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// CONFIG.CPP - INI-file handling routines
// Copyright (c) 1996 Daniel D. Miller
// Last Update: 10-14-95 11:37am
// Compile with makefile
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // strtol(), _splitpath(), _makepath()
#include <string.h>
#include "intsum.hpp"
#include "err_exit.hpp"
// #include <memcheck.h>
static char parse_text[81] ;
// .INI-file strings
// Note: INI groups will not be implemented in this application
uchar BORDER = 0x06 ;
uchar LOGO = 0x13 ;
uchar MAIN_TEXT = 0x02 ;
uchar SELECTED = 0x31 ;
uchar FILENAME = 0x1B ;
uchar MESSAGE = 0x1C ;
uchar INPUT = 0x34 ;
uchar HELP_TEXT = 0x07 ;
struct config_opt {
char* name ;
uchar* attr ;
} ;
// entries in [text]
config_opt text_group[] = {
{ "border", &BORDER },
{ "logo", &LOGO },
{ "main_text", &MAIN_TEXT },
{ "selected", &SELECTED },
{ "filename", &FILENAME },
{ "message", &MESSAGE },
{ "input", &INPUT },
{ "help_text", &HELP_TEXT },
{ "video_seg", NULL },
{ "list_dir", NULL },
{ NULL, NULL } } ;
//*************** function prototypes ***************
static int write_ini_values(char* ini_name);
static int init_config(char* ini_name);
static void parse_line(char* tptr);
// If INTSUM.INI exists in the appropriate directory,
// read it. Otherwise, write a default file in that place.
int read_ini_file(void)
char ini_name[128] ; //
int result = DATA_OKAY ;
_makepath (ini_name, inidrive, inipath, "intsum", ".INI") ;
// now, we believe we have determined an INI name.
// Try to open the file, and abort if it doesn't
// exist.
FILE* initest = fopen(ini_name, "rt") ;
if (initest == NULL)
// intsum.INI does not already exist;
// write the default file.
result = write_ini_values(ini_name) ;
// intsum.INI already exists
fclose(initest) ; // file is there - continue
result = init_config(ini_name) ;
return result ;
static int write_ini_values(char* ini_name)
FILE* inifile = fopen(ini_name, "wt") ;
if (inifile == NULL)
return(NO_WRITE_FILE) ;
fprintf(inifile, "; INTSUM.INI - default configuration file for INTSUM.EXE\n") ;
fprintf(inifile, "; All attributes must be in two-digit hex format, preceded by 0x,\n") ;
fprintf(inifile, "; as shown below. \n") ;
fprintf(inifile, "; Comments are marked with a semicolon. All data following a\n") ;
fprintf(inifile, "; semicolon is ignored to end of line.\n") ;
fprintf(inifile, "\n") ;
fprintf(inifile, "BORDER = 0x%02X ; window borders\n", BORDER) ;
fprintf(inifile, "LOGO = 0x%02X ; window banners\n", LOGO) ;
fprintf(inifile, "MAIN_TEXT = 0x%02X ; primary text color\n", MAIN_TEXT) ;
fprintf(inifile, "SELECTED = 0x%02X ; current cursor line\n", SELECTED) ;
fprintf(inifile, "FILENAME = 0x%02X ; filename in list window\n", FILENAME) ;
fprintf(inifile, "MESSAGE = 0x%02X ; status message color\n", MESSAGE) ;
fprintf(inifile, "INPUT = 0x%02X ; user input fields\n", INPUT) ;
fprintf(inifile, "HELP_TEXT = 0x%02X ; help-screen color\n", HELP_TEXT) ;
fprintf(inifile, "\n") ;
fprintf(inifile, "VIDEO_SEG = 0x%04X ; Video segment: 0xB800 or 0xB000\n",
get_video_seg()) ;
fprintf(inifile, "\n") ;
fprintf(inifile, "; Next line is path to Interrupt List files\n") ;
fprintf(inifile, "; NOTE: This path MUST end with a backslash!!\n") ;
fprintf(inifile, "LIST_DIR = %s%s ; path to Interrupt List files\n",
ildrive,ilpath) ;
fclose(inifile) ;
return END_OF_FILE ;
static int init_config(char* ini_name)
if (ini_name == NULL)
error_exit(NO_INI_FILE, NULL) ;
FILE* inifile = fopen(ini_name, "rt") ;
if (inifile == NULL)
error_exit(NO_INI_FILE, ini_name) ;
// Each subsequent call to parse_ini will return one
// line from the file, or END_OF_FILE when finished.
while (fgets(parse_text, 80, inifile) != NULL)
int len = strlen(parse_text) ;
if (parse_text[len-1] == 0x0D || parse_text[len-1] == 0x0A)
parse_text[len-1] = NULL ; // strip off newline char
parse_line(parse_text) ; // remove comments, spaces, tabs
if (strlen(parse_text) > 0) // get next line (skip blank line)
// separate option name and value
char* strptr = strchr(parse_text, '=') ;
if (strptr == NULL)
return BAD_FORMAT ;
*strptr++ = NULL ;
// search for optname in option-name list
config_opt *textptr = &text_group[0] ;
int j = 0 ;
int done = 0 ;
while (!done)
// if at end of config-options list,
// go to next line from input file.
// This implies an unknown option, which we just ignore
if (textptr->name == NULL)
done = 1 ;
// if matching line is found, process it
else if (strcmp(textptr->name, parse_text) == 0)
// if attribute is NULL, this is not a color item.
if (textptr->attr == NULL)
// if current element is video_seg,
// call the setting function as well.
if (strcmp(textptr->name, "video_seg") == 0)
unsigned vseg = (unsigned) strtol(strptr, NULL, 0) ;
select_video_seg(vseg) ;
// strcpy(int_list_dir, strptr) ;
_splitpath(strptr, ildrive, ilpath, NULL, NULL) ;
// if attrib is NOT NULL, it's a color item
*(textptr->attr) = (uchar) strtol(strptr, NULL, 0) ;
done = 1 ;
// if matching line not yet found, try next line item
textptr = &text_group[++j] ;
} // if current line is not blank after stripping comments
} // while looping thru ini-file
fclose(inifile) ;
return DATA_OKAY ;
// This routine parses the string pointed to by (tptr).
// The following tasks are performed:
// - remove everything from the first semicolon.
// - remove all spaces and tabs between SOL and EOL.
// - convert remaining line to lower case.
static void parse_line(char* tptr)
int head=0, tail=0, done=0 ;
if ((*(tptr+tail) == ';') || (*(tptr+tail) == NULL))
*(tptr+head) = NULL ;
done = 1 ;
else if ((*(tptr+tail) == ' ') || (*(tptr+tail) == 0x09 ))
tail++ ;
if (tail > head)
*(tptr+head) = *(tptr+tail) ;
head++ ;
tail++ ;
while (!done);
strlwr(tptr) ;