Virtual Reality Zone
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Text File
272 lines
# A sample set of rooms
# Created by Bernie Roehl, June 1992
# for use with the REND386 package.
# For more information, contact broehl@sunee.uwaterloo.ca
# revised by Eric Elliott 8/93
# added bobscript
worldscale 1.0 # 1.0 mm per unit
hither 10 # anything closer than this gets clipped
yon 20000000 # anything farther than this doesn't get rendered
start 0,1600,0 0,0,0 2 # starting location, orientation and zoom
start 7800,1400,1300 -77,0,0 2
ambient 76
# Surface definitions:
surfacedef plaster 0x1fd8
surfacedef brick 0x11ff
surfacedef wood 0x12df
surfacedef painted 0x13f8
surfacedef glass1 0x3e00
surfacedef glass2 0x3a00
surfacedef tin 12
surfacedef carpet 0x4a
surfacedef greypaint 239
surfacedef bright 255
surfacedef grain 0x14e8
surfacedef artwork 4
surfacedef beige 0xfd
surfacedef blue 8 #123
surfacedef red 9 #123
surfacedef orange 10 #123
surfacedef cobble 239
surfacedef marble 0x1Df8
surfacedef steel1 0x28eF
surfacedef steel2 0x25eF
surfacedef teak 0x12ff
surfacedef mirror 0x2a00
surfacedef uglypaint 12
# Surface mappings:
surfacemap single1
surface 1 plaster
surfacemap single2
surface 1 brick
surfacemap single3
surface 1 wood
surfacemap double1
surface 1 painted
surface 2 brick
surfacemap double2
surface 1 brick
surface 2 painted
surfacemap double3
surface 2 plaster
surface 1 painted
surfacemap double4
surface 2 plaster
surface 1 brick
surfacemap wind1
surface 1 plaster
surface 2 glass1
surface 3 brick
surface 4 mirror
surface 5 tin
surfacemap wind2
surface 1 painted
surface 2 glass1
surface 3 tin
surface 4 glass2
surface 5 wood
surfacemap floorgrey
surface 1 carpet
surfacemap ceilgrey
surface 1 greypaint
surfacemap roadcolors
surface 1 cobble
surfacemap rugcolors
surface 1 beige
surface 2 blue
surface 3 red
surface 4 orange
surfacemap piccolors
surface 1 grain
surface 2 artwork
surface 3 mirror
surface 4 marble
surface 5 steel2
surfacemap pic2colors
surface 1 teak
surface 2 mirror
surfacemap basecolors
surface 1 marble
surface 2 marble
surface 3 marble
surface 4 marble
surface 5 marble
surface 6 marble
surfacemap sculptcolors
surface 1 steel1
surface 2 steel2
# Splits and associated surfaces:
split 0,0,0 0,1,0 0 # 0 (floor plane)
polyobj 4 carpet 800,0,0 800,0,2800 4000,0,2800 4000,0,0
polyobj 6 carpet 4000,0,2800 4000,0,4800 5600,0,4800 8800,0,4800 8800,0,0 4000,0,0
polyobj 6 carpet 0,0,4800 0,0,10400 2400,0,10400 5600,0,10400 5600,0,4800 4000,0,4800
polyobj 4 carpet 5600,0,10400 8800,0,10400 8800,0,4800 5600,0,4800
polyobj 5 carpet 2400,0,12800 8800,0,12800 8800,0,10400 5600,0,10400 2400,0,10400
split 0,2400,0 0,1,0 12 # (ceiling plane)
polyobj 4 greypaint 4000,2400,0 4000,2400,2800 800,2400,2800 800,2400,0
polyobj 6 greypaint 4000,2400,0 8800,2400,0 8800,2400,4800 5600,2400,4800 4000,2400,4800 4000,2400,2800
polyobj 6 greypaint 4000,2400,4800 5600,2400,4800 5600,2400,10400 2400,2400,10400 0,2400,10400 0,2400,4800
polyobj 4 greypaint 5600,2400,4800 8800,2400,4800 8800,2400,10400 5600,2400,10400
polyobj 5 greypaint 2400,2400,10400 5600,2400,10400 8800,2400,10400 8800,2400,12800 2400,2400,12800
split 8800,1,0 1,0,0 1 # 1
object bigwin 1,1,1 0,0,0 8800,0,0 0 wind2
object wall1 80,48,4 0,90,0 8800,0,12800 0 single3 fixed # H
split 0,1,0 0,0,1 2 # 2
object wall1 80,48,4 0,180,0 8800,0,0 0 single2 fixed # I
split 0,1,10400 0,0,1 3 # 3
object wall2 56,48,4 0,0,0 0,0,10400 0 double1 fixed # B
split 2401,10,11000 1,0,0 4 # 4
object bigwin 1,1,0.5 0,180,0 2400,0,12800 0 wind2 fixed # F
split 2500,1,12800 0,0,1 5 # 5
object wall1 64,48,4 0,0,0 2400,0,12800 0 single1 fixed # G
split 0,1,4000 1,0,0 6 # 6
object wall1 56,48,4 0,-90,0 0,0,4800 0 single1 fixed # A
split 100,1,4800 0,0,1 7 # 7
object wall2 56,48,4 0,0,0 0,0,4800 0 double2 fixed # C
split 4000,1,2000 1,0,0 8 # 8
object wall2 20,48,4 0,-90,0 4000,0,2800 0 double1 fixed # L
split 800,1,2800 0,0,1 9 # 9
object window1 32,48,4 0,0,0 800,0,2800 0 wind2 fixed # K
split 5600,1,5000 1,0,0 10 # 10
object wall2 8,48,4 0,-90,0 5600,0,4800 0 double4 fixed # E
object wall2 16,12,4 0,-90,0 5600,1800,5600 0 double4 fixed # M
object window2 32,48,4 0,90,0 5600,0,10400 0 wind1 fixed # D
split 800,1,0 1,0,0 11 # 11
object wall1 28,48,4 0,-90,0 800,0,0 0 single1 fixed # J
split 3000,1430,11000 0,1,0 13 # shelf 3 split
#split 6000,1430,3000 0,1,0 14 # shelf 1 split
split 6000,1430,6000 0,1,0 13 # shelf 4 split
split 3000,1430,6000 0,1,0 13 # shelf 2 split
#split 3000,850,9000 0,1,0 13 # desk split
# Areas:
#area 200,10,5000 Office-lo
#area 200,1100,5000 Office-med
area 200,1500,5000 Office
area 6800,10,8000 Hall-lo
area 6800,1500,8000 Hall-hi
area 1000,10,1000 Gallery
#area 6800,10,2000 Playroom-lo
area 6800,1500,2000 Playroom-hi
area 7000,10,11000 Sunroom-lo
area 7000,1500,11000 Sunroom-hi
area 1000,10,3000 Backyard
area 0,10,11000 Forest
area 9000,10,8000 Outside1
area 4000,10,-1000 Outside2
area 7000,10,15000 Outside3
area -100,10,100 Outside4
area 0,-100,0 Underground
area 0,2500,0 Sky
# A road outside:
object floor 40,1,20 0,0,0 8800,0,6000 0 roadcolors fixed
object floor 40,1,20 0,-45,0 12800,0,6000 0 roadcolors fixed
object floor 40,1,20 0,-90,0 15628,0,8828 0 roadcolors fixed
object floor 400,1,20 0,0,0 13628,0,12828 0 roadcolors fixed
# Now for some furnishings:
object rug 10,1,10 0,-90,0 7500,1,7500 0 rugcolors
object art 20,20,1 0,180,0 6500,1200,5 0 piccolors
object picture 20,20,1 0,180,0 4000,1200,4805 0 pic2colors
object vwlogo 6,6,6 0,180,0 4500,1800,10406 0 pic2colors
#object shelf 1,2,3 0,0,0 4550,1400,4800 256 . fixed
object shelf 4,2,2 0,-90,0 0,1400,5800 256 . fixed
object shelf 3,2,2 0,0,0 3500,1400,12800 256 . fixed
object shelf 4,2,2 0,90,0 8800,1400,8000 256 . fixed
# The following were all created using IRIT:
# A small forest:
object tree2 12,12,12 0,0,0 800,1,12000 0
object tree2 8,8,8 0,0,0 -800,1,14000 0
object tree2 14,16,14 0,0,0 -1200,1,19000 0
# A big fir tree:
object fir2 1,1,1 0,0,0 12000,0,3800 256 . fixed
# A toy:
object c6=ccone6 .05,.05,.05 0,0,0 6500,50,1400 0
object cone1=ccone6 .05,.05,.05 0,0,0 5500,50,1300 0
# Some furniture:
object sofa 1,1,1 0,45,0 6500,1,12000 0 sofacolors
object sculpbase=block 6,10,6 0,0,0 4400,1,3800 0 basecolors
object mh=methead 4,4,4 0,180,0 300,1100,300 0 . sculpbase
object desk3 1.5,1.3,1 0,0,0 3400,0,9680 256 . fixed
object lamp .1,.1,.1 0,0,0 700,0,9500 256
#stuff on shelves, etc
object cone6 .02,.02,.02 0,0,0 4250,1440,12500 0
object metlcube 2,5,3 0,-30,0 8500,1440,7000 0
object wedge 3,2,3 0,-30,0 700,1440,6000 256
object ball6 6,6,6 0,0,0 4200,1000,10000 0
#el roboto:
figure robo=metalman 1.3,1.5,1.3 0,-90,0 1400,800,1200
bobscript test3
# Tasks:
#These have been replaced by BOB functions
# End of sample file