Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
210 lines
/** defs.h **/
/** define file for ELM mail system. **/
/** (C) Copyright 1985 Dave Taylor **/
#include "sysdefs.h" /* system/configurable defines */
#define VERSION "1.1" /* Version number! WHAT_STRING should agree */
#define WHAT_STRING "@(#) Version 1.1, initial release - June 1986"
#define SLEN 256 /* long for ensuring no overwrites... */
#define SHORT 5 /* super short strings! */
#define NLEN 20 /* name length for aliases */
#define SHORT_SLEN 40
#define STRING 100 /* reasonable string length for most.. */
#define LONG_SLEN 250 /* for mail addresses from remote machines! */
#define LONG_STRING 500 /* even longer string for group expansion */
#define VERY_LONG_STRING 2500 /* huge string for group alias expansion */
#define BREAK (char) 0 /* default interrupt */
#define BACKSPACE (char) 8 /* backspace character */
#define TAB (char) 9 /* tab character */
#define RETURN (char) 13 /* carriage return char */
#define LINE_FEED (char) 10 /* line feed character */
#define FORMFEED (char) 12 /* form feed (^L) char */
#define COMMA ',' /* comma character */
#define SPACE ' ' /* space character */
#define DOT '.' /* period/dot character */
#define BANG '!' /* exclaimation mark! */
#define AT_SIGN '@' /* at-sign character */
#define PERCENT '%' /* percent sign char. */
#define COLON ':' /* the colon .. */
#define ESCAPE (char) 27 /* the escape */
#define NO_OP_COMMAND '\0' /* no-op for timeouts */
#define STANDARD_INPUT 0 /* file number of stdin */
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define OUTGOING 0 /* defines for lock file */
#define INCOMING 1 /* creation..see lock() */
#define SH 0 /* defines for system_call */
#define USER_SHELL 1 /* to work correctly! */
#define EXECUTE_ACCESS 01 /* These five are */
#define WRITE_ACCESS 02 /* for the calls */
#define READ_ACCESS 04 /* to access() */
#define ACCESS_EXISTS 00 /* <etc> */
#define EDIT_ACCESS 06 /* (this is r+w access) */
#define BIG_NUM 999999 /* big number! */
#define BIGGER_NUM 9999999 /* bigger number! */
#define START_ENCODE "[encode]"
#define END_ENCODE "[clear]"
#define DONT_SAVE "[no save]"
#define alias_file ".aliases"
#define group_file ".groups"
#define system_file ".systems"
/** some defines for the "status" field of the header record **/
#define TAGGED 1 /* these are bit masks */
#define DELETED 2
#define EXPIRED 4
#define ACTION 8
#define NEW 16
#define PRIORITY 32
/** some months... **/
#define JANUARY 0 /* months of the year */
#define FEBRUARY 1
#define MARCH 2
#define APRIL 3
#define MAY 4
#define JUNE 5
#define JULY 6
#define AUGUST 7
#define SEPTEMBER 8
#define OCTOBER 9
#define NOVEMBER 10
#define DECEMBER 11
#define equal(s,w) (strcmp(s,w) == 0)
#define min(a,b) a < b? a : b
#define ctrl(c) c - 'A' + 1 /* control character mapping */
#define plural(n) n == 1 ? "" : "s"
#define lastch(s) s[strlen(s)-1]
#define no_ret(s) if (lastch(s) == '\n') lastch(s) = '\0'
#define first_word(s,w) (strncmp(s,w, strlen(w)) == 0)
#define ClearLine(n) MoveCursor(n,0); CleartoEOLN()
#define whitespace(c) (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
#define quote(c) (c == '"' || c == '\'')
#define onoff(n) (n == 0 ? "OFF" : "ON")
/** The next function is so certain commands can be processed from the showmsg
routine without rewriting the main menu in between... **/
#define special(c) (c == 'j' || c == 'k')
/** and a couple for dealing with status flags... **/
#define ison(n,mask) (n & mask)
#define isoff(n,mask) (~ison(n, mask))
#define setit(n,mask) n |= mask
#define clearit(n, mask) n &= ~mask
/** a few for the usage of function keys... **/
#define f1 1
#define f2 2
#define f3 3
#define f4 4
#define f5 5
#define f6 6
#define f7 7
#define f8 8
#define MAIN 0
#define ALIAS 1
#define YESNO 2
#define CHANGE 3
#define READ 4
/** some possible sort styles... **/
#define REVERSE - /* for reverse sorting */
#define SENT_DATE 1 /* the date message was sent */
#define RECEIVED_DATE 2 /* the date message was received */
#define SENDER 3 /* the name/address of sender */
#define SIZE 4 /* the # of lines of the message */
#define SUBJECT 5 /* the subject of the message */
#define STATUS 6 /* the status (deleted, etc) */
/* wouldn't it be nice to have variable argument macros... */
#define dprint0(n,s) if (debug >= n) { \
fprintf(debugfile, s); fflush(debugfile); }
#define dprint1(n,s,a) if (debug >= n) { \
fprintf(debugfile, s, a); fflush(debugfile); }
#define dprint2(n,s,a,b) if (debug >= n) { \
fprintf(debugfile, s, a, b); fflush(debugfile);}
#define dprint3(n,s,a,b,c) if (debug >= n) { fprintf(debugfile, \
s, a, b, c); fflush(debugfile); }
#define dprint4(n,s,a,b,c,d) if (debug >= n) { fprintf(debugfile, \
s, a, b, c, d); fflush(debugfile); }
#define dprint5(n,s,a,b,c,d,e) if (debug >= n) { fprintf(debugfile, \
s, a, b, c, d, e); fflush(debugfile); }
#define dprint6(n,s,a,b,c,d,e,f) if (debug >= n) { fprintf(debugfile, \
s, a, b, c, d, e, f); fflush(debugfile); }
/* I guess this corrects it, though. Wretched stuff though! */
/* some random records... */
struct date_rec {
int month; /** this record stores a **/
int day; /** specific date and **/
int year; /** time... **/
int hour;
int minute;
struct header_rec {
int lines; /** # of lines in the message **/
int status; /** Urgent, Deleted, Expired? **/
int index_number; /** relative loc in file... **/
long offset; /** offset in bytes of message **/
struct date_rec received; /** when elm received here **/
char from[STRING]; /** who sent the message? **/
char to[STRING]; /** who it was sent to **/
char dayname[8]; /** when the **/
char month[10]; /** message **/
char day[3]; /** was **/
char year[5]; /** sent **/
char time[NLEN]; /** to you! **/
char subject[STRING]; /** The subject of the mail **/
struct alias_rec {
char name[NLEN]; /* alias name */
long byte; /* offset into data file for address */
struct lsys_rec {
char name[NLEN]; /* name of machine connected to */
struct lsys_rec *next; /* linked list pointer to next */
struct addr_rec {
char address[NLEN]; /* machine!user you get mail as */
struct addr_rec *next; /* linked list pointer to next */