MessageFail = "Your system does not appear to support HTML browser containers, or scripting has been disabled for the \"My Computer\" security zone. If you are running Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 please install Internet Explorer 3 or higher before retrying."
ProceedFailure = NoBrowserWindow
Title = "Virtuagirl"
Width = 320
Height = 380
URL = "fond.html"
; Additional INI file keys allow you to control the application
; icon, scroll bars, full screen mode, borderless mode, always on
; top mode, kiosk mode, etc.
; The MenuBox Extended Document Object Model allows you to
; close the window or launch executables from your HTML code
; via the Close() and Execute() methods and the JavaScript
; fallback code, which supports all browsers and Windows versions.
; Please refer to the Browser Window Mode section of the MenuBox
; documentation for additional options and instructions.