the current command number.
X For example:
X cmdnum()
X returns the current command number.
X This would allow one to tag a value in the history list. One
X could save the result of cmdnum() in a variable and later use
X it as an arg to the histval() or history() functions.
X * Add a builtin to determine if an object as been defined.
X For example:
X isobjdef("surd")
X would return true if one had previously defined the
X surd object. I.e., if "obj surd {...};" had been
X executed.
X One cannot redefine an object. If a script defines an object,
X one cannot reload it without getting lots of already defined
X errors. If two scripts needed the same object, both could
X define it and use isobjdef() to avoid redefinition problems.
X * Add a builtin to determine if a function as been defined.
X For example:
X isfunct("foo")
X would return true if foo has been defined as a function.
X * Permit one to destroy an object.
X What if one does want to redefine an object? Consider the case
X where one it debugging a script and wants to reload it. If
X that script defines an object you are doomed. Perhaps
X destroying a object would undefine all of its related functions
X and values?
X * Port calc to a 64 bit machine, or a machine where long was larger
X than an int.
X There are at least two issues here. The first is fix places
X where calc assumes that an int and a long are the same size.
X The second and more important would be to change calc so that
X it could be configured to work with a base of 2^32. (Right now
X calc is somewhat wired to use base 2^16).
X In other words first make calc 64 bit safe, then increase
X performance on 64 bit machines by allowing one to configure
X (via the Makefile) calc to use an larger internal base.
X * One some machines (such as the 486), floating point can be faster
X than integer arithmetic. Often such floating point would allow
X for a larger base than 2^16, allowing calc to run even faster.
X Allow calc to take advantage of such hardware.
X * Add NAN's (Not A Number's) to calc. Where is it reasonable, change
X calc to process these values in way similar to that of the IEEE
X floating point.
X * Add a factoring builtin functions. Provide functions that perform
X multiple polynomial quadratic sieves, elliptic curve, difference
X of two squares, N-1 factoring as so on. Provide a easy general
X factoring builtin (say factor(foo)) that would attempt to apply
X whatever process was needed based on the value.
X Factoring builtins would return a matrix of factors.
X It would be handy to configure, via config(), the maximum time
X that one should try to factor a number. By default the time
X should be infinite. If one set the time limit to a finite
X value and the time limit was exceeded, the factoring builtin
X would return whatever if had found thus far, even if no new
X factors had been found.
X Another factoring configuration interface, via config(), that
X is needed would be to direct the factoring builtins to return
X as soon as a factor was found.
X * Allow one to disable, via config, the printing of the leading ~
X on truncated numeric values.
X Sometimes the leading ~'s are more annoying than helpful.
X * Allow one to disable, via config, the printing of the leading tab
X when printing the value of a command that one just typed.
X Most of the time, the leading tab is reasonable. Sometimes
X it is not. It would be helpful if one could turn off the
X tab in such cases.
X * Allow one to config calc break up long output lines.
X The command: calc '2^100000' will produce one very long
X line. Many times this is reasonable. Long output lines
X are a problem for some utilities. It would be nice if one
X could configure, via config(), calc to fold long lines.
X By default, calc should continue to produce long lines.
X One option to config should be to specify the length to
X fold output. Another option should be to append a trailing
X \ on folded lines (as some symbolic packages use).
X * Add scanf() and fscanf() functions.
X The scanf function should be able to handle both long lines
X and split lines with trailing \'s. It should also be able
X to ignore the leading ~.
chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/help/todo || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/help/todo fails"
set `wc -c calc2.9.0/help/todo`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "8781"
then echo original size 8781, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/help/types (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/help/types &&
XBuiltin types
X The calculator has the following built-in types.
X null value
X This is the undefined value type. The function 'null'
X returns this value. Functions which do not explicitly
X return a value return this type. If a function is called
X with fewer parameters than it is defined for, then the
X missing parameters have the null type. The null value is
X false if used in an IF test.
X rational numbers
X This is the basic data type of the calculator.
X These are fractions whose numerators and denominators
X can be arbitrarily large. The fractions are always
X in lowest terms. Integers have a denominator of 1.
X The numerator of the number contains the sign, so that
X the denominator is always positive. When a number is
X entered in floating point or exponential notation, it is
X immediately converted to the appropriate fractional value.
X Printing a value as a floating point or exponential value
X involves a conversion from the fractional representation.
X Numbers are stored in binary format, so that in general,
X bit tests and shifts are quicker than multiplies and divides.
X Similarly, entering or displaying of numbers in binary,
X octal, or hex formats is quicker than in decimal. The
X sign of a number does not affect the bit representation
X of a number.
X complex numbers
X Complex numbers are composed of real and imaginary parts,
X which are both fractions as defined above. An integer which
X is followed by an 'i' character is a pure imaginary number.
X Complex numbers such as "2+3i" when typed in, are processed
X as the sum of a real and pure imaginary number, resulting
X in the desired complex number. Therefore, parenthesis are
X sometimes necessary to avoid confusion, as in the two values:
X 1+2i ^2 (which is -3)
X (1+2i) ^2 (which is -3+4i)
X Similar care is required when entering fractional complex
X numbers. Note the differences below:
X 3/4i (which is -(3/4)i)
X 3i/4 (which is (3/4)i)
X The imaginary unit itself is input using "1i".
X strings
X Strings are a sequence of zero or more characters.
X They are input using either of the single or double
X quote characters. The quote mark which starts the
X string also ends it. Various special characters can
X also be inserted using back-slash. Example strings:
X "hello\n"
X "that's all"
X 'lots of """"'
X 'a'
X ""
X There is no distinction between single character and
X multi-character strings. The 'str' and 'ord' functions
X will convert between a single character string and its
X numeric value. The 'str' and 'eval' functions will
X convert between longer strings and the corresponding
X numeric value (if legal). The 'strcat', 'strlen', and
X 'substr' functions are also useful.
X matrices
X These are one to four dimensional matrices, whose minimum
X and maximum bounds can be specified at runtime. Unlike C,
X the minimum bounds of a matrix do not have to start at 0.
X The elements of a matrix can be of any type. There are
X several built-in functions for matrices. Matrices are
X created using the 'mat' statement.
X associations
X These are one to four dimensional matrices which can be
X indexed by arbitrary values, instead of just integers.
X These are also known as associative arrays. The elements of
X an association can be of any type. Very few operations are
X permitted on an association except for indexing. Associations
X are created using the 'assoc' function.
X lists
X These are a sequence of values, which are linked together
X so that elements can be easily be inserted or removed
X anywhere in the list. The values can be of any type.
X Lists are created using the 'list' function.
X files
X These are text files opened using stdio. Files may be opened
X for sequential reading, writing, or appending. Opening a
X file using the 'fopen' function returns a value which can
X then be used to perform I/O to that file. File values can
X be copied by normal assignments between variables, or by
X using the result of the 'files' function. Such copies are
X indistinguishable from each other.
chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/help/types || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/help/types fails"
set `wc -c calc2.9.0/help/types`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "4070"
then echo original size 4070, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/help/usage (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/help/usage &&
XCalc command line
X Calc has the following command line:
X calc [-h] [-q] [calc_command ...]
X -h print a help message (equivalent to the
X help command)
X -q By default, calc executes each file specified
X in the :-separated list found in the environment
X variable $CALCRC. If $CALCRC does not exist,
X an internal default is used.
X If some calc_commands arguments are given on the command line,
X calc executes these commands and then exists. If no command
X line arguments are given, calc prompts and reads commands
X from standard input.
chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/help/usage || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/help/usage fails"
set `wc -c calc2.9.0/help/usage`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "551"
then echo original size 551, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/help/variable (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/help/variable &&
XVariable declarations
X Variables can be declared as either being global, local, or static.
X Global variables are visible to all functions and on the command
X line, and are permanent. Local variables are visible only within
X a single function or command sequence. When the function or command
X sequence returns, the local variables are deleted. Static variables
X are permanent like global variables, but are only visible within the
X same input file or function where they are defined.
X To declare one or more variables, the 'local', 'global', or 'static'
X keywords are used, followed by the desired list of variable names,
X separated by commas. The definition is terminated with a semicolon.
X Examples of declarations are:
X local x, y, z;
X global fred;
X local foo, bar;
X static var1, var2, var3;
X Variables may have initializations applied to them. This is done
X by following the variable name by an equals sign and an expression.
X Global and local variables are initialized each time that control
X reaches them (e.g., at the entry to a function which contains them).
X Static variables are initialized once only, at the time that control
X first reaches them (but in future releases the time of initialization
X may change). Unlike in C, expressions for static variables may
X contain function calls and refer to variables. Examples of such
X initializations are:
X local a1 = 7, a2 = 3;
X static b = a1 + sin(a2);
X Within function declarations, all variables must be defined.
X But on the top level command line, assignments automatically define
X global variables as needed. For example, on the top level command
X line, the following defines the global variable x if it had not
X already been defined:
X x = 7
X The static keyword may be used at the top level command level to
X define a variable which is only accessible interactively, or within
X functions defined interactively.
X Variables have no fixed type, thus there is no need or way to
X specify the types of variables as they are defined. Instead, the
X types of variables change as they are assigned to or are specified
X in special statements such as 'mat' and 'obj'. When a variable is
X first defined using 'local', 'global', or 'static', it has the
X value of zero.
X If a procedure defines a local or static variable name which matches
X a global variable name, or has a parameter name which matches a
X global variable name, then the local variable or parameter takes
X precedence within that procedure, and the global variable is not
X directly accessible.
X The MAT and OBJ keywords may be used within a declaration statement
X in order to initially define variables as that type. Initialization
X of these variables are also allowed. Examples of such declarations
X are:
X static mat table[3] = {5, 6, 7};
X local obj point p1, p2;
X There are no pointers in the calculator language, thus all
X arguments to user-defined functions are normally passed by value.
X This is true even for matrices, strings, and lists. In order
X to circumvent this, the '&' operator is allowed before a variable
X when it is an argument to a function. When this is done, the
X address of the variable is passed to the function instead of its
X value. This is true no matter what the type of the variable is.
X This allows for fast calls of functions when the passed variable
X is huge (such as a large array). However, the passed variable can
X then be changed by the function if the parameter is assigned into.
X The function being called does not need to know if the variable
X is being passed by value or by address.
X Built-in functions and object functions always accept their
X arguments as addresses, thus there is no need to use '&' when
X calling built-in functions.
chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/help/variable || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/help/variable fails"
set `wc -c calc2.9.0/help/variable`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "3722"
then echo original size 3722, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/lib/Makefile (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/lib/Makefile &&
X# lib - makefile for calc library scripts
X# Copyright (c) 1993 David I. Bell and Landon Curt Noll
X# Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source,
X# provided that this copyright notice remains intact.
X# Arbitrary precision calculator.
X# calculator by David I. Bell
X# makefile by Landon Curt Noll
X# Normally, the upper level makefile will set these values. We provide
X# a default here just in case you want to build from this directory.
X# where to install things
XLIBDIR= /usr/local/lib/calc
X# how to build a directory
XMKDIR=mkdir -p
X# The calc files to install
XCALC_FILES= README bigprime.cal deg.cal ellip.cal lucas.cal lucas_chk.cal \
X lucas_tbl.cal mersenne.cal mod.cal nextprim.cal pell.cal pi.cal \
X pollard.cal poly.cal psqrt.cal quat.cal regress.cal solve.cal \
X sumsq.cal surd.cal unitfrac.cal varargs.cal chrem.cal cryrand.cal \
X bindings
XSHELL= /bin/sh
Xinstall: all
X -@if [ ! -d ${LIBDIR} ]; then \
X echo ${MKDIR} ${LIBDIR}; \
X fi
X @for i in ${CALC_FILES}; do \
X echo rm -f ${LIBDIR}/$$i; \
X rm -f ${LIBDIR}/$$i; \
X echo cp $$i ${LIBDIR}; \
X cp $$i ${LIBDIR}; \
X echo chmod 0444 ${LIBDIR}/$$i; \
X chmod 0444 ${LIBDIR}/$$i; \
X done
chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/lib/Makefile || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/lib/Makefile fails"
set `wc -c calc2.9.0/lib/Makefile`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "1257"
then echo original size 1257, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/lib/README (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/lib/README &&
X# Copyright (c) 1993 David I. Bell and Landon Curt Noll
X# Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source,
X# provided that this copyright notice remains intact.
XThe following calc library files are provided because they serve as
Xexamples of how use the calc language, and because the authors thought
Xthem to be useful!
XIf you write something that you think is useful, please send it to:
X dbell@canb.auug.org.au
X chongo@toad.com {uunet,pyramid,sun}!hoptoad!chongo
XBy convention, a lib file only defines and/or initializes functions,
Xobjects and variables. (The regression test is an exception.) Also by
Xconvention, the a usage message regarding each important object and
Xfunction is printed at the time of the read.
XBy convention, the global variable lib_debug is used to control
Xthe verbosity of debug information printed by lib files. By default,
Xthe lib_debug has a value of 0. If lib_debug < 0, then no debug
Xmessages are printed. If lib_debug >= 0, then only usage message
Xregarding each important object are printed at the time of the read.
XIf lib_debug == 0, then only such usage messages are printed; no
Xother debug information is printed.
XTo conform to the above convention, your lib files should end with
Xlines of the form:
X global lib_debug;
X if (lib_debug >= 0) {
X print "funcA(side_a, side_b, side_c) defined";
X print "funcB(size, mass) defined";
X }
X B(n)
X Calculate the nth Bernoulli number.
X bigprime(a, m, p)
X A prime test, base a, on p*2^x+1 for even x>m.
X chrem(r1,m1 [,r2,m2, ...])
X chrem(rlist, mlist)
X Chinese remainder theorem/problem solver.
X shufrand()
X sshufrand(seed)
X rand([a, [b]])
X srand(seed)
X cryrand([a, [b]])
X scryrand([seed, [len1, len2]])
X random([a, [b]])
X srandom(seed)
X obj cryobj
X randstate([cryobj | 0])
X nxtprime(n, [val, modulus])
X Cryptographically strong pseudo-random number generator library.
X dms(deg, min, sec)
X dms_add(a, b)
X dms_neg(a)
X dms_sub(a, b)
X dms_mul(a, b)
X dms_print(a)
X Calculate in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
X factor(iN, ia, B, force)
X Attempt to factor using the elliptic functions: y^2 = x^3 + a*x + b.
X lucas(h, n)
X Perform a primality test of h*2^n-1, with 1<=h<2*n.
X lucas_chk(high_n)
X Test all primes of the form h*2^n-1, with 1<=h<200 and n <= high_n.
X Requires lucas.cal to be loaded. The highest useful high_n is 1000.
X Lucasian criteria for primality tables.
X mersenne(p)
X Perform a primality test of 2^p-1, for prime p>1.
X mod(a)
X mod_print(a)
X mod_one()
X mod_cmp(a, b)
X mod_rel(a, b)
X mod_add(a, b)
X mod_sub(a, b)
X mod_neg(a)
X mod_mul(a, b)
X mod_square(a)
X mod_inc(a)
X mod_dec(a)
X mod_inv(a)
X mod_div(a, b)
X mod_pow(a, b)
X Routines to handle numbers modulo a specified number.
X nextprime(n, tries)
X Function to find the next prime (probably).
X pellx(D)
X pell(D)
X Solve Pell's equation; Returns the solution X to: X^2 - D * Y^2 = 1.
X Type the solution to pells equation for a particular D.
echo "End of part 15"
echo "File calc2.9.0/lib/README is continued in part 16"
echo "16" > s2_seq_.tmp
exit 0