Virtual Reality Zone
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135 lines
extern unsigned int dpaddr; /* video write base */
extern unsigned long l_hold, r_hold; /* used to hold old x data for edge */
extern int l_clip; /* clipping rectangle for polys and lines */
extern int r_clip; /* max. 0,319,0,199 */
extern int t_clip;
extern int b_clip;
typedef struct lp { /* set of points for clipping or line dwg */
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
} lpoints;
extern void far vsync(); /* pause till vert. retrace */
extern void far vga_reg(int reg); /* load VGA register: */
/* reg = reg# + 256*value */
extern void far load_color(int color); /* load VGA color register */
extern void far set_vmode(int mode); /* set video mode thru BIOS */
extern void far set_vpage(int page); /* set video page thru BIOS */
#define PUT 0 /* defines of VGA write modes */
#define AND 1 /* for use with setup_hdwe() */
#define OR 2
#define XOR 3
extern void far setup_hdwe(int mode); /* setup VGA for bunch of line */
/* or poly draws: once per set */
extern void far reset_hdwe(); /* reset VGA to BIOS state after drawing */
/* clear video page to solid color: 10 mS */
/* returns -1 if bad page # */
extern int far clr_page(int page, int color);
/* copy one page to another for use as */
/* background: 21 mS per call */
/* returns -1 if bad page # */
extern int far copy_page(int source, int dest);
/* fast VGA line draw: about 15600 24-pixel */
/* vectors/sec (horizontal much faster) */
extern void far vgaline(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color);
/* line draw using lpoint structure */
extern void vgalines(lpoints *points, int color);
/* Fast Cohen-Sutherland line clipper */
/* modifies data in points, returns */
/* 0 if not clipped, 1 if clipped, */
/* -1 if undrawable */
/* 2 - 10 uS per call */
extern int clipper (lpoints far *points);
/* does C-S clipping and draws line */
/* returns same codes as C-S clipper */
extern int clipline (lpoints *points, int color);
#define NO_HOLD 0 /* values for hold in tpoly() */
#define L_HOLD 1
#define R_HOLD 2
#define HOLD_ALL 3
#define HOLD 0x8000 /* use in x1 or x2 to continue poly side */
/* NOTE: for all polys, height is 1 less than expected. This is
because of the coordinate system used, and aliasing. So a
poly with (0,0) (10,0) (0,10) will fill vertical lines 0-9 only.
This is OK, since real 3D figures consist of overlapping polys.
/* draws trapeziodal poly slice FAST */
/* x1 is top left, x2 is top right, */
/* y1 is top, y3 is bottom. Clipping */
/* is performed. l_incr and r_incr */
/* set slope of sides. */
/* if x1 or x2 = HOLD, continues that */
/* side from last tpoly call. Use */
/* bits in hold to ensure that needed */
/* side data is good in previous tpoly */
extern int far tpoly(int x1,int x2, long l_incr, long r_incr,
int y1, int y3, int hold);
/* compute (x1-x2)/(y1-y2) << 16 */
/* used for tpoly... */
/* returns x1-x2 if y1==y2 */
extern long far compute_slope(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2);
void set_gmode(); /* enters 320x200x16 mode, clears screen */
void restore_gmode(); /* enters 320x200x16 mode w/o clearing screen */
void exit_gmode(); /* exits to text mode */
int set_drawpage(int page); /* set page for drawing on (0-7) */
/* set displayed page: uses BIOS */
/* call, so DON'T use in interrupt */
/* routines! If WAIT is 1, will */
/* sync with vert. retrace (pause) */
int set_vidpage(int page, int wait);
/* fastest triangle poly blitter */
/* points must be in CCW order */
/* (clockwise before Y mirror) */
/* and color must have been set */
/* with load_color() before call */
void fastri(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3);
/* pass pointers to X, Y coord arrays */
/* and count. No clipping, preset color */
/* with load_color() */
void polynt(int *xcoords, int *ycoords, int count);
/* draw and fill 3-sided polygon */
/* automatically clipped to bounds */
/* not a "pretty poly" fill, so */
/* sliver polys break up. */
/* 5800 polys/sec for 24x24 */
poly3(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int color);
/* draw and fill 3-sided polygon */
/* automatically clipped to bounds */
/* not a "pretty poly" fill, so */
/* sliver polys break up. */
/* will draw some concave polys OK */
/* but can't be depended on esp. */
/* if concavity is at top or bot. */
/* 3800 30x30 polys/sec */
poly4(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3,
int x4, int y4, int color);