Usenet 1994 October
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Perl Script
276 lines
#! /usr/bin/perl
# xmartin+ - front end to the xmartin root window decorator
# xmartin+ [-q] [-demo] [-n name] [-f file] [-repeat [seconds]] [-save]
# [xmartin-options]
$File = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.xmartin+";
$xmFile = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.xmartin";
$xmNoArg ="^-(mono|nrc|v|rv|static)|\\+rv$";
$xmArg = "^-(p|P|a|b|c|d|nc|zoom|move|coord|display)$";
$xmOptArg = "^-(bg|dynam|tile|perturb)$";
#---parse arguments------------------------------------------------------------
while($_ = shift) {
if (m!^-[nf]$!) { $n = shift; &usage unless $n; push(@Names,$n); }
elsif (m!^-file$!) { $File = shift; &usage unless $File; }
elsif (m!^-q$!) { $Query++; }
elsif (m!^-demo$!) { $Demo++; }
elsif (m!^-save$!) { $Save++; }
elsif (m!^-repeat$!) {
$Sleep = ($ARGV[0] =~ /^\d+/) ? shift : 1;
else {
if (m!$xmNoArg!) { $xmOpts .= "$_ "; }
elsif (m!$xmArg!) { $xmOpts .= "$_ " . shift . ' '; }
elsif (m!$xmOptArg!) {
$xmOpts .= "$_ ";
if ($ARGV[0] !~ /^[-+]/ ) { $xmOpts .= shift . ' '; }
else { &usage; }
&initfile unless -s $File;
#---read file, concatenate continuation lines ---------------------------------
open(File, $File) || die "xmartin+: can't open $File: $!\n";
while(<File>) { $text .= $_; }
$* = 1; $text =~ s/\\\s*\n//g; @Lines = split(/\n/, $text); $* = 0;
#---parse file, extract entries------------------------------------------------
for(@Lines) {
$line = $_;
#---trim/skip comments
s/#.*$//; next if m!^\s*$!;
#---remove extraneous white space
s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s+(:)/$1/g; s/(:)\s+/$1/g; s/\s+/ /g;
#---check syntax
m!^\S+:.*:\d+\.?\d*:\S! || die "xmartin+: invalid entry in $File:\n$line\n";
#---extract and record fields
$name = $1; $comment = $2; $weight = $3; $parms = $4;
if ($name =~ /sv(\d+)/) {
$Svsqn = $1 unless $Svsqn > $1;
$Sum_weight += $weight;
$Comment{$name} = $comment;
$Weight{$name} = $weight;
#---check if reference to previous entry
if ($parms =~ /{(.*)}/ ) {
$pname = $1; $pname =~ s/\s//g;
if (!$Parms{$pname}) {
warn "xmartin+: no previous entry {$pname} for this line:\n";
die "$line\n";
$parms =~ s/{.*}/$Parms{$pname}/;
$Parms{$name} = $parms;
#---If save, save ~/.xmartin parms as entry in xmartin+ tailoring file-------
if ($Save) {
-s $xmFile || die "xmartin+: $xmFile empty or non-existent\n";
open(xmFile, $xmFile) || die "xmartin+: can't open $xmFile:$!\n";
while(<xmFile>) { chop; $savetext .= " $_"; }
while (!$Svname) {
print "Enter name for save entry[sv$Svsqn]:";
$Svname = <>; chop $Svname;
if (!length($Svname)) { $Svname = "sv$Svsqn"; last; }
if ($Svname !~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/) {
warn "xmartin+: '$Svname' is not a valid save name.\n";
undef $Svname; next;
if ($Parms{$Svname}) {
warn "xmartin+: '$Svname' entry already exists!\n";
undef $Svname; next;
print "Enter brief comment for save entry[none]:";
$Svcom = <>; chop $Svcom;
open(File, ">$File") || die "xmartin+: can't open $File for writing:$!\n";
print File $text;
print File "$Svname:$Svcom:0:$savetext\n";
#---If query, print out names-weights-comments and exit----------------------
if ($Query) {
format top =
Name---------- Weight Comment---------------------------------------------
format STDOUT =
@<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>> @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$_, $weight, $Comment{$_}
for (sort keys(%Weight)) { $weight = $Weight{$_} ? $Weight{$_} : ''; write; }
#---If demo, set to execute each entry once------------------------------------
if ($Demo) { for (sort keys(%Parms)) { push(@Names, $_); } }
#---if specific entries not requested, select one randomly---------------------
if ($#Names < 0) { srand(); &random; }
#---generate/execute xmartin call(s)--------------------------------------------
for $n(@Names) {
$Parms{$n} || die qq|xmartin+: No entry found in $File for "-n $n"\n|;
while(1) {
for $n(@Names) {
print "xmartin+" . '=' x 60 . "\n";
print "xmartin+ $n $Comment{$n}\n";
print "xmartin+ $Parms{$n}\n";
$xmOpts && print "xmartin+ $xmOpts\n";
$cmd = "xmartin $Parms{$n} $xmOpts";
if (!fork) { exec($cmd); } # system($cmd) masks ^C interrupts
$Repeat && sleep($Sleep);
last unless $Repeat;
&random if $Random;
#---initfile - set up default .xmartin+ file-----------------------------------
sub initfile {
warn "xmartin+: Setting up default xmartin+ file in $File\n";
warn "xmartin+: You may want to read the comments in this file.\n";
open (File, ">$File") || die "xmartin+: can't open $File:$!\n";
print File <<EOF;
# xmartin+ tailoring file
# Entries in this file are used by the xmartin+ front end to generate an
# xmartin call tailored to suit your preferences. Entry format:
# <name>:<comment>:<weight>:<xmartin-parms>
# <name> : a name for the entry. Used in "xmartin+ -n name".
# <comment>: a brief comment describing the entry
# <weight> : any positive numerical value. The weight divided by the
# sum of the weights for all entries is the probability
# that xmartin+ will select this entry. A weight of 0 can
# be used to record interesting parameters for recall by
# name.
# <xmartin-parms> : the xmartin parameters for this entry. You can
# include the parameters of a previously defined
# entry by placing the name of the entry in braces
# "{}" in the parms field of a subsequent entry.
# The default file has entries matching the random parameters used by
# xmartin itself. Except "-tile" is used for the smallish martin2 patterns.
# The xmartin abc defaults for ejk2 and ab defaults for cp1 cannot be
# expressed as linear, orthogonal ranges, so their setting is left to
# xmartin itself.
martin1 :(square root): 33 : -f martin1 -a 40::1540 -b 3::20 -c 100::3100
martin2 :(sine) : 2 : -f martin2 -a 3.0715927::3.2115927 -tile
ejk1 :(linear) : 8 : -f ejk1 -a -500:500 -b -0.4:+0.4 -c 10::110
ejk2 :(log) : 3 : -f ejk2 #can't do xmartin non-linear abc defaults
ejk3 :(sine) : 6 : -f ejk3 -a -500:500 -b .05::.40 -c 30::110
ejk4 :(sine-sqrt hybrid): 6:\\
-f ejk4 -a -1000:1000 -b 1::10 -c 30:70 -zoom 0.7
ejk5 :(sine-linear hybrid): 6:\\
-f ejk5 -a -600:600 -b .1::.4 -c 20::110 -zoom 0.7
ejk6 :(arc sine): 6 : -f ejk6 -a 550:650 -b .5::1.5 -zoom 1.2 -move 320,500
rr1 :(Recuerdo power): 6 : -f rr1 -a 0::100 -b 0::20 -c 0::200 -d 0:.9
cp1 :(Pickover sine) : 25 : -f cp1
jigsaw :(perturbed martin2): 0 : -f martin2 -perturb 100,100
canvas :(perturbed martin2): 0 : -f martin2 -perturb 20,80
flag :(perturbed martin2): 0 : -f martin2 -perturb 100,1 -zoom 80
angelhair :(perturbed martin2): 0 :\\
-f martin2 -perturb 5,1.6 -zoom 120 -move 140,250 -a -3.07:-3.18
debris :(perturbed martin2): 0 : {angelhair} -a -3.20:-3.25
4lobe :(ejk1 subset): 0 : -f ejk1 -a 205:215 -b 0.39:0.40 -c 35:45
nucleus :(ejk1 subset): 0 : -f ejk1 -a -30:-50 -b -.13:-.14 -c 50::70
shards :(ejk1 subset): 0 : -f ejk1 -a 125:130 -b 1 -c 60:70 -zoom 0.2
peacock :(ejk1 subset): 0 : -f ejk1 -a 125:128 -b 1.05 -c 60:65 -zoom 0.2
neuron :(ejk1 subset): 0 :\\
-f ejk1 -a 130:140 -b -1.1 -c -55:-65 -zoom 0.1 -nc 2000 -P 250000
propeller :(ejk1 subset): 0 :\\
-f ejk1 -a 175:185 -b -0.28:-0.31 -c -40:-50 -zoom 0.2
dragonfly :(ejk1 subset): 0 :\\
-f ejk1 -a 400:500 -b 1.4:1.5 -c -40:-60 -zoom 0.02 -move ne,200
butterfly :(ejk1 subset): 0 :\\
-f ejk1 -a 140:200 -b .69:.70 -c -190:-200 -zoom 0.04 -p 100000
parkayfly :(ejk1 subset): 0 : {butterfly} -perturb
nova :(polar ejk6): 0 : -f ejk6 -coord ra -move 0,0 -P 100000
#-----entries saved with "xmartin+ -save" after this line---------------------
fission:(save example):0: -f ejk1 -zoom 1.00000000000000000e+00 -a -4.4195582241184226e+01 -b 1.62878468936082850e-01 -c 5.92603781619302480e+01 -x 0.00000000000000000e+00 -y 0.00000000000000000e+00 -perturb 1218,2.09941657103072770e+02
fusion:(save example):0: -f ejk1 -zoom 1.00000000000000000e+00 -a 4.44351629250406570e+02 -b 7.12978960411583960e-02 -c -9.3767407916053031e+01 -x 0.00000000000000000e+00 -y 0.00000000000000000e+00 -perturb 9737,8.39145051045554060e+02
rocketeer:(Dan Lovinger):0: -f cp1,7,5436,5307 -zoom 1.25000000000000000e+02 -a 1.85005116080874790e+01 -b 6.16683720269582650e+00 -x 2.00000000000000000e+01 -y 3.00000000000000000e+01 -move 310,320 -coord xy
#---random - select an entry at random-----------------------------------------
sub random {
local($sum_weight) = 0;
$Sum_weight > 0 || die "xmartin+: no $File entries with non-zero weight\n";
$#Names = -1;
$Random = rand($Sum_weight);
for(keys %Weight) {
$weight = $Weight{$_};
next unless $weight > 0;
$sum_weight += $weight;
next if $sum_weight < $Random;
push(@Names, $_); last;
#---usage - explain usage & exit-----------------------------------------------
sub usage {
print STDERR <<EOF;
usage: xmartin+
[-q] [-n name] [-demo] [-repeat [secs]] [-save] [-file file] [xmartin-opts]
-q: prints table of entry names, weights, & comments
-n name: add named entry to list of patterns to generate (also -f name)
-demo: executes every entry once
-repeat: repeats patterns indefinitely (until ^C). If present "secs" is
time to sleep between patterns.
-save: save the exact hopalong parameters for the previous pattern as an
entry in the xmartin+ tailoring file so it can be recalled later
with "xmartin+ -n name". You will be prompted for the name to use
(default: svnn) and a brief comment to include in the entry.
-file file: use a file other than ~/.xmartin+
xmartin-opts: xmartin(1) options (except -recall) to add to or alter
those generated by xmartin+