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C/C++ Source or Header
909 lines
* File name: shdir.c
* Author: Paul Lew, General Systems Group, Inc. Salem, NH
* Created at: 02/17/86 04:39 PM
* Description: This program will take input argument from C shell directory
* stack and display on screen. User can optionally select a
* directory to connect to.
* Environment: 4.2 BSD Unix (under Pyramid OSx 2.5)
* Usage: shdir [-r] [-sxxx] [-bh] [-br] [-bd] [-v] `dirs` <CR>
* where:
* -v display version number
* -bh use highlighted space for box
* -br use reverse video space for box
* -bd use dash char for box
* -r use scroll if terminal support
* -sxxx select directory xxx. If xxx not found or
* not specified, directory stack will be
* displayed to allow for selection.
* Update History:
* Date Description By
* -------- ------------------------------------------------ ---
* 02/17/86 Ver 1.0, Initial version Lew
* 02/28/86 Ver 1.1, add h, k for going backwards Lew
* 07/01/86 Ver 2.0, modify to work with termcap Lew
* 10/06/86 Ver 2.1, port to VAX BSD 4.2 Lew
* 10/09/86 Ver 3.0, add scrolling capability Lew
* 10/13/86 Ver 3.1, add different options for different box style Lew
* 10/14/86 Ver 3.2, add string search feature Lew
* Build: cc -s -o shdir shdir.c -ltermcap
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sgtty.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#define YES 1
#define NO 0
#define EOS '\0' /* end of string */
#define SPACE ' '
#define BS '\010'
#define ESC '\033'
#define RETURN '\015'
#define NEWLINE '\012'
#define when break; case
#define otherwise break;default
char *Version = "shdir Version 3.2 10/16/86 10:47 AM";
char *Author =
"Paul Lew, General Systems Group UUCP: decvax!gsg!lew";
FILE *Termfp; /* terminal file pointer */
#define MAXDIR 22 /* not over typical screen size */
int Maxdir = MAXDIR; /* max # of directory to display */
#define MAXBAR 200
char Bar [MAXBAR]; /* vanilla bar */
char Topbar [MAXBAR]; /* top bar string */
char Botbar [MAXBAR]; /* bottom bar string */
char Vbar [20]; /* vertical bar string */
char Tab [80];
int Ntab;
char Stack [1024];
char *Dirstack [MAXDIR]; /* pointers to directory entries */
int Arglen [MAXDIR]; /* lengths of each entry */
int Dircount = 0;
int Topsel = 0; /* start selection index */
/* Curpos_query is a string to be sent to VT100 to get current cursor
position report. There is no such field in termcap, you have to hack
the routine for other terminals since they might have different report
format */
char *Curpos_query = "\033[6n"; /* cursor position query */
int Line; /* # of lines per screen */
int Fst_line = 0; /* if %i specified Fst_line = 1 */
struct sgttyb Scd;
int Sno = 1; /* first entry start index */
int Select = NO; /* YES = select entry */
int Scroll = NO; /* YES = use scroll feature if exist */
int Tabstop = 8; /* default tab-stop */
char *Search_string = NULL; /* select search string */
int Schlen = 0; /* search string length */
int Str_total = 0; /* total matched search string */
int Str_idx [MAXDIR]; /* string index */
#define BOX_REVERSE 1
#define BOX_HIGHLITE 2
#define BOX_GRAPH 3
#define BOX_DASH 4
int Boxstyle = BOX_GRAPH; /* default box style */
struct tcap {
char tc_id [3]; /* key for capability */
unsigned char tc_delay; /* # of msec to delay */
char *tc_str; /* ptr to Tc_str area */
unsigned char tc_len; /* length of tc_str */
static char Termcap [1024];
static char Tstr [1024]; /* buffer for real escape sequence */
static char *Tsp = Tstr; /* pointer to be used by tgetstr */
static int Tcap_count = 0; /* # of entries extracted */
/*---------------- You may want to modify the following ----------------*/
#define AC 0
#define AE 1
#define AS 2
#define LE 3
#define ND 4
#define NL 5
#define UP 6
#define SR 7
#define SC 8
#define RC 9
#define CS 10
#define MR 11
#define MD 12
#define ME 13
#define BAD 14
static struct tcap Tcap [] = {
{ "ac", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* alternate chars */
{ "ae", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* exit alternate char set */
{ "as", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* start alternate char set */
{ "le", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* cursor left (CTRL H) */
{ "nd", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* cursor right */
{ "nl", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* cursor down (new line) */
{ "up", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* cursor up */
{ "sr", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* scroll reverse */
{ "sc", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* save cursor position */
{ "rc", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* restore cursor position */
{ "cs", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* set cursor scroll range */
{ "mr", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* mode reverse video */
{ "md", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* mode dense (highlight) */
{ "me", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* mode end (back to normal) */
{ "", 0, NULL, 0 }
#define SAVE_CURSOR fprintf (Termfp, "%s", Tcap[SC].tc_str)
#define RESTORE_CURSOR fprintf (Termfp, "%s", Tcap[RC].tc_str)
char *getenv(), *tgetstr(), *tgoto();
char *cs_define(), get_ac();
char *malloc();
| |
| M a i n R o u t i n e S t a r t s H e r e |
| |
main (argc, argv)
int argc; /* number of argument passed */
char **argv; /* pointer to argument list */
register int i, j;
char *top = "\t"; /* top of stack string */
int size; /* longest string */
Termfp = fopen ("/dev/tty", "r+");
if (proc_arg (argc, argv) == 1) size = make_argv ();
else size = cp_ptr (argc, argv);
if (!Dircount) my_exit (0);
if (Search_string) Topsel = search ();
Ntab = make_bar (size) / 8;
fprintf (Termfp, "%s\n", Topbar);
if (Scroll) j = Topsel;
else {
top = " Top->";
j = 0;
for (i=0; i<Dircount; i++) {
put_line (j, (j==0) ? top : "\t", "\n");
if (++j >= Dircount) j = 0;
fprintf (Termfp, "%s\n", Botbar); fflush (Termfp);
if (Select && Dircount > 1) {
if (Tcap[UP].tc_len) my_exit (get_rdata ());
else my_exit (get_data ());
my_exit (0);
| |
| make_bar : make all the graphical bar strings |
| |
make_bar (size)
int size;
register int i;
char *p;
char hbar = get_ac('q');
size = ((size + 5)/Tabstop + 1) * Tabstop;
for (i=0; i<size-1 && i<MAXBAR; i++)
Bar[i] = hbar; /* create bar string */
Bar[i] = EOS;
switch (Boxstyle) {
if (Tcap[AC].tc_len) break;
Boxstyle = BOX_HIGHLITE;
if (Tcap[MD].tc_len && Tcap[ME].tc_len) break;
Boxstyle = BOX_REVERSE;
if (Tcap[MR].tc_len && Tcap[ME].tc_len) break;
Boxstyle = BOX_DASH;
if (Boxstyle == BOX_GRAPH) {
sprintf (Topbar, "\015\t%s%c%s%c%s", Tcap[AS].tc_str,
get_ac('l'), Bar, get_ac('k'), Tcap[AE].tc_str);
sprintf (Vbar, "%s%c%s", Tcap[AS].tc_str, get_ac('x'),
sprintf (Botbar, "\t%s%c%s%c%s", Tcap[AS].tc_str,
get_ac('m'), Bar, get_ac('j'), Tcap[AE].tc_str);
else if (Boxstyle == BOX_REVERSE || Boxstyle == BOX_HIGHLITE) {
while (--i >= 0) Bar[i] = SPACE;
p = Tcap [(Boxstyle == BOX_HIGHLITE) ? MD : MR].tc_str;
sprintf (Topbar, "\015\t%s %s %s",
p, Bar, Tcap[ME].tc_str);
sprintf (Vbar, "%s %s", p, Tcap[ME].tc_str);
strcpy (Botbar, Topbar);
else {
sprintf (Topbar, "\015\t+%s+", Bar);
sprintf (Vbar, "|");
strcpy (Botbar, Topbar);
return (size);
| |
| get_rdata : get raw input and process it |
| |
get_rdata ()
register int i, j, n;
int x; /* 0-9 index for next position */
char c, buf[80];
int dir, sel;
int fd = fileno (Termfp);
rawio (fd, &Scd);
fputc (RETURN, Termfp);
if (Scroll) { /* use scroll region */
sel = scroll_sel (fd);
i = 0; goto eos;
move_many (Dircount+1-Topsel, UP); /* back to top */
move_many (13, ND);
for (i=Topsel; ;) { /* selection loop */
read (fd, &c, 1);
n = i; x = 0;
switch (c & 0x7f) {
case '9': case '8': case '7': case '6': case '5':
case '4': case '3': case '2': case '1': case '0':
x = (c & 0x7f) - '0';
if (x >= Dircount) continue;
i = figure_dir (x, i);
case 'n': i = find_idx (1, i); /* next */
case 'p': i = find_idx (-1, i); /* prev */
case 'h': case 'H': case 'k': case 'K':
case BS: if (--i < 0) i = Dircount-1;
case RETURN: sel = i; goto eos;
case SPACE:
default: if (++i >= Dircount) i = 0;
if (n == i) continue;
if (n > i) { n = n - i; dir = UP; }
else { n = i - n; dir = NL; }
/* move to next field */
strcpy (buf, " \010");
for (j=0; j<n; j++) strcat (buf, Tcap[dir].tc_str);
strcat (buf, "-\010");
fprintf (Termfp, "%s", buf);
fflush (Termfp);
move_many (Dircount-i+1, NL);
fputc (RETURN, Termfp);
fflush (Termfp);
resetio (fd, &Scd);
return (sel);
| |
| put_line : put a line on screen to scroll |
| |
put_line (i, lead, trail)
int i; /* index to Dirstack */
char *lead; /* leading string */
char *trail; /* trailing string */
register int n, j;
n = Ntab - (Arglen[i]+5+1)/Tabstop;
for (j=0; j<n; j++) Tab[j] = '\t'; Tab[j] = EOS;
fprintf (Termfp, "%s%s %2d: %s%s%s%s",
lead, Vbar, i, Dirstack[i], Tab, Vbar, trail);
| |
| scroll_sel : scroll to show the selection |
| |
scroll_sel (fd)
int fd;
register int idx; /* index to Dirstack of top element */
register int target; /* target index */
register int move_cnt; /* # of up/down to move */
int topline; /* top line number of the box */
int botline; /* bottom line # of the box */
int ld; /* last digit (0-9) */
char c;
/* find out where is the cursor and define the scroll region
accordingly. Note this should be done AFTER the directory
stack dislpayed since you do not know where the original
screen boundaries defined to be. */
botline = get_curline (fd) - 2;
topline = botline - Dircount + 1; /* define region */
fprintf (Termfp, "%s%s%s", Tcap[SC].tc_str,
cs_define (topline, botline), Tcap[RC].tc_str);
move_many (Dircount+1, UP);
move_many (13, ND);
for (idx=Topsel, move_cnt=1; ; move_cnt=1) {
read (fd, &c, 1); /* get user key stroke */
c &= 0x7F;
switch (c) {
case RETURN:
goto eofor;
case 'n':
target = find_idx (1, idx);
goto move;
case 'p':
target = find_idx (-1, idx);
goto move;
case '9': case '8': case '7': case '6': case '5':
case '4': case '3': case '2': case '1': case '0':
ld = c - '0';
if (ld >= Dircount) continue;
target = idx;
do {
if (++target >= Dircount) target = 0;
} while (target % 10 != ld);
move: move_cnt = target - idx;
if (move_cnt < 0) move_cnt += Dircount;
if (move_cnt > Dircount/2) {
move_cnt = Dircount - move_cnt;
goto up;
goto down;
case 'k': case 'K': case 'h': case 'H': case BS:
/* scroll down one entry */
while (move_cnt-- > 0) {
move_many (1, SR);
if (--idx < 0) idx = Dircount - 1;
put_line (idx, "\r\t", "\r");
case 'j': case 'J': case 'l': case 'L': case SPACE:
default: /* scroll up one entry */
move_many (Dircount-1, NL);
while (move_cnt-- > 0) {
move_many (1, NL);
put_line (idx, "\r\t", "\r");
if (++idx >= Dircount) idx = 0;
fflush (Termfp);
/* restore scrolling region to full screen (assumed the
original state is so) */
fprintf (Termfp, "%s%s%s", Tcap[SC].tc_str,
cs_define (Fst_line, Line-1+Fst_line),
Tcap[RC].tc_str); /* reset region */
fflush (Termfp);
return (idx);
| |
| cs_define : return a string contains cursor scroll region definition |
| |
char *
cs_define (from, to)
int from; /* start line number */
int to; /* end line number */
static char cs_buf [20];
static int cs_from = 0;
static int cs_to = 0;
static char tc1, tc2;
register char *p;
register int i;
if (cs_from == 0) {
p = Tcap[CS].tc_str;
i = 0;
while (*p != EOS) {
if (strncmp (p, "%i", 2) == 0) {
Fst_line = 1;
p += 2;
if (strncmp (p, "%d", 2) == 0) {
if (cs_from == 0) cs_from = i;
else cs_to = i;
i += 3; /* 3 digits reserved */
p += 2;
cs_buf [i++] = *p++;
cs_buf [i] = EOS;
tc1 = cs_buf [cs_from + 3];
tc2 = cs_buf [cs_to + 3];
sprintf (&cs_buf[cs_from], "%03d", from);
cs_buf [cs_from + 3] = tc1;
sprintf (&cs_buf[cs_to], "%03d", to);
cs_buf [cs_to + 3] = tc2;
return (cs_buf);
| |
| get_curline : get current cursor line number |
| |
get_curline (fd)
int fd;
register int i, gotesc = NO;
char c;
int line, column;
char buf[80];
/* Ask terminal to report its cursor position */
fprintf (Termfp, "%s", Curpos_query); fflush (Termfp);
for (i=0; i<80-1; i++) {
loop: read (fd, &c, 1);
c &= 0x7F;
if (gotesc == NO) {
if (c != ESC) goto loop;
gotesc = YES;
if ((buf[i] = c) == 'R') { /* end of report */
buf[++i] = EOS;
sscanf (buf, "\033[%d;%dR", &line, &column); /* VT100 only */
return (line);
| |
| move_many : repeatedly write certain string to output device |
| |
move_many (n, code)
int n; /* repeat count */
int code; /* index to Tcap structure */
register int i;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
fprintf (Termfp, "%s", Tcap[code].tc_str);
fflush (Termfp);
| |
| my_exit : close opened terminal file then exit |
| |
my_exit (n)
int n;
if (Termfp) fclose (Termfp);
exit (n);
| |
| get_data : get data for terminal with no cursor addr capability |
| |
get_data ()
char buf [20];
register int i = 0;
printf ("Please Select [0-%d]: ", Dircount-1);
gets (buf);
if (strlen (buf)) {
i = atoi (buf);
if (i < 0 || i > Dircount-1) i = 0;
return (i);
#define PADDING '\200'
| |
| tcap_init : initialize termcap data structure |
| |
tcap_init ()
register int i;
struct tcap *p;
char *tp;
unsigned int delay;
int status;
char *termtype = getenv ("TERM");
if ((status = tgetent (Termcap, termtype)) != 1) {
if (status == 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "No entry for %s in termcap\r\n",
else fprintf (stderr, "Can not open termcap file\r\n");
my_exit (1);
for (p= &Tcap[0]; strlen (p->tc_id) > 0; p++) {
tp = tgetstr (p, &Tsp);
if (tp == NULL) tp = ""; /* no such capability */
delay = 0;
while (isdigit (*tp)) {
delay = delay*10 + (*tp++) - '0';
p->tc_delay = delay;
p->tc_len = strlen (tp);
if (delay) {
p->tc_str = malloc (p-> tc_len + delay);
strcpy (p->tc_str, tp);
tp = p->tc_str + p->tc_len;
for (i=0; i<delay; i++) *tp++ = PADDING;
*tp = EOS;
p->tc_len += delay;
else p->tc_str = tp;
Line = tgetnum ("li");
tcap_special ();
| |
| tcap_special : special initialization |
| |
tcap_special ()
if (Tcap[NL].tc_len == 0) {
Tcap[NL].tc_str = "\n";
Tcap[NL].tc_delay = 0;
Tcap[NL].tc_len = 1;
| |
| get_ac : get alternate character for a given VT100 alternate char |
| |
get_ac (c)
char c;
register char *p;
char oc;
if (Tcap_count == 0) tcap_init ();
for (p=Tcap[AC].tc_str; *p != EOS; p += 2) {
if (*p == c) return *(p+1);
switch (c) {
case 'j': /* lower right corner */
case 'k': /* upper right corner */
case 'l': /* upper left corner */
case 'm': oc = '+'; /* lower left corner */
case 'q': oc = '-'; /* horizontal bar */
case 'x': oc = '|'; /* vertical bar */
default: oc = '?'; /* bad choice */
return (oc);
| |
| figure_dir : figure out which direction to go |
| |
figure_dir (x, i)
int x; /* target index (0-9) */
int i; /* curent index (0-Dircount) */
int n;
n = i % 10;
if (x == n) {
if (i + 10 < Dircount) return (i+10);
if (x > n) {
if (i - n + x < Dircount) return (i - n + x);
else {
if (i - n + x + 10 < Dircount) return (i - n + x + 10);
return (x);
| |
| cp_ptr : copy all the argv pointers to Dirstack |
| |
cp_ptr (argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
register int i, j;
int n;
int size = 0;
for (j=0, i=Sno; i<argc; i++) {
if (j >= Maxdir) {
fprintf (stderr, "Max %d entries, extra ignored\n",
fflush (stderr);
Dirstack[j] = argv[i]; /* save start addr */
Arglen[j++] = n = strlen (argv[i]); /* and length */
if (n > size) size = n;
Dircount = j;
return (size); /* return the longest length */
| |
| make_argv : make an argument list |
| |
make_argv ()
char *p = Stack;
char *op = Stack; /* old pointer */
char c;
register int i = 0;
int size = 0;
int n;
gets (Stack);
while ((c = *p) != NEWLINE && c != EOS) {
if (c == SPACE) {
*p = EOS;
Dirstack[i] = op;
Arglen[i++] = n = p - op;
if (n > size) size = n;
op = p+1;
if (i > Maxdir) {
fprintf (stderr, "Max %d entries, extra ignored\n", Maxdir);
fflush (stderr);
i = Maxdir;
Dircount = i;
return (size);
| |
| find_idx : find next/prev index from Str_idx array |
| |
find_idx (dir, n)
int dir; /* direction: 1=next, -1=prev */
int n; /* current index */
register int i;
for (i=0; i<Str_total; i++) {
if (Str_idx[i] == n) { /* found current, locate next */
i += dir;
if (i == Str_total) i = 0;
if (i < 0) i = Str_total - 1;
return (Str_idx[i]);
return (n);
| |
| proc_arg : routine to process command arguments (options) |
| |
proc_arg (argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
register int i;
register int n;
char *p;
p = getenv ("TABSTOP");
if (p != NULL) { /* set tabstop to n (default 8) */
n = atoi (p);
if (n > 0) Tabstop = n;
for (n=i=0; i<argc; i++) {
if (argv[i][0] != '-') {
n++; /* count non-option argument */
switch (argv[i][1]) {
when 's': p = &argv[i][2];
if ((Schlen = strlen (p)) == 0) Select = YES;
else Search_string = p;
when 'r': tcap_init ();
if (Tcap[SC].tc_len != 0 &&
Tcap[RC].tc_len != 0 &&
Tcap[CS].tc_len != 0) Scroll = YES;
when 'b': box_style (argv[i][2]);
when 'v': printf ("%s\n%s\n", Version, Author);
my_exit (0);
otherwise: Sno--; /* dont count */
return (n);
| |
| search : find string in dir stack and exit or return found index |
| |
search ()
register int i, j;
register char *p;
int len;
int sel;
/* If argument starts with a number, it will be used as index to
directory stack. If not, it will be used as string to search */
sel = atoi (Search_string);
if (0 < sel && sel < Dircount) { /* number used as index */
match: puts (Dirstack[sel]);
my_exit (sel);
for (Str_total=i=0, sel = -1; i<Dircount; i++) {
len = Arglen[i];
p = Dirstack[i];
for (j=0; j<=len-Schlen; j++) {
if (strncmp (Search_string, p+j, Schlen) == 0) {
Str_idx[Str_total++] = i;
if (sel == -1) sel = i;
if (Str_total == 1) goto match;
Select = YES;
return ((sel == -1) ? 0 : sel); /* more than one, stay around */
| |
| box_style : select box style |
| |
box_style (style)
char style; /* style */
switch (style) {
when 'h': Boxstyle = BOX_HIGHLITE;
when 'r': Boxstyle = BOX_REVERSE;
when 'g': Boxstyle = BOX_GRAPH;
otherwise: Boxstyle = BOX_DASH;
int Old_flags;
int Pseudo = -1; /* 0/1 = normal/pseudo terminal */
| |
| rawio : oepn terminal in RAW mode without ECHO |
| |
rawio (fd, mp)
int fd; /* file descriptor */
struct sgttyb *mp; /* ptr to mode structure */
char *tname = (char *) ttyname (fileno(stdout)) + 8;
/* /dev/ttypxxx */
/* 012345678 */
if (*tname == 'p' || *tname == 'q' || *tname == 'r') {
/* pseudo terminal, delay a while so that output will
drain... */
Pseudo = YES;
sleep (1);
else Pseudo = NO;
ioctl (fd, TIOCGETP, mp);
Old_flags = mp-> sg_flags; /* save old setting */
mp-> sg_flags |= RAW;
mp-> sg_flags &= ~ECHO;
ioctl (fd, TIOCSETP, mp);
| |
| resetio : close terminal and restore original setting |
| |
resetio (fd, mp)
int fd; /* file descriptor */
struct sgttyb *mp; /* ptr to old setting */
if (Pseudo) sleep (1);
mp-> sg_flags = Old_flags;
ioctl (fd, TIOCSETP, mp); /* restore original setting */