Virtual Reality Zone
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/* Data structures for 3D modelling */
/* Written by Bernie Roehl and Dave Stampe, December 1991 */
/* updated 10/1/91 for renderer clip (first stage */
/* Integerizaation finished 19/1/91 and comments added */
/* Copyright 1991, 1992 by Dave Stampe and Bernie Roehl.
May be freely used to write software for release into the public domain;
all commercial endeavours MUST contact Bernie Roehl and Dave Stampe
for permission to incorporate any part of this software into their
<nn.ff> means that nn bits are available as the integer part, and
ff bits are used as a fractional part. Multiply a float by 2^ff
to get a long value to feed in.
World coordinates should be kept below signed 24 bits (16.7M) to
assure no errors. This allows a range of 1mm->16.7 km, which
should be plenty!
Angles are in <16.16> format, where the integer part is in degrees.
typedef long MATRIX[4][3]; /* 3x3 rotate plus 3 translate para's */
/* rotate matrix is <3.29>, translate is <32.0> */
#define MATRIXDEF 1
/* new vertex copies, internal to renderer */
typedef struct nV NVERTEX;
struct nV{
long x, y, z; /* viewport coordinates (used for saving time) */
long xs, ys ; /* screen coordinates */
unsigned char outcode; /* XY clip outcodes */
unsigned char perspect; /* flags perspective done */
#define LEFT 1 /* XY outcode bits */
#define RIGHT 2
#define TOP 4
#define BOTTOM 8
/* world database vertices */
/* object coords are referenced to object */
/* world coords are updated when moving or rotating object */
/* all others are renderer workspace */
typedef struct {
long ox, oy, oz; /* object coordinates */
long x, y, z; /* world coordinates */
long cz; /* converted Z coord */
NVERTEX *new_copy; /* non-zero if x and y transformed */
unsigned char z_transformed; /* non-zero if z has been transformed */
unsigned char z_outcode; /* 1 set if hither, 2 set if yon */
#define HITHER 1 /* Z outcode bits */
#define YON 2
/* world database polys */
/* object-based normal must be rotated to world copy with object */
/* color will have 8-bit color, 8-bit reflectance field */
#ifndef POLYDEF
#define POLYDEF 1
typedef struct {
unsigned color; /* color (not used yet-- will set chroma, reflectance */
VERTEX **points; /* array of pointers to the vertices of this polygon */
int npoints; /* number of entries in points[] */
long onormalx,
onormalz; /* unit length surface normal (OBJECT) */
long normalx,
normalz; /* unit length surface normal (WORLD)*/
struct _object *object;
/* renderer poly copy */
/* paernt points back to original poly for lighting */
/* color computed by cosine lighting (currently 0-15) */
/* maxz is deepest poly point for sorting */
typedef struct {
int npoints; /* number of entries in points[] MUST BE FIRST */
POLY *parent;
unsigned color; /* color after illumination */
long maxz; /* maximum Z value (for sorting) */
typedef struct { NPOLY *ptr; long depth; } DSORT; /* used for depth sorting */
#ifndef REPDEF
#define REPDEF 1
typedef struct _rep { /* a representation for an object */
long size; /* if the object is bigger than this, use this rep */
int nverts, npolys; /* number of vertices, number of polys */
VERTEX *verts; /* array of vertices */
POLY *polys; /* array of polygons */
struct _rep *next; /* pointer to next rep in list */
long update_count; /* inc. every time rep moves */
unsigned flags;
} REP;
/* world database object */
/* sphx, sphy, sphz, sphr used for sphere object clipping */
#define OBJ_FLAG_MASK 0x7C00
#define OBJ_DEPTH_MASK 0x03FF
#ifndef OBJDEF
#define OBJDEF 1
typedef struct _object
unsigned int oflags;
#define OBJ_NONSEL 0x0800 /* can't be selected (i.e. pointer) */
#define OBJ_INVIS 0x1000
#define OBJ_HIGHLIGHTED 0x2000
#define OBJLIST_HEADER 0x4000
#define IS_OBJECT 0x8000 /* required by renderer: it will set */
#define DEEPEST 0x0000 /* sort polys by deepest point */
#define ATBACK 0x0001 /* push this object's poly's waaaay back */
#define AVERAGE 0x0002 /* sort polys by average depth */
#define BYOBJECT 0x0100 /* sort by object */
#define BYPOLY 0x0000 /* put polys in world before sort */
struct _object *prev;
struct _object *nnext;
void *owner; /* for example, a body segment description struct */
REP *replist; /* pointer to list of representations */
REP *current_rep; /* the currently-active rep */
int (*coll_eval)(); /* evaluate collision */
long osphx, osphy, osphz; /* object-coord sphere center */
long sphx, sphy, sphz, sphr; /* bounding sphere center and radius */
long update_count; /* inc. every time object moved */
/* world database object list head */
/* dual linked for fast remove/insert needed for splits */
#ifndef OBJLDEF
#define OBJLDEF 1
typedef struct _objlist
unsigned int oflags;
#define OBJ_INVIS 0x1000
#define OBJ_HIGHLIGHTED 0x2000
#define OBJLIST_HEADER 0x4000
#define IS_OBJECT 0x8000 /* required by renderer: it will set */
struct _object *prev;
struct _object *nnext;
#ifndef VIEWDEF
/* renderer viewpoint/screen control structure */
/* viewoint in X, Y, Z coords */
/* pan, tilt, roll in (float*65536) formats */
/* zoom is equiv. to magnification from 90 deg. FOV (also float*65536) */
/* aspect sets how much to magnify Y more than X to fix up displays */
/* light source point in world coordinates */
/* left, right, top, bottom set edges of screen */
/* hither sets closest point: keep >16 for best range of world coords */
/* yon sets max. distance: keep it 1<<26 if not used */
/* all others are renderer workspace */
#define NOFLIP 0 /* for orientation flags */
#define XFLIP 1
#define YFLIP 2
typedef struct {
long ex, ey, ez; /* <25.0> location of eyepoint */
long pan, tilt, roll; /* <16.16> viewing angles (deg) +/- 128 */
long zoom; /* <16.16> 1/tan(H FOV/2) 0.5 to 16 */
/* Light source stuff... will eventually be separate from view struct */
long lx,ly,lz; /* <25.0> location of light source */
int directional; /* 0 for point, 1 for normal (not unit) */
int ambient; /* ambient light: 0-256 (72 recc.) */
long left,right; /* <25.0> clipping planes */
long top, bottom;
long hither, yon; /* <25.0> near and far clipping planes */
long aspect; /* <16.16> x:y fixup factor (magnify Y by..*/
unsigned flags; /* 16 bits of flags */
long x_offset, y_offset; /* amount to move screen center in pixels */
unsigned orientation; /* used to mirror screen image */
MATRIX eye_xform;
long hsw, hsh; /* half screen width, height */
long hsc, vsc; /* screen center (with offset) */
long scx, scy; /* full-resolution scaling for horizon */
long sx,sy; /* mantissa of screen scaling */
int xshift, yshift; /* scaling bit shifts */
long left_C, left_M; /* spherical clip coefficients */
long right_C, right_M;
long top_C, top_M;
long bot_C, bot_M;
long fac1,fac2,fac3,
fac7,fac8,fac9; /* conversion coefficients */
long sfac1,sfac2,sfac3, /* scaled conversion factors */
long hor_C, vert_C; /* spherical clip coefficients */
long hor_M, vert_M;
/* View flags: */
#define WIREFRAME 0x0001
#define HIDE_HIGHLIGHTED 0x0002
#define VIEWDEF 1
/* Prescaling (used in hrendo5.c and 3dsupp.c (in where_screen_pt()) */
#define PRESCALE 2 /* frac bits in XY coords */
#define PRESCALEZ 2
#ifndef SCRIDEF
#define SCRIDEF 1
struct Screeninfo {
int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, xcent, ycent, colors, pages, bw;
long aspect;
char id[80];
extern struct Screeninfo *screeninfo;
extern long isine(long angle);
extern long icosine(long angle);
/* create rotation/translation */
/* "matrix" from angle data */
/* CALL setup_render FIRST! */
/* End of structs */
extern void set_screen_monitor(int x, int y);
extern void clear_screen_monitor();
extern POLY * read_screen_monitor();
/* Provided by user, in render.c: */
extern void user_render_poly(int vertex_count, int *pcoords,
unsigned poly_color, long max_depth);
extern void user_setup_blitter();
extern void user_reset_blitter();
/* End of 3dstruct.h */