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Apple II tax templates for 1993 weren't available at press time, but a
quick search on the keyword TAX will reveal them in our Library. Other
tax-related files from the National Apple Users Group that have proven
helpful include:
As April 15th approaches, check the A2 Library for new programs and
templates to help get your returns filed. For help with finances and
general business needs the rest of the year, check out the host of general
finance and business programs available in A2. Here are some of the most
21902 FGS.DEMO2.0.BXY GS-Specific financial application demo
21150 WPLEXP2.1.BXY WPL Expansion Kit for Apple Writer
19484 DOS3.3.LNCH.BXY Run DOS 3.3 programs from your IIGS hard drive
19478 AW.INSTRUCT.BXY Basic Instructions for Apple Writer
19399 BEST.FONTS.BXY Best Apple II fonts collected from our library
19199 HOUSE.BUY.BXY AppleWorks: House buying templates
19151 RETIRE.BXY Appleworks: NAUG Retirement Calculator Disk
18305 DBM.ORDERS.BXY Order/Inventory template for DB Master Pro
17966 YRMONEYMATR.BXY IIgs Home & Small Business finance management
17895 HAS.BXY Home Accounting System for the IIgs
17323 INVENTORY.BXY Simple, straightforward general inventory pgm
17320 INTREST.PRG.BXY A simple general loan program
16726 WALLST.GAME.BXY Wall Street Trader game/simulation
16640 MONEY.DEMO.BXY IIgs Personal Finance program demo
14067 ACCOUNT.II.BXY Personal Finance and Tax program
13406 CHECKPLUS.BXY Appleworks: CheckbookPlus templates v.1.1
13331 HBS.V1.1.BXY Home accounting system
11124 FUT.INV.VAL.BXY Appleworks: Future Invest Value
11012 SHARETRACK.BXY Tracks Stock Investments
11010 INVEST.ACCM.BXY Appleworks: Accumulated investment value
10971 RESOURCES.BXY Appleworks: Personal Assets Template
10970 WEEK.EXPENS.BXY Appleworks: Track Weekly Business Expenses
5563 ULTIMATE.BNY Ultimate Banker-Home banking program
3330 FINANCES.1.1.BNY Four finance programs in one - simple & useful
Be sure to check these file descriptions carefully before downloading, as
they do have certain specific hardware and software requirements. Most of
them work on 128K Apple IIE, IIC, or IIgs. IIgs Programs are specified.
Real-Time Conferences
To get to know the Apple II RoundTable and become more familiar with
getting around on GEnie, stop by our Bewitched, Bewildered, and Bothered
Real-Time Conferences each Sunday afternoon from 2 to 8 PM Eastern time.
Or check out our nightly Conferences held from 9:30 PM to 1:00 AM Eastern
Time by visiting us any time during those hours!
Here in A2 we are dedicated to helping you get the most out of your Apple
II, no matter what type you own. Come by and let us prove it!
And here's something else: Part of the Apple II experience on GEnie that
too few members are aware of is A2Pro, the Apple II Programmers and
Developers' RoundTable. This separate RoundTable is devoted to the Apple
II, specifically for those with an interest in programming. Whether you're
a beginner or a seasoned pro, whether your interest is in BASIC or
advanced environments like assembly language or Pascal, A2Pro has
information for you. To reach it, choose Menu Option #8 on the Main Menu
from the A2 Round Table, or go there directly by moving to Page 530
Money-Saving Navigators
If you find GEnie Bulletin Boards confusing or time consuming, we've got
the cure! GEnie Master (GEM) for 8-bit machines and Co-Pilot for the IIgs
are two incredible off-line navigation programs available just for the
cost of downloading from the A2 Library! They make your GEnie experience
easy and pleasant, not to mention faster and cheaper! Newer, easier to
use, more powerful versions of both programs are expected to be available
in the A2 Library by the time you read this, so search there on the
keyword NAVIGATOR to find them. You won't be sorry!