Labels:book | bulletin board | planking | poster | reckoner OCR: TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Hardware Follow the instruct ions that appear on the screen multimedia PC including 486SX or higher processor The setup program creates au Uffizi icen within Opera Multimedia group of MB ofRAM(8 recommended) Progtam Manager Hard disk with MB frec CD-ROM drive MIC compatible Audio board MPC compatible VCIA- display (640x480 pixel. 256 colours) STARTING Soft ware MS -DOS operating systerm versin 5.0 or later To start UITizi from the Program Manager screen in the Opera Mulimedia Microsoft Windowsrs operating systel1 version OT laler group. double click the Uffizi icon. SETTINGUP OUIT TING Start you computer then start Windows, as vou normally op To exit ALT from Uffizi. double use one click of on the the following upper top lett nethods: bar of control menu. Place the d ...