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Some controversies never die; just look how long we've been treated to one
JFK assassination theory after another. Nevertheless, as I searched the
nooks and crannies of GEnie this month, I found an interesting paper that
presents a compelling hypothesis based on the legal rules of evidence about
events that led to the death of a president. A more recent controversy --
which has also heralded cries of "Cover up!" -- surround events last year in
Waco, Texas. This month's NetSearch brings you an interesting viewpoint from
someone close to the scene who is not aligned with either "side" of that
I also found nice strawberry recipes, a report from the president on
national economics, information about lowering cholesterol, the complete
1994 Major League Baseball schedule, resume writing tips, REAL Brothers
Grimm stories, and yet more gems from all over GEnie. Since those of us with
modems rely on written words for communication, Science Fiction author Damon
Knight's no-nonsense rules for proper grammar is an especially pertinent
Don't miss any of these files -- they're all keepers! And be sure to grab my
Aladdin Go-Fer Script for April to make downloading them quick and easy.
It's available in LiveWire and Aladdin Libraries.
Controversy: JFK Assassination Theory Documented ....................... PF
ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Page 545
Imagine for a moment that you have access to unpublished documents,
affidavits, testimony, and all the hushed-up research associated with the
assassination of President Kennedy. Would you draw the same conclusion this
trial lawyer did in his thoroughly referenced paper? You won't see this on
the news or in government reports, but it will make you wonder why not.
Published under a pseudonym, even the author knows it STILL isn't time to
put his real name on this incisive piece of investigative analysis.
Based largely on the work of two agents, one from the Customs Department
and the other from the Narcotics Bureau, this paper takes up where Jim
Garrison's story in "JFK" left off.
File# 4782 TORBITT.ZIP 91,904 bytes (Compressed Text)
A Year Later: Koresh and Waco -- Who was Wrong? ...................... WEST
ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Page 1065
The Branch Davidians were indelibly etched into American history last April
as, on live television, many of us watched first the ATF and then the FBI
surround and finally destroy a building complex they occupied just outside
of Waco, Texas. You've heard speculations, and you may even have seen an
"alternative" video tape on the news. Certainly there is controversy; and
as so often happens when government and media get involved, we're only told
what someone wants us to know.
Open your modem to theological scholars who volunteered to help at Waco as
one describes what they did, saw, and how they experienced this volatile
situation. While not directly involved with what transpired, Dr. Tablor and
his friend are renowned scholars from a more traditional school of theology.
They recognized what the FBI didn't, and stepped forward to help and offer
understanding -- even though they disagreed with David Koresh's beliefs.
I'll let you read this stirring, documented account and then decide who was
wrong in Waco.
File# 2913 KORESH.ZIP 52,864 bytes (Compressed Text File)
File# 2912 KORESH.TXT 138,112 bytes (Text File of above)
More Information pertaining to Waco:
No. Filename Size Description Location
1617 THOMPSON.TXT 29,184 Diatribe from an Atty WEST 1065
3496 KORESH.ZIP 23,936 Text of David Koresh's radio talk PF 545
3543 WHPR323.TXT 18,816 Remarks by President on Waco w/Q&A PF 545
727 GJWACO.ZIP 65,152 Court Papers - Waco/Koresh JERRYP 245
Money: Economic Report of the President ............................... PF
ƒƒƒƒƒ Page 545
Buy it at the bookstore, order it from the Superintendent of Documents, or
download it tonight! This is the entire annual report of the Council of
Economic Advisors and the President's Economic Report which was transmitted
to Congress.
File# 4756 ECNRPT94.ZIP 462,464 bytes (Compressed Text)
Today's Headlines: FDA on Lowering Your Cholesterol .................. FOOD
ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Page 1150
This FDA publication contains information about cholesterol and labeling.
It discusses what's important, what's good, and how vital it is to lower
cholesterol in American diets. It's an excellent resource for families,
students, and anyone who cares about their health.
File# 3834 FDA26.TXT 17,920 (Text file)
National Pastime: 1994 Major League Baseball Schedule ............. SPORTS
ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Page 215
You can have the 1994 Major League schedule at your fingertips in one handy
file! Spring hails the opening of this exciting season. No need to wait for
the TV Guide to learn when your favorite team is playing!
File# 3513 BASEBALL.94 69,248 bytes (Text file)
Energy-Saving Technologies: American Tour de Sol ...................... PF
ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Page 545
This May road rally will feature dozens of electric and solar powered cars
in its annual competition from Jersey City to Philadelphia. Ford and
Chrysler have entries in the Production Vehicle category -- models being
sold to the public. Read about the Japanese Team's entry, and the rally's
first mass transit category.
This isn't the Daytona Speedway; you don't win this road rally by being the
fastest, but by being efficient and dependable. Read all about these cars
of the future. If you're near New York City you can peek at them in the
rally's opening ceremonies. Wish I were close enough!
File# 4850 AMTOUR.TXT 6,249 (Text File)
Rechargables: Help with NiCAD Battery Problems ......................... CE
ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Page 346
In a radio interview with Battery Works engineers Don Brown and Hap Holly,
the RAIN program answered many nagging questions about batteries. Why are
NiCADs better than alkalines -- or are they? How can you get the most out
of rechargable batteries? This interesting interview persuaded me try
NiCADs again.
File# 4850 NICADHLP.TXT 23,936 (Text File)
Treasures from Germany: The REAL Grimm Fairy Tales ................ GERMANY
ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Page 725
Enjoy these newly released translations of the original, unvarnished
Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales as they are added to the Germany RoundTable
Library. The first set is there now, and this huge translation project will
continue through the rest of the year. Enjoy 16 tales now:
1518 GRIMM1.ZIP 69064 All 16 Stories, compressed in one file
1494 FBG77.TXT 5504 Clever Gretel
1493 FBG21.TXT 14848 Cinderella
1492 FBG15.TXT 16256 Hansel and Gretel
1491 FBG13.TXT 6016 Little Gnomes in forest
1490 FBG12.TXT 7680 Rapunzel
1489 FBG11.TXT 13312 Brother & Sister
1488 FBG10.TXT 4352 Riffraff
1487 FBG9.TXT 10624 The 12 Brothers
1486 FBG8.TXT 6016 The Marvelous Minstrel
1484 FBG6.TXT 17408 Faithful Johannes
1483 FBG5.TXT 5760 Wolf and 7 young kids
1482 FBG4.TXT 20352 Boy learns about fear
1481 FBG3.TXT 10112 Virgin Mary's Child
1480 FBG2.TXT 5376 Cat & Mouse in Partnership
1479 FBG1.TXT 7808 The Frog King or Iron Heinrich
1460 BREMEN.TXT 7040 Bremen Town Muscians
Industry Newsletter Debut: Information Policy Online ................... PF
ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Page 545
The Information Industry Association's first online newsletter is available
on GEnie. Read about the efforts and trends of one of the online industry's
oldest associations. They invite your attendance to the news, views, and
documents of today's issues as the Information Highway of the future passes
before your very eyes.
File# 4755 IPO11.TXT 29,056 (Text File)
Do You Know Who...: Noms de Plume of over 300 Mystery writers ..... WRITERS
ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Page 440
Find out how many people wrote those Ellery Queen novels! Say, did you
follow The Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew as a youngster? Surprise, surprise --
there's more than one writer behind such series, and it's NOT the name on
the book. Scan this list of pseudonyms used by mystery writers.
File# 5472 PSEUDO#1.TXT 15,744 bytes (Text File)
Home Improvement: Tips & Tricks from the Workshop ..................... DIY
ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Page 1430
The best collection of tips for your weekend workbench: Some will save you
time, some will save you money, some will save you trouble. Enjoy this, you
File# 233 WEEKTIPS.TXT 80,000 bytes (Text File)
File# 234 WEEKTIPS.ZIP 26,368 bytes (Compressed Text)
Quick Reference: Grammar The Easy Way by Author Damon Knight ........ SFRT1
ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Page 470
These two delightful files debunk many mysteries surrounding grammar usage
in English. Writing properly isn't hard, and some things you THOUGHT your
high school teacher said just aren't so.
Do you practrically panic writing a sentence with 'lay' in it? Are there
times you'll use ANY other word rather than try to figure out whether you
should use 'lay' or 'lie'? How often have you looked at a complicated
sentence and tried to puzzle out whether the verb should be plural or
singular? Did you know there's a quick test you can use to determine when
to use 'which' or 'that'?
Damon Knight, noted Science Fiction writer and member of the Science
Fiction RoundTable, has uploaded two small files of solutions and tests for
these common errors and others. I recommend these easy-to-understand files
to anyone who writes letters, memos, faxes, messages or papers. Students
will find them of particular value. Print them and put them inside your
dictionary or some other handy place, and keep them ready for reference.
Thank you, Mr. Knight!
File# 7809 GRAMMAR THE EASY WAY by DAMON.KNIGHT 10,368 bytes
File# 7810 MORE ABOUT GRAMMAR by DAMON.KNIGHT 6,912 bytes
JOBS: The Perfect Resume ........................................ WORKPLACE
ƒƒƒƒ Page 1410
Finding a job today is more than just a matter of education and experience.
The process begins by "networking" and fine-tuning your resume, and it
doesn't stop when you're called for an interview. If you're considering a
career move, grab the following transcripts of Resume Conferences with
Human Resources professionals, and check out the other terrific sources
shown below. They'll help you get the job you WANT, not the one you have to
The Resume Conferences Text files: 4485 RESUMES.RTC 26,368 bytes
4499 RESUMES2.RTC 14,720 bytes 4511 RESUMES3.RTC 16,384 bytes
4883 RESUMES4.RTC 22,528 bytes 4953 RESUMES5.RTC 37,888 bytes
4378 JOBGUIDE.TXT 187,392 Job Search Guide for Professionals (Text)
4464 JOBGUIDE.ZIP 63,232 Job Search Guide (Compressed Text)
4425 RTCINTRV.TXT 21,120 Text file RTC 9/13 Interviewing
4394 DRJOB.RTC 17,280 Dr. Job RTC-Network,Jobs,Employment
In the Stars: Project MERLIN as seen on Larry King ............. ASTROLOGY
ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Page 1180
MERLIN, the secret proprietary forecasting project you may have heard about
from Larry King, predicts the timing of future events from graphs based on
the date and time of a "genesis" or birth. These graphs are derived from
various planetary/celestial cycles, and documents describing them (along
with some amazing IBM-compatible examples) are waiting for you to download.
See it for yourself!
File# 676 MERLIN94.ZIP 34,048 bytes (Compressed text & MSDOS ASCII charts)
Strawberry Recipes: Berries in Season ................................ FOOD
ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Page 1150
Enjoy delicious seasonal strawberries in this collection of 20-plus recipes
for shakes, desserts, crepes, glazes, pies, and other yummy concoctions.
Don't overlook the second treat listed below, a new recipe for strawberry
pie created online and called Berry Rich Pie.
File# 1532 STRAWBRY.TXT 21,888 (Text File)
File# 923 27COKCLB.TXT 39,680 (Text File of Berry Rich Pie process)