Usenet 1994 October
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380 lines
* Name: MicroEMACS
* File commands.
* Version: 29
* Last edit: 05-Feb-86
* By: rex::conroy
* decvax!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-rex!conroy
#include "def.h"
* Read a file into the current
* buffer. This is really easy; all you do it
* find the name of the file, and call the standard
* "read a file into the current buffer" code.
fileread(f, n, k)
register int s;
char fname[NFILEN];
if ((s=ereply("Read file: ", fname, NFILEN)) != TRUE)
return (s);
return (readin(fname));
* Select a file for editing.
* Look around to see if you can find the
* fine in another buffer; if you can find it
* just switch to the buffer. If you cannot find
* the file, create a new buffer, read in the
* text, and switch to the new buffer.
filevisit(f, n, k)
register BUFFER *bp;
register WINDOW *wp;
register LINE *lp;
register int i;
register int s;
char bname[NBUFN];
char fname[NFILEN];
if ((s=ereply("Visit file: ", fname, NFILEN)) != TRUE)
return (s);
for (bp=bheadp; bp!=NULL; bp=bp->b_bufp) {
if (strcmp(bp->b_fname, fname) == 0) {
if (--curbp->b_nwnd == 0) {
curbp->b_dotp = curwp->w_dotp;
curbp->b_doto = curwp->w_doto;
curbp->b_markp = curwp->w_markp;
curbp->b_marko = curwp->w_marko;
curbp = bp;
curwp->w_bufp = bp;
if (bp->b_nwnd++ == 0) {
curwp->w_dotp = bp->b_dotp;
curwp->w_doto = bp->b_doto;
curwp->w_markp = bp->b_markp;
curwp->w_marko = bp->b_marko;
} else {
wp = wheadp;
while (wp != NULL) {
if (wp!=curwp && wp->w_bufp==bp) {
curwp->w_dotp = wp->w_dotp;
curwp->w_doto = wp->w_doto;
curwp->w_markp = wp->w_markp;
curwp->w_marko = wp->w_marko;
wp = wp->w_wndp;
lp = curwp->w_dotp;
i = curwp->w_ntrows/2;
while (i-- && lback(lp)!=curbp->b_linep)
lp = lback(lp);
curwp->w_linep = lp;
curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
if (kbdmop == NULL)
eprintf("[Old buffer]");
return (TRUE);
makename(bname, fname); /* New buffer name. */
while ((bp=bfind(bname, FALSE)) != NULL) {
s = ereply("Buffer name: ", bname, NBUFN);
if (s == ABORT) /* ^G to just quit */
return (s);
if (s == FALSE) { /* CR to clobber it */
makename(bname, fname);
if (bp==NULL && (bp=bfind(bname, TRUE))==NULL) {
eprintf("Cannot create buffer");
return (FALSE);
if (--curbp->b_nwnd == 0) { /* Undisplay. */
curbp->b_dotp = curwp->w_dotp;
curbp->b_doto = curwp->w_doto;
curbp->b_markp = curwp->w_markp;
curbp->b_marko = curwp->w_marko;
curbp = bp; /* Switch to it. */
curwp->w_bufp = bp;
return (readin(fname)); /* Read it in. */
* Read the file "fname" into the current buffer.
* Make all of the text in the buffer go away, after checking
* for unsaved changes. This is called by the "read" command, the
* "visit" command, and the mainline (for "uemacs file"). If the
* BACKUP conditional is set, then this routine also does the read
* end of backup processing. The BFBAK flag, if set in a buffer,
* says that a backup should be taken. It is set when a file is
* read in, but not on a new file (you don't need to make a backup
* copy of nothing). Return a standard status. Print a summary
* (lines read, error message) out as well.
char fname[];
register LINE *lp1;
register LINE *lp2;
register int i;
register WINDOW *wp;
register BUFFER *bp;
register int s;
register int nbytes;
register int nline;
char line[NLINE];
bp = curbp; /* Cheap. */
if ((s=bclear(bp)) != TRUE) /* Might be old. */
return (s);
bp->b_flag &= ~(BFCHG|BFBAK); /* No change, backup. */
bp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG; /* No change. */
strcpy(bp->b_fname, fname);
if ((s=ffropen(fname)) == FIOERR) /* Hard file open. */
goto out;
if (s == FIOFNF) { /* File not found. */
if (kbdmop == NULL)
eprintf("[New file]");
goto out;
nline = 0;
while ((s=ffgetline(line, NLINE)) == FIOSUC) {
nbytes = strlen(line);
if ((lp1=lalloc(nbytes)) == NULL) {
s = FIOERR; /* Keep message on the */
break; /* display. */
lp2 = lback(curbp->b_linep);
lp2->l_fp = lp1;
lp1->l_fp = curbp->b_linep;
lp1->l_bp = lp2;
curbp->b_linep->l_bp = lp1;
for (i=0; i<nbytes; ++i)
lputc(lp1, i, line[i]);
ffclose(); /* Ignore errors. */
if (s==FIOEOF && kbdmop==NULL) { /* Don't zap an error. */
if (nline == 1)
eprintf("[Read 1 line]");
eprintf("[Read %d lines]", nline);
curbp->b_flag |= BFBAK; /* Need a backup. */
for (wp=wheadp; wp!=NULL; wp=wp->w_wndp) {
if (wp->w_bufp == curbp) {
wp->w_linep = lforw(curbp->b_linep);
wp->w_dotp = lforw(curbp->b_linep);
wp->w_doto = 0;
wp->w_markp = NULL;
wp->w_marko = 0;
wp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
if (s == FIOERR) /* False if error. */
return (FALSE);
return (TRUE);
* Take a file name, and from it
* fabricate a buffer name. This routine knows
* about the syntax of file names on the target system.
* BDC1 left scan delimiter.
* BDC2 optional second left scan delimiter.
* BDC3 optional right scan delimiter.
makename(bname, fname)
char bname[];
char fname[];
register char *cp1;
register char *cp2;
cp1 = &fname[0];
while (*cp1 != 0)
#ifdef BDC2
while (cp1!=&fname[0] && cp1[-1]!=BDC1 && cp1[-1]!=BDC2)
while (cp1!=&fname[0] && cp1[-1]!=BDC1)
cp2 = &bname[0];
#ifdef BDC3
while (cp2!=&bname[NBUFN-1] && *cp1!=0 && *cp1!=BDC3)
*cp2++ = *cp1++;
while (cp2!=&bname[NBUFN-1] && *cp1!=0)
*cp2++ = *cp1++;
*cp2 = 0;
* Ask for a file name, and write the
* contents of the current buffer to that file.
* Update the remembered file name and clear the
* buffer changed flag. This handling of file names
* is different from the earlier versions, and
* is more compatable with Gosling EMACS than
* with ITS EMACS.
filewrite(f, n, k)
register WINDOW *wp;
register int s;
char fname[NFILEN];
if ((s=ereply("Write file: ", fname, NFILEN)) != TRUE)
return (s);
if ((s=writeout(fname)) == TRUE) {
strcpy(curbp->b_fname, fname);
curbp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG;
wp = wheadp; /* Update mode lines. */
while (wp != NULL) {
if (wp->w_bufp == curbp)
wp->w_flag |= WFMODE;
wp = wp->w_wndp;
curbp->b_flag &= ~BFBAK; /* No backup. */
return (s);
* Save the contents of the current buffer back into
* its associated file. Do nothing if there have been no changes
* (is this a bug, or a feature). Error if there is no remembered
* file name. If this is the first write since the read or visit,
* then a backup copy of the file is made.
filesave(f, n, k)
register WINDOW *wp;
register int s;
if ((curbp->b_flag&BFCHG) == 0) /* Return, no changes. */
return (TRUE);
if (curbp->b_fname[0] == 0) { /* Must have a name. */
eprintf("No file name");
return (FALSE);
if ((curbp->b_flag&BFBAK) != 0) {
s = fbackupfile(curbp->b_fname);
if (s == ABORT) /* Hard error. */
return (s);
if (s == FALSE /* Softer error. */
&& (s=eyesno("Backup error, save anyway")) != TRUE)
return (s);
if ((s=writeout(curbp->b_fname)) == TRUE) {
curbp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG;
wp = wheadp; /* Update mode lines. */
while (wp != NULL) {
if (wp->w_bufp == curbp)
wp->w_flag |= WFMODE;
wp = wp->w_wndp;
curbp->b_flag &= ~BFBAK; /* No backup. */
return (s);
* This function performs the details of file
* writing. Uses the file management routines in the
* "fileio.c" package. The number of lines written is
* displayed. Sadly, it looks inside a LINE; provide
* a macro for this. Most of the grief is error
* checking of some sort.
char *fn;
register int s;
register LINE *lp;
register int nline;
if ((s=ffwopen(fn)) != FIOSUC) /* Open writes message. */
return (FALSE);
lp = lforw(curbp->b_linep); /* First line. */
nline = 0; /* Number of lines. */
while (lp != curbp->b_linep) {
if ((s=ffputline(&lp->l_text[0], llength(lp))) != FIOSUC)
lp = lforw(lp);
if (s == FIOSUC) { /* No write error. */
s = ffclose();
if (s==FIOSUC && kbdmop==NULL) {
if (nline == 1)
eprintf("[Wrote 1 line]");
eprintf("[Wrote %d lines]", nline);
} else /* Ignore close error */
ffclose(); /* if a write error. */
if (s != FIOSUC) /* Some sort of error. */
return (FALSE);
return (TRUE);
* The command allows the user
* to modify the file name associated with
* the current buffer. It is like the "f" command
* in UNIX "ed". The operation is simple; just zap
* the name in the BUFFER structure, and mark the windows
* as needing an update. You can type a blank line at the
* prompt if you wish.
filename(f, n, k)
register WINDOW *wp;
register int s;
char fname[NFILEN];
if ((s=ereply("Name: ", fname, NFILEN)) == ABORT)
return (s);
strcpy(curbp->b_fname, fname); /* Fix name. */
wp = wheadp; /* Update mode lines. */
while (wp != NULL) {
if (wp->w_bufp == curbp)
wp->w_flag |= WFMODE;
wp = wp->w_wndp;
curbp->b_flag &= ~BFBAK; /* No backup. */
return (TRUE);