Home Entertainment Cube 4…dventure Shareware Games
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you have never felt the;
need to recall the;
memories of your youth.;
the dreams that have;
haunted you these last;
nights act as a reminder;
of where you came from;
and what you have seen.;
playing in the fields;
are among the strongest;
memories of your youth.;
there you spent much;
time exploring, playing;
the role of a wild;
adventurer, and as you;
grew older, you would;
get exceedingly farther;
from home. an unseen;
force seemed to drive;
you to explore just;
beyond the next ridge.;
one day, however, you;
found yourself quite;
lost. being young and;
inexperienced in the;
art of survival, you;
wished for nothing;
more than to be back;
at home. in the midst;
of swearing that you;
would never again;
wonder so far from;
the path, you were;
suddenly startled to;
hear a strange music;
emanating from nearby.;
you followed the sound;
of the captivating;
music. when you came;
upon a small ridge,;
your heart almost;
stopped. down in a;
small valley, not too;
far away, you saw a;
fair maiden. never;
before had you laid;
your eyes upon;
such beauty.;
sitting on a nearby;
boulder, forgetting;
your troubles, you;
listened intently to;
the soothing music.;
the seemingly magical;
music played a role;
in your readiness to;
sleep. finally, when;
you could no longer;
fight the urge, you;
fell asleep.;
when you awoke, you;
found yourself in;
your own bed in your;
own home. had you;
been dreaming...or;
had your wish been;
granted. it seemed;
too real to have been;
a dream...;
had the beautiful;
female been a fairie;
creature...a mythical;
forest race. you spent;
all of your available;
time searching for this;
fairie, but you never;
came upon her again.;
tired of searching,;
and your own desire of;
travel, you left your;
home city of locklaven.;
during your long;
travels, when your;
life seemed out of;
control, you had to;
but picture the;
fairie, and listen for;
the music, and your;
mind would be at;
never would you have;
guessed that once;
again you would be;
sleeping in the same;
town that you had;
once left forever.;
haunted by dreams,;
you returned. in;
your heart, you felt;
that this creature;
did exist and that;
something had;
happened to her.;
when you first;
entered your home;
town, you noticed the;
difference immediately.;
the people all stared;
at you in mistrust, no;
one smiled, everyone;
seemed to fear for;
their very lives.;
holding your sword in;
your left hand, close;
to your heart, you;
vowed to get to the;
bottom of this new;