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Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
Once apon a time, there lived these incredible programmers in a company
called ID Software. They spent their days, dreaming and designing the
ultimate video game. Good King John, the ruler of these programmers
labored, day after day to make sure the people in video-land would have
the best. And then, after a night of furious typing, DOOM was born.
But on the day after creating the hottest game of 1994, they slipped up
(either from too much coffee, lack of sleep, or bad chineese food) and
they create a monster (called SETUP.EXE).
This monster, was hated by the good people of video-land, and several
brave knights (moDoom, DCC, and others) quickly tried to subdue the
beast, but unfortunatly, they could not succeed.
Then, out of the ashes arose a new fighter. Born of silicon and steel,
mixed with magic and eye of newt.. he was invincible. Quickly, this
new hero was accepted...the other bowed to his greatness, and in a
swift, bloody battle, SETUP.EXE was defeated... forever.
From that day forward, this hero... this master would rule, with
compassion, grace, and really nice ansi graphics. The people
shouted...DOOM MASTER.... DOOM MASTER... and a legend was born.
Doom/Master 2.10 (DM 2.1) is the product of much hard work,
brainstorming, and just plain sillyness. As you can see from it's
history, we don't take anything seriously. But, DM 2.1 is in our
oppinion the best shell for doom. And DM 2.1 takes off right where DM
2.0 ended.
We have boosted the External Wad support (in anticpation of our coming
addon - Return of the Cyber Demon) as well as added the ability to not
only launch DOOM, but any other DOOM utility as well. You can now use
map/character/item editors right from in DM.
Unfortunatly, this will probably be the last major release of DM! As
it is not, we can no longer debug in under the Turbo Pascal IDE, and I
hate Turbo Debug. Beside, I have run out of ideas, but if anyone has
anything they want added, just email me!
I would like to thank all of you who have taken the time to email us
with suggestion, bugs and comments. As always, we will always respond
to anybody who email us. So please do.
Well, enough history, let's talk about DM 2.10!
- Joe Wilcox
Head programmer
Simply Silly Software
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Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
Doom/Master 2.1 is the next logical step up from DM 2.0! As you may
already know, we added external wad support in the very last hours
before releasing DM 2.0! In DM 2.1, we expand on this, allowing you to
really tap in to the power of external wads. Here is a complete list
of new features, or bug fixes...
■ DM can now handle external .WAD files in 2 different ways. From the
configuration screen, and from the options' menu.
■ You can now launch any other DOOM utility (or any other program for
that mater) right from inside DM.
■ We have improved the configuration menu, by added online help for
all configuration options. No longer do you have to wonder what
something does.
■ Add the /VI command line switch to FORCE DM to re-initialize the
video system, fixing the dreaded "Black Screen" bug.
■ Added hidden humor to the program.
■ DM now uses 2 cool fonts that make it look nicer. Also, we added
fade in/out routines to spice up the interface.
■ You can now select levels by their description, not just be number.
■ When you load a saved game, DM now allows you to select from a menu,
just like in doom (including the decscription of the game).
■ DM 2.10 now support the recording and playing back of .LMP Demos.
Yes, yes... DM 2.1 is shareware, just like DM 2.0! If you have already
registered DM 2.0 (like all 4 of you have) then you do not have to
register DM 2.1. Like all releases from Simply Silly Software, once
registered, you are free to get any later version for free.
Please help support the shareware concept. DM 2.1 has taken about 100
hours to design, code and test. I think it's worth the $5.00 dollars
I'm asking for it. See the file ORDER.ME for an order form and address
to send the money to.
Also please remeber, Doom/Master is not a product of ID Software. You
must register both DM 2.1 and DOOM 1.2 seperatly.
There is none. We have tried to make sure DM will not blow up your
computer, but either way we cann't be held responsible for anything.
Use DM at your own risk (but there really isn't any).
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Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
To Install DM, just unzip the archive in to your DOOM directory.
That's it. You should overwrite any files from a lesser version. DM
2.1 contains the latest versions of everything.
Once installed, just type "DM" from in your DOOM directory. And low
and behold... DOOM/MASTER! If you are a power user, then use the "/Q"
switch to bypass the into screen.
DM's main menu, is really 2 menus in 1. The left side of the screen,
is the actual menu. It's here where you select which function of DM
you wish to use. For example, here is where you launch doom, or the
internal terminal, or configure doom.
The right side, is the option's menu. These option effect the way DOOM
plays. It's here you setup the Episode, mission, etc. If you want to
leave DM, you can press <ESC> or <ALT-X> from the main menu. If you
want to save your current options, press <F2>!
Let's talk about the main menu. It has 9 differnt function you can
choose from. Here they are in detail.
"Just Play Doom" If you want to play a single player game, you would
select this option. DM would then launch DOOM, using the options from
the right. It's almost like typing "DOOM" at the dos prompt.
"Dial & Play via Modem" This is the first of 3 modem options. In
order to play a modem game, one person has to dial, the other has to
answer (or you need to use the already connect). This option will
transfer you to DM's phonebook. Here, you can select who you want to
dial, and DM will do the rest.
"Answer & Play via Modem" If you are the player who is going to BE
called, then select this option. You will be transfed to your serial
driver, and then you will answer the phone and play doom.
"Play via null-modem or if already connected" For those players who
want to connect in either a communication program, or DM's Dumb
Terminal, you need to select this option. Rember, both players must
already be connected. You can also use this option to play via null-
serial cable.
"Play via Network" If you are luckly enough to be able to play via
network, you can use DM. DM can handle up to 4 players, with any
network socket. And all Options (like random play) are available.
"Enter Terminal Mode" DM includes a simple "Dumb Terminal" that you
can use to connect with other players. Even though I do not thank
anyone actually uses this function, we left it in.
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Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
"Configure DOOM" This is one of the nicest features of DM! You can
configure almost anything DOOM can (with the exception of the keyboard,
joystick or mouse controls) from inside DM. We have also included a
quick modem config module to help setup your modem.
"CDROM Control Panel" We are the only DOOM shell that allows you to
control your CDROM drive from audio music while playing DOOM. If you
select this option, you will have access to a full-featured CDROM
"Launch an External DOOM Utility" New to DM 2.1 is the ability to run
other DOOM utilties (such as the dreaded SETUP.EXE, or DEU). You can
also use this to run any external dos program (such as SB16mix for
Soundblaster 16 users).
The following options can also be setup from the main menu. They
mostly have to do with how DOOM plays. They are...
"Skill" Select the skill level you wish to play at. "I'm too young to
DIE" is the easist, and "Nightmare" is hardest. You can select Random
Skill, but really, what's the point.
"Episode" You can choose any of the 3 original DOOM episodes, have DM
randomly pick one of them, you select External to load in External .WAD
files. When you select External, you will be prompted to select any
and all external .WAD files you wish to load in. See the section
called "External .WAD Support" for more information.
"Level" We had to expand the level selection system because of the
external wad files. But it's a plus. Use the Scrollbar (or cursor
keys) to select which level you want to play. If you have selected any
external .WAD files, the levels inside them will be displayed instead
of the normal descriptions. See the section called "External .WAD
Support" for more information.
"Random Level" Like in DM 2.0, you can have DM select the level for
you. But, DM 2.1 also can randomly select levels from External .Wad
files. If you have select more that one .WAD file (or a wad file that
contains more than mission) DM will randomly choose one of them.
"Respawn" You can make monsters Respawn at any level. In fact, Ultra-
Violence is quite good with Monsters that respawn. Of course
"Nightmare" automaticly has Respawn on.
"No Monsters" You can also turn all monsters off. This option is
great for deathmatch games.
"DeathMatch" Speaking of deathmatch, click here to play head to
head... mano-e-mano! To the death... EL MORTI! The only way to play.
"Load a Savegame" If you want to continue playing an old game, select
here. You will be prompted for the savegame when you launch doom.
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Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
"Record Demo" New to DM 2.1 is the ability to record .LMP demos. Now
you can show your friends just how good you really are.
"Playback Demo" Duh... think about it. See above for a hint.
As states eariler, you can press <F2> (or click on the message) to save
these options to disk. They will then be reloaded everytime you load
I think it a good time to talk about the hidden functions. I have
added some neat little jokes, screens, etc to DM 2.1! See if you can
find them....
There are 5 functions from the main menu that I need to explain more
about. Most (Like Answer) should be preaty obivious. If not, go back
to kindergarden. They are...
When you select this option from the main menu, you will be transfered
to the Doom/Master dialing directory. This is your phonebook where you
can store the names and numbers of your fellow moDoomers.
Use the cursor keys to select a player you wish to call, and press
ENTER. You will then launch your serial driver (is the section on
configuration for more information about this driver) and dial the
other player.
If you press <ALT-A>, you can add a player to your phonebook. A new
window will appear with 2 fields: Name and Phone number. Enter the
information about this player, and click on "Save" to keep him.
Pressing <ALT-R> from the dialing directory will allow you to edit a
player already in the book. It looks just like the screen you got when
you pressed <ALT-A>, but all the field are already filled in. Just
edit the information.
Press <ALT-D> to delete the currently selected player. You will be
prompted for confirmation before this actually happens.
If you want to dial someone just once, press <ALT-M> for a manual
dialing menu. Here, you will be prompted for just the phone number.
That's it.
If you press ESC from the dialing directory, you will be returned to
the main menu.
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Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
The next option we need to discuss is DM's Dumb Terminal. This was
actually added to help debug DM, and it's serial driver, but we decided
it was neat and left it in. The terminal gets all of it's settings
from your MODEM.CFG file. This way, you will be communicating at the
right speed/setup to just play doom.
DMTerminal starts with Line-Feeds turned on. This means than whenever
you press <ENTER>, DM will send advance to a new line. If this is
disable, you will simply return to the start of the old line. Press
<ALT-L> to toggle line-feeds on/off.
Echo is also turned on at the start. That's why you see double of
whatever you type. But, if you are connected, your text will be
invisible with out it. Press <ALT-E> to toggle echo on/off.
If you want to clear the screen, press <ALT-C>, and to hangup the
modem, press <ALT-H>! <ALT-D> to will transfer you to the dialing
directory. Only when you are done this time, you are transfed back to
the terminal. Press <HOME> to see a listing of all commands.
Now, a word about switching back vs. exiting. If you press <CTRL>-
<ENTER> in the terminal (or main menu) you will switch back and forth
between the two. This is so that you can then execute the "Already
Connected" function and play that way.
If however you press <ALT-X> in the terminal, the communication line
will be shut down, and the phone will be hung up.
Next up, is the DOOM Configuration menus. Here is here you setup
DOOM, DOOM/MASTER and your serial driver. New to DM 2.1 is the online
help for each item. Just look at the bottom of the screen for a
description of what this options does.
If you need help in configurating DM and DOOM for modem play, select
"Quick Config" You will be transfed to a menu that lists 100+ modems.
Just use the cursor keys to select your modem, and press enter.. and
WHAMO Instant modem config. You can use the DMTerminal to test it out
if you need to.
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Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
CDROM Control Panel
This is a personal favorite (since I added it just for me). You can
control your CDROM drive to play Audio CD's while playing DOOM. If you
have a CDROM, I really suggest using this option. It's the best way to
play. I suggest the following soundtracks to make play great...
Bram Stroker's Dracula Soundtrack
Army of Darkness Soundtrack
Carmina Burana Opera Soundtrack
Any Batman Soundtrack
Any Joe Satriani CD
Any Metallica CD
New to DM 2.1 is the ability to run any external DOOM utility (or
standard DOS file). It is accomplished from a menu that is just like
the DM PhoneBook.
In fact, you use the same commands. Use the cursor keys to select a
utility to launch. Press <ALT-A> to add a utility. <ALT-D> deletes
the currently highlighted utility, and <ALT-R> revises the information
about a utility.
If you press <ALT-A> (or <ALT-R>), you will see a new window with 3
fields. The first, is a short description of the Utility. The next,
is the filename (including full filepath: ie: C:\DOOM\SETUP.EXE) of the
utility. Last, if the utility needs a command line switch, add it in
the 3 field.
If you happen to find a bug, have an idea, or suggestion, comment,
hate-mail or want to get a modem game going, then you need to contact
Use at Simply Silly Software. Here is our information...
PO BOX 360
If you are going to call, please do so between the hours of 12:00noon
and 10:30pm EST! That is also my Home #, and since I work late writing
mortage software I like to sleep in. But I'm always happy to talk to a
user of DM.
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Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
You can also contact us our home BBS : Software Creations at...
"The Home of the Authors"
2400-14.4k HST US Robotics : (508) 368-7036
2400-16.8k V.32/V.42bis US Robotics : (508) 368-7139
14.4-28.8k V.32/V.42bis/V.fc Hayes Optima : (508) 365-9352
14.4-28.8k V.32/V.42bis/V.32terbo/V.fc US Robotics : (508) 368-3424
I suggest Email first. It's the cheapest, and I tend to check mail at
really odd hours (like 2am).
I'm a poor, student/programmer/actor who is trying to work his way
through college. I am fluent in C, 80x86 assembly, Pascal, Basic, etc,
ect. Currently, I writing "The Banker's Secret 3.0" for Good Advice
Press (If you want to save money on your mortage, call 914-758-1400).
Although I love to code, Acting and Directing is my first love. Look
for my first movie this summer.
There are many people I want to thank for helping me design, debug, and
create DM. Also, those people for putting up with me. They are...
John and Sean at ID Software, Russel Gilbert, Holly, everybody on AOL.
DoomMaster Credits...
Program Design, coding, Manual............ Joe Wilcox
Editing (in DM it'self)................... Holly O'Dell
Testing and Support....................... Rob,
and Lou.
If you find any typo's, spelling, etc in this manual, it's my fault.
But then I never could spell, or write...or speak...later.
Joe Wilcox
Simply Silly Software
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