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- /*Copyright (c) 1991 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute without
- charge this software, documentation, images, etc. is grant-
- ed, provided that this copyright and the author's name is
- retained.
- A fee may be charged for this program ONLY to recover costs
- for distribution (i.e. media costs). No profit can be made
- on this program.
- The author assumes no responsibility for disasters (natural
- or otherwise) as a consequence of use of this software.
- Adam Stein (stein.wbst129@xerox.com)
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <X11/Xos.h>
- #include "addon.h"
- ADDON *head = NULL;
- extern char *program,*addon;
- extern FILE *fp;
- /*This function will read in a file containing strings to put onto the
- command line. This is used when WM_COMMAND isn't complete. In the case
- of xrolo, the data file is never listed in WM_COMMAND and must be put
- added. I don't know if this is an XVIEW bug or not. I haven't seen it
- with any other program (yet).
- Inputs: none
- Outputs: none
- Locals: fp - file pointer to read from
- line - line of text read in
- Globals: addon - name of file containing commands to add on
- program - name of currently executing program
- stderr - standard error
- NULL - 0
- */
- read_addon()
- {
- register char line[200];
- register FILE *fp;
- /*Open the file for reading*/
- if((fp = fopen(addon,"r")) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open {%s}\n",program,addon);
- exit(1);
- }
- /*Read lines from file until there is no more*/
- while(fgets(line,200,fp) != NULL)
- switch(line[0]) {
- case '#': /*Comment character - ignore line*/
- case '\n': /*Blank line - ignore line*/
- break;
- default:
- line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0'; /*Take out NL char*/
- insert(line);
- break;
- }
- }
- /*This function will insert commands to be added into a linked list.
- Inputs: line - line containing program name and commands to be added
- Outputs: none
- Locals: next - next available structure entry to fill in
- pointer - point to : to separater program from commands and to
- skip over white space to point to commands
- Globals: addon - name of file containing commands to add on
- head - pointer to head of linked list
- program - name of currently executing program
- stderr - standard error
- ADDON - structure holding program and command line info
- NULL - 0
- */
- insert(line)
- register char *line;
- {
- register char *pointer;
- register ADDON *next;
- char *calloc(),*strdup();
- /*Find colon to make it a NULL thereby making line equal to just
- the program name. Syntax error if the colon isn't found*/
- if((pointer = index(line,':')) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: syntax error in {%s}\n",program,addon);
- exit(1);
- }
- /*Insert new entry*/
- if(!head) {
- if((head = (ADDON *) calloc(1,sizeof(ADDON))) == NULL) {
- perror(program);
- exit(1);
- }
- next = head;
- } else {
- for(next = head;next->next;next = next->next)
- ;
- if((next->next = (ADDON *) calloc(1,sizeof(ADDON))) == NULL) {
- perror(program);
- exit(1);
- }
- next = next->next;
- }
- /*Make colon NULL so that line equals just the program name*/
- *pointer = '\0';
- if((next->program = strdup(line)) == NULL) {
- perror(program);
- exit(1);
- }
- /*Put colon back and skip past whitespace to get to first character
- in command line*/
- *(pointer) = ':';
- while(isspace(*(++pointer))) ;
- if((next->cmmd_line = strdup(pointer)) == NULL) {
- perror(program);
- exit(1);
- }
- next->next = (ADDON *) NULL;
- }
- /*This function will find the corresponding addon commands to the program
- being written out and at the commands to the command line being written
- out.
- Inputs: name - name of program being written out
- Outputs: none
- Locals: list - pointer to go through linked list
- pointer - pointer to make name equal to just the first word in string
- Globals: fp - file pointer to write window information to
- head - pointer to head of linked list
- NULL - 0
- */
- addto(name)
- register char *name;
- {
- register char *pointer;
- register ADDON *list;
- /*If there is whitespace in the name string then put in a NULL to
- make name equal to just the first word in the string, otherwise
- assume the string is only made up of one word*/
- if((pointer = index(name,' ')) != NULL)
- *pointer = '\0';
- /*Loop through linked list to match the program information saved with
- the name of the program being written out. Write out saved addon
- command line when we find a match*/
- for(list = head;list;list = list->next)
- if(!strcmp(name,list->program)) {
- fprintf(fp,"%s ",list->cmmd_line);
- break;
- }
- /*Put whitespace back to put the string back to normal*/
- if(pointer) *pointer = ' ';
- }