Usenet 1994 October
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139 lines
#m 6801
# Program to check, program, and verify a 68701.
# Copied from Motorola ap note AN-832.
# Timing constants assume 4Mhz crystal.
# Variables for code stolen from 68701 data sheet.
imbeg: .=.+2 # Start of data block.
imend: .=.+2 # End of data block.
pntr: .=.+2 # Start of EPROM area to be done.
wait: .=.+2 # Counter value.
# Startup code.
lds.i =0xff # Initialize stack.
ldaa.i 0x7 # Initialize port 1...
staa.d p1ddr # ...bottom 3 bits outputs...
staa.d p1 # ...all LEDs off.
# Check if EPROM has been erased properly.
ldx.i =0xf800 # Start of EPROM.
stx.d pntr # Initialize pntr while number is handy.
ldab.i 0 # Prepare to compare. [Why not clrb???]
erase: ldaa.x 0 # Pick up EPROM byte.
bne %error1 # Branch if not zero.
cpx.i =0xffff # Are we done?
beq %next # Branch on done.
bra %erase
# Turn on "erased" LED.
next: ldaa.i 0x6 # First LED on.
staa.d p1
# Delay a while (3.5 s) to be sure Vpp is up.
stx.d wait # [this seems useless]
ldx.i =70 # 70 times through loop.
stall1: dex
ldd.i =0xc350 # 50 ms loop.
addd.d timer # Relative to current timer value.
clr.e =tcsr # Clear output-compare bit.
std.d outcmp
ldaa.i 0x40 # Now wait for bit to come high.
stall2: bita.d tcsr
beq %stall2 # Branch on bit still 0.
cpx.i =0 # 70 times yet? [Why not tstx???]
bne %stall1 # Branch on no.
bra %pgint # Branch on yes.
# Light error LED only.
error1: ldaa.i 0x83 # Error LED only. [Why not just 0x3???]
staa.d p1
bra %self
# Initialize variables for programming code.
pgint: ldx.i =0x7800 # Start of data memory.
stx.d imbeg
ldx.i =0x7fff # End of data memory.
stx.d imend
ldx.i =0xc350 # Programming delay, 50 ms.
stx.d wait
# pntr has been initialized earlier.
# Basic programming code, from 68701 data sheet.
eprom: ldx.d pntr # Save initial pntr on stack.
ldx.d imbeg # x -> data
# Program a byte.
epr002: pshx # Save data ptr on stack.
ldaa.i 0xfe # Remove Vpp, set latch.
staa.d epromcr # PPC=1, PLC=0.
ldaa.x 0 # Pick up data.
ldx.d pntr # x -> dest
staa.x 0 # Store into latch.
inx # Update destination addr...
stx.d pntr
ldaa.i 0xfc # Fire up Vpp.
staa.d epromcr # PPC=PLC=0.
# Wait 50 ms for programming to happen.
ldd.d wait # d = delay.
addd.d timer # d = time to wake up.
clr.e =tcsr # Clear output-compare flag.
std.d outcmp # Set alarm.
ldaa.i 0x40 # Wait for flag.
epr004: bita.d tcsr
beq %epr004 # Branch on not set yet.
# Set up for next byte.
pulx # x -> data
cpx.d imend # Are we done?
bls %epr002 # Branch on no, with x -> next data.
ldaa.i 0xff # Turn off Vpp, inhibit latch...
staa.d epromcr
pulx # Put pntr back as it was...
stx.d pntr
# Verify. End of datasheet code.
ldx.i =0x7800 # x -> data
verf2: pshx # Save data ptr on stack.
ldaa.x 0 # a = data
ldx.d pntr # x -> eprom
ldab.x 0 # a = eprom data
cba # Same?
bne %error2 # Branch on different.
inx # Next...
stx.d pntr
pulx # x -> data
cpx.i =0x8000 # Done yet?
bne %verf2 # Branch on no.
# We're done. Light the verify LED.
ldaa.i 0x84 # Erased & verified. [Why not just 0x4???]
staa.d p1
# Branch-to-self loop for completion and errors.
self: bra %self
# Verify error.
error2: ldaa.i 0x82 # Erased & error LEDS. [Why not 0x2???]
staa.d p1
bra %self
# Vectors.
=start # Reset vector.