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// INTSUM.HPP - Data and function declarations for INTSUM app.
// Written by: Daniel D. Miller
// Last Update: 10-14-95 12:30pm
// Compile with makefile
#define cur_version "1.6"
#define Version " Interrupt Summary Version " cur_version ", by Daniel D. Miller, Copyright (c) 1995 "
#define THANKS_MESSAGE "Thank you for using INTSUM version " cur_version " !!"
// #include <memcheck.h>
#define uchar unsigned char
#define ulong unsigned long
#define IFF
#define THENN ?
#define ELSSE :
#define TAB 9
// size of data buffers
extern const long BFR_SIZE ;
// size of reverse read must be smaller than size of normal
// read, so we are assured of finding current-line in our search.
extern const long REV_SIZE ;
extern const int LOOP_FOREVER ;
#define IS_TRUE != 0
//lint -e723
#define IS_FALSE == 0
//******************** file-reading constants ***********************
#define DATA_OKAY 0
#define FILE_OKAY 0
// define OUT_OF_MEMORY 1 - duplicates errorcode from above
// define BAD_FORMAT 2 - duplicates errorcode from above
#define UNUSED_CODE 3
#define OPEN_FAILED 4
#define END_OF_FILE 6
// Block reads usually under-shoot the actual buffer size
// by a certain amount, and that number of bytes is read
// into a separate buffer. The reason for that is so I can
// search for end-of-line characters and tack them onto the
// end of the read buffer, ensuring that each buffer always
// contains complete lines. This allows me to gain the speed
// advantage of block reads, without having to deal with
// partial lines in the program as a whole.
// The constant <UNDERSHOOT> is the number of bytes by which I
// under-read the block read, and read separately into the line
// buffer. This value needs to be larger than the longest possible
// line in the input file.
#define UNDERSHOOT 100
extern char rdtemp[UNDERSHOOT] ;
// used by one-line message functions and partial screen-clear
extern char spaces[121] ; // 120 spaces long
struct int_sum_line
char file ; // if ' ', use single list file,
// else use INTERRUP.<FILE>.
// unsigned long line ; // byte offset into interrupt file.
char foffset[8] ; // byte offset into interrupt file
char null_term ; // leave space to NULL-terminate the string
char data[81] ; // data to display onscreen.
union sum_conv
char instr[sizeof(struct int_sum_line)] ;
struct int_sum_line idx;
extern const unsigned last_ref_char ;
extern const unsigned isl_lines ;
// reference-file data struct
struct refs
sum_conv *bfr[2] ; // forward and aft parsed buffers
unsigned lines[2] ; // number of lines of data in parsed buffers
int cur_bfr ; // 0 or 1
unsigned offset ; // into current buffer
// file pointers used by fsetpos()
long hdptr[2] ;
long tlptr[2] ;
} ;
extern refs ref ;
// list-file data struct
struct lines
char instr[81] ;
struct lists
lines *bfr[2] ; // forward and aft parsed buffers
unsigned lines[2] ; // number of lines of data in parsed buffers
int cur_bfr ; // 0 or 1
unsigned offset ; // into current buffer
// file pointers used by fsetpos()
long hdptr[2] ;
long tlptr[2] ;
} ;
extern lists list ;
extern const unsigned list_lines ;
// make this global so scrolling fcns can get to it.
extern FILE* lfile ;
// string-search data struct
struct searchs
sum_conv *bfr ;
unsigned lines ; // number of lines of data in parsed buffers
unsigned offset ; // line in current buffer
// file pointers used by fsetpos()
long hdptr ;
long tlptr ;
} ;
extern searchs search ;
// raw-data read buffer
extern char* readptr ;
// misc data strings
extern char tempstr[128] ; // scratchpad string
extern char oldstr[128] ; // used by reverse_search routines
extern char inipath[64] ;
extern char inidrive[4] ;
extern char ilpath[64] ;
extern char ildrive[4] ;
extern "C" unsigned screen_rows ;
extern "C" unsigned screen_cols ;
extern uchar MAIN_TEXT ;
extern uchar SELECTED ;
extern uchar LOGO ;
extern uchar FILENAME ;
extern uchar MESSAGE ;
extern uchar INPUT ;
extern uchar HELP_TEXT ;
// display structs
extern const unsigned DATA_TOP ;
struct vidptr
unsigned currow ; // screen offset from DATA_TOP
} ;
extern vidptr ivideo ;
extern unsigned window_rows ; // data lines, not counting header
extern FILE* index ;
// screen text
extern char* logo ;
extern char* dividers ;
extern char* header ;
extern char* dividerd ;
extern char* list_header ;
extern char* list_dividerd ;
ulong make_laddr(char* instr);
int seek_next_line(FILE* infile);
unsigned fill_read_buffer(FILE* infile);
unsigned fill_search_buffer(FILE* infile);
void build_index(void);
void display_logo(void);
void display_list_file(void);
unsigned convert_lines(char* inbfr, unsigned rcount);
int read_ini_file(void);
void back_up_buffer1(void);
int search_ref_buffers(char *srchstr);
void search_ref_file(char *srchstr);
void fill_ref_buffers(fpos_t pos);
void scroll_page_up(void);
void scroll_page_down(void);
void display_ref_file(void);
unsigned fill_ref_bfr(unsigned bfr_flag);
void process_list_file(int list_mode, char *save_file);
unsigned fill_list_bfr(unsigned bfr_flag);
void fill_ref_bfr_rev(void);
void fill_list_bfr_rev(void);
void scroll_list_down(void);
void scroll_list_up(void);
void display_help(void);
unsigned message_read(char* msg_str, char* instr);
void message_show(char* msg_str);
extern "C" int strstri(const char far* str1, const char far* str2);
extern "C" {
void home_cursor(void);
uchar get_char_attr(void) ;
void mark_cursor_line(unsigned row, uchar attr) ;
void get_vsize(void) ;
void select_video_seg(unsigned vseg) ;
unsigned get_video_seg(void) ;
void clear_display(uchar cattr) ;
void dgotoxy(unsigned x, unsigned y) ;
void dprintc(unsigned x, unsigned y, uchar attr, char outchr) ;
void dprints(unsigned x, unsigned y, uchar attr, char* outstr) ;
void hide_cursor(void);
unsigned get_key(void);
int key_hit(void);