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Copyright (c) 1991 FARR-WARE software
Mathew McEwan
Jason Struck
Mark Lewis
Welcome to Quest of the Ancients I: The Deathwatch. This game was brought to
you through the efforts of FARR-WARE software. FARR-WARE is dedicated to
bringing the highest quality of software to the shareware market.
The Deathwatch is a 3-dimensional fantasy role-playing game. It takes
place in the city of Locklaven. Characters explore the city, visiting
many of the shops, and finally entering the dungeon. A number of
quests must be solved in order for the characters to complete the game.
What is shareware? Well, shareware can be defined as a try before you buy
market. Over the past years, shareware has grown from an 'out of the
basement' market to a large, and very reliable software distribution
network. It provides users with high quality software at an affordable
price. However, to continue this tradition, software authors must be
supported. Therefore, if you like the software, we encourage you to
register your shareware products.
What do you get when you register this version of The DeathWatch? You will
receive the exciting sequel entitled Ancients II.This sequel is much larger
than the original and contains many new and exciting details. Not only do
you get a completely new game, you will also receive a printed manual.
Some new features of Ancients II include:
-printed manual
-all new graphics
-complete graphical wilderness with several cities
-more casino games
-larger maps
-more intricate story line
-new classes and races
-exciting new spells
-optional transfer of characters
-several unique game-interface features
To register, send a check or money order, payable to FARR-WARE, for the
amount of $19.95 plus a $4 shipping and handling fee (Canadian residents
please add $1.70 for GST) to this address:
P.O. Box 24135
300 Eagleson Road
Kanata, Ontario, Canada
K2M 2C3
FARR-WARE thanks you in advance for your support.
(for complete registration information, and a printable order form, see
the file register.doc)
This program is protected under the copywrite laws. The program
or any of the files belonging to this piece of software may not
be modified or retailed without the written permission of FARR-WARE
To begin Ancients I, simply type 'begin'. This will bring you up
to the initial menu. For quick start up convenience, 4 characters
have already been provided. If you do not choose to create your own,
and simply wish to sample the game, use the 'journey onward' from the
main menu.
The beginning screen contains a menu of 5 options:
JOURNEY ONWARD: Selecting this option will allow an assembled party to
begin play. It will load the game from the last saved position.
Note: You must have a party of 4 characters assembled.
CHARACTER OPTIONS: This allows several character related options.
These include character creation and party maintenance. To use
these options, your party must be previously saved within the city.
This character option menu contains 5 options as well:
CREATE CHARACTER: This option allows for the creation of characters.
Use the mouse to make your selections. Refer to character
ERASE CHARACTER: Use this option to delete characters from your
disk. Simply click on the name of the character that you
wish to delete.
ADD CHARACTER: This option allows you to add a character to your
party. A list of you party appears at the bottom of window. A
list of characters is displayed using the rest of the window. To
add a character to your party, simply click on his/her name. To
return to the character options menu, click on the bottom of the
window where the party is displayed.
DROP CHARACTER: This option works exactly the same as ADD CHARACTER,
except it will remove a character from your party without deleting
it from disk.
PREVIOUS MENU: This option returns you to the main menu.
VIEW BEGINNING: This options simply relates the game story.
A LITTLE NOTE: A small note from the authors.
EXIT TO DOS: This will exit to dos.
To survive the quests in this game, a strong, well-balanced party
is necessary. We suggest 1 Mage, 1 Priest, and either two Fighters or
1 Fighter and 1 Rogue.
There are 4 major statistics in this game. These are:
Strength: This affects a characters added damage. Added damage
is the damage that a character can inflict on top of his/her
weapon damage.
Intelligence: This affects the amount of spell points a character
can gain through each level of advancement.
Dexterity: This allows a character an extra chance to hit. The higher
the dexterity, the more agile and able the character will be.
Constitution: This affects the amount of life points a character
will have and will gain through advancement.
There are 8 main icons in this game. Here they are with a brief
explanation about each one:
3 MOVEMENT ICONS: These icons allow the party to move left, forward, and
right respectively. This can be accomplished either through the use
of the mouse or the arrow keys.
CAMP: This allow a party to camp. Camping will help heal injured characters
as well as restore lost magic points. Bewarned, however, that
many a party has been ambushed while they slept. You may not camp
within the city.
CAST: This allows a magically inclined individual to bring forth the
mysterious power of magic. Click on this icon and then select the
character who wishes to cast the spell. A menu of spells will then
appear. Select the level by clicking on the appropriate level
box. To select the spell, simply click on the desired words in the
box. To abort the casting of a spell, click on the quit icon.
EXAMINE: This options allow the party to examine something on the
screen or an item that is in their possession. To examine something
on the screen, click this icon and then click a point on the screen.
An example of this would be: clicking on a dungeon wall in order
to find a secret door. Click on the examine icon and then select the
character and the item that you wish to examine and you will then get
some information about that item.
USE: This options allows you to use an item that is in the characters
possession. It can also be used, in the town level, to open a door.
Select the use icon. You will then be prompted with a message:
'use what'. You may now select and character and item by clicking on
the character picture and then the item in his/her inventory, or
select a door within the town level.
DISK OPTIONS: There are five disk options that can be used. To use them,
click on the words that is in the text window.
Save Game: This option will save the game that is currently in
Load Game: This option will load a game from the last saved position.
Main Menu: This option returns the player to the main menu. ie the
beginning of the game.
Exit To Dos: This will exit from the game into dos. Be warned, it
will not save the current game.
Abort: This simply aborts the disk options menu.
COMPASS: Although you cannot click on this icon, it will provide you
the direction that your party is currently heading. This will enable
you to easily map the world of Ancients I.
Combat: A somewhat different interface is used during combat. The viewing
of a character is almost identical to that of the main screen, however, you
cannot move items between characters. There are five icons on this screen.
These are:
ATTACK: This icon allows a character to attack a foe. This icon must
only be selected once during the entire combat. After it has been
selected, a player will only need to click on a monster in order to
attack. ("Important", characters in the rear ranks of the party may
only attack with missile weapons. eg. slings or bows.)
DEFEND: When a character's turn comes about, he/she may opt to
defend. This is achieved by selecting the defend icon. A defending
character will be much harder to hit.
CAST: This invokes the spell menu. It can be interfaced the same way
as the cast icon from the main menu. You must follow the instructions
given for the type of spell. For instance, an offensive spell will
require you, the player, clicking on a monster picture in order to
select a monster.
FLEE: Sometimes, when faced with a superior foe, a party will opt to
flee from battle. When a character's turn arrives, the player can
select this icon and the character in question will attempt to flee.
Characters that are farther away from the battle will have a better
chance of fleeing. After fleeing your party will become disorganized.
USE: If you click this icon, the current acting character's (ie the
highlighted character), screen will appear. Simply click on the
desired item follow any additional instructions. If you opt not
to use an item, click on the character's picture in the top left-
hand corner of the screen.
Characters start in the city of Locklaven. During their dungeon
adventures, they will find it most important to often return to this city.
Locklaven is a small town with several shops.
Your first task should be to explore the city and find all of the
shops. There are five shops in the city. It would be wise to use all
of the doors in the city just in case there is something behind them.
During your travels, you will need to enter all of the shops to
perform various tasks. The shops share the same basic interface. You
simply click on the text in the text window to perform that specific
The equipment shop is an important place to visit. Here you
can buy and sell many items. When buying an item, use the arrow icons
that appear on the screen just beside the text window. To abort, click
on the top line of the text window. When selling items, you must click
on a character picture (to select a character) and then select an item. A
yes-no verifying window will verify your request.
Within the temple of healing, the priests of Locklaven are housed.
You can visit the temple to heal a character, or even resurrect the dead.
The wheel of despair has claimed many a man's money, but it has also
fostered many a man's dreams. Yes, the casino is where fortunes may be made,
or lost. Select the 'play roulette' option upon entering this
establishment. You will then be prompted to use your mouse to select a
character. Once a character has been selected, your dracos will be
displayed and you will be given the opportunity to place your bet. After
placing a bet, you must select a colour on the wheel by clicking on the
wheel itself.
The Guild must be visited regularly. Here your characters are looked
over by the review board. If your characters have gained enough experience
they will be able to advance to the next level.
Within the confines of the Dragon Inn, Your party may take a room
and rest for the night. However, some characters, may not wish to
sleep. For these characters, there is an alternative-a night at the
Dragon Tale Tavern that is located on the first floor of the inn. Within
the tavern, a character can take an ale and listen to the tales of the
patrons, or he/she may wish to chat with the barkeep.
The party mapper should have graph paper. Each step that the
party takes should represent 1 square. Every door should also represent
1 square.
Software Library Information:
This disk copy provided as a service of
Public (software) Library
We are not the authors of this program, nor are we associated
with the author in any way other than as a distributor of the
program in accordance with the author's terms of distribution.
Please direct shareware payments and specific questions about
this program to the author of the program, whose name appears
elsewhere in this documentation. If you have trouble getting
in touch with the author, we will do whatever we can to help
you with your questions. All programs have been tested and do
run. To report problems, please use the form that is in the
file PROBLEM.DOC on many of our disks or in other written for-
mat with screen printouts, if possible. PsL cannot debug pro-
programs over the telephone, though we can answer questions.
Disks in the PsL are updated monthly, so if you did not get
this disk directly from the PsL, you should be aware that the
files in this set may no longer be the current versions. Also,
if you got this disk from another vendor and are having prob-
lems, be aware that some files may have become corrupted or
lost by that vendor. Get a current, working disk from PsL.
For a copy of the latest monthly software library newsletter
and a list of the 4,000+ disks in the library, call or write
Public (software) Library
P.O.Box 35705 - F
Houston, TX 77235-5705
Orders only:
Outside of U.S. or in Texas
or for general information,
Call 1-713-524-6394