# This file was generated by `gxv' from `contool.G'.
The contool control panel has buttons which let you load and store configuration data, adjust contool's configuration, and create and modify message filters. Point at the desired button and press the Help key for more information about that set of functions.
The File button provides various file-related services to contool users. The associated menu has five entries.
"Load Configuration" brings up the Load Configuration dialog.
"Store Configuration" brings up the Store Configuration dialog.
"Start Logging" starts logging messages to the log file specified in the Properties dialog. If logging is already in effect, this menu item is disabled.
"Stop Logging" stops logging. If logging is not in effect, this menu item is disabled.
"Print" prints the contents of the console use the print filter specified in the Properties dialog.
The default action is "Load Configuration".
The View button provides three contool support functions:
"Become Console" ensures that contool has the system console attribute. Only one process under SunOS can own the console. If some other process acquires this attribute, messages will no longer be routed to contool. This selection will give the console attribute back to contool.
"Clear Messages" clears the current console messages from the scrolling display.
"Reset Filter" causes contool to stop processing a multi-line filter. If the user has incorrectly specified the end pattern of a multi-line filter, contool may never stop processing that filter, preventing subsequent messages from being displayed. This sleection cancels any multi-line fiter in effect. If a multi-line filter is being processed, its starting pattern will be displayed in the left footer of the contool window.
The default selection is "Become Console".
The Edit button lets the user edit either the contool properties or the current filter set.
The "Filters" selection brings up the Filters dialog.
The "Properties" selection brings up the Properties dialog.
The default selection is "Filters".
The contool console display contains the text of those messages which contoolhas been configured to display. Some messages may be timestamped. Which messages make it into the console is controlled by the Filters dialog; how many messages are retained is determined by the Properties dialog.
The Properties dialog box lets you modify various default attributes of contool. These attributes include how to handle messages which do not match any filter, message logging and printing, and icon images.
The Default action setting determines what action contool will take when a message arrives that does not match any filter.
If "Beep" is selected, the machine bell will be rung the indicated number of times.
If "Command" is selected, the indicated command will be executed. The contents of the message are written to the command's standard input.
If "Flash icon" is selected, contool's icon will flash, alternating between the "Check console" and "Flash" images specified in the contool Properties dialog box.
If "Open window" is selected, contool will open to a window (if iconic) and move in front of any obscuring windows.
If "Timestamp" is selected, a timestamp will be written to the console before the message text. Timestamping is further controlled by the timestamp resolution defined in the contool Properties dialog box.
This numeric text field determines the number of times the terminal bell will be rung when a message arrives that does not match any filter.
This item is only enabled if "Beep" is enabled in the "Default action" setting.
This numeric text field determines the number of times the terminal bell will be rung when a message arrives that does not match any filter.
This item is only enabled if "Beep" is enabled in the "Default action" setting.
This text field determines the command that will be exedcuted when a message arrives that does not match any filter. The contents of the message are written to standard input of the executing command.
This item is only enabled if "Command" is enabled in the "Default action" setting.
The Log file text field contains the path of the file to which messages are written if logging is enabled.
Messages are always appended to the file, preserving any previous contents.
Typing a space in this field will cause file name completion to occur, expanding the current pathname to match, as much as possible, any existing files with the same name.
The Log messages setting determines whether messages will be written to the log before or after filtering.
If "Before filtering" is selected, everything received by contool is written to the log.
If "After filtering" is selected, only those messages that do not match any filter, or that match a filter whose match action is to save the message, are written to the log.
The Print filter text field specifies the command which will be used to print the console when "Print" is selected from the contool "File" menu.
This command should route its standard input to a printer.
The "All is well" icon text field should contain the path of a file containing the image to be used by contool when it is not flashing its icon. The image should have been produced using iconedit(1).
If this field is blank, the default icon is used.
The "Check console" icon text field should contain the path of a file containing the image to be used by contool when it is flashing its icon. The image should have been produced using iconedit(1). The image will be alternated with the "Flash" image to produce a blinking effect.
If this field is blank, the default icon is used.
The "Flash" icon text field should contain the path of a file containing the image to be used by contool when it is flashing its icon. The image should have been produced using iconedit(1). The image will be alternated with the "Check console" image to produce a blinking effect.
If this field is blank, the default icon is used.
The Timestamp resolution numeric text item specifies the number of seconds that must elapse before contool will write a new timestamp to the console. Even if a filter requires that a timestamp be written, the stamp will only be inserted if the specified time has transpired. This keeps the console from becoming clogged with a large number of similar timestamps.
The Timestamp resolution numeric text item specifies the number of seconds that must elapse before contool will write a new timestamp to the console. Even if a filter requires that a timestamp be written, the stamp will only be inserted if the specified time has transpired. This keeps the console from becoming clogged with a large number of similar timestamps.
The Maximum message text numeric field determines the maximum number of characters contool will keep in the console display. If inserting a new message would exceed this amount, contool will remove text from the beginning fo the display to make room. The amount of text removed is determined by the "Overflow deletion amount" value.
The Maximum message text numeric field determines the maximum number of characters contool will keep in the console display. If inserting a new message would exceed this amount, contool will remove text from the beginning fo the display to make room. The amount of text removed is determined by the "Overflow deletion amount" value.
The Overflow deletion amount numeric field determines how much text will be removed from the start of the console to make room for a new message whose insertion would cause the console the exceed the "Maximum message text" size.
Contool will attempt to remove whole messages from the console in order to retain an orderly appearance.
The Overflow deletion amount numeric field determines how much text will be removed from the start of the console to make room for a new message whose insertion would cause the console the exceed the "Maximum message text" size.
Contool will attempt to remove whole messages from the console in order to retain an orderly appearance.
The Apply button causes the values displayed in the Properties dialog to become the current contool properties. Before Apply is pressed, changes made in this dialog do not affect contool.
Even after pressing Apply, the changes are not written to the contool configuration file. If you wish your changes to remaina cross invocations of contool, use the "Save Configuration" dialog to write the properties to the configuration file.
The Reset button restores the values in the Properties dialog to match the current values in use by contool. Any changes made to these values and not applied to contool are discarded.
This is the contool filter editing dialog. You use this dialog to add, delete, and modify console message filters.
This scrolling list displays the current contool filter set. Each line corresponds to one filter.
The starting pattern for each filter is shown in the list, preceded by a small glyph which indicates whether the filter is a single-line or multi-line filter.
To see the other attributes of a single filter, select that filter with the mouse. The attributes will be displayed in the Filter dialog box.
If you select more than one filter, the remainder of the dialog box will be grayed out. The dialog box is also disabled if no filter is selected.
The Insert button inserts a new, blank filter into the filter list. The menu associated with the button allows you to specify where the new filter will be inserted.
The insert positions are at the top of the list, the bottom of the list, and before or after the current selection. These last choices are only enabled if exactly one filter in the list is selected. The default position is at the bottom of the list.
After inserting the new filter, any other selected filters are deselected, and the new filter is selected. You can then define the attributes of this new filter, and update the filter using the Update button.
The Edit button lets you modify the current filter list. The menu associated with this button provides Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete operations.
The Cut operation removes the selected filters from the list and places them on the clipboard. You can place these filters back into the list using the Paste operation.
The Copy operation places a copy of the selected filters onto the clipboard. The Paste operation will paste the copied filters into the list.
The Paste operation pastes filters on the clipboard into the filter list. The Paste submenu provides four posting positions: at the top of the list, the bottom of the list, and before or after the current selection. The last two choices are only enabled if exactly one filter in the list is selected. The default position is at the bottom of the list.
The Delete operation removes the selected filters from the list. The filters are not placed on the clipboard. Once deleted, filters cannot be recovered with the Paste operation.
The Cut, Copy, and Delete operations are only enabled when one or more filters in the list are selected. The Paste operation is only enabled after a Cut or Copy operation has placed filters on the clipboard.
The default edit operation is Cut.
The Update button applies the current filter attributes displayed in the Filters dialog box to the currently selected filter. The only way to modify a filter is to select it, change its attributes, and click the Update button.
The Update button is only enabled when exactly one filter in the list is selected.
You must use Update to make changes to a filter take effect. Clciking the Apply button does not perform an Update function on the current filter.
The Type setting determines whether the currently selected filter will match one or several lines of text written to the console.
If "Single line filter" is selected, the "Pattern" text field is enabled, and must contain a regular expression describing the line of text to be matched by this filter.
If "Multi-line filter" is selected, both "Pattern" and "End pattern" are enabled. The "Pattern" field should contain a pattern which will match the first line of a multi-line filter. The "End pattern" must match the last line of the multi-line filter. All text between the first and last lines is considered part of the filtered text.
The Pattern text field contains a regular expression (see ed(1), for more on regular expressions) which will match the first line of a message written to the console. For single line filters, this is the only line matched by the filter. For multi-line filters, lines of text beginning with the first line and continuing until a line matches the "End pattern" are considered part of the filtered text.
The End pattern text field contains a regular expression (see ed(1) for more on regular expressions) which will match the last line of a multi-line filter.
The Comment text field should contain a short description of what the current filter does. Since some filters can be quite arcane, this description can be helpful to new users.
This field is optional, and can be left empty. Let your conscience be your guide...
The When matched selection determines what contool does with a message once it has matched a filter.
If "Save message" is selected, the actions selected in the "When saved" setting are performed, and the message text is written to the console.
If "Ignore message" is selected, "When saved" is disabled and the message text is discarded.
The When saved setting determines what action contool will take when a particular filter matches a console message.
If "Beep" is selected, the machine bell will be rung the indicated number of times.
If "Command" is selected, the indicated command will be executed. The contents of the message are written to the command's standard input.
If "Flash icon" is selected, contool's icon will flash, alternating between the "Check console" and "Flash" images specified in the contool Properties dialog box.
If "Open window" is selected, contool will open to a window (if iconic) and move in front of any obscuring windows.
If "Timestamp" is selected, a timestamp will be written to the console before the message text. Timestamping is further controlled by the timestamp resolution defined in the contool Properties dialog box.
When a new filter is created, the save actions are set to match the default message actions defined in the Properties dialog box.
This numeric text field determines the number of times the terminal bell will be rung when a message arrives matching the current filter.
This item is only enabled if "When matched" is set to "Save message" and "Beep" is enabled in the "When saved" setting.
This numeric text field determines the number of times the terminal bell will be rung when a message arrives matching the current filter.
This item is only enabled if "When matched" is set to "Save message" and "Beep" is enabled in the "When saved" setting.
This text field determines the command that will be exedcuted when a message arrives matching the current filter. The contents of the message are written to standard input of the executing command.
This item is only enabled if "When matched" is set to "Save message" and "Command" is enabled in the "When saved" setting.
The Apply button takes the set of filters displayed in the filter list and makes them the current contool filter set. Before Apply is pressed, any additions, deletions, or changes made to the filters remain local to the Filters dialog box.
Even after pressing Apply, the filter changes are not written to the configuration file. In roder to make your changes take effect for subsequent invocations of contool, use the Save Configuration dialog box to write them to your configuration file.
The Reset button discards any changes you have made to the displayed filter set, restoring the filters to match the set currently in use by contool.
Changes made to the filters are local to the Filters dialog box. You can discard your work and start fresh with the existing filter set by pressing the Reset button.
The Load Configuration dialog lets the user load tool properties and/or filter definitions from a configuration file.
The Load selection lets the user choose which items are to be loaded from the configuration file.
If "Tool properties" is selected, contool properties will be loaded from the file.
If "Filter definitions" is selected, new filters will be loaded from the file, replacing any existing filters.
The Configuration file text field must contain the name of the desired configuration file.
Typing a space in this field will cause file name completion to occur, expanding the current pathname to match, as much as possible, any existing files with the same name.
The Load button causes the selected items to be read from the configuration file. Existing properties and/or filters are replaced by those read from the file.
The Store Configuration dialog lets the user store tool properties and/or filter definitions in a configuration file.
The Store selection lets the user choose which items are to be stored in the configuration file.
If "Tool properties" is selected, contool properties will be written to the file.
If "Filter definitions" is selected, new filters will be written to the file.
The Configuration file text field must contain the name of the desired configuration file.
Typing a space in this field will cause file name completion to occur, expanding the current pathname to match, as much as possible, any existing files with the same name.
The Store button writes the desired items to the configuration file. The entire file is overwritten with the data. Thus, a file containing properties and filters will be completely rewritten, even if you only write the filters to it.