Virtual Reality Zone
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Text File
310 lines
World File Format
Version 2.00 -- August, 1992
Written by Bernie Roehl
The "demo4" program supports a very simple kind of world description file
format in order to specify the location of objects in a virtual environment
as well as various other scene characteristics.
The file is entirely ascii. Each 'record' is one line; anything after the
first '#' is treated as a comment and ignored. Blank lines are also ignored.
The format is intended to be highly extensible; any line which cannot be
recognized should simply be ignored.
Each line (i.e. record) contains some information about the scene; the
possible types of records are listed below. Note that new ones may be
added at any time, but that the definitions given below should not change.
Everything is case-insensitive; keywords are shown below in uppercase, but
are generally entered in lowercase.
Specifies a path prefix for loading files. Any files (whether specified
in the world file itself, subsequent world files, or in referenced .fig
files) will be loaded from the specified directory. However, if a
filename contains '\' or '/' characters, it is used verbatim (i.e. the
LOADPATH setting is ignored).
PALETTE filename
Loads a 256-entry binary palette file (3 bytes (R,G,B) for each entry).
The file is binary. Note that alternate palettes may not handle shading
as well as the default.
Specifies which of the 256 available colors should be used for the "sky".
Specifies which of the 256 available colors should be used for the
"ground". If the sky and ground color are identical, a solid screen
clear is used; this is a bit faster.
If the specified value is non-zero, then the screen will be cleared
before each frame; if it's zero, the screen clearing is not done (this
is useful if you know that the entire window will be covered by the
image, and that no background will show through; in such a situation,
specifying this option will improve performance).
Specifies the level of the ambient light; 76 is the default, and a good
value to use.
Specifies the color of the ambient light; currently not used in REND386.
Specifies the world scale as a floating-point number. The value is
expressed in millimeters per unit. The default is 1.00, probably a
good choice. This is only used for stereoscopic viewing.
LIGHT x,y,z
Specifies the location of the light source in long integer world
WINDOW x,y,width,height
Specifies the location and size of the viewing window in screen
coordinates. In REND386 using Mode Y, the window's left and right
edges must be on an 8-pixel boundary (i.e. x must be a multiple of 8,
and (x+width-1) must be a multiple of 8).
START x,y,z pan,tilt,roll zoom
Specifies your starting location, viewing direction and zoom factor.
The x,y,z values are long integers giving coordinates, the
pan,tilt,roll values are floating-point angles, and the zoom is a
floating-point number.
HITHER value
Specifies the near clipping distance as a long integer in world
coordinates. The value should typically be 10 or more.
YON value
Specifies the far clipping distance as a long integer in world
coordinates. The value should typically be 1000000 or more.
Specifies the distance between your eyes in millimeters (only needed
for steroscopic viewing). The default value is 55.
Specifies the distance from your eyes to the screen in millimeters
(only needed for stereoscopic viewing). The default value is 700.
Specifies the width of the screen in pixels (only needed for stereoscopic
viewing). The default is 250.
Specifies the convergence distance (only needed for stereoscopic
viewing). Should usually be the same as the SCREENDIST value;
however, 1200 or so may be easier on the eyes.
OBJECT [objname=]filename sx,sy,sz rx,ry,rz tx,ty,tz depthtype mappings parent
Loads an object from a .plg file with the given filename. If the
"objname=" is present, it assigns the newly-loaded object that name for
future reference. The sx,sy,sz values are floating-point scale factors
to increase or decrease the size of the object as it's loaded. The rx,
ry,rz values are the angles to rotate the object around each of the three
axes; rx is done first, then ry and finally rz. The tx,ty,tz values
translate (move) the object to a new location; this is done after the
scaling and rotation. The depthtype field controls how the depth-
sorting for the object is to be handled, and is described elsewhere.
The "mappings" feature is explained below. The "parent" field is
the name of the object that this object is a child of. If omitted,
the child moves independently. If the parentname is the word "fixed",
then the object is fixed in space and cannot be moved; this is more
efficient in terms of memory usage, since no segment (i.e. motion
control) structure needs to be allocated. All fields are
optional, but you must include all the fields prior to the last one
you wish to use (i.e. you can only leave things off the end, not off
the beginning or out of the middle).
FIGURE [figname=]filename sx,sy,sz rx,ry,rz tx,ty,tz parentname
Loads a segmented figure from a .fig file with the given filename.
All the parameters have the same meaning as for the OBJECT record
described above.
POLYOBJ npts surface x1,y1,z1 x2,y2,z2 [...] x8,y8,z8
Directly specifies a polygon to be placed in the scene. The value
npts is the number of points (maximum 8), the surface is a surface name
(see below on surfaces) and the vertices are given in long integer
world coordinate form.
INCLUDE filename
Includes the specified file as if its contents appeared at the current
point in the current file.
SPLIT x,y,z nx,ny,nz flags
Defines a split; see "split.doc" for details. All objects defined
after a SPLIT line and before an ENDSPLITS line (or another SPLIT line)
will be considered to be "on" that split. The x,y,z values are the
location of a point (in long integer world coordinates), and the
nx,ny,nz values are a normal to the plane.
SPLITPTS x1,y1,z1 x2,y2,z2 x3,y3,z3 flags
An alternative way of defining a split, by giving three vertices (again,
in long integer world coordinates).
Marks the end of a sequence of splits.
AREA x,y,z name
Assigns a name to an area (a chunk of space created by a set of
clipping planes). The x,y,z are again long integer world coordintes,
and specify any point within the area.
FLOOR name a,b,c,d
Specifies the coordinates of a plane equation describing the slope of
the floor in the area of the given name.
FLOORPTS name x1,y1,z1 x2,y2,z2 x3,y3,z3
An alternative way of specifying the floor plane equation, by giving
three points in the plane.
CEILING name a,b,c,d
As for FLOOR, but for the ceiling.
CEILINGPTS name x1,y1,z1 x2,y2,z2 x3,y3,z3
As for FLOORPTS, but for the ceiling.
POSITION objname x,y,z
Moves (i.e. translates) the specified object to the given x,y,z location.
ROTATE objname rx,ry,rz
Rotates the specified object to the given angles about each of the
axes. The angles are specified in floating point, and are measured in
Configuration Settings
Loads a video driver (.rvd file) of the given name.
Loads a mouse driver (.mpd file) of the given name.
HEADDEV name x y z rx ry rz
Loads a head pointer device of the given name, specifying scaling
values for translation and rotation.
GLOVEDEV name x y z rx ry rz
Loads a glove pointer device of the given name, specifying scaling
values for translation and rotation.
PTRDEV name x y z rx ry rz
Loads a generic pointer device of the given name, specifying translation
and rotation offsets.
Loads a device driver to control the switch of left eye/right eye images.
Specifies a .fig file containing a visual represenation of a glove
PTRCURSOR filename
Specifies a .plg file containing a visual representation of a generic
pointer device.
SEGAPORT port mask left right off image
Allows configuration of the Sega driver; 'port' is the hardware port
address used to control the eye-switching. The 'mask' determines what
bits should be changeable at that address (since the port may be used
for more than just the Sega glasses). The 'left', 'right' and 'off'
values are the bit patterns to write to clear the left lens (only),
the right lens (only) and both lenses. The 'image' value is what
should be written to the other bits in the byte.
PGLOVEPORT in out writemask nonemask latchmask clkmask clklatch datamask image
Allows configuration of the PowerGlove driver. The 'in' and 'out'
values specify the hardware port addresses for reading and writing to the
glove. The writemask determines what bits should be changeable at the
write address (since the port may be used for more than just the
PowerGlove). The 'nonemask', 'latchmask', 'clkmask' and 'clklatch'
values are the bit patterns to write to the glove. The datamask selects
the bit in the 'in' port that has the data, and the 'image' value is
the bit pattern that should be written to the unused portion of the byte
sent to the 'out' port address.
PGLOVETIME bitdelay bytedelay
Allows you to configure the PowerGlove timing.
STEREOSET physdist screenwidth pixelwidth eyespacing convergence
Allows you to set the stereo parameters in one line instead of
with a series of lines; the meaning of each of the parameters
is described in the individual entries above.
Specifies the type of stereoscopic display being used. SWITCH means
a system for alternate left eye/right eye frames. SEPARATE means that
you have multiple VGA cards (supported by a .rvd driver) that can
display left and right eye images simultaneously. SPLIT means a
split-screen mode, with the left and right eye images displayed
simultaneously in different parts of the screen.
STEREOLEFT xoff xflip xrot left top right bottom
STEREORIGHT xoff xflip xrot left top right bottom
Allows you to further configure steroscopic viewing parameters. The
xoff value gives a horizontal displacement for the image in pixels;
the xflip value allows you to flip (mirror image) the image for that
eye. The xrot value specifies an outward rotation in degrees, and the
[left,top,right,bottom] values specify a window in the physical
Surfaces and Mappings
A two-level scheme for mapping surface colors is used; at first it may seem
complex, but it provides greater flexibility for the future.
Each polygon in a .plg file can have either an ordinary color value as
described in "colors.doc" (e.g. 0x1234), or a value with the top bit set
(e.g. 0x8007) which indicates that the bottom 15 bits are intended as an
index into a color mapping table. There can be a number of these mapping
tables, and each object can refer to a different map.
The color mapping table maps the index into a surface name; if one were
going to a ray-tracing application, this could be used as-is. In the case
of REND386, we must map that surface name into a color value of the type
described in "colors.doc".
So, the first-stage mapping is from index to name, and the second is from
name to value.
The first stage is done with any of several mapping tables
(possibly one per object, though in most cases multiple objects will
use the same mapping table). A map is created with a SURFACEMAP record,
and entries are placed in it with SURFACE records. Note that when you load
an object, the color mapping table name can be specified; this allows you to
have (for example) five chairs all loaded from the same .plg file but with
different coloration).
The second stage is done with a single, global mapping table created by
a series of SURFACEDEF records.
The record formats are as follows:
SURFACEDEF name value
Defines a new surface; maps a surface name (such as "wood") to a numeric
value of the type described in "colors.doc" (such as 0x12DF).
Marks the start of a new surface map. All subsequent SURFACE entries
will be placed in this map.
SURFACE index name
Defines an entry in the current surface map, which takes an index value
(the bottom 15 bits of the value in the .plg file) and maps it into a
surface name (which is in turn mapped to a 16-bit color value).
Future Work
That's it; other types exist, but they're purely experimental at this stage.
Future releases of the REND386 demo program may or may not support this
format, and if they do they will certainly implement extensions to it.
As usual, direct any questions to Bernie (broehl@sunee.uwaterloo.ca) or to
Dave (dstampe@sunee.uwaterloo.ca).