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Medicine and Virtual Reality: A Guide to the Literature
Technical Report No. B-94-1
by Toni Emerson, Jerry Prothero and Suzanne Weghorst
contact: temerson@hitl.washington.edu
Human Interface Technology Laboratory
Last update: 06-30-94
• Contents
Selected Citations
Newsletters and Magazines
Research Centers
Commercial Organizations
On-line Resources
• Introduction
This guide was originally published as "VR/Telepresence and Medical
Sources". However, this revision updates the citation list as well as putting in a
similar format to the other guides published by the HITL Knowledge Base
The citations in this guide were selected on the basis of relevance to research
involving areas that intersect virtual interface technology and medicine.
Foundation technologies including three-dimensional medical imaging,
telemedicine, rehabilitation medicine, telemetry, telerobotics and tactile displays
that impact research in Virtual Reality are included.
This is necessarily an on-going project: corrections or new sources of
information are always welcome. The electronic version of this publication is
available at ftp.u.washington.edu ( Directory:
./public/VirtualReality/HITL/Papers/tech-reports Filename: MedVR.txt. (the guide
is also available in postscript and RTF format-- MedVR.ps, MedVR.rtf).
A special thanks to Jon Mandeville, Jerry Isdale and Ben Delaney whose input
added an important dimension to this guide.
• Keywords
3D Data Acquisition: 3D digitizer, 3D ranging, 3D range finding, range image,
depth image, laser ranging, laser range finding
General Terminology: Virtual reality (VR), Virtual worlds, Virtual environments,
Virtual interface technology
Hardware: head mounted display (HMD), head up display (HUD), hand
manipulation devices, Dataglove, Cyberglove, force feedback, tactile displays,
visual displays
Medical: telemedicine, telesurgery, telediagnosis, teleconsulting, telehealth,
remote medicine, remote surgery, remote diagnosis, remote consulting,
telepresent medicine, telepresent diagnosis, telepresent consulting, telepresent
surgery, surgical simulation, surgical simulator,, remote laparoscopic surgery,
remote endoscopic surgery, remote laparoscopy, remote endoscopy,
telelaparoscope, telelaparoscopic, telelaparoscopy,, teleendoscope,
teleendoscopic, teleendoscopy, videoendoscope, videoendoscopic,
videoendoscopy, virtual medicine, virtual surgery
Stereovision: stereoscopic video, stereo video, stereotactic video, stereovision,
Telepresence: teleoperation, telerobotics, telepresence, remote operation,
remote robotics, remote presence, visual telepresence, remote visual presence
MESH Subject Headings: computer simulation, computer graphics, computer
aided instruction, computer communication networks, telemedicine, data
display, user computer interaction
• Selected Citations
Technical Literature
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Diego, CA, USA: Aligned Management Associates.
Ackerman, M. J. (1994). The Visible Human Project. In Medicine Meets Virtual
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6). Washington, D.C.: National Science Foundation, Biomedical Engineering
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Ray Data Overlaid On Digital Images. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual
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• Conferences, Proceedings and Symposia
Aligned Management Associates. (1992). Medicine Meets Virtual Reality:
Discovering Applications for 3-D Multi-Media Interactive Technology in the
Health Sciences. San Diego, CA: Aligned Management Assoc.
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society.
Biomedical Image Processing and Biomedical Visualization , SPIE Vol. 1905.
(1993) Bellingham, WA: SPIE--the International Society for Optical
Biomedical Image Processing and Three-Dimensional Microscopy, SPIE Vol.
1660. (1992). Bellingham, WA: SPIE--the International Society for Optical
Biomedical Image Processing, SPIE Vol. 1245. (1990) Bellingham, WA: SPIE--
The International Society for Optical Engineering.
Biomedical Optics Europe '94. September 6-10, 1994; Universite de
Lille, Lille, France. Contact: Biomedical Optics Europe '94, EUROPTO, c/o
Direct Communications GmbH, Xantener Strasse 22, D-10707 Berlin, FRG. Tel:
+49-30-881 50 47/Fax: +49-30-882 20 28. CompuServe: 100140,3216
Catheter Based-Sensing and Imaging Technology, SPIE vol. 1068. (1989).
Bellingham, WA: SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.
Compmed 1994, First World Congress on Computational Medicine, Public
Health, and Biotechnology. April 24-28, 1994 ; Austin, TX. Contact: Matthew
Witten, Ph.D., Email: m.witten@chpc.utexas.edu,
compmed94@chpc.uexas.edu, Tel: 512-471-2472/Fax: 512-471-2445.
Computer-Based Medical Systems. To be held 10-15 June, 1994,
Stouffer Hotel, Winston-Salem, NC. Contact: Bowman Gray School of
Medicine, Carla Muller, Dept. of Radiology, Medical Center Blvd., Winston-
Salem, NC 272157-1022. Tel: 919 716-6890/Fax: 919-716-2870.
Hohne, K.H., Fuchs, H., Pizer, S.M. (Eds.), (1990). 3D Imaging in Medicine:
Algorithms, Systems, Applications. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on
3D Imaging in Medicine. Nato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series F,
Computer and Systems Science Vol. 60. New York, NY: Springer Verlag.
IEE Colloquium on 3-D Imaging Techniques for Medicine, Digest No. 083.
London, UK: IEE.
IEEE Conference on Visualization in Biomedical Computing. Piscataway, NJ:
IEEE Computer Society Press.
IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. Piscataway, NJ:
IEEE Computer Society Press.
IEEE Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysis. June 24-25, 1994; The Westin
Hotel, Seattle, WA. Contact: Thomas Huang Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana, IL 61801. E-mail:
Image Management and Communication in Patient Care (IMAC). Sponsored
by IEEE. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Computer Society Press.
Imagina '94 Forum on Computer Graphics, VR, and SFX. 16-18 February
1994. Contact: Philippe Queau, Imagina Program Chair (email: queau@ina.fr).
Tel: 33-1-49-83-27-14/Fax: 33-1-49-83-25-82. Sponsored by OCM, 51, avenue
Hector-Otto, MC 98000 Monaco.
International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology
(ICAST). The 10th International Conference on Advanced Science and
Technology (ICAST) will be held in the Indian Hill Main facility of AT&T Bell
Laboratories in Naperville, Illinois, on March 26, 1994. Contact: Dr. Hermann
Tai, Tel: 1-708-576-9456/Fax: 1-708-576-4153, E-mail: tai@mot.com.
International Telemetering Conference (ITC/USA '94) October 17-20,
1994; Austin, TX. The theme of the conference will be "Telemetering for the Next
30 Years" in recognition of the conference's 30th anniversary. The conference
will address the role of the telemetry industry in the post cold war environment.
Contact : General Chair -Terry Straehley, Straehley Associates, 1816 Santa
Barbara Street, Santa Barbara, CA , 93101, Tel: 805/563-0726/FAX: 805/563-
Medical Imaging VII, 15 February, 1994. Virtual Reality
Applications in Medicine Workshop.
Medical Imaging, sponsored and published by SPIE--the International Society
for Optical Engineering ; in cooperation with American Association of Physicists
in Medicine. Bellingham, WA: SPIE.
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality II: Medical Appications for Interactive
Technology. (1994). Sponsored by the Plastic Surgery Research Foundation
and Office of Continuing Medical Education University of California, San Diego.
Contact: Aligned Management Associates, P.O. Box 23220, San Diego, CA,
92193. Tel: 619-541-1444/Fax: 619-541-1447.
Medtech '89: Medical Imaging, SPIE Vol. 1357. Bellingham, WA: SPIE--the
International Society for Optical Engineering.
Middleton, T. (Ed.). Virtual Worlds, Real Challenges: Papers from SRI's 1991
Conference on Virtual Reality. London, UK: Meckler.
National Symposium on Education Media Technology Relating to
Persons with Sensory Disabilities. July 20-22, 1994 Contact: E. William
Clymer, Coordinator, Technology Symposium, Rochester Institute of
Technology, National Technical Institute for the Deaf, 52 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623-5604,\. Tel:716-475-6906 Fax: 716-475-6290, Email:
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on 3D Imaging in Medicine. Nato
Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series F, Computer and Systems Science,
Vol. 60. New York, NY: Springer Verlag.
Nordic Conference on VR & Disabilities, (held Oct. 25-26, 1993), Contact:
Magnus Magnusson, Aphasia Society of Sweden, Tel: 46 85 51 701 66/Fax: 46
85 51 739 38.
Proceedings of NSF Workshop on Computer-Assisted Surgery . Washington,
D.C.: National Science Foundation, Biomedical Engineering Section and the
Robotics and Machine Intelligence Program
Rapid Prototyping in Medicine. April 7-8, 1994. Contact: Maja Ebner,
Multimedia Laboratory, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Zurich,
Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH 8057 Zurich. Tel: +41-1-257-4321/Fax: +41-1-
363-0035/E-mail: ebner@ifi.unizh.ch.
Robb, R. A. (Ed.). (1992). Visualization in Biomedical Computing , SPIE Vol.
1808. Bellingham, Washington : SPIE-The International Society for Optical
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications. Bellingham, Washington: SPIE-The
International Society for Optical Engineering.
Stereroscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Sytems, vol. 2177, 8-10
February 1994, San Jose, CA. Bellingham, WA: SPIE.
SPIE Vol. 2177 A - Stereoscopic Displays and Applications V
SPIE Vol. 2177 B - The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality
Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, IEEE.
Technology & Persons With Disabilities, March 16-19, 1994, Airport
Marriott, Los Angeles, CA. Contact: Center on Disabilities, 1811 Nordhoff St. -
DVSS, Northridge, CA , 91330. Tel: 818 85-2578/Fax: 818 885-4929,
Telecommunications for Health Care: Telemetry, Teleradiology, and
Telemedicine. (1990). SPIE Vol. 1355. Bellingham, Washington: SPIE-The
International Society for Optical Engineering.
Upson, C. (Ed.) (1989, May). Proceedings of the Chapel Hill Workshop on
Volume Visualization. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina.
Vannier, M. W., Yates, R. E. and Whitestone, J. J. (Eds.) (1993). Proceedings
from the Working Group on Whole-Body, Three-Dimensional Electronic Imaging
of the Human Body. Wright-Patterson AFB, OH: CSERIAC.
Virtual Reality - Virtual Freedom. First conference was held in 1993, Contact:
Washington Technology Access Center, 8705 323nd Place SW, Edmonds, WA,
98026. Tel: 206-776-3663. WTA@Applelink.
Virtual Reality and Persons with Disabilities. 2nd Annual,
International Conference - June 8-10, 1994, San Francisco Airport
Marriott Hotel. Sponsored by California State University, Northridge (CSUN).
Sponsored by IEEE and CSUN Center on Disabilities. Contact: Dr. Harry
Murphy/Center on Disabilities, 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330-
8340 Tel: 818 85-2578/Fax: 818 885-4929 Email: VR@VAX.CSUN.EDU.
Virtual Reality in Rehabilitation: Research, Experiences and
Perspectives. June 17-18, 1994; Gubbio, Italy. Contact: Prof. Alberto Freddi,
Neurophysiopathology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Terni Hospital,
Terni, Italy. Tel: 0744 205 297/Fax: 0744 428 147.
Dr. Massimo Bergamasco, Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Via Carducci, 40, 56127
Pisa, Italy. Tel: 050 560108/Fax: 050 559215/Email:
Virtual Reality in Surgery and Medicine. International Conference,
21-23 April, 1994, Weetwood Hall Conference Centre, Leeds UK.
Sponsored by Computer Graphics Society. Contact: Mrs. F. J. Johnson,
Conference Office, University of Leeds, LEEDS LS2 9JT, U.K. Tel: 0532-
336110, 0532-336103/Intl: 44-532-336100/Fax: 0532-336107.
Visual Data Exploration and Analysis, Vol. 2178, 7-8 February
1994, San Jose, Conference Chairs: Robert J. Moorhead, Deborah E. Silver,
and Samuel P. Uselton. Samuel Uselton chairs Section 5, Medical
Visualization '94. 17-21 October, 1994. Contact: Nahum Gershon Tel: 703-
883-7518/Fax: 703-883-6663/Email: gershon@mitre.org or Bill Ribarsky, Tel:
404-894-6148/Fax: 404-894-6157/Email: bill.ribarsky@oit.gatech.edu. IEEE.
• Patents
4,542,291, Sept.. 17, 1985, Optical flex sensor, Zimmerman, Thomas G.,
Flushing, NY
4,907,973, Mar. 13, 1990, Expert system simulator for modeling realistic
internal environments and performance, Hon, David C., 1450 Northwest
Woodbine Way, Seattle, WA 98103
4,937,444, Jun. 26, 1990, Optical flex sensor, Zimmerman, Thomas G.,
Flushing, NY
4,972,074, Nov. 20, 1990, Optical attenuator movement detection system,
Wright, Scott M., 69 Lakewood Dr., Mineral City, Ohio 44656
4,986,280, Jan. 22, 1991, Hand position/measurement control system, Marcus,
B., Lexington, MA. Lawrence, W. T., Bedford, MA. Churchill, P., Arlington, MA.
4,988,981, Jan. 29, 1991, Computer data entry and manipulation apparatus and
method, Zimmerman, Thomas G., San Francisco, CA. Lanier, Jaron Z., Palo
Alto, CA.
5,047,952, Sept.. 10, 1991, Communication system for deaf, deaf-blind, or non-
vocal individuals using instrumented glove, Kramer, James P., Stanford, CA.
Lindener, Peter, E. Palo Alto, CA. George, William R., Palo Alto, CA.
5,097,252, Mar. 17, 1992, Motion sensor which produces an asymmetrial
signaling response to symmetrical movement, Harvill, Young L., Palo Alto, CA.
Zimmerman, Thomas G., San Francisco, CA. Grimaud, Jean-Jacques G., Palo
Alto, CA.
5,143,505, Sept.1, 1992, Actuator system for providing force feedback to a
dextrous master glove, Burdea, Grigore C., New York, NY. Zhuang, Jiachen,
Piscataway, NJ.
5,184,319, Feb. 2, 1993, Force feedback and textures simulating interface
device, Kramer, James F., P.O. Box 5984, Stanford, CA, 94309
5,224,049, Jun. 29, 1993, Method, system and mold assembly for use in
preparing a dental prosthesis, Mushabac, David R., 919 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn,
NY, 11226
5,255,211, Oct. 19, 1993, Methods and apparatus for generating and
processing synthetic and absolute real time environments, Redmond, Scott,
Fresno, CA.
5,257,184, Oct. 26, 1993, Method and apparatus with multiple data input
styli for collecting curvilinear contour data, Mushabac, David R., 919 Ocean
Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11226
• Newsletters and Magazines
AI Expert - Virtual Reality Special Report. San Francisco, CA: Miller Freeman,
Inc. This special report contains helpful, easy-to-digest information from
qualified experts in the field. A recommended starting point for any user. For
ordering information contact: 1-800-274-2534 or 1-303-447-9330 in Colorado
or outside the US. Publisher is Miller Freeman Inc., 600 Harrison St., San
Francisco, CA 94107, 415-905-2200.
CSERIAC Gateway. Published by the Crew System Ergonomics Information
Analysis Center, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 45433-6573, Internet:
CyberEdge Journal: The World's Leading Newsletter of Virtual Reality.
Published six times yearly. Ben Delaney, editor. The Delaney Companies, #1
Gate Six Road, Suite G, Sausalito, CA 94965.
CyberEdge Journal Special Edition: Medicine & Biotech. Walter Greenleaf,
Editor. Published quarterly by The Delaney Companies, #1 Gate Six Road,
Suite G, Sausalito, CA 94965.
IRIS Universe: The Magazine of Visual Computing. Published quarterly by
Silicon Graphics, Inc., 2011 North Shoreline Boulevard, Mail Stop 415,
Mountain View, CA 94039-7311. Subscriptions are available to qualified
users. ISSN 1061-6608
OE Reports. Published monthly by SPIE - International Society for Optical
Engineering, news and commentary for the international optoelectronics
industry, managing editor Rich Donnelly. ISSN 1048-6879.
Real Time Graphics. newsletter, 10 /yr., $85/year-individual/US rate. CGSD
Corporation, 2483 Old Middlefield Way #140, Mt. View, CA 94043-2330; Tel:
415-903-4924/Fax: 415-967-5252; Email: roywlatham@cup.portal.com.
Telemedicine: The Monthly Newsletter of Telecommunications in Health Care.,
published monthly by Miller Freeman Inc. Subscription information: Delia
Atkins, Telemedicine, 600 Harrison St., San Francisco, CA 94107; 415-905-
The Telemedicine Newsletter. Published by KUMC, The University of Kansas
Medical Center. Cancer Center, Robinson Hall, KUMC, 3901 Rainbow Blvd.,
Kansas City, KS 66103. Tel: 913-588-4708/Fax: 913-588-4701.
Moden Media (wasVirtual Reality News) . News on people, corporations,
products and applications. bi-monthly. Published by Magellan Marketing, Inc.,
38640 Oakbrook Road, Farmington Hills, MI. E-mail: larryv@msen.com.
Virtual Reality Review. Published quarterly by Meckler Publishing as a
supplement to MultiMedia Review. ISSN 1060-9547.
Virtual Reality Report: The International Newsletter of VR. Sandra Helsel,
editor. Published ten times per year. Meckler Publishing, Westport, CT. Tel: 1-
Virtual Reality Systems. Rory Stuart, editor-in-chief. Published quarterly. SIG-
ADVANCED APPLICATIONS, INC. 1562 First Avenue, Suite 286, New York NY
10028; Telephone: 212-717-1318/Fax: 212-861-0588. Stan Goldstein,
VR News - The Virtual Realty Newsletter. Published 10 times. Cydata Limited,
PO Box 2515, London N4 4JW, England; Tel & Fax: (44) 81-292-1498;
Managing Editor: Mike Bevan.
VR Monitor: The Journal of Virtual Reality. Published bi-monthly. Matrix
Information Services, 18560 Bungalow Drive, Lathrup Village, MI. Email:
matrix@well.sf.ca.us Frank Dunn, editor.
• Journals
Communications of the ACM. A monthly publication of the Association of
Computing Machinery. ISSN 0001-0782.
Computer Graphics Forum: Journal of the European Association for Computer
Graphics. Amsterdam : North Holland. ISSN 0167-7055.
Computer Graphics. Published by the Special Interest Group on Computer
Graphics of the Association for Computing Machinery. ISSN 0097- 8930.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
ISSN 0010-468X.
Computerized medical imaging and graphics : the official journal of the
Computerized Medical Imaging Society. Pergamon Press, published bi-
monthly, ISSN: 0895-6111.
Computers and Biomedical Research. Academic Press, bimonthly, ISSN .
Critical Reviews of Bioengineering (was Critical Reviews in Biomedical
Engineering). Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC Press, ISSN 0731-6984
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC Press, ISSN 0738-
Human Factors. Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. ISSN
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. Los Alamitos, CA:IEEE Computer
Society. ISSN 0272-1716.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine : the quarterly magazine
of the Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society. ISSN 0739-5175.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. New York, NY: IEEE, ISSN
0018-9294. Other Titles-- IEEE Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering, IEEE
Transactions On Biomedical Engineering, Transactions On Bio-Medical
Japanese Journal of Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering. Iyo
denshi to seitai kogaku [Japanese]. Tokyo: Koronasha.
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography. Raven Press, bimonthly, ISSN
Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation. ISSN 1049-8907, published
quarterly by John Wiley & Sons Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158,,
Optical Engineering. Published monthly by the Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (Bellingham, WA: SPIE). ISSN 0091-3286.
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. Published quarterly by the
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 02142. Subscription requests should be addressed
to MIT Press Journals, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142. Tel: (617)
253-2889. ISSN 1054-7460. Presence is being advertised as "the journal for
our field". The editorial board contains members from the HIT Lab, JPL, NASA,
UNC, Telepresence Research, VPL, MIT, IBM, EXOS, Apple, and many other
groups doing Virtual Reality research.
Simulation. Published monthly by Simulation Councils, Inc. Editorial and
Circulation: Society for Computer Simulation (SCS) P.O. Box 17900, San
Diego, California 92177. Tel: 619-277-3888. ISSN 0037-5497.
• Videotapes
Reality Imaging Corporation. (1990). Medical Imaging I with the VoxelFlinger 3-
D Imaging System [Videotape]. Nicasio, CA: Media Magic.
Merril, J. (1991). Virtual Reality & Medicine. [Videotape]. High
Techsplanations, Inc. Available through Media Magic Catalog, Nicasio, CA.
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality [Videotape]. (1992). 2 tapes: Hightlights 1,
Highlights 2. Available through CyberEdge Journal.
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality II. (1994). San Diego, CA: Convention
Vicom Systems, Inc. (1990). Medical Imaging II [Videotape]. Nicasio, CA:
Media Magic.
Virtual Reality - Virtual Freedom. (1993). Edmonds, WA: Washington
Technology Access Center.
• Research Centers
Arizona Health Science Center
1501 N Campbell Ave
Tucson, AZ 85724
Tel: 602-626-7257/Fax: 602-626-4376
Artma Biomedical, Inc.
Salt Lake City, UT 84180
Tel: 801-575-6263/Fax: 801-575-8421
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Surgical Planning Laboratory - Radiology Dept.
Boston, MA
Dr. Ron Kikinis
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Tel: 412-268-3048/Fax: 412-268-5016
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
One Medical Center Dr
Lebanon, NH 03756
Tel: 603-650-5148/Fax: 603-650-5809
Dartmouth Medical School
Interactive Media Laboratory
Contact: Joseph Henderson, M.D.
Drexel University
32nd & Chestnut Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: 215-895-1924/Fax: 215-895-4983
Duke University
Box 3167
Durham, NC 27710
Tel: 919-681-5505/Fax: 919-681-5507
Development of flexible sigmoidoscopy training device.
Foundation for Informed Decision Marking
Hanover, New Hampshire
Shared decision-making programs, marketable through Sony Medical Systems
Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing
Nobelstrausse 12
Stuttgart, Germany
Tel: 49-711-970-1307/Fax: 49-711-970-1005
Georgia Institute of Technology
400 Tenth St NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0200
Tel: 404-894-3964/Fax: 404-894-7025
Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Dr. David Altobelli
Hines Rehabilitation and R&D Center
Hines, ILL
Human Interface Technology Laboratory (HITL)
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Tel: 206-685-8625/Fax: 206-543-5380
IBM T J Watson Research Center
PO Box 704 Yorktown Heights
New York, NY 10598
Tel: 914-784-7678/Fax: 914-784-6282
Johannes Gutenburg-Universitat
Langenbeckstrasse 1 Postfach 3960
Mainz, Germany
Tel: 49-61-31-171/Fax: 49-61-31-17-22-74
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Dr MS 198-219
Pasadena, CA 91109
Tel: 818-354-2681
Johns Hopkins University Hospital
Wilmer Eye Institute
Low Vision Enhancement System
Loma Linda University
Advanced Technology Center
11175 Mt. View Avenue, Suite O
Loma Linda, CA USA 92354
Voice: 714-799-2150/Fax: 714-799-2149
Contact: Dave Warner
Neuro-rehabilitation workstation: combine data acquisition, interface
technology, analytical techniques, and multisensory rendering.
Loma Linda University School of Medicine
11406 Loma Linda Ave
Loma Linda, CA 92354
Tel: 909-799-6190/Fax: 909-799-6106
Long Island College Hospital
350 Henry St
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: 718-780-1884/Fax: 718-780-1392
Massachusetts General Hospital, East
Center for Imaging and Pharmaceutical Research
149, 13th St.
Charleston, MA 012129
Tel: 617-726-7834/Fax: 617-726-7830
Email: cipr-server@mgh.harvard.edu
Mayo Clinic
Rochester MN 55905
Tel: 507-255-4768/Fax: 517-255-4828
Mayo Foundation
Dept Physiology & Biophysics
Rochester, MN 55905
Tel: 507-284-2997/Fax: 507-284-1632
McGill University
3775 University St, Rm 315
Montreal Canada
Tel: 514-398-6740/Fax: 514-398-8244
McIntyre Eye Clinic & Surgery Center
1920 116th Ave NE
Bellevue, WA 98004
Tel: 206-646-4003/Fax: 206-646-5914
Medical College of Georgia
1120 15th St AF-1039
Augusta, GA 30912
Tel: 706-721-6616/Fax: 706-721-2303
Moet Institute
153 States St
San Francisco, CA 94114
Tel: 415-626-3400/Fax: 415-626-3444
National Cancer Institute
6130 Executive Blvd, Rm 800
Rockville, MD 20892
Tel: 301-496-9531/Fax: 301-480-5785
NASA/Johnson Space Center
Mail Code PT4
Houston, TX 77058
Tel: 713-483-8070/Fax: 713-244-5698
The Neurosciences Institute
3377 N Torrey Pines Ct
La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: 619-554-3200/Fax: 619-554-9159
Ohio Supercomputer Center
1224 Kinnear Rd
Columbus, OH 43212-1163
Tel: 614-292-9248/Fax: 614-292-7168
Scripps Research Institute
10666 N Torey Pines Rd - BCR-1
La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: 619-554-8563/Fax: 619-554-6288
Shadyside Medical Center
5200 Centre Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
Tel: 412-623-2673/Fax: 412-623-4333
SRI Institute
Virtual Perception Program
333 Ravenswood Ave.
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Tel: 415-326-6200/Fax: 415-326-5512
Tom Piantanida
Stanford University:
MRI Imaging Lab
Simulation of the human hand
Contact: Damon Schechter <orkin@leland.stanford.edu>
State University Hospital Gent
De Pintelaan 185-5K3
B 9000 Gent Belgium
Tel: 32-9-240-34-36/Fax: 32-9-240-34-39
SUNY - Health Science Center at Brooklyn
450 Clarkson Ave, Box 40
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Tel: 718-270-1949/Fax: 718-270-2826
Technical University of Berlin
Franklinstrasse 28/29
Berlin, Germany
Tel: 49-30-314-23-865/Fax: 49-30-314-21-103
TNO-Physics and Electronics Laboratory
PO Box 96864
The Haag Netherland
Tel: 31-70-3264221/Fax: 31-70-3280961
UCLA Medical Center
10833 LeConte Ave - BL428
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: 310-825-7299/Fax: 310-206-5725
UCSD Medical Center
225 Dickenson St
San Diego, CA 92103-9981
Tel: 619-543-6084/Fax: 619-543-3645
University Heart Center
450 Newport Cr Dr, Ste 200
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Tel: 714-640-6110/Fax: 714-640-6033
University of Akron
Institute for Biomedical Engineering
Akron, OH 44325-0302
Tel: 206-972-6653/Fax: 216-374-8834
University of North Carolina
209 Sitterson Hall
Chapel Hill, NC USA 27599-3175
Voice: 919-962-1876/Fax: 919-962-1799
Ultrasound visualization, VistaNet, and other medical applications involving
object recognition from volume data, and the GRIP arm + HMD, which allows
the user to feel forces and interact with things at an atomic scale.
University of Pennsylvania
418 Service Dr, 4th Flr Blockley Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: 215-662-6780/Fax: 215-898-9145
University of Washington
Human Interface Technology Laboratory
FJ-15, Univ. of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Tel: 206-685-8625/Fax: 206-543-5380
Contact: weghorst@hitl.washington.edu
Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Research Consortium
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
50 Vassar St
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel: 617-253-2534/Fax: 617-258-7003
• Commercial Organizations
Advanced Visual Systems, Inc.
2101 Business Center DR, Ste. 130
Irvine, CA 92715
Tel: 714-253-4173/Fax: 714-263-9144
Product: Software tools for X-window workstations for visual programming and
visualization, including 2-D image processing and 3-D geometric and volume
Andronic Devices, Ltd.
140-13120 Vanier Place
Richmond, BC, Canada V6V 2J2
Tel: 800-563-7667
Product: ENDEX Endoscopy Positioning System
ARTMA Biomedical, Inc.
5 Triad Center, Ste 580
Salt Lake City, UT 84180
Tel: 801-575-6263/Fax: 801-575-8421
Product: 3-D monitoring of endoscopic surgery.
Ascension Technology Corp.
P.O. Box 527
Burlington, VT 05402
Tel: 802-860-6440/Fax: 802-860-6439
Product: A Flock of Birds 6 degree-of-freedome Magnetic Tracker, Extended
Range Transmitter (ERT)
BioControl Systems, Inc.
430 Cowper Street
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Tel: 415-329-8496/Fax: 415-329-8498
Product: BioMuse biosignal processor.
Boston Scientific Corp.
480 Pleasant St
Watertown, MA 02172
Tel: 617-972-4400/Fax: 617-923-0407
Cine'-Med, Inc.
127 Main St. N.
Woodbury, CT 06798
Contact: Kevin McGovern
Tel: 203-263-0006/Fax: 203-263-4839
Product: minimally invasive surgical simulator, Virtual Clinic.
Computer Motion, Inc.
250 Storke Road, Suite A.
Goleta, CA 93117
Tel: 805-685-3729/Fax: 805-685-9277
Contact: James W. Wright, Director of Marketing
Product: AESOP, Automated Endoscopic System for Optimal Positioning
Cybernet Systems Corporation
1919 Green Rd, Ste B-101
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Tel: 31-668-2567/Fax: 313-668-8780
Product: PER-Force force reflecting hand controller (NASA commercial
Dimension Technologies, Inc.
315 Mt. Read Blvd
Rochester, NY 14611
Tel: 716-436-3530/Fax: 716-435-3280
Product: DTI 1100C - an LCD-based "virtual window" autostereoscopic display
for real-time 3-D imaging that does not require glasses.
Dimensional Media Associates
16 E 40th St
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-685-8375/Fax: 212-545-0740
Product: A 3-D projector system for use in diagnostic imaging of 3-D data sets.
Elektroson USA
31 Waterloo Ave
Berwyn, PA 19312
Tel: 215-695-8444/Fax: 215-695-8440
Product: CD-interactive and CD-ROM healthcare training applications and
authoring tools.
Engineering Animation, Inc.
2625 N Loop Dr
Ames, IA 50010
Tel: 515-296-9908/Fax: 515-296-7025
Product: VisLab software package.
EXOS, Inc.
2-A Gill St.
Woburn, MA 01801
Tel: 617-933-0022/Fax: 617-933-0303
Products: TouchMaster, Dynamic Wrist Unit (DWU), Dextrous HandMaster
(DHM), Position ArmMaster, Force ArmMaster, and Sensing and Force
Reflecting Exoskeleton (SAFIRE).
4085 Campbell Ave
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Tel: 415-688-1940/ Fax: 415-688-1949
Products: High-resolution boom-mounted stereo displays with position tracking.
Flogiston Corp.
16701 Westview Trail
Austin, TX 78737
Tel: 512-323-2083/Fax: 512-323-9564
Product: Flogiston Chair 2.0
GE Medical Systems
1 River Rd, KW/C215
Schenectady, NY 12345
Tel: 518-387-6744/Fax: 518-387-6860
Greenleaf Medical Systems
2248 Park Blvd.
Palo Alto, CA USA 94306
Tel: 415-321-6135/800-925-0925/Fax: 415-321-0419
Products: DataGlove, GloveTalker, EVAL System, Gesture Control System,
Movement Analysis Software (MAS).
High Techsplanations, Inc.
6001 Montrose Rd, Ste 902
Rockville, MD 20852
Contact: Johnathan Merril, Tel: 301-984-3707/Fax: 301-984-2104
Product: interactive 3D surgical training systems, Virtual Reality Medical
Procedure Simulator.
5605 Ocean View Drive
Oakland, CA 94623-1354
Tel: 510-658-9999/Fax: 510-658-7214
Product: Computer-based diagnostic tools for internal medicine.
Immersion Corp.
PO Box 8669
Palo Alto, CA 94309-8669
Tel: 415-960-6882/Fax: 415-960-6977
Product: The Immersion PROBE
Integrated Surgical Systems, Inc.
829 W Stadium Ln
Sacramento, CA 95834
Tel: 916-646-3487/Fax: 916-646-4075
International Telepresence
Vancouver, Canada
Tel: 604-873-3300
email: tom_mitchell@mindlink.bc.ca
Product: 3-D stereo laparoscopy system.
ISG Technologies, Inc.
Contact: Doron Dekel
Tel: 1-800-724-5970/email: doron@isgtec.com
Products: Viewing Wand (for stereotactic surgery), Allegro (Unix workstation for
CT/MRI), Gyroview: MRI/CT workstation, DoxBox: personal viewing station for
radiologists and surgeons.
IVI Publishing
1380 Corporate Ctr Curve
Eagan, MN 55318
Tel: 612-686-6895/Fax: 612-686-0721
Product: Medical and health information in digital and interactive formats,
including "Mayo Clinic Health Book CD-ROM" and "Mayo Clinic Heart Book CD-
Ixion, Inc.
1335 N. Northlake Way #102
Seattle, WA 98103
Tel: 206-547-8801/Fax: 206-547-8802
Product: medical simulators based on interactive media and tactile interfaces.
Lateiner Dataspace Corporation
500 W Cummings Park, Ste 1700
Woburn, MA 01801-6336
Tel: 617-937-8330/Fax: 617-937-8331
Latent Image Development Corp.
111 4th Ave., Ste 8-H, NY, NY 10003
Tel: 212-777-2898/ Fax: 201-420-9568
Products: StereoSynthesis process, which converts 2-D film/video to 3-D format.
A 3-D paint system which permits illustrators to paint stereoscopic images in
three dimensions.
6505 Kaiser Drive
Fremont, CA 94555
Tel: 510-795-8500/Fax: 510-792-8901
Products: 2D/3D Mouse and HeadTracker (line of sight ultrasonic trackers)
Medical Concepts Incorporated
University Business Center
175 B Cremona Drive
Goleta, CA 93117
Product: endoscopic imaging devises and systems.
Micro-Dexterity Systems
6401 Poplar, Ste 190
Memphis, TN 38119
Tel: 800-423-0404/Fax: 901-761-0727
Product: Ophthalmic surgery devices.
Moco, Inc.
91 Surfside Road
P.O. Box A
Scituate, MA 02055
Tel: 617-545-2040
Product: The Rehabilitation Workstation.
Mondo-tronics Inc.
524 San Anselmo Ave. #107
San Anselmo, CA 94960
Tel: 415-455-9330/Fax: 415-455-9333
Product: TiNi Alloy Company's Tactor tactile feedback system
n-Vision Inc.
7915 Jones Branch Drive
McLean, VA 22102
Tel: 703-506-8808/Fax: 703-903-0455
Product: high resolution head-mounted displays-- Datavisor 9c, Datavisor 10m
and Quarterwave (hmd designed for medical applications).
Optics 1 (O1)
3050 Hillcrest Dr, Ste 100
Westlake Village, CA 91362
Tel: 800-538-3008/Fax: 805-372-8966
Product: Lightweight dual-channel, full-color, head-mounted video display for
stereoscopic 3-D imagery or conventional video from any source.
Piedmont Systems, Inc.
PO Box 220715
Chantilly, VA 22022
Tel: 703-631-4240/Fax: 703-631-9170
Product: Computer-based multimedia laparoscopic hernia repair training
Pixys, Inc.
5690-B Central Ave
Boulder, CO 80301
Tel: 303-447-0248/Fax: 303-447-3905
Product: Infra-red 3-D localizer/digitizer for interactive image-guided therapy.
Polhemus, Inc.
1 Hercules Drive
Colchester, VT 05446
Tel: 802-655-3159/ Fax: 802-655-1439
Product: 3Space Fastrak, electromagnetic 6D position/orientation trackers.
Shooting Star Technology
1921 Holdom Ave
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Tel: 604-298-8574/ Fax: 604-298-8580
Product: ADL-1, mechanically coupled 6D position/orientation tracker.
Silicon Graphics Computer Systems
2011 W Shoreline Blvd
Mt View, CA 94039
Tel: 415-390-3355/Fax: 415-390-6058
Product: Onyx graphics computers for virtual reality applications and low cost
Indy digital media workstations.
Sony Medical Systems
Contact: Susan Cahill
Tel: 201-930-7098
Product: Interactive video equipment, exclusive distributors of Shared Decision-
making Programs.
Stealth Technologies, Inc.
101 E Alton
Marine, IL 62061-0427
Tel: 618-887-4142/Fax: 618-887-4143
Product: The Neurostation, an image-guided neurosurgery workstation.
StereoGraphics Corp.
12171 E Francisco Blvd
San Rafael, CA
Tel: 415-455-1832/Fax: 415-459-3020
Products: CrystalEyes shutter glasses and stereo video viewing systems.
Stereomed, Inc.
724 South Victory Blvd
Burbank, CA 91502
Tel: 818-559-6515/Fax: 818-761-4971
Product: stereoscopic imagery for operating room.
TiNi Alloy Company
1621 Neptune Dr
San Leandro, CA 94577
Tel: 510-483-9676/Fax: 510-483-1309
Product: tactile feedback devices based on shape memory alloy technology.
Virtual Reality, Inc.
485 Washington Ave
Pleasantville, NY 10570
Tel: 914-769-0900/ Fax: 914-769-7106
Product: virtual reality system for utilization with MRI units, Stereoscopic
Minimally Invasive Surgery Vision System.
Virtual Research
3193 Belick St, Ste 2
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Tel: 408-748-8712/Fax: 408-748-8714
Products: head-mounted displays including the EyeGen3.
Virtual Technologies
2175 Park Blvd.
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Tel: 415-321-4900/Fax: 415-321-4912
Products: CyberGlove, CyberForce, CyberWear, GestureGlove, CyberCAD,
Virtual Vision, Inc.
7659 - 178th Place NE
Redmond, WA 98052
Tel: 206 882-7878/Fax: 206 882-7373
Product: non-immersive head-mounted video display systems for use with
endoscopy, ultrasound, etc.
Vista Medical Technologies
2752 Loker Ave W
Carlsband, CA 92008
Tel: 619-438-9361/Fax: 619-438-9167
Product: vision immersion module (VIM) head-mounted display systems for
26081 Merit Circle Suite 117
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Tel: 714-348-3202/Fax: 714-348-8665
Product: volumetric holography, imaging and viewing systems
Vox-L, Inc.
500 W Cummings Park, Ste 1700
Woburn, MA 01801
Tel: 617-937-8330/Fax: 617-937-8331
Products: The Vox-L Stereoscopic Workstation, Vox-L Visualizer for MS-
Windows NT and Windows.
XTensory, Inc.
140 Sunridge Drive
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Tel: 408-439-0600/ Fax: 408-439-0600
Products: TacTools - tactile feedback system, XVS.
• On-line Resources
CNS Gopher - Medicine and Health Information Resources. The CNS
gopher contains the 1993 WEDI (Workgroup for Electronic Data Exchange)
Report. Available through gopher: gopher cns.cscns.com, choose "Enter The
CNS Gopher", and then "Medicine and Health."
Computational Medicine and Allied Health Center. Available through
gopher: almach.chpc.utexas.edu Menu: University of Texas System Center for
High Performance.
HEALTHNET. Internet forum for discussion of issues surrounding high
speed networking initiatives focusing on (but not specific to) Canadian health
care. Anyone who is working on or with an interest in these initiatives is invited
to join and contribute. To subscribe to Healthnet send an e-mail message to:
listserv@calvin.dgbt.doc.ca and in the body of the message put the command:
"subscribe healthnet Firstname Lastname".
Image Processing and Analysis Group, Yale School of Medicine.
World Wide Web URL=http://noodle.med.yale.edu/
Lateiner Dataspace. Lateiner Dataspace can be reached via Tel:
617.937.8330/FAX 617.937.8331 E-mail: NET info@dataspace.com
Available via anonymous ftp at ftp.dataspace.com (also ftp.near.net).
World Wide Web URL=http://www.dataspace.com/WWW/welcome.html
Medical Resources and Information. Available via Australia National
University Bioinformatics Facility and John Curtin's School of Medical
Research's WWW server - http://life.anu.edu.au/medical.html. This is an
excellent source. From this home page, you can access HyperDOC, NIH, World
Health Organization, as well as biomedical images, Cancernet, medical
libraries and DATABASE's tomography images.
National Library of Medicine. HyperDOC. World Wide Web URL="http://
History of Medicine Division, NLM. Online exhibitions of the
NLM's resources for historical scholarship in medical and related
WWW URL="http://www.hlm.nih.gov/hmd.dir/hmd.html
NSF HPCC Science Highlights--Ultrasound & Virtual Reality.
Scanning Ultrasound Data with Virtual Reality in Obstetrics.
World Wide Web
Stanford Medicial Center
Oncolink. A WWW server and gopher server oriented to cancer, produced by
the University of Pennsylvania Multimedia Oncology Resource.
World Wide Web:
Usenet Groups.
sci.med.telemedicine: clinical consulting through computer networks.
comp.simulation: simulation methods, problems, uses.
sci.virtual-worlds: virtual interface technology discussion group.
sci.virtual-worlds.apps: current and future uses of virtual interface technology.
Virtual Genome Center.
Genome Project , University of Minnesota
World Wide Web URL="http://alces.med.umn.edu/VGC.html"
Virtual Hospital
World Wide URL=http://vh.radiology.uiowa.edu/
The Virtual Hospital (VH) is a continuously updated medical multimedia
database stored on computers and accessed through high speed networks 24
hours a day.
Virtual Medical Center.
"The VMC simulates the educational, consultative, and collegial environment of
a university medical center, with clinical departments, specialty clinics and other
medical center services for all health professionals." Contact: Dr. Robert
Flaherty, UW Clinical Professor, Family Medicine, VMC Project Dir., Tel: 406-
994-6001, Montana State University. To connect: 800-544-4485 (Washington
and Montana only), no user or connect fees.
Virtual Interface Technology Bibliography. FTP: ftp.u.washington.edu
Directory: ./public/VirtualReality/HITL/Papers/tech-reports Filename: emerson-B-
Virtual Reality List. FTP: lhc.nlm.nih.gov Directory: ./pub/ai-medicine/Biblio
Filename: virtual-reality-list.
VOXEL-MAN. 3D interactive atlas of skull and brain. Available via
anonymous FTP: fokus.uke.uni-hamburg.de ( Directory:
World Health Organization.
World Wide Web URL=http://www.who.ch/
World Wide Web Virtual Library: Biosciences.
Comprehensive list of medical HTML sites and selected resources. World Wide
Web URL=golgi.harvard.edu/biopages/medicine.html
• Glossary
Definitions are derived from:
Boff, K. R., Kaufman, L. and Thomas, J. P. (Eds.). (1986). Handbook of
Human Perception and Human Performance. New York : Wiley.
Thomas, C. L. (Ed.) (1989). Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary,
edition 16. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Co.
Biocybernetics: Computer acts on changes in brain waves which people can
learn to control through biofeedback.
CT: Computed Tomography.
Electrooculography: Technology which implements eye signals and allows
user, in the virtual environment, to "grab" objects by looking at them.
Electromyography: Technology that monitors subtle muscle contractions which
would potentially allow user to initiate and control movements in a virtual
Field-of-View: That portion of space which the fixed eye can see.
HMD: Head Mounted Display.
HUD: Head-Up Display.
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display.
MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging.
PET: Positron Emission Tomography
Stereopsis: Stereoscopic vision
Stereoscopic: Vision in which things have the appearance of solidity and relief
as though seen in three dimensions. Binocular vision produces this effect.
Stereotaxis: A method of precisely locating areas in the brain; use of this
technique is essential in certain neurosurgical procedures. (stereotaxic,
stereotactic: concerning stereotaxis).
© 1994 Human Interface Technology Laboratory