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When I was a kid, two dreams could be had for a
quarter. For this princely sum I could buy two
comic books -- and still have a penny left over.
Like everything else, comic books cost more
nowadays, but they still offer the dreams and sense
of wonder that first captivated me over 30 years
ago. If you'd like a little of that magic -- direct
from GEnie -- read on.
Still Around
"Do they still make comic books?" some people today
ask incredulously. For comics are hidden away in
corners of stores where adults seldom go: racks
tucked away in drug stores, toy stores, comic book
specialty shops, and so on. But you needn't look
further than GEnie's Comics RoundTable (on Page
1320, keyword COMICS). The premiere issue of Heroic
Publishing's new BLACK ENCHANTRESS comic book has
been made available exclusively on GEnie, prior to
its November 1994 publication.
Many of today's comic books are not written for
kids. Although a number of well-known characters,
particularly superheroes, have been around for 20,
40, even 50 years, their stories are now reaching
older audiences. Today's comic book reader is more
likely to be 18 than 10. Modern comic books are
written with this older reader in mind, presenting
themes (and more plausible science) than were
necessary for the less-demanding younger comics
fans of my generation. In addition, comics with
higher literary content and more mature themes are
aimed not at teenagers at all, but at adults.
Comics now represent a medium that can be enjoyed
from childhood on up.
Successful Closure
Like all forms of literature, comics exist to tell
a story. This is usually done by combining words
and pictures in a progressive sequence. While stage
plays and films mimic live action, a comic book
won't show you EVERYTHING that happens in the
course of a story. Unlike films, comics don't show
movement. Unlike plays, they won't bore you with
every line of dialogue. Through careful work on the
part of the artist, comics SUGGEST progression in
either space or time by what is shown in adjacent
pictures called panels.
Comic book panels present what the artist and
writer consider to be the highlights of the action.
You, the reader, are on the spot in the story. Each
panel's perspective is presented as a sight or a
sound to catch your attention, and you keep going
to see what's going on. You may see only someone's
legs and feet, running, in a panel. Who is it? Why
are they running? Your mind asks these questions
quickly even as your eyes travel to the next panel
which shows that the person running is a girl.
The story goes from panel to panel in this manner,
with your mind -- without conscious thought --
filling in what went on in the gutter (the area
between panels). This mental action is called
closure. A successful comic book story is a
marriage of pictures and words -- usually a minimum
of words so that the eye takes in each panel's
words and picture almost simultaneously. A fine
example of this can be experienced in BLACK
An Online First
BLACK ENCHANTRESS falls into the genre of dark
fantasy literature. It's the story of Andrea
Crusoe, a young woman who uses her special
abilities for her own ends. In the first issue, we
see Andrea at the age of 10, fleeing through a
Louisiana bayou to escape the people who imprisoned
her for being a witch. Eventually they catch up
with her, with results they could not have
expected. All sixteen pages of the story in BLACK
ENCHANTRESS #1, plus the cover and promotional
letter sent to comic book distriburors by Heroic
Publishing, can be downloaded from the Comics
RoundTable Library in either GIF or TIFF format.
The GIF files are numbers 2275 through 2292, and
the TIFFs are numbers 2299-2316. (Did you know you
can request as many as 20 files at a time for
downloading from GEnie, one after the next, at the
Option 6 Library prompt? Just separate the file
numbers by commas.)
More Action
While you're there, consider picking up two more
new comic books available in the Comics RoundTable
SPARKPLUG #3, also from Heroic Publishing, is a
little morality play of power, responsibility, and
the ties of family. This thought-provoking 28-page
black and white comic book -- complete with cover
-- is available in both GIF (files 2402 through
2419; SP3P01.GIF through SP3P28.GIF plus
SP3COV.GIF), and TIFF format (files 2394 through
2401; SP3001.TIF through SP3007.TIF plus
GENERATION X #1 from Marvel Comics, is the first
issue of a new X-MEN comic series. If you have
youngsters, they probably know the X-Men, stars of
Saturday morning TV's most popular cartoon show.
This is the story of a new group of outcast
teenagers -- mutants -- who have come to a special
school to learn to use their unique powers. It's a
book for all ages. Look for the 39 beautiful
full-color GIFs: files 2438 through 2458, and 2461
through 2478 (GENXP01.GIF through GENXP40.GIF).
Learn More
Want to talk about comic books? Join us in the
Comics RoundTable Bulletin Board on GEnie Page 1320
(keyword COMICS, of course), or in our Real-Time
Conferences each Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday evening starting at 10:00 PM Eastern time.
Even more fine comic books are scheduled to be
uploaded to the Comics RoundTable Library as I
write this. But BLACK ENCHANTRESS will still have
been the first, and for you, right now, it can be
the start of storytelling magic for comics fans of
all ages. Happy dreaming!