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- Path: uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!julius.cs.uiuc.edu!apple!sun-barr!newstop!exodus!jpl-devvax.jpl.nasa.gov
- From: david@jpl-devvax.jpl.nasa.gov (David E. Smyth)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v10i054: wcl -- Widget Creation Library, Part06/11
- Message-ID: <4649@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM>
- Date: 17 Dec 90 22:15:43 GMT
- References: <csx-10i049:wcl@uunet.UU.NET>
- Sender: news@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM
- Lines: 596
- Approved: argv@sun.com
- Submitted-by: david@jpl-devvax.jpl.nasa.gov (David E. Smyth)
- Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 54
- Archive-name: wcl/part06
- # to unbundle, "sh" this file -- DO NOT use csh
- # SHAR archive format. Archive created Fri Oct 19 09:32:53 PDT 1990
- echo x - MD.c
- sed 's/^X//' > MD.c <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X/*
- X** Copyright (c) 1990 David E. Smyth
- X**
- X** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- X** provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- X** duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising
- X** materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use
- X** acknowledge that the software was developed by David E. Smyth. The
- X** name of David E. Smyth may not be used to endorse or promote products
- X** derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- X**
- X*/
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X**
- X** SCCS_data: @(#)MD.c 1.04 ( 30 September 1990 )
- X**
- X** Description: This file contains main() for an example demonstrating
- X** how to support multiple displays. This file is derived
- X** from Mri.c, and which allows prototype interfaces to be
- X** built from resource files. The Widget Creation library
- X** is used.
- X**
- X** Note that a real application would probably want to keep
- X** the multiple displays syncronized. The only way to do
- X** that is to specifically cause each widget to update all
- X** the other widgets. This takes PROGRAMMING!!!
- X**
- X*******************************************************************************
- X** Include_files.
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- X#ifdef MOTIF
- X#include <Xm/Xm.h>
- X#else
- X#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
- X#endif
- X#include <X11/Shell.h>
- X#include <ctype.h>
- X#include <WcCreate.h>
- X#include <WcCreateP.h> /* for callback convenience funcs */
- X
- X#include <Table.h>
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X** Global Application Data
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- Xint gargc;
- Xchar** gargv;
- X
- Xchar* appName;
- Xchar* appClass;
- XXtAppContext app;
- X
- Xstatic char msg[MAX_ERRMSG];
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X** Private Functions
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- X#ifdef MOTIF
- Xextern void MriRegisterMotif();
- X#define REGISTER_WIDGET_SET MriRegisterMotif
- X#else
- Xextern void AriRegisterAthena ();
- X#define REGISTER_WIDGET_SET AriRegisterAthena
- X#endif
- X
- X/*
- X -- Open a new display, build another widget tree on that display.
- X******************************************************************************
- X*/
- X
- Xstatic void NewWidgetTreeOnDisplay( this, name, ignored )
- X Widget this;
- X char* name; /* display name from res file */
- X caddr_t ignored;
- X{
- X static char clean[128]; /* display name w/o leading & trailing junk */
- X int i;
- X int largc;
- X char** largv;
- X Display* dpy;
- X Widget newShell;
- X Arg args[3];
- X
- X /* -- get clean display name by stripping leading & trailing whitespace */
- X (void)WcCleanName( name, clean );
- X
- X /* -- make local copy of global argc and argv */
- X largc = gargc;
- X largv = (char**)XtMalloc( (gargc+1) * sizeof(char*) );
- X for (i = 0 ; i < gargc ; i++)
- X largv[i] = gargv[i];
- X largv[i] = NULL;
- X
- X /* -- open display, build Xrdb, add to app context */
- X dpy = XtOpenDisplay(
- X app, clean, appName, appClass, NULL, 0, &largc, largv );
- X if (dpy == NULL)
- X {
- X sprintf( msg, "NewWidgetTreeOnDisplay( %s ) failed:\
- X Could not open display %s", clean, clean);
- X XtWarning( msg );
- X return;
- X }
- X
- X /* -- create new shell on new display */
- X /* these args are exactly what XtAppInitialize sets. */
- X i = 0;
- X /* XtSetArg(args[i], XtNscreen, DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy)); i++; */
- X XtSetArg(args[i], XtNargc, largc); i++;
- X XtSetArg(args[i], XtNargv, largv); i++;
- X
- X newShell = XtAppCreateShell(
- X appName, appClass,
- X applicationShellWidgetClass,
- X dpy,
- X args, i );
- X if (newShell == NULL)
- X {
- X sprintf( msg, "NewWidgetTreeOnDisplay( %s ) failed:\
- X Could not create new application shell.", clean);
- X XtWarning( msg );
- X return;
- X }
- X
- X /* -- create widget tree under this new application shell */
- X WcWidgetCreation ( newShell );
- X
- X /* -- Realize the widget tree and return to the main application loop */
- X XtRealizeWidget ( newShell );
- X return;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X -- Kill a widget tree on a display, close that display.
- X******************************************************************************
- X*/
- X
- Xstatic void KillWidgetTreeOnDisplay( this, notused, ignored )
- X Widget this;
- X caddr_t notused;
- X caddr_t ignored;
- X{
- X Display* dpy = XtDisplay(this);
- X XtDestroyWidget( WcRootWidget(this) );
- X XtCloseDisplay ( dpy );
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X -- Register Table widget and application specific callbacks.
- X******************************************************************************
- X*/
- X
- Xstatic void RegisterApplication ( app )
- X XtAppContext app;
- X{
- X#define RCN( name, class ) WcRegisterClassName ( app, name, class );
- X#define RCP( name, class ) WcRegisterClassPtr ( app, name, class );
- X#define RCB( name, func ) WcRegisterCallback ( app, name, func, NULL );
- X
- X /* -- register widget classes */
- X RCN( "Table", tableWidgetClass );
- X RCP( "tableWidgetClass", tableWidgetClass );
- X
- X /* -- register callbacks to open a new display */
- X RCB( "NewWidgetTreeOnDisplay", NewWidgetTreeOnDisplay );
- X RCB( "KillWidgetTreeOnDisplay", KillWidgetTreeOnDisplay );
- X
- X#undef RCN
- X#undef RCP
- X#undef RCB
- X}
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X* MAIN function
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- Xmain ( argc, argv )
- X int argc;
- X char* argv[];
- X{
- X int i;
- X Widget appShell;
- X
- X /* make copies of argc and argv for later use in NewWidgetTreeOnDisplay */
- X gargc = argc;
- X gargv = (char**)XtMalloc( (argc+1) * sizeof(char*) );
- X for (i = 0 ; i < argc ; i++)
- X gargv[i] = argv[i];
- X gargv[i] = NULL;
- X
- X appName = argv[0];
- X appClass = (char*) XtMalloc ( strlen ( argv[0] ) + 1 );
- X strcpy (appClass, argv[0]);
- X /* initialize first letter to make class, or first two if
- X ** first is already capitalized, or don't worry about it.
- X */
- X if (islower(appClass[0]))
- X appClass[0] = toupper(appClass[0]);
- X else if (islower(appClass[1]))
- X appClass[1] = toupper(appClass[1]);
- X
- X /* -- Intialize Toolkit creating the application shell */
- X appShell = XtInitialize (
- X appName, appClass, /* app name and class */
- X NULL, 0, /* description of cmd line options */
- X &argc, argv
- X );
- X app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(appShell);
- X
- X /* -- Register all application specific callbacks and widget classes */
- X RegisterApplication ( app );
- X
- X /* -- Register all classes and constructors for desired widget set */
- X
- X /* -- Create widget tree below toplevel shell using Xrm database */
- X WcWidgetCreation ( appShell );
- X
- X /* -- Realize the widget tree and enter the main application loop */
- X XtRealizeWidget ( appShell );
- X XtMainLoop ( );
- X}
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 7234 Oct 12 09:57 MD.c (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r MD.c
- ls -l MD.c
- echo x - Mri.c
- sed 's/^X//' > Mri.c <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X/*
- X** Copyright (c) 1990 David E. Smyth
- X**
- X** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- X** provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- X** duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising
- X** materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use
- X** acknowledge that the software was developed by David E. Smyth. The
- X** name of David E. Smyth may not be used to endorse or promote products
- X** derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- X**
- X*/
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X**
- X** SCCS_data: @(#)Mri.c 1.0 ( 19 June 1990 )
- X**
- X** Description: This file contains main() for a Motif Resource Interpreter
- X** which allows prototype interfaces to be built from
- X** resource files. The Widget Creation library is used.
- X**
- X** Besides the Motif widgets, Mri also knows about Table
- X** widgets, simply because they are so dang useful!
- X**
- X** Notes: This program uses the Xrm (X resource management) database
- X** for widget tree definition and management. This program
- X** is dependent on the Motif widget set only because the
- X** Motif classes and constructors are registered, which
- X** causes the Motif libs to be linked in. Someday I'll
- X** get a shared lib version of Motif and the Athena widgets,
- X** and even the OpenLook widget set, and then there will
- X** be no reason that widgets could not be mixed and matched.
- X** Doing that without shared libs makes for a HUGE executable.
- X**
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X** Include_files.
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- X#include <Xm/Xm.h>
- X#include <ctype.h>
- X#include <WcCreate.h>
- X
- X#include <Table.h>
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X** Private Functions
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- Xextern void MriRegisterMotif();
- X
- Xstatic void RegisterTable ( app )
- X XtAppContext app;
- X{
- X#define RCN( name, class ) WcRegisterClassName ( app, name, class );
- X#define RCP( name, class ) WcRegisterClassPtr ( app, name, class );
- X
- X /* -- register widget classes */
- X RCN( "Table", tableWidgetClass );
- X RCP( "tableWidgetClass", tableWidgetClass );
- X
- X#undef RCN
- X#undef RCP
- X}
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X* MAIN function
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- Xmain ( argc, argv )
- X int argc;
- X char* argv[];
- X{
- X char* appClass;
- X XtAppContext app;
- X Widget appShell;
- X
- X appClass = (char*) XtMalloc ( strlen ( argv[0] ) + 1 );
- X strcpy (appClass, argv[0]);
- X /* initialize first letter to make class, or first two if
- X ** first is already capitalized, or don't worry about it.
- X */
- X if (islower(appClass[0]))
- X appClass[0] = toupper(appClass[0]);
- X else if (islower(appClass[1]))
- X appClass[1] = toupper(appClass[1]);
- X
- X /* -- Intialize Toolkit creating the application shell */
- X appShell = XtInitialize (
- X argv[0], appClass, /* app name and class */
- X NULL, 0, /* description of cmd line options */
- X &argc, argv
- X );
- X app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(appShell);
- X
- X /* -- Register all application specific callbacks and widget classes */
- X RegisterTable ( app );
- X
- X /* -- Register all Motif classes and constructors */
- X MriRegisterMotif ( app );
- X
- X /* -- Create widget tree below toplevel shell using Xrm database */
- X WcWidgetCreation ( appShell );
- X
- X /* -- Realize the widget tree and enter the main application loop */
- X XtRealizeWidget ( appShell );
- X XtMainLoop ( );
- X}
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 4088 Aug 6 09:36 Mri.c (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r Mri.c
- ls -l Mri.c
- echo x - MriRegAll.c
- sed 's/^X//' > MriRegAll.c <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X/*
- X** Copyright (c) 1990 David E. Smyth
- X**
- X** This file was derived from work performed by Martin Brunecky at
- X** Auto-trol Technology Corporation, Denver, Colorado, under the
- X** following copyright:
- X**
- X*******************************************************************************
- X* Copyright 1990 by Auto-trol Technology Corporation, Denver, Colorado.
- X*
- X* All Rights Reserved
- X*
- X* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- X* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- X* that the above copyright notice appears on all copies and that both the
- X* copyright and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation
- X* and that the name of Auto-trol not be used in advertising or publicity
- X* pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, prior written
- X* permission.
- X*
- X* Auto-trol disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including
- X* all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall
- X* Auto-trol be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
- X* any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether
- X* in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out
- X* of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.
- X*******************************************************************************
- X**
- X** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- X** provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- X** duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising
- X** materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use
- X** acknowledge that the software was developed by David E. Smyth. The
- X** name of David E. Smyth may not be used to endorse or promote products
- X** derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- X**
- X*/
- X
- X/*
- X* SCCS_data: @(#)MriRegAll.c 1.0 ( 19 June 1990 )
- X*
- X* This module contains registration routine for all Motif
- X* widget/gadget constructors and classes.
- X*
- X* Module_interface_summary:
- X*
- X* void MriRegisterMotif ( XtAppContext app )
- X*
- X*******************************************************************************
- X*/
- X
- X#include <Xm/Xm.h>
- X
- X#include <Xm/ArrowB.h>
- X#include <Xm/ArrowBG.h>
- X#include <Xm/BulletinB.h>
- X#include <Xm/CascadeB.h>
- X#include <Xm/CascadeBG.h>
- X#include <Xm/Command.h>
- X#include <Xm/DialogS.h>
- X#include <Xm/DrawingA.h>
- X#include <Xm/DrawnB.h>
- X#include <Xm/FileSB.h>
- X#include <Xm/Form.h>
- X#include <Xm/Frame.h>
- X#include <Xm/Label.h>
- X#include <Xm/LabelG.h>
- X#include <Xm/List.h>
- X#include <Xm/MainW.h>
- X#include <Xm/MenuShell.h>
- X#include <Xm/MessageB.h>
- X#include <Xm/PanedW.h>
- X#include <Xm/PushB.h>
- X#include <Xm/PushBG.h>
- X#include <Xm/RowColumn.h>
- X#include <Xm/Scale.h>
- X#include <Xm/ScrollBar.h>
- X#include <Xm/ScrolledW.h>
- X#include <Xm/SelectioB.h>
- X#include <Xm/SeparatoG.h>
- X#include <Xm/Separator.h>
- X#include <Xm/Text.h>
- X#include <Xm/ToggleB.h>
- X#include <Xm/ToggleBG.h>
- X
- Xvoid MriRegisterMotif ( app )
- X XtAppContext app;
- X{
- X#define RCO( name, func ) WcRegisterConstructor ( app, name, func )
- X#define RCN( name, class ) WcRegisterClassName ( app, name, class )
- X#define RCP( name, class ) WcRegisterClassPtr ( app, name, class )
- X
- X/* -- register all Motif constructors */
- X RCO( "XmCreateArrowButton", XmCreateArrowButton );
- X RCO( "XmCreateArrowButtonGadget", XmCreateArrowButtonGadget );
- X RCO( "XmCreateBulletinBoard", XmCreateBulletinBoard );
- X RCO( "XmCreateBulletinBoardDialog", XmCreateBulletinBoardDialog );
- X RCO( "XmCreateCascadeButton", XmCreateCascadeButton );
- X RCO( "XmCreateCascadeButtonGadget", XmCreateCascadeButtonGadget );
- X RCO( "XmCreateCommand", XmCreateCommand );
- X RCO( "XmCreateDialogShell", XmCreateDialogShell );
- X RCO( "XmCreateDrawingArea", XmCreateDrawingArea );
- X RCO( "XmCreateDrawnButton", XmCreateDrawnButton );
- X RCO( "XmCreateErrorDialog", XmCreateErrorDialog );
- X RCO( "XmCreateFileSelectionBox", XmCreateFileSelectionBox );
- X RCO( "XmCreateFileSelectionDialog", XmCreateFileSelectionDialog );
- X RCO( "XmCreateForm", XmCreateForm );
- X RCO( "XmCreateFormDialog", XmCreateFormDialog );
- X RCO( "XmCreateFrame", XmCreateFrame );
- X RCO( "XmCreateInformationDialog", XmCreateInformationDialog );
- X RCO( "XmCreateLabel", XmCreateLabel );
- X RCO( "XmCreateLabelGadget", XmCreateLabelGadget );
- X RCO( "XmCreateList", XmCreateList );
- X RCO( "XmCreateMainWindow", XmCreateMainWindow );
- X RCO( "XmCreateMenuBar", XmCreateMenuBar );
- X RCO( "XmCreateMenuShell", XmCreateMenuShell );
- X RCO( "XmCreateMessageBox", XmCreateMessageBox );
- X RCO( "XmCreateMessageDialog", XmCreateMessageDialog );
- X RCO( "XmCreateOptionMenu", XmCreateOptionMenu );
- X RCO( "XmCreatePanedWindow", XmCreatePanedWindow );
- X RCO( "XmCreatePopupMenu", XmCreatePopupMenu );
- X RCO( "XmCreatePromptDialog", XmCreatePromptDialog );
- X RCO( "XmCreatePulldownMenu", XmCreatePulldownMenu );
- X RCO( "XmCreatePushButton", XmCreatePushButton );
- X RCO( "XmCreatePushButtonGadget", XmCreatePushButtonGadget );
- X RCO( "XmCreateQuestionDialog", XmCreateQuestionDialog );
- X RCO( "XmCreateRadioBox", XmCreateRadioBox );
- X RCO( "XmCreateRowColumn", XmCreateRowColumn );
- X RCO( "XmCreateScale", XmCreateScale );
- X RCO( "XmCreateScrollBar", XmCreateScrollBar );
- X RCO( "XmCreateScrolledList", XmCreateScrolledList );
- X RCO( "XmCreateScrolledText", XmCreateScrolledText );
- X RCO( "XmCreateScrolledWindow", XmCreateScrolledWindow );
- X RCO( "XmCreateSelectionBox", XmCreateSelectionBox );
- X RCO( "XmCreateSelectionDialog", XmCreateSelectionDialog );
- X RCO( "XmCreateSeparator", XmCreateSeparator );
- X RCO( "XmCreateSeparatorGadget", XmCreateSeparatorGadget );
- X RCO( "XmCreateText", XmCreateText );
- X RCO( "XmCreateToggleButton", XmCreateToggleButton );
- X RCO( "XmCreateToggleButtonGadget", XmCreateToggleButtonGadget );
- X RCO( "XmCreateWarningDialog", XmCreateWarningDialog );
- X RCO( "XmCreateWorkingDialog", XmCreateWorkingDialog );
- X
- X/* -- register Motif widget classes */
- X RCP("xmArrowButtonWidgetClass", xmArrowButtonWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmArrowButton", xmArrowButtonWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmArrowButtonGadgetClass", xmArrowButtonGadgetClass );
- X RCN("XmArrowButtonGadget", xmArrowButtonGadgetClass );
- X RCP("xmBulletinBoardWidgetClass", xmBulletinBoardWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmBulletinBoard", xmBulletinBoardWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmCascadeButtonWidgetClass", xmCascadeButtonWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmCascadeButton", xmCascadeButtonWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmCascadeButtonGadgetClass", xmCascadeButtonGadgetClass );
- X RCN("XmCascadeButtonGadget", xmCascadeButtonGadgetClass );
- X RCP("xmCommandWidgetClass", xmCommandWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmCommand", xmCommandWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmDialogShellWidgetClass", xmDialogShellWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmDialogShell", xmDialogShellWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass", xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmDrawingArea", xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmDrawnButtonWidgetClass", xmDrawnButtonWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmDrawnButton", xmDrawnButtonWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmFileSelectionBoxWidgetClass", xmFileSelectionBoxWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmFileSelectionBox", xmFileSelectionBoxWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmFormWidgetClass", xmFormWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmForm", xmFormWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmFrameWidgetClass", xmFrameWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmFrame", xmFrameWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmGadgetClass", xmGadgetClass );
- X RCN("XmGadget", xmGadgetClass );
- X RCP("xmLabelWidgetClass", xmLabelWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmLabel", xmLabelWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmLabelGadgetClass", xmLabelGadgetClass );
- X RCN("XmLabelGadget", xmLabelGadgetClass );
- X RCP("xmListWidgetClass", xmListWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmList", xmListWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmMainWindowWidgetClass", xmMainWindowWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmMainWindow", xmMainWindowWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmManagerWidgetClass", xmManagerWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmManager", xmManagerWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmMenuShellWidgetClass", xmMenuShellWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmMenuShell", xmMenuShellWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmMessageBoxWidgetClass", xmMessageBoxWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmMessageBox", xmMessageBoxWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmPanedWindowWidgetClass", xmPanedWindowWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmPanedWindow", xmPanedWindowWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmPrimitiveWidgetClass", xmPrimitiveWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmPrimitive", xmPrimitiveWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmPushButtonWidgetClass", xmPushButtonWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmPushButton", xmPushButtonWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmPushButtonGadgetClass", xmPushButtonGadgetClass );
- X RCN("XmPushButtonGadget", xmPushButtonGadgetClass );
- X RCP("xmRowColumnWidgetClass", xmRowColumnWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmRowColumn", xmRowColumnWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmScaleWidgetClass", xmScaleWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmScale", xmScaleWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmScrollBarWidgetClass", xmScrollBarWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmScrollBar", xmScrollBarWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmScrolledWindowWidgetClass", xmScrolledWindowWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmScrolledWindow", xmScrolledWindowWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmSelectionBoxWidgetClass", xmSelectionBoxWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmSelectionBox", xmSelectionBoxWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmSeparatorWidgetClass", xmSeparatorWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmSeparator", xmSeparatorWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmSeparatorGadgetClass", xmSeparatorGadgetClass );
- X RCN("XmSeparatorGadget", xmSeparatorGadgetClass );
- X RCP("xmTextWidgetClass", xmTextWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmText", xmTextWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmToggleButtonWidgetClass", xmToggleButtonWidgetClass );
- X RCN("XmToggleButton", xmToggleButtonWidgetClass );
- X RCP("xmToggleButtonGadgetClass", xmToggleButtonGadgetClass );
- X RCN("XmToggleButtonGadget", xmToggleButtonGadgetClass );
- X
- X#undef RCO
- X#undef RCN
- X#undef RCP
- X}
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 9953 Aug 6 09:36 MriRegAll.c (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r MriRegAll.c
- ls -l MriRegAll.c
- exit 0
- dan
- ----------------------------------------------------
- O'Reilly && Associates argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
- Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.
- --
- dan
- ----------------------------------------------------
- O'Reilly && Associates argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
- Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.