Virtual Reality Zone
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C/C++ Source or Header
2,796 lines
/* 3D graphics routines */
/* Written by Bernie Roehl and Dave Stampe, December 1991 */
/* updated 10/1/91 to do first clip pass */
/* completely operational 19/1/92 incl. integerization */
/* Contact: broehl@sunee.waterloo.edu or dstampe@sunee.waterloo.edu */
#pragma inline
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <alloc.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <mem.h>
#include "3dstruct.h"
#include "intmath.h"
#include "f3dkitd.h"
#include "rend386.h"
#include "userint.h"
static VIEW *current_view;
int wireframe = 0;
#define XFSC 536870912 /* 2**29 for shifting xform coeffs to long */
static float xfsc = XFSC;
/**************** SET AND COMPUTE VIEWPORT **************/
/* static viewport data copies (assembly speed) */
static long fact1, fact2, fact3, fact4, fact5, fact6, fact7, fact8, fact9;
static long fac1, fac2, fac3, fac4, fac5, fac6, fac7, fac8, fac9;
static long iview_x, iview_y, iview_z;
static long ilight_x, ilight_y, ilight_z;
static long hither,yon,left,right,top,bottom;
static long hither4,yon4,left4,right4,top4,bottom4; /* prescaled */
static long left_C, left_M; /* spherical object clip coefficients */
static long right_C, right_M;
static long top_C, top_M;
static long bot_C, bot_M;
static long hsw, hsh; /* half screen width, height */
static long hsc, vsc; /* screen center with offset */
static int xshift, yshift; /* binary exponent factors */
static long sx,sy; /* screen scale mantissa */
static long scx,scy;
static int orientation; /* flipping for wierd displays */
int ambient_light = 72; /* viewport ambient light */
static int directional_light = 0; /* directional or point light */
void render_set_view(VIEW *v) /* copy viewport data to fast access area */
current_view = v;
ambient_light = v->ambient;
directional_light = v->directional;
sx = v->sx;
sy = v->sy;
scx = v->scx;
scy = v->scy;
orientation = v->orientation;
if(orientation & XFLIP) sx = -sx;
if(orientation & YFLIP) sy = -sy;
fac1 = v->eye_xform[0][0];
fac2 = v->eye_xform[0][1];
fac3 = v->eye_xform[0][2];
fac4 = v->eye_xform[1][0];
fac5 = v->eye_xform[1][1];
fac6 = v->eye_xform[1][2];
fact7 = fac7 = v->eye_xform[2][0];
fact8 = fac8 = v->eye_xform[2][1];
fact9 = fac9 = v->eye_xform[2][2];
asm {
.386 /* produce scaled matrix for screen size */
mov eax,DWORD PTR sx
imul DWORD PTR fac1
shrd eax,edx,16
adc eax,0
mov DWORD PTR fact1,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR sx
imul DWORD PTR fac2
shrd eax,edx,16
adc eax,0
mov DWORD PTR fact2,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR sx
imul DWORD PTR fac3
shrd eax,edx,16
adc eax,0
mov DWORD PTR fact3,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR sy
imul DWORD PTR fac4
shrd eax,edx,16
adc eax,0
mov DWORD PTR fact4,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR sy
imul DWORD PTR fac5
shrd eax,edx,16
adc eax,0
mov DWORD PTR fact5,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR sy
imul DWORD PTR fac6
shrd eax,edx,16
adc eax,0
mov DWORD PTR fact6,eax
iview_x = v->eye_xform[3][0]; /* viewport center */
iview_y = v->eye_xform[3][1];
iview_z = v->eye_xform[3][2];
ilight_x = v->lx; /* light source */
ilight_y = v->ly;
ilight_z = v->lz;
hither = v->hither; /* clipping planes */
left = v->left;
yon = v->yon;
top = v->top;
right = v->right;
bottom = v->bottom;
// yon4 = yon << PRESCALEZ; /* prescaled clipping planes for tests */
// hither4 = hither << PRESCALEZ;
// top4 = top << PRESCALE;
// bottom4 = bottom << PRESCALE;
// left4 = left << PRESCALE;
// right4 = right << PRESCALE;
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR yon
shl eax,cl
mov DWORD PTR yon4,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR hither
shl eax,cl
mov DWORD PTR hither4,eax
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR top
shl eax,cl
mov DWORD PTR top4,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR bottom
shl eax,cl
mov DWORD PTR bottom4,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR left
shl eax,cl
mov DWORD PTR left4,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR right
shl eax,cl
mov DWORD PTR right4,eax
left_C = v->left_C; /* spherical clip coefficients */
left_M = v->left_M;
right_C = v->right_C;
right_M = v->right_M;
top_C = v->top_C;
top_M = v->top_M;
bot_C = v->bot_C;
bot_M = v->bot_M;
hsw = v->hsw;
hsh = v->hsh; /* half screen width, height*/
hsc = v->hsc;
vsc = v->vsc; /* screen center */
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR hsc
shl eax,cl
mov DWORD PTR hsc,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR vsc
shl eax,cl
mov DWORD PTR vsc,eax
xshift = v->xshift;
yshift = v->yshift; /* binary part of form factors */
wireframe = v->flags & WIREFRAME;
/* tables for sphere object clipping: */
extern long sclip_C[800]; /* 1/sqrt(zoom^2 + 1) table */
extern long sclip_M[800]; /* zoom * C table (table: i = 32*zoom) */
/* range: FOV = 2*atan(1/zoom) */
/* or about 150 to 7 degrees */
/* thus: for smaller window, divide zoom by fraction of h. screen */
/* compute screen and viewport */
/* factors. These stay constant */
/* over eye point changes */
void initialize_screen_factors(VIEW *v)
long sx,sy;
int ti,bi,li,ri;
long sh,sw;
int xshift,yshift;
long zoom = v->zoom;
long aspect = v->aspect;
int x_offset = v->x_offset;
int y_offset = v->y_offset;
long tt = v->top;
long bb = v->bottom;
long ll = v->left;
long rr = v->right;
long r1,r2;
long scx, scy;
v->hsc = (v->left + v->right)/2 + v->x_offset;
v->vsc = (v->top + v->bottom)/2 + v->y_offset;
v->hsw = sw = (v->right - v->left)/2;
v->hsh = sh = (v->bottom - v->top)/2;
asm {
mov eax,ll
add eax,rr
shr eax,1
add ax,x_offset
mov r1,eax
mov eax,tt
add eax,bb
shr eax,1
add ax,y_offset
mov r2,eax
mov eax,rr
sub eax,ll
shr eax,1
mov sw,eax
mov eax,bb
sub eax,tt
shr eax,1
mov sh,eax
v->hsc = r1;
v->vsc = r2;
v->hsw = sw;
v->hsh = sh;
/* setup zoom (FOV) */
if(zoom > 16*65536L) zoom = 16*65536L; /* clip zoom to < 16 */
if(zoom < 32768L) zoom = 32768L; /* clip zoom to > 0.5 */
if(v->orientation&XFLIP) x_offset = -x_offset;
if(v->orientation&YFLIP) y_offset = -y_offset;
asm {
mov eax,zoom /* left pc = z*w/(w+xo) */
mov edx,sw
imul edx
push eax
push edx
mov ebx,sw
add bx,x_offset
movzx ebx,bx
idiv ebx
shr eax,12
mov li,ax
pop edx
pop eax
mov ebx,sw /* right pc = z*w/(w-xo) */
sub bx,x_offset
movzx ebx,bx
idiv ebx
shr eax,12
mov ri,ax
/* compute vert. scale zoom */
/* zoom * sw / sh * (aspect/65536.0); */
mov eax,zoom /* <16.16> */
mul DWORD PTR aspect /* <16.16> -> <32.32> */
shrd eax,edx,16 /* -> <16.16> */
mul DWORD PTR sw
div DWORD PTR sh /* still <16.16> */
mov edx,sh /* top pc = z*h/(h+yo) */
imul edx
push edx
push eax
mov ebx,sh
add bx,y_offset
movzx ebx,bx
idiv ebx
shr eax,12
mov ti,ax
pop eax /* bot pc = z*h/(h-yo) */
pop edx
mov ebx,sh
sub bx,y_offset
movzx ebx,bx
idiv ebx
shr eax,12
mov bi,ax
v->left_C = sclip_C[li]; /* spherical clip coefficients */
v->left_M = sclip_M[li];
v->right_C = sclip_C[ri];
v->right_M = sclip_M[ri];
v->top_C = sclip_C[ti];
v->top_M = sclip_M[ti];
v->bot_C = sclip_C[bi];
v->bot_M = sclip_M[bi];
xshift = yshift = PRESCALEZ; /* preset shifts */
/* compute screen scaling factors */
/* which are pseudo-floating point */
/* to maximize precision and range */
/* width sets overall scaling */
/* sx = v->hsw * (zoom/65536.0); */
/* sy = v->hsw * (zoom/65536.0) * (v->aspect/65536.0); */
asm {
mov eax,zoom /* <16.16> */
mul DWORD PTR aspect /* <16.16> -> <32.32> */
shrd eax,edx,16 /* -> <16.16> */
mul DWORD PTR sw /* <16.0> -> <48.16> */
mov scy, eax
bsr ecx,eax
sub cx,15
jle nofixs
add yshift,cx /* and record shift */
shrd eax,edx,cl /* normalize to <16.16> */
asm {
mov DWORD PTR sy,eax
mov eax,zoom /* <16.16> */
mul DWORD PTR sw /* <16.0> -> <48.16> */
mov scx,eax
bsr ecx,eax
sub cx,15
jle nofixs2
add xshift,cx /* and record shift */
shrd eax,edx,cl /* normalize to <16.16> */
asm {
mov DWORD PTR sx,eax
v->xshift = xshift;
v->yshift = yshift;
v->sx = sx;
v->sy = sy;
v->scx = scx;
v->scy = scy;
/* compute eye point/ angle movement factors only */
void fast_view_factors(VIEW *v)
std_matrix(m, v->tilt,v->pan,v->roll,v->ex,v->ey,v->ez);
matrix_transpose(m, v->eye_xform); /* copy matrix rotational inverse */
v->eye_xform[3][0] = m[3][0];
v->eye_xform[3][1] = m[3][1];
v->eye_xform[3][2] = m[3][2];
/* compute viewport factors (lotsa room for improvement, but */
/* this is only done once. Some stuff will not change */
/* 100% compatible with original (bit of a waste of time) */
void compute_view_factors(VIEW *v)
v->orientation = NOFLIP;
v->x_offset = 0;
v->y_offset = 0;
/* matrix gives view vector and origin */
/* while viewpoint matrix is world->cam xform */
void matrix_view_factors(VIEW *v,MATRIX m) /* set up from matrix xform */
matrix_transpose(m, v->eye_xform); /* copy matrix rotational inverse */
v->eye_xform[3][0] = m[3][0];
v->eye_xform[3][1] = m[3][1];
v->eye_xform[3][2] = m[3][2];
void view_to_matrix(VIEW *v,MATRIX m) /* view matrix to xform matrix */
matrix_transpose(v->eye_xform, m); /* copy matrix rotational inverse */
m[3][0] = v->eye_xform[3][0];
m[3][1] = v->eye_xform[3][1];
m[3][2] = v->eye_xform[3][2];
/************ HORIZON IMPLEMENTATION MATH *****************/
int above_horizon(long x, long y, VIEW *v)
long scx = v->scx;
long scy = v->scy;
long B = v->eye_xform[0][1];
long E = v->eye_xform[1][1];
long H = v->eye_xform[2][1];
x -= v->hsc;
y = -y + v->vsc;
if(v->orientation & XFLIP) scx = -scx;
if(v->orientation & YFLIP) scy = -scy;
asm {
mov eax,x
idiv DWORD PTR scx
mov ecx,eax
mov eax,y
idiv DWORD PTR scy
add ecx,eax
mov eax, H
neg eax
sar eax,16
cmp ecx,eax
jge above
return 0;
return 1;
long y_horizon(long x, VIEW *v)
long scx = v->scx;
long scy = v->scy;
long B = v->eye_xform[0][1];
long E = v->eye_xform[1][1];
long H = v->eye_xform[2][1];
long result;
x -= v->hsc;
if(v->orientation & XFLIP) scx = -scx;
if(v->orientation & YFLIP) scy = -scy;
asm {
mov eax,x
idiv DWORD PTR scx
mov edx, H
sar edx,16
add eax,edx
neg eax
imul DWORD PTR scy
mov result,eax
return -result + v->vsc;
long x_horizon(long y, VIEW *v)
long scx = v->scx;
long scy = v->scy;
long B = v->eye_xform[0][1];
long E = v->eye_xform[1][1];
long H = v->eye_xform[2][1];
long result;
y = -y + v->vsc;
if(v->orientation & XFLIP) scx = -scx;
if(v->orientation & YFLIP) scy = -scy;
asm {
mov eax,y
idiv DWORD PTR scy
mov edx, H
sar edx,16
add eax,edx
neg eax
imul DWORD PTR scx
mov result,eax
return result + v->hsc;
/************ VERTEX AND POLY COPY MEMORY ALLOCATION ************/
static int r_objects_tested;
static int r_objects_passed;
static int r_polys_tested;
static int r_polys_passed;
static int r_polys_xyclipped;
static int r_polys_drawn;
static int r_vertices;
static int r_new_vertices;
DSORT *vispolys; /* an array of pointers to visible polygons */
DSORT *visobjs;
DSORT *polist; /* which array to put polys in */
int npols = 0;
static NVERTEX *vtxram; /* memory allocation area start */
static NVERTEX *nvalloc; /* memory alloc ptrs */
static NPOLY *npalloc;
static OK; /* cleared if too many vertices */
static int maxpolys = 1200;
void reset_render(void) /* free copy space */
static unsigned render_mem;
/* get space for poly and vertex working
copies */
void setup_render(unsigned mem, int polys)
maxpolys = polys;
render_mem = mem<<10;
if(mem>63) abort();
if(NULL==(vtxram = (NVERTEX *)calloc(mem,1024))) goto emem;
if(NULL==(vispolys = (DSORT *)calloc(maxpolys,sizeof(DSORT))))
goto emem;
if(NULL ==(visobjs = (DSORT *)calloc(maxpolys,sizeof(DSORT))))
goto emem;
else goto nemem;
printf("\nCannot allocate memory for renderer!\n");
npalloc = (NPOLY *)vtxram;
nvalloc = (NVERTEX *)((char *)vtxram+render_mem-50);
static void init_render(void) /* reclaim all vertex and poly space */
npalloc = (NPOLY *)vtxram;
nvalloc = (NVERTEX *)((char *)vtxram+render_mem-50);
static NVERTEX *newvertex(void) /* alloc space for new vertex copy */
_CX = sizeof(NVERTEX);
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR nvalloc /* save address to v */
sub ax,cx
mov DWORD PTR v,eax
mov DWORD PTR nvalloc,eax /* update pointer */
les bx,DWORD PTR v
mov BYTE PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)perspect,0 /* reset flags */
sub ax,200
cmp ax,WORD PTR npalloc
ja ok_v
xor ax,ax
mov WORD PTR OK,ax
static NPOLY *newpoly(void) /* alloc space for new poly copy */
_CX = sizeof(NPOLY);
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR npalloc /* save address to v */
mov DWORD PTR p,eax
add ax,cx
mov DWORD PTR npalloc,eax /* update pointer */
add ax,200
cmp ax,WORD PTR nvalloc
jb ok_p
xor ax,ax
mov WORD PTR OK,ax
/*********** TRANSFORMS 'N THINGS ************/
/* X, Y viewport xform, create new vertex copy if needed */
/* used during Z clip pass only */
static NVERTEX *xy_transform(VERTEX *v)
long wx,wy,wz;
asm { /* quick test if conv. needed */
les bx,DWORD PTR v
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)new_copy
mov DWORD PTR nv,eax
or eax,eax
jz need_new_one
nv = newvertex();
asm {
push si
push di
les bx,DWORD PTR v
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)x
sub eax,DWORD PTR iview_x
mov DWORD PTR wx,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)y
sub eax,DWORD PTR iview_y
mov DWORD PTR wy,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)z
sub eax,DWORD PTR iview_z
mov DWORD PTR wz,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR fact1
mov edx,DWORD PTR wx
imul edx
mov esi,eax
mov edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR fact2
mov edx,DWORD PTR wy
imul edx
add esi,eax
adc edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR fact3
mov edx,DWORD PTR wz
imul edx
add esi,eax
adc edi,edx
shrd esi,edi,27 /* 29 - PRESCALE */
adc esi,0
mov ecx,esi
mov eax,DWORD PTR fact4
mov edx,DWORD PTR wx
imul edx
mov esi,eax
mov edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR fact5
mov edx,DWORD PTR wy
imul edx
add esi,eax
adc edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR fact6
mov edx,DWORD PTR wz
imul edx
add esi,eax
adc edi,edx
shrd esi,edi,27 /* 29 - PRESCALE */
adc esi,0
mov eax,esi
mov esi,DWORD PTR nv
mov DWORD PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)new_copy,esi
mov esi,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)cz /* copy z (conv before) */
les bx, DWORD PTR nv
mov DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)x,ecx /* new x,y */
mov DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)y,eax
mov DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)z,esi
pop di
pop si
return(nv); /* pointer to xformed copy */
/********* Z CLIP AND VERTEX COPY *********/
static NVERTEX *nvert[20]; /* table of new poly vertices created */
static int nvcount; /* table pointer/count (Z clip pass) */
static int nvcptr; /* pointer for XY clip pass */
static unsigned char xy_outcode_and; /* XY outcode accums used for reject etc */
static unsigned char xy_outcode_or;
/* int. of edge v1->v2 with hither */
static NVERTEX *clip_z_int(VERTEX *v1, VERTEX *v2)
NVERTEX *nv1, *nv2, *nv3;
long x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2;
/* copy/xform points if not yet done */
/* nothing done if already processed */
asm { /* quick test if conv. needed */
les bx,DWORD PTR v1
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)new_copy
mov DWORD PTR nv1,eax
or eax,eax
jnz need_new_1
nv1 = xy_transform(v1);
asm { /* quick test if conv. needed */
les bx,DWORD PTR v2
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)new_copy
mov DWORD PTR nv2,eax
or eax,eax
jnz need_new_2
nv2 = xy_transform(v2);
nv3 = newvertex();
asm {
les bx,DWORD PTR nv1
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)x
mov DWORD PTR x1,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)y
mov DWORD PTR y1,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)z
mov DWORD PTR z1,eax
les bx,DWORD PTR nv2
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)x
mov DWORD PTR x2,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)y
mov DWORD PTR y2,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)z
mov DWORD PTR z2,eax
cmp eax,z1
jg other_way
mov ecx,z1 /* compute denominator */
sub ecx,z2
je zcltza
mov eax,DWORD PTR hither4 /* compute new x */
sub eax,z2
mov edx,x1
sub edx,x2
imul edx
idiv ecx
add eax,x2
mov x1,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR hither4 /* compute new y */
sub eax,z2
mov edx,y1
sub edx,y2
imul edx
idiv ecx
add eax,y2
mov y1,eax
zcltza: goto zcltz;
asm {
mov ecx,z2 /* compute denominator */
sub ecx,z1
je zcltz
mov eax,DWORD PTR hither4 /* compute new x */
sub eax,z1
mov edx,x2
sub edx,x1
imul edx
idiv ecx
add eax,x1
mov x1,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR hither4 /* compute new y */
sub eax,z1
mov edx,y2
sub edx,y1
imul edx
idiv ecx
add eax,y1
mov y1,eax
zcltz: /* no clipping: just transfer if zero denom. */
asm {
les bx,DWORD PTR nv3
mov eax,x1
mov DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)x,eax
mov eax,y1
mov DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)y,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR hither4
mov DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)z,eax
/* final processing for vertex passed */
/* by clipper. Figure perspective */
/* screen positions and poly outcodes */
static NVERTEX *z_output(NVERTEX *nv)
asm {
les bx,DWORD PTR nv
test BYTE PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)perspect,0FFh
je do_perspective
goto skip_perspective;
asm { /* es:[bx] = nv */
mov esi,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)z
mov cl,BYTE PTR xshift /* prescale x, y for accuracy */
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)x
shld edx,eax,cl
shl eax,cl
idiv esi /* divide by z */
add eax,DWORD PTR hsc /* add prescaled screen center */
and eax,0FFFFFFFCh /* lock to integer */
mov DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs,eax /* and store */
xor ch,ch
cmp eax,DWORD PTR right4
jle nsro /* check outcodes */
or ch,RIGHT
asm {
cmp eax,DWORD PTR left4
jge nslo
or ch,LEFT
asm {
mov cl,BYTE PTR yshift; /* same deal for y */
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)y
shld edx,eax,cl
shl eax,cl
idiv esi
neg eax /* except upside down */
add eax,DWORD PTR vsc
and eax,0FFFFFFFCh /* lock to integer */
mov DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)ys,eax
cmp eax,DWORD PTR bottom4
jle nsbo
or ch,BOTTOM
asm { /* check outcodes */
cmp eax,DWORD PTR top4
jge nsto
or ch,TOP
asm {
mov BYTE PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)outcode,ch
mov BYTE PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)perspect,1
asm {
mov al, es:[bx].(NVERTEX)outcode /* update accum. outcodes */
or BYTE PTR xy_outcode_or,al
and BYTE PTR xy_outcode_and,al
nvert[nvcount] = nv;
if(nvcount > 20) OK = 0;
/*************** XY POLYGON CLIPPER **************/
/* clipper record variables: */
/* top clipper: */
static int first_top; /* 1 if first vertex in pass */
static NVERTEX *first_top_vtx; /* first vertex */
static NVERTEX *last_top_vtx; /* prev. vertex */
/* bottom clipper */
static NVERTEX *first_bottom_vtx;
static NVERTEX *last_bottom_vtx;
static NVERTEX *first_left_vtx; /* left clipper */
static NVERTEX *last_left_vtx;
static NVERTEX *first_right_vtx; /* right clipper */
static NVERTEX *last_right_vtx;
static NVERTEX **vpoly; /* where to put output */
static NVERTEX *y_intercept(NVERTEX *v1, NVERTEX *v2, long edge)
NVERTEX *nv = newvertex(); /* create new vertex */
long x1 = v1->xs; /* get values (BC can't do it inline) */
long y1 = v1->ys;
long z1 = v1->z;
long x2 = v2->xs;
long y2 = v2->ys;
long z2 = v2->z;
if(y1<y2) goto fwd_clip; /* always clip in same dir. to fix roundoff */
asm {
mov ecx,y1 /* compute denominator */
sub ecx,y2
je zcltlz
mov eax,edge /* compute new z */
sub eax,y2
mov edx,z1
sub edx,z2
imul edx
idiv ecx
add eax,z2
mov z1,eax
mov eax,edge /* compute new x */
sub eax,y2
mov edx,x1
sub edx,x2
imul edx
idiv ecx
add eax,x2
mov x1,eax
goto zcltz;
asm {
mov ecx,y2 /* compute denominator */
sub ecx,y1
je zcltz
mov eax,edge /* compute new z */
sub eax,y1
mov edx,z2
sub edx,z1
imul edx
idiv ecx
add eax,z1
mov z1,eax
mov eax,edge /* compute new x */
sub eax,y1
mov edx,x2
sub edx,x1
imul edx
idiv ecx
add eax,x1
mov x1,eax
zcltz: /* no clipping: just transfer if zero denom. */
nv->xs = x1;
nv->ys = edge;
nv->z = z1;
static NVERTEX *x_intercept(NVERTEX *v1, NVERTEX *v2, long edge)
NVERTEX *nv = newvertex(); /* create new vertex */
long x1 = v1->xs; /* get values (BC can't do it inline) */
long y1 = v1->ys;
long z1 = v1->z;
long x2 = v2->xs;
long y2 = v2->ys;
long z2 = v2->z;
if(x1<x2) goto fwd_clip;
asm {
mov ecx,x1 /* compute denominator */
sub ecx,x2
je zcltlz
mov eax,edge /* compute new z */
sub eax,x2
mov edx,z1
sub edx,z2
imul edx
idiv ecx
add eax,z2
mov z1,eax
mov eax,edge /* compute new y */
sub eax,x2
mov edx,y1
sub edx,y2
imul edx
idiv ecx
add eax,y2
mov y1,eax
goto zcltz;
asm {
mov ecx,x2 /* compute denominator */
sub ecx,x1
je zcltz
mov eax,edge /* compute new z */
sub eax,x1
mov edx,z2
sub edx,z1
imul edx
idiv ecx
add eax,z1
mov z1,eax
mov eax,edge /* compute new y */
sub eax,x1
mov edx,y2
sub edx,y1
imul edx
idiv ecx
add eax,y1
mov y1,eax
zcltz: /* no clipping: just transfer if zero denom. */
nv->xs = edge;
nv->ys = y1;
nv->z = z1;
/* XY semirecursive clipper */
/* set last = NULL before first call */
/* call with all (copied) vertices */
/* call with NULL to flush */
/* also copies output to poly table */
static void XY_clip(NVERTEX *v, int stage)
case BOTTOM: goto bottom_clip;
case LEFT: goto left_clip;
case RIGHT: goto right_clip;
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR last_top_vtx
or eax,eax
jnz not_first_top
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
mov DWORD PTR last_top_vtx,eax
mov DWORD PTR first_top_vtx,eax
les bx,DWORD PTR v
mov al,BYTE PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)outcode
test al,TOP
jnz stt
jmp right_clip
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
or eax,eax
jnz not_flush_top
les bx,DWORD PTR first_top_vtx
mov al,BYTE PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)outcode
les bx,DWORD PTR last_top_vtx
xor al,BYTE PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)outcode
test al,TOP
jnz stt2
jmp right_clip
nv = y_intercept(first_top_vtx, last_top_vtx, top4);
XY_clip(nv,RIGHT); /* process this new point */
goto right_clip; /* and continue flush */
asm {
les bx,DWORD PTR v
mov al,BYTE PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)outcode
push ax
les bx,DWORD PTR last_top_vtx
xor al,BYTE PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)outcode
test al,TOP
jz do_top_clip
nv = y_intercept(v, last_top_vtx, top4);
XY_clip(nv,RIGHT); /* process this new point */
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
mov DWORD PTR last_top_vtx,eax
pop ax
test al,TOP
jz right_clip
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR last_right_vtx
or eax,eax
jnz not_first_right
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
mov DWORD PTR last_right_vtx,eax
mov DWORD PTR first_right_vtx,eax
les bx,DWORD PTR v
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
cmp eax,DWORD PTR right4
jg str
jmp bottom_clip
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
or eax,eax
jnz not_flush_right
les bx,DWORD PTR first_right_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
cmp eax,DWORD PTR right4
jle pas1b
les bx,DWORD PTR last_right_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
cmp eax,DWORD PTR right4
jle pas2b
jmp bottom_clip
asm {
les bx,DWORD PTR last_right_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
cmp eax,DWORD PTR right4
jg pas2b
jmp bottom_clip
nv = x_intercept(first_right_vtx, last_right_vtx, right4);
XY_clip(nv,BOTTOM); /* process this new point */
goto bottom_clip; /* and continue flush */
asm {
les bx,DWORD PTR v
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
cmp eax,DWORD PTR right4
jle pat1b
les bx,DWORD PTR last_right_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
cmp eax,DWORD PTR right4
jg no_right_clip
nv = x_intercept(v, last_right_vtx, right4);
XY_clip(nv,BOTTOM); /* process this new point */
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
mov DWORD PTR last_right_vtx,eax
asm {
les bx,DWORD PTR last_right_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
cmp eax,DWORD PTR right4
jle do_right_clip
nv = x_intercept(v, last_right_vtx, right4);
XY_clip(nv,BOTTOM); /* process this new point */
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
mov DWORD PTR last_right_vtx,eax
goto bottom_clip;
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR last_bottom_vtx
or eax,eax
jnz not_first_bottom
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
mov DWORD PTR last_bottom_vtx,eax
mov DWORD PTR first_bottom_vtx,eax
les bx,DWORD PTR v
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)ys
cmp eax,DWORD PTR bottom4
jg stb
jmp left_clip
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
or eax,eax
jnz not_flush_bottom
les bx,DWORD PTR first_bottom_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)ys
cmp eax,DWORD PTR bottom4
jle pas1bb
les bx,DWORD PTR last_bottom_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)ys
cmp eax,DWORD PTR bottom4
jle pas2bb
jmp left_clip
asm {
les bx,DWORD PTR last_bottom_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)ys
cmp eax,DWORD PTR bottom4
jg pas2bb
jmp left_clip
nv = y_intercept(first_bottom_vtx, last_bottom_vtx, bottom4);
XY_clip(nv,LEFT); /* process this new point */
goto left_clip; /* and continue flush */
asm {
les bx,DWORD PTR v
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)ys
cmp eax,DWORD PTR bottom4
jle pat1t
les bx,DWORD PTR last_bottom_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)ys
cmp eax,DWORD PTR bottom4
jg no_bottom_clip
nv = y_intercept(v, last_bottom_vtx, bottom4);
XY_clip(nv,LEFT); /* process this new point */
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
mov DWORD PTR last_bottom_vtx,eax
asm {
les bx,DWORD PTR last_bottom_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)ys
cmp eax,DWORD PTR bottom4
jle do_bottom_clip
nv = y_intercept(v, last_bottom_vtx, bottom4);
XY_clip(nv,LEFT); /* process this new point */
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
mov DWORD PTR last_bottom_vtx,eax
goto left_clip;
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR last_left_vtx
or eax,eax
jnz not_first_left
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
mov DWORD PTR last_left_vtx,eax
mov DWORD PTR first_left_vtx,eax
les bx,DWORD PTR v
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
cmp eax,DWORD PTR left4
jl stl
jmp end_clip
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
or eax,eax
jnz not_flush_left
les bx,DWORD PTR first_left_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
cmp eax,DWORD PTR left4
jge pas1x
les bx,DWORD PTR last_left_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
cmp eax,DWORD PTR left4
jge pas2x
jmp thru_flush
asm {
les bx,DWORD PTR last_left_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
cmp eax,DWORD PTR left4
jge thru_flush
nv = x_intercept(first_left_vtx, last_left_vtx, left4);
*vpoly++ = nv; /* store the vertex */
asm {
les bx,DWORD PTR v
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
cmp eax,DWORD PTR left4
jge pat1x
les bx,DWORD PTR last_left_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
cmp eax,DWORD PTR left4
jl no_left_clip
nv = x_intercept(v, last_left_vtx, left4);
*vpoly++ = nv; /* store the vertex */
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
mov DWORD PTR last_left_vtx,eax
asm {
les bx,DWORD PTR last_left_vtx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
cmp eax,DWORD PTR left4
jge do_left_clip
nv = x_intercept(v, last_left_vtx, left4);
*vpoly++ = nv; /* store the vertex */
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
mov DWORD PTR last_left_vtx,eax
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR v
mov DWORD PTR last_left_vtx,eax
*vpoly++ = v; /* store the vertex */
nvcptr++; /* ideal point to remove extra bits from XYZ */
/*************** POLYGON CLIP AND PROCESS *************/
extern int sqrtable[1024];
int poly_cosine(POLY *pp) /* returns 128 * cos poly-light angle */
VERTEX *v0 = pp->points[0];
long nx = pp->normalx;
long ny = pp->normaly;
long nz = pp->normalz;
long dlx = v0->x;
long dly = v0->y;
long dlz = v0->z;
int light;
/* directional light instead of point source */
if(directional_light) dlx = dly = dlz = 0;
/* compute vector from light source to surface */
/* find dot product, normalize by vector length */
/* returns -128<light<128 (signed 8-bit) */
asm {
push si
push di
mov eax,DWORD PTR ilight_x
sub eax,dlx
mov ecx,eax /* delta X */
jge xnn
neg ecx
asm {
mov dlx,ecx /* abs value for scaling */
mov ebx,ecx
imul DWORD PTR nx
mov edi,edx
mov esi,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR ilight_y
sub eax,dly
mov ecx,eax
jge ynn
neg ecx
asm {
mov dly,ecx
or ebx,ecx /* OR abs deltas for scaling test */
imul DWORD PTR ny
add esi,eax
adc edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR ilight_z
sub eax,dlz
mov ecx,eax
jge znn
neg ecx
asm {
mov dlz,ecx /* same for y, z */
or ebx,ecx
jnz golight /* max light at zero distance */
mov ax,127
mov light,ax
goto fincos;
asm {
imul DWORD PTR nz
add esi,eax
adc edi,edx /* edi:esi now 64-bit dot product */
shrd esi,edi,16
sar edi,16
xor cx,cx
test ebx,0ff000000h /* prescale by 16 bits */
je not32sig
add cx,16
jmp shft16sig
asm {
test ebx,0ffff0000h
je nonesig /* prescale by 8 bits */
add cx,8
asm {
shr ebx,cl /* conv. test to word (save 2 us) */
asm {
bsr ax,bx
add cx,ax
sub cx,7 /* how many bits to normalize? */
je noshiftn
jl bumpup
shr DWORD PTR dlx,cl /* divide */
shr DWORD PTR dly,cl
shr DWORD PTR dlz,cl
shrd esi,edi,cl
sar edi,cl
jmp noshiftn
asm {
neg cl
shl DWORD PTR dlx,cl /* multiply */
shl DWORD PTR dly,cl
shl DWORD PTR dlz,cl
shld edi,esi,cl
shl esi,cl
asm {
mov al,BYTE PTR dlx /* now 8-bit diff's: find mag */
mul al
mov bx,ax /* square */
xor dx,dx
mov al,BYTE PTR dly
mul al
add bx,ax
adc dx,0
mov al,BYTE PTR dlz
mul al
add bx,ax
adc dx,0
shrd bx,dx,7 /* lookup in table */
and ebx,0FFFEh
mov ax,sqrtable[bx]
mov ebx,eax
mov edx,edi
mov eax,esi
idiv ebx
mov light,ax
asm {
pop di
pop si
return light;
static int depth_type; /* selects depth sort style */
static void proc_poly(POLY *p) /* accept/reject tests on polys */
{ /* transforms vertices, clips */
int i,j,k; /* and computes screen coords */
char z_outcode_or = 0; /* Also copies polys and points */
char z_outcode_and = 3; /* for minimum disruption of */
VERTEX **vp;
VERTEX *v; /* the world database */
NPOLY *np;
long ny,nz;
VERTEX **pv;
char last_z_out; /* previous vertex Z outcode */
VERTEX *last_z_vtx; /* orig. (world) prev. vertex */
/* skip backfacing polygons */
// return if (p->normalx * (current_view->ex - p->points[0]->x) +
// p->normaly * (current_view->ey - p->points[0]->y) +
// p->normalz * (current_view->ez - p->points[0]->z)) >= 0.0;
if(p->npoints<3) goto proceed; /* don't test if it's a line! */
asm {
push esi
push edi
les bx,DWORD PTR p
mov edx,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(POLY)normalx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(POLY)normaly
mov DWORD PTR ny,eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(POLY)normalz
mov DWORD PTR nz,eax
les bx,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(POLY)points
les bx,es:[bx]
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)x
sub eax,DWORD PTR iview_x
imul edx
mov esi,eax
mov edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)y
sub eax,DWORD PTR iview_y
imul DWORD PTR ny
add esi,eax
adc edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)z
sub eax,DWORD PTR iview_z
imul DWORD PTR nz
add esi,eax
adc edi,edx
pop edi
pop esi
jl proceed
/* scan through the poly's points, transforming Z
and doing outcode clipping to hither and yon */
asm {
push si /* setup loop with # points, point table ptr */
push di
les bx,DWORD PTR p
mov ax,WORD PTR es:[bx].(POLY)npoints
mov WORD PTR j,ax
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(POLY)points
mov pv,eax
asm { les si,DWORD PTR pv
les si,es:[si]
test BYTE PTR es:[si].(VERTEX)z_transformed,0ffh
jnz already_z
/* Z coord transform, generate Z outcode */
mov eax,DWORD PTR fact7
mov edx,DWORD PTR es:[si].(VERTEX)x
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_x
imul edx
mov ecx,eax
mov edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR fact8
mov edx,DWORD PTR es:[si].(VERTEX)y
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_y
imul edx
add ecx,eax
adc edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR fact9
mov edx,DWORD PTR es:[si].(VERTEX)z
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_z
imul edx
add ecx,eax
adc edi,edx
shrd ecx,edi,27 /* 29 - PRESCALEZ */
adc ecx,0
mov DWORD PTR es:[si].(VERTEX)cz,ecx
mov BYTE PTR es:[si].(VERTEX)z_transformed,1
xor ax,ax
cmp ecx,DWORD PTR hither4
jge nonhither
or al,HITHER
asm {
cmp ecx,DWORD PTR yon4
jle nonyon
or al,YON
asm {
mov BYTE PTR es:[si].(VERTEX)z_outcode,al
already_z: /* accumulate outcodes */
asm {
mov al,BYTE PTR es:[si].(VERTEX)z_outcode
or BYTE PTR z_outcode_or,al
and BYTE PTR z_outcode_and,al
add WORD PTR pv,4 /* next vertex */
dec WORD PTR j
jz loopze
jmp loopz
asm {
pop di
pop si
if (z_outcode_and == HITHER ||
z_outcode_and == YON) return; /* all hither/yon? Reject poly */
/* otherwise, begin Z clip and XY transforms */
xy_outcode_or = 0;
xy_outcode_and = 15; /* Z-clip pass setup */
nvcount = 0; /* Pass 2: */
/* Z-clip and XY conv. vertices */
/* also make copies to temp array */
char first_z_out; /* first vertex Z outcode */
VERTEX *first_z_vtx; /* orig. (world) first vertex */
char last_z_out; /* previous vertex Z outcode */
VERTEX *last_z_vtx; /* orig. (world) prev. vertex */
char z_ocode;
asm {
les bx,p
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(POLY)points
mov pv,eax
mov ax,WORD PTR es:[bx].(POLY)npoints
mov WORD PTR j,ax
les bx,DWORD PTR pv
mov eax,es:[bx]
les bx,es:[bx]
mov DWORD PTR first_z_vtx,eax
mov DWORD PTR last_z_vtx,eax
mov al,BYTE PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)z_outcode
and al,HITHER
mov BYTE PTR first_z_out,al
mov BYTE PTR last_z_out,al
jne no_z_first
z_output(xy_transform(first_z_vtx)); /* output it if OK */
asm {
dec WORD PTR j
jz donezcl
add WORD PTR pv,4
les bx,DWORD PTR pv
mov edx,es:[bx]
les bx,es:[bx]
mov DWORD PTR v,edx
mov al,BYTE PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)z_outcode
and al,HITHER
mov BYTE PTR z_ocode,al
cmp al,BYTE PTR last_z_out
jz no_z_mid
z_output( clip_z_int(last_z_vtx, v) );
asm {
les bx,DWORD PTR pv
mov edx,es:[bx]
mov DWORD PTR last_z_vtx,edx
mov al,BYTE PTR z_ocode
mov BYTE PTR last_z_out,al
or al,al
push si
jnz no_z_m_out
z_output( xy_transform(last_z_vtx));
goto zcloop;
if(first_z_out != last_z_out) /* no flush needed? */
z_output( clip_z_int(last_z_vtx, first_z_vtx) );
if((nvcount<3 && p->npoints>2) || xy_outcode_and)
return; /* reject poly if degenerate */
/* or XY clip will delete it */
NVERTEX **nvp = &nvert[0];
np = newpoly();
np->parent = p;
vpoly = (NVERTEX **)npalloc; /* copy space pointer for vertex ptr storage */
np->npoints = nvcount;
/* vertex ptrs after poly */
if(depth_type & AVERAGE)
long sumz;
asm {
push si
les bx,np
mov cx,WORD PTR nvcount
mov si,WORD PTR nvp /* nvert[] in dseg */
xor eax,eax
asm {
les bx,ds:[si]
add eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)z
add si,4
loop zfcaloop
xor edx,edx
xor esi,esi
mov si,WORD PTR nvcount
idiv esi
mov DWORD PTR nz,eax
pop si
else /* default: use deepest Z in polygon */
/* for (i = 0; i < nvcount; ++i)
if (np->points[i]->z > np->maxz) np->maxz = np->points[i]->z;
} */
asm {
push si
mov cx,WORD PTR nvcount
mov si,WORD PTR nvp
mov eax,080000001h
asm {
les bx,ds:[si]
cmp eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)z
jge notlow
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)z
asm {
add si,4
loop zfcloop
pop si
mov nz,eax
if(depth_type & ATBACK)
nz |= 0x40000000;
np->maxz = nz;
if((xy_outcode_or) == 0) /* does poly need XY clipping? */
// for(i=0;i<nvcount;i++) *vpoly++ = *nvp++ ; /* no: copy it */
asm {
push si
push di
push ds
les di,DWORD PTR vpoly /* ya, so it saves 2 mS/frame! */
mov cx,WORD PTR nvcount
lds si,DWORD PTR nvp
rep movsd
pop ds
mov WORD PTR vpoly,di
mov WORD PTR nvp,si
pop di
pop si
else /* yes: XY clip it */
/* (do XY clip) */
last_top_vtx = last_bottom_vtx = NULL; /* initialize clipper */
last_left_vtx = last_right_vtx = NULL;
nvcptr = 0;
/* clip all vertices */
XY_clip(*nvp++, TOP);
if(nvcount>2) XY_clip(NULL, TOP); /* flush pending vertices (poly) */
if((nvcptr<3 && p->npoints>2) || nvcptr<2)
return; /* discard degenerate poly */
np->npoints = nvcptr;
npalloc = (NPOLY *)vpoly; /* update space pointer */
/* user poly color select */
// original code has extra parameter on user_poly_color()
//np->color = user_poly_color(p,p->color,nz);
np->color = user_poly_color(p,p->color);
/* add to list of polys to render */
if (npols < maxpolys)
polist[npols].ptr = np;
polist[npols++].depth = nz;
else OK = 0;
/************ OBJECT-CLIPPING STUFF **************/
/* Some background: we compute the coefficients of the left, right, top and
bottom clipping planes, and use these to do bounding-sphere testing.
The routine define_view_volume() computes the various _A, _B, and _C
variables (e.g. left_B); note that these are in viewpoint coordinates
(i.e. viewer at the origin, looking in the +ve Z direction).
Since all the clipping planes pass through the origin, _D is always zero.
We also compute an _M value for each clipping plane, which
is the magnitude of the plane normal (which is just [_A, _B, _C]. Note
that the sign of the magnitude is the same as the sign of _C (since _D
is always zero).
Optimization: we don't bother with coefficients that are zero, and we
don't bother multiplying by coefficients that are one.
static long center_z;
static int clip_by_volume(OBJECT *obj)
long sx, sy, sz;
long tx = obj->sphx;
long ty = obj->sphy;
long tz = obj->sphz;
long r = obj->sphr;
if (obj->oflags & OBJ_INVIS) return 7; /* invisible object */
if (obj->oflags & OBJ_HIGHLIGHTED) {
if (current_view->flags & HIDE_HIGHLIGHTED) return 8;
else {
if (current_view->flags & HIDE_UNHIGHLIGHTED) return 9;
/* transform Z coord of bounding sphere; keep for optional depth sort */
push si
push di
mov eax,DWORD PTR fac7
mov edx,DWORD PTR tx
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_x
imul edx
mov esi,eax
mov edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR fac8
mov edx,DWORD PTR ty
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_y
imul edx
add esi,eax
adc edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR fac9
mov edx,DWORD PTR tz
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_z
imul edx
add esi,eax
adc edi,edx
shrd esi,edi,27 /* prescaled z */
mov DWORD PTR center_z,esi
sar esi,2
mov DWORD PTR sz,esi
pop di
pop si
if (sz + r < hither) return 1; /* front clip */
if (sz - r > yon) return 2; /* back clip */
/* transform X coordinate of bounding sphere */
push si
push di
mov eax,DWORD PTR fac1
mov edx,DWORD PTR tx
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_x
imul edx
mov esi,eax
mov edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR fac2
mov edx,DWORD PTR ty
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_y
imul edx
add esi,eax
adc edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR fac3
mov edx,DWORD PTR tz
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_z
imul edx
add esi,eax
adc edi,edx
shrd esi,edi,29
mov DWORD PTR sx,esi
pop di
pop si
// if (-(left_C*sz + left_M*sx) > r) return 3; /* left */
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR left_C
neg eax
imul DWORD PTR sz
shrd eax,edx,29
mov ecx,eax /* compute -Cz - r */
sub ecx,r
mov eax,DWORD PTR left_M /* compute Mz */
imul DWORD PTR sx
shrd eax,edx,29
cmp ecx,eax
jle lvis
return 3; /* left clipped */
// if (-(right_C*sz - right_M*sx) > r) return 4; /* right */
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR right_C
neg eax
imul DWORD PTR sz
shrd eax,edx,29
mov ecx,eax /* compute -Cz - r */
sub ecx,r
mov eax,DWORD PTR right_M /* compute Mz */
imul DWORD PTR sx
shrd eax,edx,29
neg eax
cmp ecx,eax
jle rvis
return 4; /* right clipped */
/* transform Y coordinate of bounding sphere */
push si
push di
mov eax,DWORD PTR fac4
mov edx,DWORD PTR tx
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_x
imul edx
mov esi,eax
mov edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR fac5
mov edx,DWORD PTR ty
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_y
imul edx
add esi,eax
adc edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR fac6
mov edx,DWORD PTR tz
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_z
imul edx
add esi,eax
adc edi,edx
shrd esi,edi,29 /* 25 for x and y, 29 for z */
mov DWORD PTR sy,esi
pop di
pop si
// if (-(bot_C*sz + bot_M*sy) > r) return 5; /* below */
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR bot_C
neg eax
imul DWORD PTR sz
shrd eax,edx,29
mov ecx,eax /* compute -Cz - r */
sub ecx,r
mov eax,DWORD PTR bot_M /* compute Mz */
imul DWORD PTR sy
shrd eax,edx,29
cmp ecx,eax
jle bvis
return 5; /* bottom clipped */
// if (-(top_C*sz - top_M*sy) > r) return 6; /* above */
asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR top_C
neg eax
imul DWORD PTR sz
shrd eax,edx,29
mov ecx,eax /* compute -Cz - r */
sub ecx,r
mov eax,DWORD PTR top_M /* compute Mz */
imul DWORD PTR sy
shrd eax,edx,29
neg eax
cmp ecx,eax
jle tvis
return 6; /* top clipped */
/* otherwise, it's at least partially inside the viewing volume */
return 0;
static long compute_z(long tx,long ty,long tz)
long sz; /* Z coord transform for use in object depth sort */
push cx
push di
mov eax,DWORD PTR fact7
mov edx,DWORD PTR tx
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_x
imul edx
mov ecx,eax
mov edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR fact8
mov edx,DWORD PTR ty
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_y
imul edx
add ecx,eax
adc edi,edx
mov eax,DWORD PTR fact9
mov edx,DWORD PTR tz
sub edx,DWORD PTR iview_z
imul edx
add ecx,eax
adc edi,edx
shrd ecx,edi,27 /* 29 - PRESCALEZ */
mov DWORD PTR sz,ecx
pop di
pop cx
return sz;
/*********** OBJECT-RENDERING CONTROL **********/
extern void move_rep(OBJECT *obj);
static int proc_obj(OBJECT *obj, long centz)
int i;
REP *repp;
long r = obj->sphr;
long oscreen;
if(obj==NULL) return 1; /* fooled ya ! */
if((repp = obj->replist)==NULL) return 1; /* no representation */
if(centz<hither) goto usethis; /* bad center */
while(repp!=NULL) /* choose representation to use */
if(repp->size==0) goto usethis;
asm {
mov eax,r /* size = scale*radius/distance */
imul DWORD PTR scx
shrd eax,edx,8 /* range-extended <16.16> -> <32.0> */
sar edx,8
idiv DWORD PTR centz
sar eax,6 /* 2x true size */
mov oscreen,eax
if(oscreen<0) goto usethis;
if(oscreen>=(repp->size)) goto usethis; /* 0 size always drawn */
if(repp->next!=NULL) repp = repp->next;
else return 1;
obj->current_rep = repp;
return 1; /* nothing if too far */
if(obj->update_count != repp->update_count) /* move if needed */
// for (i = 0; i < obj->npoints; ++i) /* at first, no transforms done */
/* {
repp->verts[i].new_copy = NULL;
repp->verts[i].z_transformed = 0;
i = sizeof(VERTEX);
asm {
les bx,repp
mov cx,es:[bx].(REP)nverts
les bx,es:[bx].(REP)verts
asm {
mov DWORD PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)new_copy,0
mov BYTE PTR es:[bx].(VERTEX)z_transformed,0
add bx,WORD PTR i
loop cvloop
i = sizeof(POLY);
asm {
les bx,repp
mov cx,es:[bx].(REP)npolys
les bx,es:[bx].(REP)polys
asm {
push cx
push es
push bx
push cs
call near ptr proc_poly
pop bx
pop es
pop cx
add bx,WORD PTR i
mov ax,OK
or ax,ax
jz abort
loop cploop
return 0; /* return 0, object not clipped */
/* quicksort DSORT array by depth */
static void iqsort(int m, int n) /* m, n actually near ptrs into array */
{ /* es is seg. of array throughout */
int i,j; /* keep array under 32K in size! */
asm {
mov si,m /* i */
cmp si,n
jl keepon
asm {
mov di,n /* j */
add di,8
mov eax,DWORD PTR es:[si].(DSORT)depth /* k */
asm {
add si,8
cmp DWORD PTR es:[si].(DSORT)depth,eax
jg fmax
asm {
sub di,8
cmp DWORD PTR es:[di].(DSORT)depth,eax
jl fmin
cmp si,di
jge nonswap
mov ecx,DWORD PTR es:[si]
mov edx,DWORD PTR es:[di]
mov DWORD PTR es:[di],ecx
mov DWORD PTR es:[si],edx
mov ecx,DWORD PTR es:[si+4]
mov edx,DWORD PTR es:[di+4]
mov DWORD PTR es:[di+4],ecx
mov DWORD PTR es:[si+4],edx
jmp gloop
asm {
mov si,m
mov ecx,DWORD PTR es:[si]
mov edx,DWORD PTR es:[di]
mov DWORD PTR es:[di],ecx
mov DWORD PTR es:[si],edx
mov ecx,DWORD PTR es:[si+4]
mov edx,DWORD PTR es:[di+4]
mov DWORD PTR es:[di+4],ecx
mov DWORD PTR es:[si+4],edx
mov j,di
if(m < j-8) iqsort(m,j-8);
if(j+8 < n) iqsort(j+8,n);
static int test_poly_point = 0;
static int test_point_x;
static int test_point_y;
static int which_vertex; /* npoly vertex # closest <UNTESTED YET> */
static POLY * in_poly;
static long poly_depth;
static test_poly(int n, int *p, long maxz, int polarity, NPOLY *np)
int left = 0; /* test if point in poly on screen */
int right = 0;
int point = n;
asm {
push si
push di
push cx
mov cx,n
dec cx
les bx,p
mov si,bx
add si,4
asm {
mov ax,test_point_y /* test point */
mov dx,test_point_x
cmp ax,[bx+2] /*; check vertical */
jle above1
cmp ax,[si+2]
jg notine /*; not in edge */
asm {
cmp ax,[bx+2]
jge vertok
cmp ax,[si+2]
jl notine /*; not in edge */
asm {
cmp dx,[bx]
jg rt1
cmp dx,[si]
jle left /* ; to left of edge */
jmp allok
asm {
cmp dx,[si]
jg right /* ; to right of edge */
asm {
sub ax,[bx+2] /* ; y - y1 */
mov dx,[si]
sub dx,[bx] /* ; x2 - x1 */
imul dx
mov di,[si+2]
sub di,[bx+2] /* ; y2 - y1 */
je pend /* must be between... */
idiv di
add ax,[bx] /* ; + x1 */
cmp ax,test_point_x
jle right /* ; tested left */
asm {
inc WORD PTR left
test WORD PTR right,-1
jnz inpoly
jmp pend
asm {
inc WORD PTR right
test WORD PTR left,-1
jnz inpoly
asm {
add si,4
add bx,4
sub cx,1
jg tedge
jl notin
mov si,WORD PTR p
jmp tedge
asm {
mov eax,maxz
cmp eax,DWORD PTR poly_depth
jg notin
mov cx,n
mov bx,-1
asm {
mov ax,test_point_x
sub ax,[si]
xor ax,dx
sub ax,dx
mov di,ax
mov ax,test_point_y
sub ax,[si+2]
xor ax,dx
sub ax,dx
add di,ax
cmp bx,di
jbe nond
mov bx,di
mov point,cx
add si,4
asm {
loop vdtest
pop cx
pop di
pop si
which_vertex = n-point;
if(polarity) which_vertex = n-1-which_vertex;
return 1;
asm {
pop cx
pop di
pop si
return 0;
#define INTASZE 30
static int pcoords[INTASZE*2];
extern void user_render_poly(int vertex_count, int *pcoords,
unsigned poly_color, long max_depth);
/* copies poly data, submits to renderer */
/* copy in reverse order if flipped screen */
static void submit_poly(NPOLY *p, long maxz)
int number;
int polarity = 0;
unsigned color = p->color;
int a = FP_OFF(&pcoords[0]);
if(orientation==NOFLIP || orientation==(XFLIP|YFLIP))
_AX = sizeof(NPOLY);
asm {
push si
les bx,DWORD PTR p
mov cx,WORD PTR es:[bx].(NPOLY)npoints
mov WORD PTR number,cx
mov si,bx
add si,ax /* table of ptrs */
mov di,WORD PTR a
push es
asm {
pop es
push es
les bx,DWORD PTR es:[si]
mov ax,WORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
add ax,2
shr ax,2
mov WORD PTR ds:[di],ax
add di,2
mov ax,WORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)ys
add ax,2
shr ax,2
mov WORD PTR ds:[di],ax
add di,2
add si,4
loop coppl
pop si
pop si
else /* copy vertices in reverse order */
_AX = sizeof(NPOLY);
asm {
push si
not WORD PTR polarity
les bx,DWORD PTR p
mov si,bx
add si,ax /* table of ptrs */
mov cx,WORD PTR es:[bx].(NPOLY)npoints
mov WORD PTR number,cx
mov di,WORD PTR a
add si,cx
add si,cx
add si,cx
add si,cx
sub si,4
push es
asm {
pop es
push es
les bx,DWORD PTR es:[si]
mov ax,WORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)xs
add ax,2
shr ax,2
mov WORD PTR ds:[di],ax
add di,2
mov ax,WORD PTR es:[bx].(NVERTEX)ys
add ax,2
shr ax,2
mov WORD PTR ds:[di],ax
add di,2
sub si,4
loop copplr
pop si
pop si
user_render_poly(number, &pcoords[0], color, maxz);
if(test_poly_point && number>2)
if(test_poly(number, &pcoords[0], maxz, polarity, p))
poly_depth = maxz;
in_poly = p->parent;
static MATRIX dummy;
void subrender(OBJLIST *objlist)
OBJECT *obj;
int i;
int lseg;
int snpoly = 0;
int nobs = 0;
if(objlist==NULL ||
objlist->nnext==NULL ||
objlist->nnext==objlist->prev) return;
npols = 0;
OK = 1;
/* step 1: sort objects and polys together */
polist = visobjs;
for (obj = objlist->nnext; obj; obj = obj->nnext)
if (clip_by_volume(obj) == 0)
if((depth_type = obj->oflags)&BYOBJECT)
obj->oflags |= IS_OBJECT;
polist[npols].ptr = (NPOLY *) obj; /* obj. depth only */
polist[npols++].depth = center_z;
proc_obj(obj, center_z); /* all polys in object */
if(OK==0) break;
lseg = FP_SEG(polist); /* sort all items by max Z */
asm {
push si
push di
mov ax,lseg /* visobjs segment */
mov es,ax
iqsort( FP_OFF(&visobjs[0]), FP_OFF(&visobjs[npols]) );
asm {
pop di
pop si
nobs = npols;
npols = 0;
polist = vispolys;
lseg = FP_SEG(polist);
for (i=0;i<nobs;i++) /* now expand objects */
if(!(*((int *)visobjs[i].ptr) & IS_OBJECT))
memcpy(&vispolys[npols++], &visobjs[i], sizeof(DSORT)); /* just copy polys */
snpoly = npols; /* expand objects */
proc_obj((OBJECT *) visobjs[i].ptr, visobjs[i].depth);
if(OK==0) break;
npols--; /* resort within objects */
asm {
push si
push di
mov ax,lseg /* vispolys segment */
mov es,ax
iqsort( FP_OFF(&vispolys[snpoly]), FP_OFF(&vispolys[npols]) );
asm {
pop di
pop si
if(npols >= maxpolys) break;
user_setup_blitter(); /* draw the polys */
for (i = 0; i < npols; ++i)
void set_screen_monitor(int x, int y)
test_poly_point = 1;
test_point_x = x;
test_point_y = y;
poly_depth = 0x7FFFFFFF;
in_poly = NULL;
void render(OBJLIST *objlist, VIEW *view)
void clear_screen_monitor(void)
test_poly_point = 0;
POLY *read_screen_monitor(void)
return in_poly;