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Path: seismo!uunet!rs
From: rs@uunet.UU.NET (Rich Salz)
Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
Subject: v09i061: Fastest grep around, Part01/02
Message-ID: <365@uunet.UU.NET>
Date: 16 Jun 87 23:35:08 GMT
Organization: UUNET Communications Services, Arlington, VA
Lines: 1735
Approved: rs@uunet.uu.net
Submitted by: James A. Woods <ames!aurora!jaw>
Mod.sources: Volume 9, Issue 61
Archive-name: fastgrep/Part01
[ This is the latest posting of the Woods/Spencer super-fast grep.
It was announced in net.sources a few weeks ago. You will probably
want to replace all your other greps with this one. (Greps?)
When you unpak this, take careful not of the last few lines of the
script -- they make some "8-bit kanji" files. --r$ ]
# To unbundle, sh this file
echo Makefile 1>&2
cat > Makefile <<'End of Makefile'
# optional items for ENV:
# -I. use regexp.h in current directory, not /usr/include.
# -DEGREPOLD=path location of std egrep (normally /usr/bin/egrep).
# -DGREPOLD=path location of std grep (normally /bin/grep).
# -DFGREPOLD=path location of std fgrep (normally /usr/bin/fgrep).
# -Dstrrchr=rindex, -Dstrchr=index for troglodytes.
# -DSLOWSYS invoke xread() for system time quirk on PDP, others?
# -DNOKANJI default is for Japanese Unix. undef only for raw
# parity-marked search capability, not standard w/grep.
# -DCHINESE for systems using EUC Chinese2 codes
ENV= -I.
# warning: do not overwrite existing [ef]?grep family with $BIN path choice
BIN= /usr/local
# optional items for OBJ:
# misc.o for V7 or BSD 4.2 systems w/no getopt(3) or string(3)
# also contains xread() per above.
# regexp.o if Henry Spencer's regexp(3) is not installed
# V8 people -- your regexp.h won't do
OBJ= regexp.o
#CFLAGS= -O -i $(ENV) uncomment this line for PDP-11
regexp: ; make -f Makefile.regexp r; make egrep
egrep: egrep.o regerror.o
cc $(CFLAGS) egrep.o regerror.o -o egrep $(OBJ)
rm -f grep fgrep
ln egrep grep
ln egrep fgrep
rm -f $(BIN)/*grep
strip egrep
mv egrep $(BIN)
ln $(BIN)/egrep $(BIN)/grep
ln $(BIN)/egrep $(BIN)/fgrep
rm *.o ./egrep ./grep ./fgrep ./try
End of Makefile
echo README.FIRST 1>&2
here is the fast 'grep/egrep' package sent to comp.sources and u. c. berkeley.
included are the prerequisite routines developed by henry spencer of
univ. of toronto -- these are also part of the comp.sources archive.
i've already updated spencer's care package to incorporate three fixes
which have appeared in the same forum.
the makefiles are configured for bsd 4.3 and sys5 unix.
they assume that the spencer regexp() is not already in a system library --
read the makefile comments if this is not the case.
for stock 4.3 sites, apply the diff 'diff.egrep.y.bsd' to the existing
source in /usr/src/usr.bin/egrep.y and re-make. this adds full support
for the -i option. the procedure is then:
sh eg.shell # amusement
make install
echo README.kanji.mods 1>&2
cat > README.kanji.mods <<'End of README.kanji.mods'
Three areas must be addressed to provide full Kanji compatibility.
Only #1 (for the non-regular expression case) has been implemented
directly in our grep/egrep-compatible Boyer-Moore-based code.
(1) false middle match
(a) meta-free Kanji
(b) Kanji regexprs
Kanji 16-bit "EUC" data codes (see Jung/Kalash, "Yunikkusu wa Nihongo o
Hanasemasu", p. 209, Atlanta Usenix, 1986) have the upper bit on in both
bytes, so as to allow intermixing of ASCII while preserving end-of-string
detection. 'grep' must beware of matching two Kanji byte pairs in
the interior of two unrelated Kanji characters. e.g.
text: a (k1 k2) b (k3 k4) (k5 k6)
pattern: (k4 k5)
is a bad match, given ascii bytes 'a' and 'b', and Kanji characters
(k1 k2), (k3 k4), and (k5 k6). The solution for Kanji grep using
the traditional algorithm might be to anchor the pattern only at
Kanji pair boundaries while scanning forward.
Boyer-Moore methods cannot afford this. So we allow false matches, then
scan backwards for legality (the first ascii byte in the text occurring
before the candidate match disambiguates). Another appealing method,
for "layered" processing via regexp(3), is to convert the meta-free
Kanji to '(^|[^\000-\177])k1k2', assuming Henry Spencer's code is
"8-bit clean". Case (b) (e.g. regexprs like 'k1k2.*k3k4') is similar,
though syntax translation may be more difficult.
(2) closures
Eight-bit egrep '(k1k2)*' [where the '*' may be '+' or '?'], would
wrongly apply the closure to the previous byte instead of the byte pair.
One solution (without touching the existing 'regexp(3)' or 'e?grep' source)
is to simply parenthesize reg exprs 'k1k2*' -> '(k1k2)*'.
[only works with egrep syntax, so should occur after the grep->egrep
expr xlation].
(3) character classes
(a) easy case: [k1k2k3k4k5k6]
-- just map to (k1k2|k3k4|k5k6).
(b) hard: ranges [k1k2-k3k4]
fail for byte-oriented char class code.
Kanji interpretation (how do ideograms collate?) is also problematic.
Translation to egrep '.*((k1k2)|(k1k2++)...|(k3k4)).*', where '++'
denotes "16-bit successor" is conceivable, but farfetched.
Now, translations (1) and (2) may be done [messily] w/o touching
Spencer's code, while (3) could be farmed out to standard Kanji egrep via the
process exec mechanism already established (see pep4grep.doc[123]).
But if (3) were done this way (invoking exec()), then the other cases might
also be done without recourse to the above xlations [just match "regmust"
first, then pass false drops to the Japan Unix std.] However, r.e.'s handled
in such a manner would make hybrid Boyer-Moore slow for small files, except for
systems running MACH. We could have ad hoc file size vs. exec() tradeoff
detectors control things for Kanji (it's already done for Anglo exprs), but
previous success has hinged upon having the regexp(3) layer compatible with the
r.e. style of the coarser egrep utility.
Thus we take the easy way out and make fast grep only apply to simple
non-r.e. Kanji. The very best approach remains modification of proprietary
Kanji egrep to incorporate Boyer-Moore directly, by doing Boyer-Moore on the
buffers first before rescanning with the Kanji r.e. machine. Someday.
-- James A. Woods (ames!jaw)
Postscript: The several articles in the special issue of UNIX Review
(March 1987) have delineated the bewildering variety of codesets
(shifted JIS, HP 15/16, many EUC flavors, etc.). A late addition to
[ef]?grep Kanji support is capability for intermixed Katakana (SS2).
Full testing on real Kanji files has not been done. Comments are welcome.
End of README.kanji.mods
echo diff.egrep.y.bsd 1>&2
cat > diff.egrep.y.bsd <<'End of diff.egrep.y.bsd'
> #include <ctype.h>
> char cmap[256];
> int iflag;
> register int i;
> for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
> cmap[i] = (char) i;
> case 'i':
> iflag++;
> for ( i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++ )
> cmap[i] = (char) tolower ( i );
> continue;
> if ( iflag ) {
> register char *s;
> for ( s = input; *s != '\0'; s++ )
> if ( isupper ( (int)(*s) ) )
> *s = (char) tolower ( (int)(*s) );
> }
> register char *cmapr = cmap;
< cstat = gotofn[cstat][*p&0377]; /* all input chars made positive */
> cstat = gotofn[cstat][cmapr[*(unsigned char *)p]];
End of diff.egrep.y.bsd
echo eg.shell 1>&2
cat > eg.shell <<'End of eg.shell'
echo " testing MARK OF ZORRO: time ./egrep astrian $DICT"
time ./egrep astrian $DICT
echo ""
echo " testing ... AND VICTIM: time /usr/bin/egrep astrian $DICT"
time /usr/bin/egrep astrian $DICT
echo ""
echo " testing A CAPITAL IDEA: time egrep -i zurich $DICT"
time ./egrep -i zurich $DICT
echo ""
echo " testing HOAGY CARMICHAEL: time egrep 'hoe.*g' $DICT"
time ./egrep 'hoe.*g' $DICT
echo ""
echo " testing NE PLUS ULTRA: grep '+=' egrep.c"
./grep '+=' ./egrep.c
echo ""
echo " testing THE JAMES FILES: grep -l 'James'"
./grep -l James *
echo ""
echo " testing CLEVER HANS EFFECT: egrep -c count < $DICT"
./egrep -c count < $DICT
echo ""
echo " testing NUMBER OF THE BEAST: egrep -n '^[sS]atan$' $DICT"
time ./egrep -n '^[sS]atan$' $DICT
echo ""
echo " testing STATUS BACK BABY: grep -s 'my.*baby' $DICT"
if ./grep -s 'my.*baby' $DICT
else echo status OK
echo ""
echo " testing PARALLEL FIFTHS: time egrep 'Ae|Ze|Oe|Qe|Xe' $DICT"
time ./egrep 'Ae|Qe|Oe|Xe|Ze' $DICT
echo ""
echo " testing TEE FOR TWO: tee < eg.shell | ./egrep TWO"
echo " (or, short blocks go home)"
tee < eg.shell | ./egrep TWO
echo ""
echo " testing HARD-TO-RHYME COLORS:"
echo " (echo orange; echo silver; echo purple) > colors"
echo " time ./fgrep -f colors $DICT > /dev/null"
(echo orange; echo silver; echo purple) > colors
time ./fgrep -f colors $DICT > /dev/null
rm colors
echo ""
echo " testing FAKE KANJI: ./egrep -f kanjipat.fake kanji.fake.test"
./egrep -f kanjipat.fake kanji.fake.test | tr -d '\216'
echo ""
echo " testing NOTHING: ./egrep '' egrep.c"
./egrep '' $DICT
echo ""
echo " testing SPEAK OF THE DEVIL (torture test courtesy Scott Anderson):"
echo './egrep "' 'M[ou]'"'"'?am+[ae]r .*([AEae]l[- ])?[GKQ]h?[aeu]+([dtz][dhz]?)+af[iy]"' egad
cat > egad << 'Egad'
1) Muammar Qaddafi
2) Mo'ammar Gadhafi
3) Muammar Kaddafi
4) Muammar Qadhafi
5) Moammar El Kadhafi
6) Muammar Gadafi
7) Mu'ammar al-Qadafi
8) Moamer El Kazzafi
9) Moamar al-Gaddafi
10) Mu'ammar Al Qathafi
11) Muammar Al Qathafi
12) Mo'ammar el-Gadhafi
13) Moamar El Kadhafi
14) Muammar al-Qadhafi
15) Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi
16) Mu'ammar Qadafi
17) Moamar Gaddafi
18) Mu'ammar Qadhdhafi
19) Muammar Khaddafi
20) Muammar al-Khaddafi
21) Mu'amar al-Kadafi
22) Muammar Ghaddafy
23) Muammar Ghadafi
24) Muammar Ghaddafi
25) Muamar Kaddafi
26) Muammar Quathafi
27) Muammar Gheddafi
28) Muamar Al-Kaddafi
29) Moammar Khadafy
30) Moammar Qudhafi
31) Mu'ammar al-Qaddafi
32) Mulazim Awwal Mu'ammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Qadhafi
# there are subtle reasons why this odd command is not directly applied
# to a "here document"
time ./egrep "M[ou]'?am+[ae]r .*([AEae]l[- ])?[GKQ]h?[aeu]+([dtz][dhz]?)+af[iy]" egad
rm egad
End of eg.shell
echo egrep.c 1>&2
cat > egrep.c <<'End of egrep.c'
Hybrid Boyer/Moore/Gosper-assisted 'grep/egrep/fgrep' search, with delta0
table as in original paper (CACM, October, 1977). No delta1 or delta2.
According to experiment (Horspool, Soft. Prac. Exp., 1982), delta2 is of
minimal practical value. However, to improve for worst case input,
integrating the improved Galil strategies (Apostolico/Giancarlo, SIAM. J.
Comput., Feb. 1986) deserves consideration.
Method: extract longest metacharacter-free string from expression.
this is done using a side-effect from henry spencer's regcomp().
use boyer-moore to match such, then pass submatching lines
to either regexp() or standard 'egrep', depending on certain
criteria within execstrategy() below. [this tradeoff is due
to the general slowness of the regexp() nondeterministic
machine on complex expressions, as well as the startup time
of standard 'egrep' on short files.] alternatively, one may
change the vendor-supplied 'egrep' automaton to include
boyer-moore directly. see accompanying writeup for discussion
of kanji expression treatment.
late addition: apply trickbag for fast match of simple
alternations (sublinear, in common low-cardinality cases).
trap fgrep into this lair.
gnu additions: -f, newline as |, \< and \> [in regexec()], more
comments. inspire better dfa exec() strategy.
serious testing and help with special cases.
Algorithm amalgam summary:
dfa e?grep (aho/thompson)
ndfa regexp() (spencer/aho)
bmg (boyer/moore/gosper)
"superimposed" bmg (jaw)
fgrep (aho/corrasick)
sorry, but the knuth/morris/pratt machine, horspool's
"frequentist" code, and the rabin/karp matcher, however cute,
just don't cut it for this production.
James A. Woods Copyright (c) 1986
NASA Ames Research Center
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <regexp.h> /* must be henry spencer's version */
#define MIN(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (B) : (A))
#ifdef SLOWSYS
#define read xread
* define existing [ef]?grep program locations below for use by execvp().
* [execlp() would be used were it not for the possibility of
* installation-dependent recursion.]
#ifndef EGREPSTD
#define EGREPSTD "/usr/bin/egrep"
#ifndef GREPSTD
#define GREPSTD "/bin/grep"
#ifndef FGREPSTD
#define FGREPSTD "/usr/bin/fgrep"
#define BUFSIZE 8192 /* make higher for cray */
#define PATSIZE 6000
#define ALTSIZE 100 /* generous? */
#define NALT 7 /* tied to scanf() size in alternate() */
#define NMUSH 6 /* loosely relates to expected alt length */
#define FIRSTFEW 10 /* Always do FIRSTFEW matches with regexec() */
#define PUNTPERCENT 5 /* After FIRSTFEW, if PUNTPERCENT of the input
* was processed by regexp(), exec std egrep. */
#define NL '\n'
#define EOS '\0'
#define NONASCII 0200 /* Bit mask for Kanji non-ascii chars */
#define META "\n^$.[]()?+*|\\" /* egrep meta-characters */
#define SS2 '\216' /* EUC Katakana (or Chinese2) prefix */
#define SS3 '\217' /* EUC Kanji2 (or Chinese3) prefix */
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind;
char *progname;
int cflag, iflag, eflag, fflag, lflag, nflag; /* SVID flags */
int sflag, hflag; /* v7, v8, bsd */
int firstflag; /* Stop at first match */
int grepflag; /* Called as "grep" */
int fgrepflag; /* Called as "fgrep" */
int altflag; /* Simple alternation in pattern */
int boyonly; /* No regexp needed -- all simple */
int flushflag;
int grepold, egrepold, fgrepold;
int nalt; /* Number of alternatives */
int nsuccess; /* 1 for match, 2 for error */
int altmin; /* Minimum length of all the alternate
* strings */
int firstfile; /* argv index of first file argument */
long nmatch; /* Number of matches in this file */
long incount, counted; /* Amount of input consumed */
long rxcount; /* Bytes of input processed by regexec() */
int boyfound; /* accumulated partial matches (tripped by
int prevmatch; /* next three lines aid fast -n */
long nline, prevnline;
char *prevloc;
regexp *rspencer;
char *pattern;
char *patboy; /* Pattern for simple Boyer-Moore */
char *patfile; /* Filename containing pattern(s) */
int delta0[256]; /* Boyer-Moore algorithm core */
char cmap[256]; /* Usually 0-255, but if -i, maps upper to
* lower case */
char str[BUFSIZE + 2];
int nleftover;
char linetemp[BUFSIZE];
char altpat[NALT][ALTSIZE]; /* alternation component storage */
int altlen[NALT];
short altset[NMUSH + 1][256];
char preamble[200]; /* match prefix (filename, line no.) */
int fd;
char *
strchr(), *strrchr(), *strcpy(), *strncpy(), *strpbrk(), *sprintf(), *malloc();
char *
grepxlat(), *fold(), *pfile(), *alternate(), *isolate();
char **args;
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int c;
int errflag = 0;
args = argv;
if ((progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) != 0)
progname = argv[0];
if (strcmp(progname, "grep") == 0)
if (strcmp(progname, "fgrep") == 0)
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "bchie:f:lnsvwxy1")) != EOF) {
switch (c) {
case 'f':
patfile = optarg;
case 'b':
case 'v':
egrepold++; /* boyer-moore of little help here */
case 'c':
case 'e':
pattern = optarg;
case 'h':
case '1': /* Stop at very first match */
firstflag++; /* spead freaks only */
case 'i':
case 'l':
case 'n':
case 's':
case 'w':
case 'y':
if (!grepflag)
case 'x': /* needs more work, like -b above */
if (!fgrepflag)
case '?':
if (errflag || ((argc <= optind) && !fflag && !eflag)) {
if (grepflag)
oops("usage: grep [-bcihlnsvwy] [-e] pattern [file ...]");
else if (fgrepflag)
oops("usage: fgrep [-bcilnv] {-f patfile | [-e] strings} [file ...]");
else /* encourage SVID options, though we provide
* others */
oops("usage: egrep [-bcilnv] {-f patfile | [-e] pattern} [file ...]");
if (fflag)
pattern = pfile(patfile);
else if (!eflag)
pattern = argv[optind++];
if ((argc - optind) <= 1) /* Filename invisible given < 2 files */
if (pattern[0] == EOS)
oops("empty expression");
* 'grep/egrep' merger -- "old" grep is called to handle: tagged
* exprs \( \), word matches \< and \>, -w and -y options, char
* classes with '-' at end (egrep bug?), and patterns beginning with
* an asterisk (don't ask why). otherwise, characters meaningful to
* 'egrep' but not to 'grep' are escaped; the entire expr is then
* passed to 'egrep'.
if (grepflag && !grepold) {
if (strindex(pattern, "\\(") >= 0 ||
strindex(pattern, "\\<") >= 0 ||
strindex(pattern, "\\>") >= 0 ||
strindex(pattern, "-]") >= 0 ||
pattern[0] == '*') /* grep bug */
pattern = grepxlat(pattern);
if (grepold || egrepold || fgrepold)
if (iflag)
strcpy(pattern, fold(pattern));
* If the pattern is a plain string, just run boyer-moore. If it
* consists of meta-free alternatives, run "superimposed" bmg.
* Otherwise, find best string, and compile pattern for regexec().
if (strpbrk(pattern, META) == NULL) { /* do boyer-moore only */
patboy = pattern;
} else {
if ((patboy = alternate(pattern)) != NULL)
else {
if ((patboy = isolate(pattern)) == NULL)
kernighan(argv); /* expr too involved */
#ifndef NOKANJI
for (c = 0; pattern[c] != EOS; c++)
if (pattern[c] & NONASCII) /* kanji + meta */
if ((rspencer = regcomp(pattern)) == NULL)
oops("regcomp failure");
gosper(patboy); /* "pre-conditioning is wonderful"
* -- v. strassen */
if ((firstfile = optind) >= argc) {
/* Grep standard input */
if (lflag) /* We don't know its name! */
egsecute((char *) NULL);
} else {
while (optind < argc) {
if (firstflag && (nsuccess == 1))
exit((nsuccess == 2) ? 2 : (nsuccess == 0));
char *
pfile(pfname) /* absorb expression from file */
char *pfname;
FILE *pf;
struct stat patstat;
static char *pat;
if ((pf = fopen(pfname, "r")) == NULL)
oops("can't read pattern file");
if (fstat(fileno(pf), &patstat) != 0)
oops("can't stat pattern file");
if (patstat.st_size > PATSIZE) {
if (fgrepflag) { /* defer to unix version */
return "dummy";
} else
oops("pattern file too big");
if ((pat = malloc((unsigned) patstat.st_size + 1)) == NULL)
oops("out of memory to read pattern file");
if (patstat.st_size !=
fread(pat, sizeof(char), patstat.st_size + 1, pf))
oops("error reading pattern file");
(void) fclose(pf);
pat[patstat.st_size] = EOS;
if (pat[patstat.st_size - 1] == NL) /* NOP for egrep; helps grep */
pat[patstat.st_size - 1] = EOS;
if (nlcount(pat, &pat[patstat.st_size]) > NALT) {
if (fgrepflag)
fgrepold++; /* "what's it all about, alfie?" */
return (pat);
char *file;
if (file == NULL)
fd = 0;
else if ((fd = open(file, 0)) <= 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open %s\n", progname, file);
nsuccess = 2;
chimaera(file, patboy);
if (!boyonly && !flushflag && file != NULL)
if (file != NULL)
chimaera(file, pat) /* "reach out and boyer-moore search someone" */
char *file, *pat; /* -- soon-to-be-popular bumper sticker */
register char *k, *strend, *s;
register int j, count;
register int *deltazero = delta0;
int patlen = altmin;
char *t;
char *gotamatch(), *kanji(), *linesave(), *submatch();
nleftover = boyfound = flushflag = 0;
nline = 1L;
prevmatch = 0;
nmatch = counted = rxcount = 0L;
while ((count = read(fd, str + nleftover, BUFSIZE - nleftover)) > 0) {
counted += count;
strend = linesave(str, count);
for (k = str + patlen - 1; k < strend;) {
* for a large class of patterns, upwards of 80% of
* match time is spent on the next line. we beat
* existing microcode (vax 'matchc') this way.
while ((k += deltazero[*(unsigned char *) k]) < strend);
if (k < (str + LARGE))
k -= LARGE;
if (altflag) {
* Parallel Boyer-Moore. Check whether each
* of the previous <altmin> chars COULD be
* from one of the alternative strings.
s = k - 1;
j = altmin;
while (altset[--j][(unsigned char)
cmap[*(unsigned char *) s--]]);
* quick test fails. in this life, compare
* 'em all. but, a "reverse trie" would
* attenuate worst case (linear w/delta2?).
if (--j < 0) {
count = nalt - 1;
do {
s = k;
j = altlen[count];
t = altpat[count];
(cmap[*(unsigned char *) s--]
== t[--j]);
if (j < 0)
while (count--);
} else {
/* One string -- check it */
j = patlen - 1;
s = k - 1;
while (cmap[*(unsigned char *) s--] == pat[--j]);
* delta-less shortcut for literati. short shrift for
* genetic engineers?
if (j >= 0) {
k++; /* no match; restart next char */
k = submatch(file, pat, str, strend, k, count);
if (k == NULL)
if (nflag) {
if (prevmatch)
nline = prevnline + nlcount(prevloc, k);
nline = nline + nlcount(str, k);
prevmatch = 0;
strncpy(str, linetemp, nleftover);
if (cflag) {
/* Bug from old grep: -c overrides -h. We fix the bug. */
if (!hflag)
printf("%s:", file);
printf("%ld\n", nmatch);
char *
linesave(str, count) /* accumulate partial line at end of buffer */
char str[];
register int count;
register int j;
count += nleftover;
if (count != BUFSIZE && fd != 0)
str[count++] = NL; /* insurance for broken last line */
str[count] = EOS;
for (j = count - 1; str[j] != NL && j >= 0;)
* break up these lines: long line (> BUFSIZE), last line of file, or
* short return from read(), as from tee(1) input
if (j < 0 && (count == (BUFSIZE - nleftover))) {
str[count++] = NL;
str[count] = EOS;
linetemp[0] = EOS;
nleftover = 0;
return (str + count);
} else {
nleftover = count - j - 1;
strncpy(linetemp, str + j + 1, nleftover);
return (str + j);
* Process partial match. First check for mis-aligned Kanji, then match line
* against full compiled r.e. if statistics do not warrant handing off to
* standard egrep.
char *
submatch(file, pat, str, strend, k, altindex)
char file[], pat[], str[];
register char *strend, *k;
int altindex;
register char *s;
char *t, c;
t = k;
s = ((altflag) ? k - altlen[altindex] + 1 : k - altmin + 1);
#ifndef NOKANJI
c = ((altflag) ? altpat[altindex][0] : pat[0]);
if (c & NONASCII)
if ((s = kanji(str, s, k)) == NULL)
return (++k); /* reject false kanji */
while (*s != NL && --s >= str);
k = s + 1; /* now at line start */
if (boyonly)
return (gotamatch(file, k));
incount = counted - (strend - k);
if (boyfound++ == FIRSTFEW)
s = t;
while (*s++ != NL);
*--s = EOS;
* "quick henry -- the flit" (after theodor geisel)
if (regexec(rspencer, ((iflag) ? fold(k) : k)) == 1) {
*s = NL;
if (gotamatch(file, k) == NULL)
return (NULL);
*s = NL;
return (s + 1);
* EUC code disambiguation -- scan backwards to first 7-bit code, while
* counting intervening 8-bit codes. If odd, reject unaligned Kanji pattern.
* SS2/3 checks are for intermixed Japanase Katakana or Kanji2.
char *
kanji(str, s, k)
register char *str, *s, *k;
register int j = 0;
for (s--; s >= str; s--) {
if (*s == SS2 || *s == SS3 || (*s & NONASCII) == 0)
#ifndef CHINESE
if (*s == SS2)
j -= 1;
#endif CHINESE
return ((j & 01) ? NULL : k);
* Compute "Boyer-Moore" delta table -- put skip distance in delta0[c]
char *pattern; /* ... HAKMEM lives ... */
register int i, j;
unsigned char c;
/* Make one-string case look like simple alternatives case */
if (!altflag) {
nalt = 1;
altmin = altlen[0] = strlen(pattern);
strcpy(altpat[0], pattern);
/* For chars that aren't in any string, skip by string length. */
for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
delta0[j] = altmin;
cmap[j] = j; /* Sneak in initialization of cmap */
/* For chars in a string, skip distance from char to end of string. */
/* (If char appears more than once, skip minimum distance.) */
for (i = 0; i < nalt; i++)
for (j = 0; j < altlen[i] - 1; j++) {
c = altpat[i][j];
delta0[c] = MIN(delta0[c], altlen[i] - j - 1);
if (iflag && islower((int) c))
delta0[toupper((int) c)] = delta0[c];
/* For last char of each string, fall out of search loop. */
for (i = 0; i < nalt; i++) {
c = altpat[i][altlen[i] - 1];
delta0[c] = LARGE;
if (iflag && islower((int) c))
delta0[toupper((int) c)] = LARGE;
if (iflag)
for (j = 'A'; j <= 'Z'; j++)
cmap[j] = tolower((int) j);
* Print, count, or stop on full match. Result is either the location for
* continued search, or NULL to stop.
char *
gotamatch(file, s)
register char *file, *s;
char *savematch();
int squirrel = 0; /* nonzero to squirrel away FIRSTFEW matches */
nsuccess = 1;
if (!boyonly && boyfound <= FIRSTFEW && file != NULL)
squirrel = 1;
if (sflag)
return (NULL); /* -s usurps all flags (unlike some versions) */
if (cflag) { /* -c overrides -l, we guess */
while (*s++ != NL);
} else if (lflag) {
return (NULL);
} else {
if (!hflag)
if (!squirrel)
printf("%s:", file);
sprintf(preamble, "%s:", file);
if (nflag) {
if (prevmatch)
prevnline = prevnline + nlcount(prevloc, s);
prevnline = nline + nlcount(str, s);
prevmatch = 1;
if (!squirrel)
printf("%ld:", prevnline);
sprintf(preamble + strlen(preamble),
"%ld:", prevnline);
if (!squirrel) {
while (*s++ != NL);
} else
s = savematch(s);
if (nflag)
prevloc = s - 1;
return ((firstflag && !cflag) ? NULL : s);
char *
char *line;
static char fline[BUFSIZE];
register char *s, *t = fline;
for (s = line; *s != EOS; s++)
*t++ = (isupper((int) *s) ? (char) tolower((int) *s) : *s);
*t = EOS;
return (fline);
strindex(s, t) /* the easy way, as in K&P, p. 192 */
char *s, *t;
int i, n;
n = strlen(t);
for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
if (strncmp(s + i, t, n) == 0)
return (i);
return (-1);
char *
grepxlat(pattern) /* grep pattern meta conversion */
char *pattern;
register char *p, *s;
static char newpat[BUFSIZE];
for (s = newpat, p = pattern; *p != EOS;) {
if (*p == '\\') { /* skip escapes ... */
*s++ = *p++;
if (*p)
*s++ = *p++;
} else if (*p == '[') { /* ... and char classes */
while (*p != EOS && *p != ']')
*s++ = *p++;
} else if (strchr("+?|()", *p) != NULL) {
*s++ = '\\'; /* insert protection */
*s++ = *p++;
} else
*s++ = *p++;
*s = EOS;
return (newpat);
* Test for simple alternation. Result is NULL if it's not so simple, or is
* a pointer to the first string if it is. Warning: sscanf size is a
* fixpoint, beyond which the speedup linearity starts to break down. In the
* wake of the elegant aho/corrasick "trie"-based fgrep, generalizing
* altpat[] to arbitrary size is not useful.
char *
char *regexpr;
register i, j, min;
unsigned char c;
char oflow[100];
if (fgrepflag && strchr(regexpr, '|'))
return (NULL);
i = strlen(regexpr);
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (regexpr[j] == NL)
regexpr[j] = '|';
if (!fgrepflag) {
if (strchr(regexpr, '|') == NULL || regexpr[0] == '|')
return (NULL);
if (strpbrk(regexpr, "^$.[]()?+*\\") != NULL
|| strindex(regexpr, "||") >= 0)
return (NULL);
oflow[0] = EOS;
nalt = sscanf(regexpr, "%[^|]|%[^|]|%[^|]|%[^|]|%[^|]|%[^|]|%[^|]|%[^|]",
altpat[0], altpat[1], altpat[2], altpat[3], altpat[4], altpat[5], altpat[6], oflow);
if (nalt < 1 || oflow[0] != EOS)
return (NULL);
altmin = NMUSH;
for (j = 0; j < nalt; j++) {
min = altlen[j] = strlen(altpat[j]);
if (min > ALTSIZE)
return (NULL);
altmin = MIN(altmin, min);
if (nalt > 1) { /* build superimposed "pre-match" sets per
* char */
for (j = 0; j < nalt; j++)
for (i = 0; i < altmin; i++) {
c = altpat[j][altlen[j] - altmin + i];
altset[i + 1][c] = 1; /* offset for sentinel */
return (altpat[0]);
* Grapple with the dfa (std egrep) vs. ndfa (regexp) tradeoff. Criteria to
* determine whether to use dfa-based egrep: We do FIRSTFEW matches with
* regexec(). Otherwise, if Boyer-Moore up to now matched more than
* PUNTPERCENT of the input, and there is sufficient bulk remaining to
* justify justify a process exec, do old *grep, presuming that its greater
* speed at regular expressions will pay us back over this volume. At
* FIRSTFEW, dump the saved matches collected by savematch(). They are saved
* so that a "PUNT" can "rewind" to ignore them. Stdin is problematic,
* since it's hard to rewind.
#define CTHRESH 50000
char *file;
struct stat stbuf;
int pctmatch;
long cremain;
pctmatch = (100 * rxcount) / incount;
if (!grepflag && pctmatch > PUNTPERCENT && file != NULL) {
fstat(fd, &stbuf);
cremain = stbuf.st_size - incount;
if (cremain > CTHRESH)
if (file != NULL)
nlcount(bstart, bstop) /* flail interval to totalize newlines. */
char *bstart, *bstop;
register char *s = bstart;
register char *t = bstop;
register int count = 0;
do { /* loop unroll for older architectures */
if (*t == NL) /* ... ask ames!jaw for sample code */
} while (t-- > s);
return (count);
char *
isolate(regexpr) /* isolate longest metacharacter-free string */
char *regexpr;
char *dummyexpr;
* We add (.)* because Henry's regcomp only figures regmust if it
* sees a leading * pattern. Foo!
dummyexpr = malloc((unsigned) strlen(regexpr) + 5);
sprintf(dummyexpr, "(.)*%s", regexpr);
if ((rspencer = regcomp(dummyexpr)) == NULL)
return (rspencer->regmust);
char *matches[FIRSTFEW];
static int mcount = 0;
char *
savematch(s) /* horde matches during statistics gathering */
register char *s;
char *p;
char *start = s;
int msize = 0;
int psize = strlen(preamble);
while (*s++ != NL)
*--s = EOS;
p = malloc((unsigned) msize + 1 + psize);
strcpy(p, preamble);
strcpy(p + psize, start);
matches[mcount++] = p;
preamble[0] = 0;
*s = NL;
return (s);
int n;
flushflag = 1;
for (n = 0; n < mcount; n++)
printf("%s\n", matches[n]);
mcount = 0;
char *message;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, message);
kernighan(args) /* "let others do the hard part ..." */
char *args[];
* We may have already run grep on some of the files; remove them
* from the arg list we pass on. Note that we can't delete them
* totally because the number of file names affects the output
* (automatic -h).
/* better would be fork/exec per punted file -- jaw */
while (firstfile && optind > firstfile)
args[firstfile++] = "/dev/null";
if (grepflag)
execvp(GREPSTD, args), oops("can't exec old 'grep'");
else if (fgrepflag)
execvp(FGREPSTD, args), oops("can't exec old 'fgrep'");
execvp(EGREPSTD, args), oops("can't exec old 'egrep'");
End of egrep.c
echo k.pat 1>&2
cat > k.pat <<'End of k.pat'
End of k.pat
echo k.test 1>&2
cat > k.test <<'End of k.test'
WXY--this line should *not* print--
abXY--this line should print, but *not* the previous line--
XWXY--this line should print--
XYcd--this line also--
q--this line too--
ZWWXYembedded Katakana, unaligned Kanji
ZWXYembedded Katakana
End of k.test
echo pep4grep.doc1 1>&2
cat > pep4grep.doc1 <<'End of pep4grep.doc1'
>From postnews Tue Mar 18 18:04:08 1986
Subject: More Pep for Boyer-Moore Grep (part 1 of 2)
Newsgroups: net.unix
# The chief defect of Henry King
Was chewing little bits of string.
-- Hilaire Belloc, Cautionary Tales [1907]
# Attempt the end, and never stand to doubt
Nothing's so hard but search will find it out.
-- Robert Herrick, Hesperides [1648]
The world does not need another 'grep' variant. And so, what is this
we offer? On the surface, the exact same 'egrep' actually, but underneath,
a swift Boyer-Moore hybrid, in C, which can beat assembler versions utilizing
microcoded string search instructions. The offering, designed in the
Kernighanian sense to utilize the existing 'egrep' when it must, also
makes use of Mr. Henry Spencer's regexp(3) functions in an unusual way.
For the edification of those without on-line access to system source code,
the vendor-supplied 'egrep' is left in a pristine state.
With code now wending its way to mod.sources, we obtain the following
results. Times (in seconds) are all measured on a VAX 11/750 system running
BSD 4.2 on Fujitsu Eagles, although our 'egrep' has been run on the Sun 2,
V7 Unix/PDP 11, Vaxen configured with System V, and, for added effect, the
NASA Ames Cray 2.
200K bytes user sys notes
(new) egrep astrian /usr/dict/words 0.4 0.5 implementation by "jaw"
match " " 0.5 0.5 VAX-only (Waterloo)
bm " " 1.1 0.6 Peter Bain's version 2
(old) egrep " " 5.6 1.7 standard
[note: the output here is the single word "Zoroastrian".]
Aha, you quip -- this is all very fine for the 99 and 44/100's percent
metacharacter-free world, but what about timing for shorter strings, character
folding, as well as for the more interesting universe of extended regular
expressions? Samples forthwith. (Egrep below refers to the new one, times for
the /usr/bin code being about the same as above on most any pattern.)
egrep zurich 0.4 0.5 0 words output
egrep -i zuRich 0.4 0.5 1
egrep -i zeus 0.6 0.6 1
egrep -i zen 0.7 0.6 11
bm zen 2.2 0.6 10
egrep ZZ 0.8 0.6 0
bm ZZ 3.0 0.7 0
egrep -c Z 1.5 0.6 19
bm -c Z 5.9 0.7 19
Admittedly, most people (or programs) don't search for single characters,
where Boyer-Moore is a bit slow, but it's important for the layered regular
expression approach described herein. We might point out from the above that
the popular "fold" option crippled by 'bm' costs little; it's only a slight
adjustment of the precomputed "delta" table as well as a single character
array reference in a secondary loop. Why has Bain claimed complexity for this?
Also, the times show that the inner loop chosen for our code (modeled after
the original speedup done by Boyer-Moore for the PDP 10) consistently betters
the "blindingly fast" version by a factor of two to three. The tipoff was
from previous paper studies (esp. Horspool, see header notes in code) noting
that the algorithm should, when implemented efficiently, best typical microcode.
Now it does.
while ( (k += delta0 ( *k )) < strend )
; /* over 80% of time spent here */
is the key (modulo precomputation tricks), and takes but three or four
instructions on most machines.
Basic method for regular expressions:
(1) isolate the longest metacharacter-free pattern string via the
"regmust" field provided by H. Spencer's regcomp() routine.
(Non-kosher, but worth not re-inventing the wheel.
v8 folks just might have to reverse-engineer Spencer's
reverse-engineering to provide equivalent functionality.
You see, there are many more sites running his code than v8.
Besides, we enjoy using regexpr technology on itself.
(2) for "short" input, submatching lines are passed to regexec().
(3) for "long" input, start up a standard 'egrep' process via
popen() or equivalent. Why not just use regexec()? Unfortunately
for our application, Spencer's otherwise admirable finite-state
automaton exhibits poor performance for complex expressions.
Setting a threshold on input length, though not perfect, helps.
If pipes on Unix were free, we'd use this way exclusively.
Until then, we buy happiness for those who might
egrep stuff /usr/spool/news/net/unix/*
or on other directories full of short files.
[note: the details of (3) have changed in the re-release -- see pep4grep.doc3]
[new] egrep -i 'hoe.*g' words 1.2 1.1
[new] egrep '(a|b).*zz.*[od]$' words 1.5 1.1
[old] egrep 6.3 1.4
{new,old} egrep -c 'first|second' similar times (no isolate)
Again, we stress that given the different nature of the simulations of the two
nondeterministic reg. expr. state-machines (one functionless), cases can be
"cooked" to show things in a bad light, so a hybrid is warranted.
We can generally do better incorporating the Boyer-Moore algorithm directly
into the AT&T code. For the last example, the abstraction
(egrep first words &; egrep second words) | sort -u | wc
ideally would work better on a parallel machine, but if you're expecting
something as amazing in this draft as, say, Morwen B. Thistlethwaite's 52-move
Rubik's Cube solution, you're in the wrong place.
[note: but see pep4grep.doc3 -- now [ef]?grep handles some parallelism fast]
About options -- the SVID ones are supported (-c, -l, bonus -i for BSD),
and -s and -h works as for BSD and v8. Note: the 'egrep' here just hands off
patterns to the old code for things like -n, -b, -v, and multiple patterns.
As a bone to throw to the enemies of the cat-v school, there is a -1 flag
(halt after printing first match), but we don't talk about it much.
Multiple patterns can done ala 'bm' but laziness in the presence of lack of
knowledge of where 'fgrep' wins has prevailed for version 1.
Personally I feel that adapting ("internationalizing") the 'egrep' effort
for two-byte Kanji is FAR more important than tweeking options or tradeoffs,
so for you large-alphabet Boyer-Moore algorithm specialists, send ideas
this way.
Further historical/philosophical comments follow in the sequel.
James A. Woods (ames!jaw)
NASA Ames Research Center
End of pep4grep.doc1
echo pep4grep.doc2 1>&2
cat > pep4grep.doc2 <<'End of pep4grep.doc2'
>From postnews Tue Mar 18 18:05:22 1986
Subject: More Pep for Boyer-Moore Grep (part 2 of 2)
Newsgroups: net.unix
# "Gratiano speaks an infinite deal of nothing, more than any man in all
of Venice. His reasons are as two grains of wheat hid in two bushels of
chaff: you shall seek all day ere you find them, they are not worth
the search." -- Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice
... or, part 2, "Reach out and Boyer-Moore Egrep Someone"
Maybe you never use 'grep'. Then ignore this. But if you do, why not
use the best algorithm? Serious addicts know that for unstructured yet
stable text, B-trees are used for speed, or something like Lesk's nifty
(and unavailable) 'grab' suite for inverted files are ways to go. Barring file
inversion daemons for netnews and other ephemera, we are limited to the
present improvements.
Proper skeptics should question why a nearly I/O-bound program (but
not for any CPU with less than the power of several VAX MIPS, alas) should
be made more so. The question was posed in B & M's classic 1978 CACM
paper -- the answer then was to free up more CPU cycles for timesharing.
Now, our motivations are more mundane (we won't have desktop 5 MIP machines
for another year), but not only that, we've discovered that the Cray 2's
standard 'egrep' is also very anemic, performing 8-12 times as worse as ours
on simple patterns. For shame, especially since hearing of the rumor that
certain group theorists have a search application ready for testing.
Boyer-Moore could fill in until a Cray vectorizing C compiler shows up.
Sheer speed for machines whose filesystems are cached in memory is nice too.
A quick-and-dirty rundown of the debts to which the new hybrid pays
now follows.
Thompson, K. T. (CACM, November 1968):
Regular Expression Search Algorithm. As usual, obvious
once you understand it. The current 'egrep'. Still
useful as a base. Abstracted by Aho/Ullman as Algorithm
9.1 in Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms.
Not quite pre-Unix. Oh well. Modern designers should
know better now, if they want their stuff to get out there.
By the way, I haven't used delta2 (or 1) since the O(mn) case
case doesn't come up too often. Sure Knuth stood on his head
to better the linearity, but his proof had a bug in it until
the 1980 SIAM J. Comput. retraction. Would you want to code
something that even Knuth trips up on?
Now to assuage nagging feelings that geneticists might want
to search entire libraries of 9000-unit nucleotide protein
sequences for ((AGCA|TTGCA).*TGC)|AGCT)?T?A+ or some nonsense
which MIGHT be nonlinear, you would want delta2. So convince
someone to do the Galil/Apostolico/Giancarlo 2n comparison
worst case stuff. See egrep.c for reference.
Gosper, W. (HAKMEM 1972):
Gosper didn't get around to the Thompson-like machine until
1972 with HAKMEM. His PDP 10 code is nevertheless valiant.
He is also (barely) credited with conceiving the backwards
match idea independently. Where is he now?
Nice guys, but for this purpose, has-beens.
Neat to see a hacker's triumph bury some theory.
Horspool (Software Practice & Experience, 1980):
Now here's a Canadian after the heart of things
(perfect hashing, text compression, NP-complete
code generation probs., etc.) Did some Amdahl
timings to show that delta2 is not so hot.
Knows about Search For Least Frequent Character First,
which is useful for short patterns.
{,e,f}grep man page:
The laughable bugnote "but we do not know a single algorithm
that spans a wide enough range of space-time tradeoffs"
certainly presumes that there is no such thing as switching
logic. How the 'grep' family got into a multiple-version
mess is probably a Guy Harris story; 'egrep' looks like the
winner, as its functionality is pretty much a superset of
the other two. The K & P teaser (p. 105) offers hope for
unification, but we see no difference with extant V8 code.
"Not cited in the text" -- the sexy randomized Karp/Rabin string searcher
(Sedgewick, Algorithms, or Karp's Turing Award Lecture), and the ribald classic
Time Warps, String Edits, and Macromolecules -- The Theory and Practice
of Sequence Comparison (Kruskal & Sankoff). Inquire within.
Thanks for your patience,
James A. Woods (ames!jaw)
NASA Ames Research Center
Current applications for Boyer-Moore code include modification of
'fastfind' for true speed, as well as substring search for 'grab', both
benefiting from BM-style search thru incrementally-compressed files/indices.
End of pep4grep.doc2
echo pep4grep.doc3 1>&2
cat > pep4grep.doc3 <<'End of pep4grep.doc3'
Subject: Get Hep to Kanji-Ready Five-Algorithm [ef]?grep
# "I need very little,
and of that little,
I need very little." -- St. Francis of Assisi
Hybrid blitz 'egrep', whose urquell is a veritable chimaera of at least
five string search techniques, is now further tuned.
Posted to USENET (and the mod.sources archive) some months ago, our
implementation of "plug-compatible" egrep.c has been extended to support:
transparent 'grep' expression translation, to bring the speed of
hyper-'egrep' to bear upon searches specified via the less capable
'grep' syntax.
interception of 'fgrep' for alternations of low (<= 7) cardinality,
using a novel method of Boyer-Moore table superimposition and
pre-computation magic. the resulting speedup applies also to simple
metacharacter-free 'egrep'-style alternations.
(the above two improvements are made invisible by linking the
grep/egrep/fgrep triumvirate.)
a revised strategy of fallback to standard 'egrep' for hard
cases, which eliminates costly popen() plumbing in favor of a
statistically-based re-exec() dynamic.
more complete application of fast match to standard options,
including -n line numbering.
preparation for Kanji pattern input, based upon parity-marked EUC
codes. new egrep.c is "eight-bit clean". the fast algorithms
unfortunately currently apply only to meta-free patterns and
simple alternations; full Kanji regular expression treatment
remains problematic. however, the new code will pass difficult
input through to [ef]?grep utilities in the UNIX Japan standard
Kanji capability is perhaps the most important addition, as the
number of UNIX systems in the Orient proliferate, providing a "new market"
for Boyer-Moore-style search. However, actual search efficacy remains
unknown until the Gaijin author gains feedback from JUNET or points beyond.
For all we know, Nippon text search utilities may already incorporate
the methods. Tests conducted so far have been with artificial Kanji files.
In case you are w(o|a)ndering, be reminded that no vendor source
changes are required to use the code. It is configured as a turbo-charged
"front-end" to the existing section one commands, though it is (barely)
conceivable to adapt things, at a loss in worst-case efficiency, for
(heaven forfend!) non-Unix systems running C. And, since we do not offer
a minimalist grep, do not expect it to run well on minimalist UNIX clones.
Below appears a brief timing run on Webster's 2nd wordlist. Notes
on implementation changes since original release follow in the next message.
If you want to skip the rest, fine. The easy instructions -- download
from comp.sources [or 'anonymous' ftp of egrep.shar.Z from ames-aurora.arpa
for the (im)patient], and run:
sh eg.shell # regression test amusement
make install
after perusing README.FIRST. Though the bundle in ~ftp/pub at NASA Ames
Research Center contains prerequisite support from Univ. of Toronto's
Henry Spencer, we are not re-posting regcomp()/regexec() to comp.sources.
John Gilmore of the GNU project has a modified regexec(), but it is not
mandatory for running the new egrep.
Contrary to popular belief, old egrep is not I/O bound for large
large files on most machines. The new version is. One sample:
time egrep 'u.*nix' /usr/dict/web2 (2.5 MB)
(yielding {Coturnix, Pseudophoenix, [Tt]urnix}), shows
user sys real (load ave. < 1)
VAX 11/750, 4.3 BSD, Fujitsu Eagles
(new) 6.8 3.8 11
(old) 70.0 5.5 87
Sun 3/160, 3.2 OS, Eagle on SMD
(new) 1.7 2.2 5
(old) 14.7 1.5 16
Cray 2, Sys 5, no disk striping
(new) .93 .11 1
(old) 8.07 .21 8
notes: New egrep was actually run with -i option, but not old egrep.
Also, fumbling for three-character residue is not [ef]?grep's forte,
so the example is conservative.
Sun 3 has higher sys time for some unknown reason (a guess: VAX 4.3 kernel
handles read() calls with oddsize buffers differently?). Cray 2 reportedly
does disk I/O at 5-10 megabytes per second, but the architecture/compiler
is bad at byte addressing -- no cache, no vectors here. Unfair comparison:
new egrep on Sun beats old egrep on Cray 2, even with fast Cray I/O!
Speculation: the code might be useful on the Macintosh II, even if the Unix
filesystem (Sys 5?) were to waste 3/4 of the 1 MB/sec SCSI disk bandwidth.
Mac 2 testers please forward info to ames!jaw.
Another metric is inner loop efficiency:
# instructions
VAX Berkeley cc 5
Sun 68020 3.2 cc 6
Stallman's GNU 68020 cc 4
MIPS R2000 6
Cray 2 25
Thanks goes to mips!dce (David Elliott) for his testing time, as well as
to RMS for two-upping Sun's C compiler.
Of course, if you have a Connection Machine dedicated to running their
admirable full-text keyworder on "in-core" text, you won't need [ef]?grep at
all. And, for unindexed text on fine-grained parallel machines, reg. expr.
search algorithms can be made to run with a lower time bound (see the Hillis
book). But if your files are on disk, even a specialized search chip won't help
once things become I/O or bus limited. For this reason, vectorization on a
Cray(ette) would be a bust, though Cray buffs may write the author for other
scalar speedup ideas...
End of pep4grep.doc3
echo pep4grep.doc4 1>&2
cat > pep4grep.doc4 <<'End of pep4grep.doc4'
# How long a time lies in one little word! -- Shakespeare, Richard II, I, iii
# Fine words butter no parsnips. -- Southern proverb
[ef]?grep Implementation Changes
'grep' r.e. translation:
To buy speed for the novice 'grep' user who deigns not to learn the
extended 'egrep' syntax, we translate 'grep' r.e.'s to the 'egrep' superset.
It is straightforward enough to surround search patterns meaningful to
'egrep' but not to 'grep'. Odd cases include the -w option, not implemented
in standard 'egrep', the defunct -y option, and "tagged expressions", which
are done via an exec() of /bin/grep. Tagged exprs, like
grep '\(....\).*\1' /usr/dict/words
which outputs chaff like "beriberi", "couscous", "hodgepodge", and
"lightweight", are weird. The irregularity these exprs lend coupled with
a low complexity/utility ratio kept them from being part of 'egrep'.
But for this feature, old 'grep' code could be thrown away.
'fgrep' improvement / (partial) unification:
In the new release, we trap low-complexity disjunctions such as
egrep 'boyer|moore' file
fgrep 'boyer\n
moore' file
(or with "-f patfile" in place of the pattern) with a method to superimpose
the non-terminals within the Boyer/Moore table. When scanning text backwards,
other programming tricks short-circuit some tests against the pattern.
Sparing further details, which might make for a more formal writeup, it
suffices to say that although worst-case complexity here is O(Rn) with string
length 'n', and R == r.e. size, average-case for text is still sublinear. E.g.
egrep 'silver|orange|purple' # hard-to-rhyme color test in eg.shell
looks at ~55000 chars in /usr/dict/words, whereas (three) separate invocations
of egrep on the individual color words make the code look at ~40000 bytes per
word. Aho/Corrasick's 'fgrep', in contrast, must look at all 200KB in the
dictionary. The elegant "trie" construction within "fgrep" excels, however,
for medium/large R. An equally ambitious "reverse trie", supplementing our
extant "alternation mush", would attenuate worst-case behavior while preserving
low R speedup. We save the addition for another day.
Since the syntax for [ef]grep is similar, we thought of making egrep
hand off to fgrep for sufficiently large metacharacter-free R, as there is no
strong reason to make the user conscious of the separate algorithms. Certain
technicalities prevent this. For one, we are not willing to invent an 'egrep'
option to inform the code to interpret a file of (say a hundred) word
alternatives containing some innocent metacharacter, that it is literal
'fgrep' input, rather than a closure-containing 'egrep' pattern which would
otherwise make egrep explode. More work could be done here.
Our motivation? Is this not all overblown? Perhaps, but now you can
build a simple fast "NSA filter", or search for the seven dwarfs at leisure.
Besides, the final nail needed to be driven into 'bm/match', which tried
to do parallel match, but actually shuffled things out of order during its
simplistic block-based scheme. These programs, part of source archive also,
are now historical curiosities.
Kanji egrep:
Copious notes are in README.kanji.mods. The March 1987 Unix Review
was indispensable for pointing out the embedded "SS2" Katakana pitfalls.
The modularity of our code as a semi-dependent filter was necessary for this
exploration, as we have no access to AT&T/Unisoft Kanji code. Again, JUNET
or Sigma project people -- please respond with grep war stories or usage notes.
Worst-case r.e. handling:
The first code release elaborately called upon a function mcilroy()
to pipe partial match output to old egrep for tough expressions, whose
backtracking might swamp regexp(). Some details of the DFA/NDFA tradeoff
were discussed in pep4grep.doc[12]. Due largely to feedback from John Gilmore
of the GNU project, the strategy was revised. egrep.c function kernighan()
("let others do the hard part") now usurps calls to costly popen() by invoking
exec() on old egrep when necessary. Rough partial match statistics gathered
on the fly determine the handoff. You may revise the time reported previously
egrep 'hoe.*g' /usr/dict/words
from 1.2 user, 1.1 sys seconds (VAX 11/750, 4.3BSD, Fuji disks) to 0.8u, 0.4s.
For those public-spirited souls who really want to build a PD egrep out of
what we offer, sans fallback from regexp() to an AT&T /usr/bin/egrep, the
slippery test "egrep 'g+h+o' /usr/dict/words" will prove enlightening.
Faster -n option:
By popular demand. Though Boyer/Moore techniques subvert line numbering,
we've made it faster with brute force (loop unrolling helps VAXEN, but not
CRISPS). Timing tests for this and other options appear in the eg.shell script.
Not so fast:
-v, -b, -w, various r.e.'s with no rexexp() "residue"
(you'll still have to use the layered "grep host /etc/hosts | grep -w host"
for speed.)
Other contra-indications for new [ef]?grep:
Monster patterns
The amazing expressions output by /usr/lib/calendar still beg for
the lazy evaluation technique rolled into edition 8 egrep by Prof. Aho of
Princeton. Hinted at on p. 105 in Kernighan & Pike, lazy evaluation reduces
standard egrep r.e. compile time. Here the possible O(R**2) machine
construction cost is eliminated to amortize complexity at run-time and
shifted to such only if a bad match actually happens. Whew! Fortunately,
this is not so important for simple r.e. fare, where H. Spencer's regexp()
works well, but it certainly helps calendar(1).
The catch with lazy eval. is that it slows down simple matching (15-20%
for /usr/dict/words on VAX), so it hasn't been adopted by System V egrep.
Note that our egrep, deferring to the underlying one in /usr/bin, doesn't
care much about these hideous beasts -- it just doesn't do better on them.
However, [ef]?grep does well by the Kadhafi matcher (eg.shell, again).
Long lines, small alphabets
Finally, a comment on one rapidly burgeoning application area
where new egrep should not be blindly proscribed -- genome sequencing.
Though line limits have been raised (to 8192 byte buffers), much of
GENBANK has no newlines. The code would need modification for scanning
freestyle. Also, locating ACGT sequences with the current "superimposed BMG"
over a 4-letter alphabet might actually be worse, but the global homology
crowd probably uses a >20 letter protein alphabet (for other reasons).
At any rate, genetic string search generally relies on more sophisticated
methods such as dynamic programming ala Sankoff/Kruskal.
On the other hand, large alphabets such as Kanji probably help
performance. As do parallel transfer disks, MACH file mapping, ...
Your suggestions welcome.
James A. Woods (ames!jaw)
NASA Ames Research Center
P.S. Preserving author credit, [ef]?grep may be redistributed as you wish.
End of pep4grep.doc4
echo regerror.c 1>&2
cat > regerror.c <<'End of regerror.c'
#include <stdio.h>
char *s;
error("regexp: %s", s);
fprintf(stderr, "regexp(3): %s\n", s);
return; /* let std. egrep handle errors */
End of regerror.c
cat k.test | tr W '\200' | tr X '\201' | tr Y '\202' | tr Z '\216' > kanji.fake.test
cat k.pat | tr X '\201' | tr Y '\202' > kanjipat.fake
rm k.test k.pat
Rich $alz rsalz@pineapple.bbn.com
Cronus Project, BBN Labs "Anger is an energy"