Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
164 lines
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)qix.c 23.7 90/10/28 XLOCK SMI";
* qix.c - The old standby vector swirl for the xlock X11 terminal locker.
* Copyright (c) 1989-90 by Sun Microsystems Inc.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
* both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
* supporting documentation.
* This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author
* shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights,
* trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no
* event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or
* other special, indirect and consequential damages.
* Comments and additions should be sent to the author:
* naughton@eng.sun.com
* Patrick J. Naughton
* MS 14-01
* Windows and Graphics Group
* Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 2550 Garcia Ave
* Mountain View, CA 94043
* Revision History:
* 29-Jul-90: support for multiple heads.
* made check_bounds_?() a macro.
* fixed initial parameter setup.
* 15-Dec-89: Fix for proper skipping of {White,Black}Pixel() in colors.
* 08-Oct-89: Fixed bug in memory allocation in initqix().
* Moved seconds() to an extern.
* 23-Sep-89: Switch to random() and fixed bug w/ less than 4 lines.
* 20-Sep-89: Lint.
* 24-Mar-89: Written.
#include "xlock.h"
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
} point;
typedef struct {
int pix;
long startTime;
int first;
int last;
int dx1;
int dy1;
int dx2;
int dy2;
int x1;
int y1;
int x2;
int y2;
int offset;
int delta;
int width;
int height;
int nlines;
point *lineq;
} qixstruct;
static qixstruct qixs[MAXSCREENS];
Window win;
XWindowAttributes xgwa;
qixstruct *qp = &qixs[screen];
qp->startTime = seconds();
srandom(time((long *) 0));
qp->nlines = (batchcount + 1) * 2;
if (!qp->lineq) {
qp->lineq = (point *) malloc(qp->nlines * sizeof(point));
memset(qp->lineq, '\0', qp->nlines * sizeof(point));
XGetWindowAttributes(dsp, win, &xgwa);
qp->width = xgwa.width;
qp->height = xgwa.height;
qp->delta = 16;
if (qp->width < 100) { /* icon window */
qp->nlines /= 4;
qp->delta /= 4;
qp->offset = qp->delta / 3;
qp->last = 0;
qp->pix = 0;
qp->dx1 = random() % qp->delta + qp->offset;
qp->dy1 = random() % qp->delta + qp->offset;
qp->dx2 = random() % qp->delta + qp->offset;
qp->dy2 = random() % qp->delta + qp->offset;
qp->x1 = random() % qp->width;
qp->y1 = random() % qp->height;
qp->x2 = random() % qp->width;
qp->y2 = random() % qp->height;
XSetForeground(dsp, Scr[screen].gc, BlackPixel(dsp, screen));
XFillRectangle(dsp, win, Scr[screen].gc, 0, 0, qp->width, qp->height);
#define check_bounds(qp, val, del, max) \
{ \
if ((val) < 0) { \
*(del) = (random() % (qp)->delta) + (qp)->offset; \
} else if ((val) > (max)) { \
*(del) = -(random() % (qp)->delta) - (qp)->offset; \
} \
Window win;
qixstruct *qp = &qixs[screen];
qp->first = (qp->last + 2) % qp->nlines;
qp->x1 += qp->dx1;
qp->y1 += qp->dy1;
qp->x2 += qp->dx2;
qp->y2 += qp->dy2;
check_bounds(qp, qp->x1, &qp->dx1, qp->width);
check_bounds(qp, qp->y1, &qp->dy1, qp->height);
check_bounds(qp, qp->x2, &qp->dx2, qp->width);
check_bounds(qp, qp->y2, &qp->dy2, qp->height);
XSetForeground(dsp, Scr[screen].gc, BlackPixel(dsp, screen));
XDrawLine(dsp, win, Scr[screen].gc,
qp->lineq[qp->first].x, qp->lineq[qp->first].y,
qp->lineq[qp->first + 1].x, qp->lineq[qp->first + 1].y);
if (!mono && Scr[screen].npixels > 2) {
XSetForeground(dsp, Scr[screen].gc, Scr[screen].pixels[qp->pix]);
if (++qp->pix >= Scr[screen].npixels)
qp->pix = 0;
} else
XSetForeground(dsp, Scr[screen].gc, WhitePixel(dsp, screen));
XDrawLine(dsp, win, Scr[screen].gc, qp->x1, qp->y1, qp->x2, qp->y2);
qp->lineq[qp->last].x = qp->x1;
qp->lineq[qp->last].y = qp->y1;
if (qp->last >= qp->nlines)
qp->last = 0;
qp->lineq[qp->last].x = qp->x2;
qp->lineq[qp->last].y = qp->y2;
if (qp->last >= qp->nlines)
qp->last = 0;