Usenet 1994 October
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925 lines
* xmartin - set root window to Martin hopalong pattern
* xmartin [-f {martin1|martin2|ejk1|...|ejk6|rr1|cp1[,order[,xn,yn]]]}
* [-p npoints] [-P npoints]
* [-a value[:[:]value]] [-b value[:[:]value]] [-c value[:[:]value]]
* [-d value[:[:]value]] [-x value[:[:]value]] [-y value[:[:]value]]
* [-nc npoints] [-dynam [npoints]] [-static]
* [-tile [XxY]] [-perturb [n[,v]]] [-coord {xy|yx|ra|ar}]
* [-zoom real] [-move d,p]
* [-recall] [-display display]
* [+rv] [-rv] [-bg [color[,intensity]]]
* [-v]
* -f function : martin1|martin2|ejk1|...|ejk6|rr1|cp1
* -p npoints : maximum in-range points [25% of display/tile pixels]
* -P npoints : maximum total points to calculate [3 x -p value]
* -a -b -c -d -x -y : real values for hopalong parameters [random]
* -dynam [nd] : flush after nd points [1024, 128 if -tile]
* -static : calculate all points before display
* -tile [XxY] : tiling factors [random if XxY omitted]
* -perturb [n,v] : perturb (x,y) every n points by v [random if n,v omitted]
* -coord xx : coordinate mode - xy | yx | ra | ar
* -zoom real : zoom factor [1.0, 4.0 if martin2]
* -move d,p : moves pattern p pixels in direction d. d is a compass
* heading in degrees or 'n', 'sw', 'nnw' etc
* -recall : recalls f, abcdxy, zoom, move, tile & perturb values from
* last plot before processing other arguments
* -nrc : turns off randomizing of color sequences
* -nc npoints : points calculated before color change [(-P value)/ncolors]
* -mono : forces white-on-black for grayscale or color displays
* -rv +rv : reverse video on/off [-rv (on)]
* -bg color[,intensity] : background color [random]
* -v : print version & patchlevel
* Hopalong was attributed to Barry Martin of Aston University (Birmingham,
* England) by A. K. Dewdney in the Septmber 86 Scientific American.
* The cp1 sine sculptures were published by Clifford Pickover in the
* January 91 Algorithm. The rr1 generalized exponent version of the
* martin1 square root was developed by Renaldo Recuerdo of the Santa Cruz
* Operation.
* The ranf random number generator is based on work by D. H. Lehmer, Knuth,
* David Sachs(Fermilab) and Curt Canada(NCSA).
* This software is provided "as is" and with no warranties of any kind.
* Ed Kubaitis
* Computing Services Office
* University of Illinois, Urbana
#include <X11/Xos.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "patchlevel.h"
#define Min(x,y) ((x < y)?x:y)
#define Max(x,y) ((x > y)?x:y)
#define Fmod1(p) ((p) - (long)(p))
#define Msg(fmt) fprintf(stderr,fmt)
#define Msg1(fmt,a) fprintf(stderr,fmt,a)
#define Msg2(fmt,a,b) fprintf(stderr,fmt,a,b)
#define Msg3(fmt,a,b,c) fprintf(stderr,fmt,a,b,c)
#define Msg4(fmt,a,b,c,d) fprintf(stderr,fmt,a,b,c,d)
int mxp=0, np=0; /* max in-range points, in-range points */
int mxP=0, nP=0; /* max total points, total points */
int nC=0, nc=0; /* color-change interval (points) */
int nD=0, nd=0; /* flush buffer interval (points) */
int Pn=0, pn=0; /* seed perturbation interval (points) */
double Pv=0; /* seed perturbation value */
double A=0, B=0, C=0, D=0, x=0, y=0; /* hopalong parameters */
int Color=0; /* non-zero if color */
int Dynam=1; /* non-zero to display-as-calculated */
int Randomcolor=1; /* non-zero for randomized color sequences */
int Coord=0; /* coordinate mode 0:xy 1:yx 2:ra 3:ar */
int Tx=1, Ty=1; /* tile factors */
double Zf=0; /* magnification factor */
int Recall=0; /* non-zero if previous parms recalled */
int CpOrder = 0; /* Cp1 highest-order term (1->16) */
unsigned long CpXOrdinal; /* Cp1 x permutation ordinal (<4**order) */
unsigned long CpYOrdinal; /* Cp1 y permutation ordinal (<4**order) */
int cx, cy, ix, iy, mxX, mxY, col = 0;
int bmn, wc, plane, offset, pixel, pix, bit;
double pi, X0, Y0;
int Function = -1;
#define Martin1 0
#define Martin2 1
#define Ejk1 2
#define Ejk2 3
#define Ejk3 4
#define Ejk4 5
#define Ejk5 6
#define Ejk6 7
#define Rr1 8
#define Cp1 9
#define Nfunc 10
char fname[Nfunc][16] = {
"martin1", "martin2",
"ejk1", "ejk2", "ejk3", "ejk4", "ejk5", "ejk6",
"rr1" , "cp1"
double fprob[Nfunc] = {
.32, .02,
.08, .03, .06, .06, .06, .06,
.06, .25
#define Ncolors 16
struct colors { unsigned long c_color; double c_rand; } colors[Ncolors];
char fg_colors[Ncolors][30] = { "red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "magenta",
"cyan", "coral", "slate blue", "orange red", "spring green", "orange",
"steel blue", "pink", "violet", "firebrick", "gold"};
char bg_colors[Ncolors][30] = { "black", "white,.20", "white,.25", "white,.30",
"white,.35", "blue,.20", "blue,.25", "blue,.30", "red,.25", "red,.30",
"red,.35", "green,.25", "green,.30", "cyan,.20", "cyan,.25", "cyan,.30"};
char fg_grays[Ncolors][30] = { "white", "white,.96", "white,.92",
"white,.88", "white,.84", "white,.80", "white,.76", "white,.72",
"white,.68", "white,.64", "white,.60", "white,.56", "white,.52",
"white,.48", "white,.44", "white,.40"};
char bg_grays[Ncolors][30] = { "black", "white,.02", "white,.04",
"white,.06", "white,.08", "white,.10", "white,.12", "white,.14",
"white,.16", "white,.18", "white,.20", "white,.22", "white,.24",
"white,.26", "white,.28", "white,.30"};
char compass[16][4] = {
"n", "nne", "ne", "ene", "e", "ese", "se", "sse",
"s", "ssw", "sw", "wsw", "w", "wnw", "nw", "nnw" };
double cp_zoom[16] = {
200, 200, 175, 175, 150, 150, 125, 125,
125, 100, 100, 80, 70, 60, 60, 60};
char cp_move[16][8] = {
"310,220", "310,220", "310,220", "310,220", "310,220", "310,320",
"310,320", "310,320", "310,320", "310,320", "310,320", "310,320",
"310,320", "310,320", "310,320", "310,320"};
double sine[4], xt, yt;
#define Ax 0
#define Ay 1
#define Bx 2
#define By 3
int xi, yi, order, n;
unsigned long xo, yo;
#define XY 0
#define YX 1
#define RA 2
#define AR 3
char coords[4][3] = { "xy", "yx", "ra", "ar" };
Display *dpy = NULL;
Window w_root;
int W, H, DP, scr;
Pixmap pixmap;
GC gc;
XPoint *xpoints;
XImage *Xi;
char *bmap;
char Savefile[128]; FILE *sf;
char *Move = NULL;
char **Argv = NULL; int Argc = 0;
time_t t0;
main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; {
preset(argc, argv);
double ranf();
hopalong() {
double x1, y1;
while (++nP < mxP) {
if (Function == Martin1) {
x1 = y - ( (x<0) ? sqrt(fabs(B*x-C)) : -sqrt(fabs(B*x-C)) );
y1 = A - x;
else if (Function == Martin2) {
x1 = y - sin(x);
y1 = A - x;
else if (Function == Ejk1) {
x1 = y - ( (x>0) ? (B*x-C) : -(B*x-C) );
y1 = A - x;
else if (Function == Ejk2) {
x1 = y - ( (x<0) ? log(fabs(B*x-C)) : -log(fabs(B*x-C)) );
y1 = A - x;
else if (Function == Ejk3) {
x1 = y - ( (x>0) ? sin(B*x) - C : -(sin(B*x) - C) );
y1 = A - x;
else if (Function == Ejk4) {
x1 = y - ( (x>0) ? sin(B*x) - C : -sqrt(fabs(B*x-C)) );
y1 = A - x;
else if (Function == Ejk5) {
x1 = y - ( (x>0) ? sin(B*x) - C : -(B*x-C) );
y1 = A - x;
else if (Function == Ejk6) {
x1 = y - asin(Fmod1(B*x));
y1 = A - x;
else if (Function == Rr1) {
x1 = y - ( (x<0) ? -pow(fabs(B*x-C), D) : pow(fabs(B*x-C), D) );
y1 = A - x;
else if (Function == Cp1) {
xo = CpXOrdinal;
yo = CpYOrdinal;
x1 = 0; y1 = 0;
sine[Ax] = sin(A*x); sine[Ay] = sin(A*y);
sine[Bx] = sin(B*x); sine[By] = sin(B*y);
for (order=1; order <= CpOrder; order++) {
xt = 1; yt = 1;
xi = xo & 3; xo >>= 2;
yi = yo & 3; yo >>= 2;
for (n=0; n<order; n++) {
xt *= sine[xi];
yt *= sine[yi];
x1 += xt; y1 += yt;
x = x1; y = y1;
if (Pn && ++pn > Pn) {
x += (x>0) ? -Pv : Pv;
y += (y>0) ? -Pv : Pv;
pn = 0;
if (Color && ++nc > nC) {
col = (col+1)%Ncolors;
nc = 0;
if (Dynam) {
nd && drawpoints();
XSetForeground(dpy, gc, colors[col].c_color);
else pixel = colors[col].c_color;
if (Coord == XY) {
iy = cy + Zf*y1;
ix = cx + Zf*x1;
else if (Coord == YX) {
iy = cy + Zf*x1;
ix = cx + Zf*y1;
else if (Coord == RA) {
iy = cy + Zf*x1*sin(y1);
ix = cx + Zf*x1*cos(y1);
else if (Coord == AR) {
iy = cy + Zf*y1*sin(x1);
ix = cx + Zf*y1*cos(x1);
if (iy < 0 || iy > mxY) continue;
if (ix < 0 || ix > mxX) continue;
if (Dynam) {
xpoints[nd].x = ix;
xpoints[nd].y = iy;
(++nd == nD) && drawpoints();
else {
/* XPutPixel(Xi, ix, iy, colors[color].c_color); */ /* very slow */
pix = pixel;
for(plane=DP-1; plane>=0; plane--) {
bit = pix & 1;
offset = plane * wc * H + iy*wc + (ix>>3);
bmap[offset] &= ~(1<<(ix&7));
if (bit) bmap[offset] |= 1<<(ix&7);
pix >>= 1;
if (++np >= mxp) break;
drawpoints() {
XDrawPoints(dpy, pixmap, gc, xpoints, nd, CoordModeOrigin);
XClearWindow(dpy, w_root);
nd = 0;
finish() {
nd && drawpoints();
if (!Dynam) {
gc = XCreateGC(dpy, w_root, 0, (XGCValues *)0);
pixmap = XCreatePixmap( dpy, w_root, W, H, DP);
if (!pixmap) { Msg("xmartin: XCreatePixmap error\n"); exit(1);}
XPutImage(dpy, pixmap, gc, Xi, 0, 0, 0, 0, W, H);
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(dpy, w_root, pixmap);
XClearWindow(dpy, w_root);
XFreeGC(dpy, gc);
XFreePixmap(dpy, pixmap);
Msg4("xmartin: %d points %d(%d%%) in-range %d seconds\n",
nP, np, (100*np)/nP, time(0) - t0);
if (!Recall) {
sf = fopen(Savefile, "w");
if (!sf) { perror("xmartin: ~/.xmartin"); exit(1); }
fprintf(sf, "-f\n%s", fname[Function]);
(Function == Cp1) &&
fprintf(sf, ",%d,%u,%u", CpOrder, CpXOrdinal, CpYOrdinal);
fprintf(sf, "\n-zoom\n%.17e\n", Zf);
A && fprintf(sf, "-a\n%.17e\n", A);
B && fprintf(sf, "-b\n%.17e\n", B);
C && fprintf(sf, "-c\n%.17e\n", C);
D && fprintf(sf, "-d\n%.17e\n", D);
x && fprintf(sf, "-x\n%.17e\n", X0);
y && fprintf(sf, "-y\n%.17e\n", Y0);
Pn && fprintf(sf, "-perturb\n%d,%.17e\n", Pn, Pv);
(Tx != 1 || Ty != 1) && fprintf(sf, "-tile\n%dx%d\n", Tx, Ty);
Move && fprintf(sf, "-move\n%s\n", Move);
Coord && fprintf(sf, "-coord\n%s\n", coords[Coord]);
#define Rmod 536870911
#define Rmul 3.99
#define Ranfset(l) (ranfseed=((long)((abs(l)%Rmod)*Rmul))%Rmod)
long ranfseed=268435456;
double ranf() {
ranfseed = (long) (ranfseed*Rmul)%Rmod;
int pr_Argv(), pr_colorsort(), pr_intArg(), pr_rangeArg();
static Window pr_dwmroot();
unsigned long pr_parsecolor();
extern char *getenv();
preset(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; {
char *display = getenv("DISPLAY"), dir[4], **argv0 = argv, buf[80];
char *bgarg = NULL;
Visual *visual;
int i, k, mono = 0, argc0 = argc, dist = 0, Grayscale = 0;
int dynam = 0, rv = -1, tile = 0, ordinals = 0, coord = 0;
unsigned long fg, bg;
double degr = 0;
t0 = time(0); Ranfset(t0);
for (i=0; i<32; i++) ranf(); /* jump to a more chaotic point in sequence */
pi = 4 * atan(1.0);
strcpy(Savefile, getenv("HOME"));
strcat(Savefile, "/.xmartin");
/* prescan arguments for "-recall" */
while (++argv, --argc > 0) {
if (!strcmp(*argv, "-recall")) {
sf = fopen(Savefile, "r");
if (!sf) { perror("xmartin: ~/.xmartin"); exit(1); }
while(fgets(buf, 80, sf)) {
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';
Recall++; break;
while (++argv0, --argc0 > 0) { pr_Argv(*argv0); }
#define ArgEq(a) (!strcmp(Argv[i],a))
#define Arg (++i < Argc)
#define NoArg ((i+2)>Argc || Argv[i+1][0]=='-' || Argv[i+1][0]=='+')
/* parse arguments */
for (i=0; i<Argc; i++) {
if (ArgEq("-mono")) { mono++; }
else if (ArgEq("-nrc")) { Randomcolor = 0; }
else if (ArgEq("-recall")) {;}
else if (ArgEq("-rv")) { mono++; rv = 1; }
else if (ArgEq("+rv")) { mono++; rv = 0; }
else if (ArgEq("-static")) { Dynam = 0; }
else if (ArgEq("-v")) { Msg1("xmartin: version 2.%d\n", PATCHLEVEL);}
else if (ArgEq("-a") && Arg) { pr_rangeArg(Argv[i], &A); }
else if (ArgEq("-b") && Arg) { pr_rangeArg(Argv[i], &B); }
else if (ArgEq("-c") && Arg) { pr_rangeArg(Argv[i], &C); }
else if (ArgEq("-d") && Arg) { pr_rangeArg(Argv[i], &D); }
else if (ArgEq("-x") && Arg) { pr_rangeArg(Argv[i], &x); }
else if (ArgEq("-y") && Arg) { pr_rangeArg(Argv[i], &y); }
else if (ArgEq("-p") && Arg) { pr_intArg(Argv[i], &mxp); }
else if (ArgEq("-P") && Arg) { pr_intArg(Argv[i], &mxP); }
else if (ArgEq("-nc") && Arg) { pr_intArg(Argv[i], &nC); }
else if (ArgEq("-display") && Arg) { display=Argv[i]; }
else if (ArgEq("-coord") && Arg) {
if (ArgEq("xy")) Coord = 0;
else if (ArgEq("yx")) Coord = 1;
else if (ArgEq("ra")) Coord = 2;
else if (ArgEq("ar")) Coord = 3;
else usage();
else if (ArgEq("-f") && Arg) {
Function = -1;
while(++Function < Nfunc){
int nc = strlen(fname[Function]);
if (!strncmp(fname[Function], Argv[i], nc)) break;
(Function == Nfunc) && usage();
if (strlen(Argv[i]) > strlen(fname[Function])) {
(Function == Cp1) || usage();
if (sscanf(Argv[i], "cp1,%d,%lu,%lu",
&CpOrder, &CpXOrdinal, &CpYOrdinal)==3) { ordinals++; }
else if (sscanf(Argv[i], "cp1,%d", &CpOrder)) {;}
else usage();
(CpOrder>0) || usage();
else if (ArgEq("-move") && Arg) {
if (sscanf(Argv[i], "%lf,%d", °r, &dist)==2) {;}
else if (sscanf(Argv[i], "%3[nsew],%d", dir, &dist)==2) {
for(k=0; k<16; k++) {
if (!strcmp(dir, compass[k])) { degr = k * 22.5; break; }
(k == 16) && usage();
else usage();
Move = Argv[i]; /* save for output at end to ~/.xmartin */
(degr < 0 || dist < 0) && usage();
degr = 450. - degr;
while (degr > 360) degr -= 360;
else if (ArgEq("-bg") || ArgEq("-background")) {
bgarg = (NoArg) ? "random" : Argv[++i];
else if (ArgEq("-dynam")) {
if (NoArg) dynam++;
else pr_intArg(Argv[++i], &nD);
else if (ArgEq("-perturb")) {
Pn = pow(10., 1+ranf()*3); Pv = pow(10.,ranf()*3);
if (NoArg) {;}
else if ( sscanf(Argv[++i], "%d,%lf", &Pn, &Pv)==2) {;}
else pr_intArg(Argv[i], &Pn);
else if (ArgEq("-tile")) {
if (NoArg) tile++;
else if (sscanf(Argv[++i], "%dx%d", &Tx, &Ty) != 2) usage();
else if (ArgEq("-zoom") && Arg) {
if (!sscanf(Argv[i], "%lf", &Zf) || Zf <= 0) usage();
else usage();
/* open display and extract needed values */
dpy = XOpenDisplay(display);
if (!dpy) { Msg1("xmartin: Can't open display '%s'.\n", display); exit(1); }
scr = DefaultScreen(dpy);
W = (int) DisplayWidth(dpy, scr);
H = (int) DisplayHeight(dpy, scr);
DP = (int) DisplayPlanes(dpy, scr);
if (DP > 1) {
visual = DefaultVisual(dpy,scr);
(visual->class==GrayScale || visual->class==StaticGray) && Grayscale++;
w_root = RootWindow(dpy,scr);
w_root = pr_dwmroot(dpy, w_root); /* search for DEC wm root */
{ /* search for swm/tvtwm root (from ssetroot by Tom LaStrange) */
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
Atom __SWM_VROOT = None;
Window rootReturn, parentReturn, *children;
unsigned int numChildren;
__SWM_VROOT = XInternAtom(dpy, "__SWM_VROOT", False);
XQueryTree(dpy, w_root, &rootReturn, &parentReturn, &children, &numChildren);
for (i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
Atom actual_type;
int actual_format;
unsigned long nitems, bytesafter;
Window *newRoot = NULL;
if (XGetWindowProperty (dpy, children[i], __SWM_VROOT,0,1,
False, XA_WINDOW, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, &bytesafter,
(unsigned char **) &newRoot) == Success && newRoot) {
w_root = *newRoot; break;
/* color processing */
if (DP==1 || mono) {
fg = (rv) ? WhitePixel(dpy,scr) : BlackPixel(dpy, scr);
bg = (rv) ? BlackPixel(dpy,scr) : WhitePixel(dpy, scr);
else {
char option[20], *value;
char *res = (Grayscale) ? "Gray" : "Color";
if (!bgarg) {
value = XGetDefault(dpy, "xmartin", "background");
bgarg = (value) ? value : "random";
if (!strncmp(bgarg, "random",6)) {
i = Min(Ncolors-1, (int)(ranf()*Ncolors));
sprintf(option, "bg%s%d", res, i+1);
value = XGetDefault(dpy, "xmartin", option);
if (!value) value = (Grayscale) ? bg_grays[i] : bg_colors[i];
bgarg = value;
bg = pr_parsecolor(bgarg);
for(i=0; i<Ncolors; i++) {
sprintf(option, "%s%d", res, i+1);
value = XGetDefault(dpy, "xmartin", option);
if (!value) value = (Grayscale) ? fg_grays[i] : fg_colors[i];
colors[i].c_color = pr_parsecolor(value);
if (Randomcolor) {
for(i=0; i<Ncolors; i++) colors[i].c_rand = ranf();
qsort(colors, Ncolors, sizeof(struct colors), pr_colorsort);
fg = colors[0].c_color;
/* provide default hopalong parameters if needed */
if (Function < 0) {
double p=0, r = ranf();
for(Function=0; Function <Nfunc; Function++) {
p += fprob[Function];
if (r < p) break;
if (tile) {
int mxt = (Function == Cp1) ? 4 : 8;
while ((Tx+Ty) == 2 ) {
Tx = (int)(ranf()*mxt + 1);
Ty = (int)(ranf()*mxt + 1);
W /= Tx; H /= Ty;
if (W==0||H==0) { Msg("xmartin: tile too small for display\n"); exit(1); }
if (mxp > 0 && mxp <= 100) mxp = (mxp*W*H)/100.;
if (mxP > 0 && mxP <= 100) mxP = (mxP*W*H)/100.;
if (!mxp && !mxP) {
mxp = (int) ((Function == Cp1) ? 200000 : 0.25 * (float)(W*H));
mxP = (Function >= Cp1) ? mxp : 3 * mxp;
else if (!mxp) mxp = mxP;
else if (!mxP) mxP = (Function >= Cp1) ? mxp : 3 * mxp;
if (!nD) nD = (Tx == 1 && Ty == 1) ? 1024 : 128;
if (!nC) nC = mxP/Ncolors;
cx = W/2; cy = H/2; mxX = W-1; mxY = H-1;
if (dist) {
cx += dist * cos(degr * (pi/180));
cy -= dist * sin(degr * (pi/180));
if (Function == Martin1) {
A || pr_rangeArg("40::1540", &A);
B || pr_rangeArg("3::20", &B);
C || pr_rangeArg("100::3100", &C);
if (!Zf) Zf = 1.0;
else if (Function == Martin2) {
A || pr_rangeArg("3.0715927::3.2115927", &A);
if (!Zf) Zf = 4.0;
else if (Function == Ejk1) {
A || pr_rangeArg("0::500", &A);
B || pr_rangeArg("0::.40", &B);
C || pr_rangeArg("10::110", &C);
if (!Zf) Zf = 1.0;
else if (Function == Ejk2) {
A || pr_rangeArg("0::500", &A);
if (!B) { B = pow(10.,6+ranf()*24); if (ranf()<0.5) B = -B; }
if (!C) { C = pow(10., ranf()*9); if (ranf()<0.5) C = -C; }
if (!Zf) Zf = 1.0;
else if (Function == Ejk3) {
A || pr_rangeArg("0::500", &A);
B || pr_rangeArg(".05::.40", &B);
C || pr_rangeArg("30::110", &C);
if (!Zf) Zf = 1.0;
else if (Function == Ejk4) {
A || pr_rangeArg("0::1000", &A);
B || pr_rangeArg("1::10", &B);
C || pr_rangeArg("30:70", &C);
if (!Zf) Zf = 0.7;
else if (Function == Ejk5) {
A || pr_rangeArg("0::600", &A);
B || pr_rangeArg(".1::.4", &B);
C || pr_rangeArg("20::110", &C);
if (!Zf) Zf = 0.7;
else if (Function == Ejk6) {
A || pr_rangeArg("550:650", &A);
B || pr_rangeArg(".5::1.5", &B);
if (!Zf) Zf = 1.2;
if (!Move) {
Move = "320,500";
sscanf(Move, "%lf,%d", °r, &dist);
cx += dist * cos((450.-degr)*(pi/180.));
cy -= dist * sin((450.-degr)*(pi/180.));
else if (Function == Rr1) {
A || pr_rangeArg("0::100", &A);
B || pr_rangeArg("0::20", &B);
C || pr_rangeArg("0::200", &C);
D || pr_rangeArg("0:.9", &D);
if (!Zf) {
if (D < .2) Zf = 10;
else if (D < .4) Zf = 5;
else if (D < .5) Zf = 3;
else if (D < .7) Zf = 1;
else Zf = .5;
else if (Function == Cp1) {
unsigned long mxord, ord, o;
if (CpOrder) {
if (CpOrder > 16) {
Msg("xmartin: maximum order 16 for cp1 sine series\n");
mxord = 1;
for (k=0; k<CpOrder; k++) mxord *= 4;
mxord -= 1;
if (CpXOrdinal > mxord || CpYOrdinal > mxord) {
Msg2("xmartin: %d maximum ordinal for order %d cp1 sine series.\n",
mxord, CpOrder);
else if (!ordinals) {
CpXOrdinal = ranf() * mxord + 0.5;
CpYOrdinal = ranf() * mxord + 0.5;
else {
CpOrder = 3 + ranf()*7;
mxord = 1;
for (k=0; k<CpOrder; k++) mxord *= 4;
CpXOrdinal = ranf() * mxord + 0.5;
CpYOrdinal = ranf() * mxord + 0.5;
if (!B) { B = (5 + (int)(ranf()*6)) + ranf(); if (ranf()<0.5) B = -B; }
if (!A) { A = ((int)(1 + ranf()*4) * B); if (ranf()<0.5) A = -A;}
if (!x) { x = 20; }
if (!y) { y = 30; }
if (!Zf) { Zf = cp_zoom[CpOrder-1]; }
if (!Grayscale && nC == mxP/Ncolors) nC = mxP;
if (!coord) { Coord = (int)(ranf()*4); coord++; }
if (!Move && (Coord == XY || Coord == YX) ) {
Move = cp_move[CpOrder-1];
sscanf(Move, "%lf,%d", °r, &dist);
cx += dist * cos((450.-degr)*(pi/180.));
cy -= dist * sin((450.-degr)*(pi/180.));
X0 = x; Y0 = y;
/* allocate resources needed for pattern */
if (Dynam) {
gc = XCreateGC(dpy, w_root, 0, (XGCValues *)0);
pixmap = XCreatePixmap( dpy, w_root, W, H, DP);
if (!pixmap) { Msg("xmartin: XCreatePixmap error\n"); exit(1); }
XSetForeground(dpy, gc, bg);
XFillRectangle(dpy, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, W, H);
XSetForeground(dpy, gc, fg);
XSetBackground(dpy, gc, bg);
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(dpy, w_root, pixmap);
xpoints = (XPoint *)malloc((unsigned)(nD * sizeof(XPoint)));
if (!xpoints) { Msg("xmartin: malloc failed.\n"); exit(1); }
else {
bmn = ((W+7)/8) * H * DP;
bmap = (char *) malloc((unsigned)bmn);
if (!bmap) { Msg("xmartin: malloc failed.\n"); exit(1); }
bzero(bmap, bmn);
Xi = XCreateImage
(dpy, DefaultVisual(dpy,scr), DP, XYPixmap, 0, bmap, W, H, 8, 0);
if (!Xi) { Msg("xmartin: XCreateImage error.\n"); exit(1); }
Xi->bitmap_unit = 8;
Xi->bitmap_bit_order = LSBFirst;
wc = Xi->bytes_per_line;
pixel = bg;
offset = (DP-1) * wc * H;
for (plane=0; plane <DP; plane++) {
if (pixel & 1)
for (k=0; k<wc*H; k++) bmap[offset+k] = 0377;
pixel >>= 1;
offset -= wc * H;
pixel = fg;
/* display pattern parameters */
Msg2("xmartin: %dx%d ", W, H);
(DP > 1) ? Msg2("%d-plane %s", DP, (Grayscale) ? "grayscale" : "color")
: Msg("monochrome");
Msg1(" %s", (Dynam) ? "dynamic" : "static");
Color && Msg1(" background: %s", bgarg);
Msg1("xmartin: -f %s", fname[Function]);
if (Function == Cp1) Msg3(",%d,%u,%u", CpOrder, CpXOrdinal, CpYOrdinal);
Msg1(" -a %g ", A);
B && Msg1("-b %g ", B);
C && Msg1("-c %g ", C);
D && Msg1("-d %g ", D);
x && Msg1("-x %g ", x);
y && Msg1("-y %g ", y);
if (coord || Pn || Move || (Zf + Tx + Ty) != 3) {
Msg("xmartin: ");
Pn && Msg2("-perturb %d,%.1f ", Pn, Pv);
coord && Msg1("-coord %s ", coords[Coord]);
Move && Msg1("-move %s ", Move);
if (Zf != 1) Msg1("-zoom %.2f ", Zf);
if (Tx!=1 || Ty!=1) Msg2("-tile %dx%d ", Tx, Ty);
pr_Argv(s) char *s; {
Argv = (Argc) ? (char **) realloc ((char *)Argv, (Argc+1) * sizeof(char *))
: (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *));
Argv[Argc++] = (s) ? strcpy((char *) malloc (strlen(s)+1), s) : NULL;
pr_colorsort(a,b) struct colors *a, *b; {
double d = a->c_rand - b->c_rand;
if (d < 0) return(-1);
else if (d > 0) return(1);
else return(0);
static Window
pr_dwmroot(dpy, pwin) Display *dpy; Window pwin; {
/* search for DEC Window Manager root */
XWindowAttributes pxwa,cxwa;
Window root,parent,*child;
unsigned int i, nchild;
if (!XGetWindowAttributes(dpy,pwin,&pxwa)) Msg("xmartin: XGWA failed\n");
if (XQueryTree(dpy,pwin,&root,&parent,&child,&nchild)) {
for (i = 0; i < nchild; i++) {
if (!XGetWindowAttributes(dpy,child[i],&cxwa))
Msg("xmartin: XGWA failed\n");
if (pxwa.width == cxwa.width && pxwa.height == cxwa.height)
return(pr_dwmroot(dpy, child[i]));
else Msg("xmartin: failed to find root window\n");
pr_intArg(arg,i) char *arg; int *i; {
if(!sscanf(arg, "%d", i) || *i <= 0) usage();
unsigned long
pr_parsecolor(arg) char *arg; {
char color[30];
double intensity = -1;
XColor xcolor;
if (sscanf(arg,"%30[^,],%lf", color, &intensity) == 2) {
if (intensity < 0 || intensity > 1) {
Msg1("xmartin: invalid color intensity in '%s'\n", color);
intensity = 1;
else strcpy(color, arg);
if (intensity < 0) intensity = 1;
if (!XParseColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy,scr), color, &xcolor)) {
Msg1("xmartin: unable to parse '%s'. Using white.\n", color);
return((unsigned long) WhitePixel(dpy,scr));
else {
xcolor.red *= intensity;
xcolor.green *= intensity;
xcolor.blue *= intensity;
if (XAllocColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy,scr), &xcolor)) {
else {
Msg1("xmartin: can't allocate '%s'. Using white.\n", arg);
return((unsigned long) WhitePixel(dpy,scr));
pr_rangeArg(arg,x) char *arg; double *x; {
double x2=0; int xf = 0;
if ( sscanf(arg, "%lf::%lf", x, &x2) == 2) { xf++; }
else if ( sscanf(arg, "%lf:%lf", x, &x2) == 2) { ; }
else if (!sscanf(arg, "%lf", x)) { usage(); }
if (x2) {
*x = Min(*x,x2) + ranf()*(Max(*x,x2) - Min(*x,x2));
if (xf && ranf()<0.5) *x = -(*x);
usage() {
int f = -1;
Msg("usage: xmartin\n");
Msg1("[-f {%s", fname[++f]);
while (++f < Nfunc) Msg1("|%s", fname[f]);
Msg("[-f cp1[,order[,xn,yn]]]");
Msg("[-a real[[:]:real]] ");
Msg("[-b real[[:]:real]] ");
Msg("[-c real[[:]:real]] ");
Msg("[-d real[[:]:real]] ");
Msg("[-x real[[:]:real]] ");
Msg("[-y real[[:]:real]] ");
Msg("[-p npoints] ");
Msg("[-P npoints] ");
Msg("[-dynam [nd]] ");
Msg("[-static] ");
Msg("[-bg [color[,intensity]]] ");
Msg("[-nc npoints] ");
Msg("[+rv] [-rv] ");
Msg("[-mono] ");
Msg("[-tile [XxY]] ");
Msg("[-perturb [n[,v]]] ");
Msg("[-coord {xy|yx|ra|ar}]");
Msg("[-zoom real] ");
Msg("[-move d,p] ");
Msg("[-recall] ");
Msg("[-display display] ");