Declare Function cEnumObjects Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Frm As Form, ByVal NameIndexFormat As Integer, ByVal FirstNext As Integer, ObjectNameIndex As String, Obj As Object) As Integer
Declare Function cObjectGetBoolean Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Property As String) As Boolean
Declare Function cObjectGetByte Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Property As String) As Byte
Declare Function cObjectGetInteger Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Property As String) As Integer
Declare Function cObjectGetLong Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Property As String) As Long
Declare Function cObjectGetString Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Property As String) As String
Declare Function cObjectGetStringW Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Property As String) As String
Declare Function cObjectGetVariant Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Property As String) As Variant
Declare Function cObjectGetIndex Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object) As Integer
Declare Function cGetObjCaption Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object) As String
Declare Function cGetObjContainer Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object) As String
Declare Function cGetObjParent Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object) As String
Declare Function cGetObjTag Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object) As String
Declare Function cGetObjText Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object) As String
Declare Function cGetObjDataField Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object) As String
Declare Function cGetObjDataSource Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object) As String
Declare Function cGetObjName Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object) As String
Declare Function cGetObjIndex Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object) As Integer
Declare Function cGetObjNameIndex Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object) As String
Declare Function cGetObjNameIndex2 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object) As String
Declare Function cGetObjClassName Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object) As String
Declare Sub cObjectPutBoolean Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Property As String, ByVal Value As Boolean)
Declare Sub cObjectPutByte Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Property As String, ByVal Value As Byte)
Declare Sub cObjectPutInteger Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Property As String, ByVal Value As Integer)
Declare Sub cObjectPutLong Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Property As String, ByVal Value As Long)
Declare Sub cObjectPutString Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Property As String, ByVal Value As String)
Declare Sub cObjectPutVariant Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Property As String, ByVal Value As Variant)
Declare Sub cPutObjCaption Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Value As String)
Declare Sub cPutObjDataField Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Value As String)
Declare Sub cPutObjDataSource Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Value As String)
Declare Sub cPutObjTag Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Value As String)
Declare Sub cPutObjText Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Value As String)
Declare Sub cObjectMethod Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal Method As String, ByVal Value As Variant)
Declare Sub cDisableFI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object)
Declare Sub cEnableFI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object)
Declare Function cCloseAllEditForm Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cHideAllEditForm Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cHideDebugForm Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cUnHideAllEditForm Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cUnHideDebugForm Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Sub cEnableForm Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long)
Declare Sub cEnableRedraw Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long)
Declare Sub cObjEnableRedraw Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object)
Declare Sub cDisableForm Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long)
Declare Sub cDisableRedraw Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long)
Declare Sub cObjDisableRedraw Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object)
Public Enum mcGradientGranularityEnum
mcDefault = 0
mcHigh = 1
mcMedium = 2
mcLow = 3
mcVeryLow = 4
End Enum
Public Enum mcGradientStyleEnum
mcNoneGradient = 0
mcLeftHGradient = 1
mcRightHGradient = 2
mcTopVGradient = 3
mcBottomVGradient = 4
mcInnerHGradient = 5
mcOuterHGradient = 6
mcInnerVGradient = 7
mcOuterVGradient = 8
End Enum
Declare Sub cGradient Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal iLeft As Integer, ByVal iTop As Integer, ByVal iWidth As Integer, ByVal iHeight As Integer, ByVal iGradientStyle As Integer, ByVal iGradientGranularity As Integer, ByVal lGradientColor As Long)
Declare Sub cTitleGradient Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hIcon As Long, ByVal iGradientStyle As Integer, ByVal iGradientGranularity As Integer, ByVal lGradientColor As Long)
' windows 95 / windows NT 4.00
' definition for shortcut file
' structure for windows 95 memory
dwLength As Long 'sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS)
dwMemoryLoad As Long 'percent of memory in use
dwTotalPhys As Long 'bytes of physical memory
dwAvailPhys As Long 'free physical memory bytes
dwTotalPageFile As Long 'bytes of paging file
dwAvailPageFile As Long 'free bytes of paging file
dwTotalVirtual As Long 'user bytes of address space
dwAvailVirtual As Long 'free user bytes
End Type
' structure for tray bar
Public Const TRAYBAR_HIDE = -1
Public Const TRAYBAR_SHOW = 0
' structure for os platform id
Public Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s = 0
Public Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT = 2
Declare Sub cExplorerAddToRecentDocs Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String)
Declare Sub cExplorerClearAllRecentDocs Lib "t2win-32.dll" ()
Declare Sub cMemoryStatus Lib "t2win-32.dll" (MEMORYSTATUS As tagMEMORYSTATUS)
Declare Sub cMultitasksKeys Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal status As Integer)
Declare Function cPBFileCopy Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWndParent As Long, ByVal FileNameIn As String, ByVal FileNameOut As String) As Integer
Declare Function cDBFileCopy Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Title As String, ByVal CaptionFrom As String, ByVal CaptionTo As String, ByVal CaptionButton As String, ByVal FileNameIn As String, ByVal FileNameOut As String) As Integer
Declare Function cGetFileDisplayName Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As String
Declare Function cGetFileTypeName Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As String
Declare Function cGetOSBuildNumber Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Long
Declare Function cGetOSCSDVersion Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetOSMajorVersion Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Long
Declare Function cGetOSMinorVersion Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Long
Declare Function cGetOSVersion Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetOSPlatformId Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Long
Declare Function cGetOSPlatformName Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cIsCapsLockOn Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cIsInsertOn Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cIsNumLockOn Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cIsScrollLockOn Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cIsWin95OSR2 Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cSetInsert Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal iOnOff As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cSetCapsLock Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal iOnOff As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cSetNumLock Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal iOnOff As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cSetScrollLock Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal iOnOff As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cShortcutFileGetInfo Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal pszShortcutFile As String, ByVal nFunction As Integer) As String
Declare Function cShortcutFileGetArguments Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal pszShortcutFile As String) As String
Declare Function cShortcutFileGetDescription Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal pszShortcutFile As String) As String
Declare Function cShortcutFileGetPath Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal pszShortcutFile As String) As String
Declare Function cShortcutFileGetPath83 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal pszShortcutFile As String) As String
Declare Function cShortcutFileGetWorkingDir Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal pszShortcutFile As String) As String
Declare Function cShortcutFileSetInfo Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal pszShortcutFile As String, ByVal pszValue As String, ByVal nFunction As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cShortcutFileSetArguments Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal pszShortcutFile As String, ByVal pszValue As String) As Integer
Declare Function cShortcutFileSetDescription Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal pszShortcutFile As String, ByVal pszValue As String) As Integer
Declare Function cShortcutFileSetPath Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal pszShortcutFile As String, ByVal pszValue As String) As Integer
Declare Function cShortcutFileSetWorkingDir Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal pszShortcutFile As String, ByVal pszValue As String) As Integer
Declare Sub cTrayBar Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal HideOrShow As Integer)
' file
' definition for error type for ISFileNameVALID
Public Const IFV_ERROR = 0
Public Const IFV_NAME_TOO_LONG = 1
Public Const IFV_EXT_TOO_LONG = 2
Public Const IFV_BAD_COLON_POS = 5
' definition for sFile attributes
Public Const A_RDONLY = &H1 'Read only file
Public Const A_HIDDEN = &H2 'Hidden file
Public Const A_SYSTEM = &H4 'System file
Public Const A_SUBDIR = &H10 'Subdirectory
Public Const A_ARCHIVE = &H20 'Archive file
Public Const A_NORMAL = &H80 'Normal sFile - No read/write restrictions
Public Const A_COMPRESSED = &H800 'Compressed file
Public Const A_NORMAL_ARCHIVE = &HFE 'Normal, Archive
Public Const A_ALL = &HFF 'Normal, Archive, Read-Only, Hidden, System
' definition for drive type
Public Const DRIVE_UNKNOWN = 0
Public Const DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR = 1
Public Const DRIVE_REMOVABLE = 2
Public Const DRIVE_FIXED = 3
Public Const DRIVE_REMOTE = 4
Public Const DRIVE_CDROM = 5
Public Const DRIVE_RAMDISK = 6
' definition for sFile sort
Public Const SORT_ASCENDING = 1
Public Const SORT_DESCENDING = 2
' definition for sFile I/O
Public Const EOFILE = -1
Public Const SEEK_CUR = 1
Public Const SEEK_END = 2
Public Const SEEK_SET = 0
' definition for sFile uucp
Public Const MODE_UUENCODE = 0
Public Const MODE_UUDECODE = 1
' definition for FilesCopy
Public Const FC_DISPLAY_2_LINES = 8
' definition for FilesMove
Public Const FM_DISPLAY_2_LINES = 8
' definition for error type for SplitFile
Public Const SPLIT_BAD_PARTSIZE = -1
' definition for error type for CutFile
Public Const CUT_BAD_POSITION = -1
Public Const CUT_POSITION_TOO_BIG = -5
Public Const CUT_CANT_OPEN_SOURCE = -6
' definition for error type for CopyFilePart
Public Const COPY_BAD_POSITION = -1
' definition for error type for GetFileDateTime
Public Const GET_FILE_DT_NO_ERROR = -1
' definition for error type for SetFileDateTime
Public Const SET_FILE_DT_NO_ERROR = -1
' definition for error type for FileMergeExt
Public Const FILE_MERGE_NO_ERROR = -1
' structure for sFile attributes
Type FileAttributeType
ErrNo As Integer
Archive As Integer
Hidden As Integer
Normal As Integer
ReadOnly As Integer
SubDir As Integer
System As Integer
Compressed As Integer
End Type
' structure for split path
nDrive As String
nDir As String
nName As String
nExt As String
End Type
' structure for GetFileDateTime & SetFileDateTime
wYear As Integer
wMonth As Integer
wDayOfWeek As Integer
wDay As Integer
wHour As Integer
wMinute As Integer
wSecond As Integer
wMilliseconds As Integer
End Type
Declare Function cAllSubDirectories Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpBaseDirectory As String, nDir As Long) As String
Declare Function cChDir Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpDir As String) As Integer
Declare Function cChDrive Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpDrive As String) As Integer
Declare Function cCmpFileAttribute Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String) As Integer
Declare Function cCmpFileContents Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cCmpFileSize Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String) As Integer
Declare Function cCmpFileTime Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String) As Integer
Declare Function cCountDirectories Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Integer
Declare Function cCountFiles Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Integer
Declare Function cCutFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal SourceFile As String, ByVal TargetFile1 As String, ByVal TargetFile2 As String, ByVal CutPosition As Long) As Long
Declare Function cFileChangeChars Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, CharSet As String, NewCharSet As String, ByVal nFileTemp As String) As Long
Declare Function cFileCompressTab Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String, ByVal nTab As Long) As Long
Declare Function cFileCopy Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String) As Long
Declare Function cFileCopy2 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String) As Long
Declare Function cFileDateCreated Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As String
Declare Function cFileDrive Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As String
Declare Function cFileExpandTab Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String, ByVal nTab As Long) As Long
Declare Function cFileFilter Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String, Filter As String) As Long
Declare Function cFileFilterNot Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String, Filter As String) As Long
Declare Function cFileForceCopy Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String, ByVal ForceOrNot As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cFileGetAttrib Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, nFileAttribute As Any) As Integer
Declare Function cFileLastDateAccess Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As String
Declare Function cFileLastDateModified Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As String
Declare Function cFileLastTimeAccess Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As String
Declare Function cFileLastTimeModified Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As String
Declare Function cFileLineCount Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Long
Declare Function cFileLineCount2 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Long
Declare Function cFileMerge Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String, ByVal FileTo As String) As Long
Declare Function cFileMergeExt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (FileArray() As String, ByVal TargetFile As String) As Long
Declare Function cFileMove Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String) As Long
Declare Function cFilePartAppend Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal SourceFile As String, ByVal TargetFile As String, ByVal Offset As Long, ByVal FirstPart As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cFilePartCopy Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal SourceFile As String, ByVal TargetFile As String, ByVal Offset As Long, ByVal FirstPart As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cFilePathExists Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFileResetAllAttrib Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFileResetArchive Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFileResetFlag Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal nStatus As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cFileResetHidden Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFileResetReadOnly Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFileResetSystem Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFileScanHeader Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal Search As String, ByVal FieldSep As String, StartLine As Long, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As String
Declare Function cFileScanHeaderForRecipients Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal Search As String, ByVal FieldSep As String, ByVal ExtractOnlyAddress As Integer, ByVal ExtractAddressSep As String, StartLine As Long, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As String
Declare Function cFileSearch Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal Search As String, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cFileSearchAndReplace Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal Search As String, ByVal Replace As String, ByVal nFileTemp As String, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cFileSearchCount Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal Search As String, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cFileSearchFromLine Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal Search As String, StartLine As Long, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As String
Declare Function cFileSearchPatternFromLine Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal Search As String, StartLine As Long, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As String
Declare Function cFileSetAllAttrib Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFileSetArchive Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFileSetAttrib Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, nFileAttribute As Any) As Integer
Declare Function cFileSetFlag Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal nStatus As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cFileSetHidden Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFileSetReadOnly Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFileSetSystem Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFileSize Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Long
Declare Function cFileSort Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileIn As String, ByVal FileOut As String, ByVal SortMethod As Integer, ByVal RecordLength As Long, ByVal KeyOffset As Long, ByVal KeyLength As Long, rRecords As Long) As Long
Declare Function cFileStatistics Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, nLines As Long, nWords As Long, nChars As Long) As Long
Declare Function cFileTimeCreated Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As String
Declare Function cFileToLower Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String) As Long
Declare Function cFileToUpper Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String) As Long
Declare Function cFileUUCP Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename1 As String, ByVal lpFilename2 As String, ByVal EncodeDecode As Integer, ByVal HeaderOrNot As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cFilesCopy Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal SourcePath As String, ByVal DestinationPath As String, ByVal CopyPattern As String, ByVal Flags As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cFilesCopyExt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal SourcePath As String, ByVal DestinationPath As String, ByVal CopyPattern As String, ByVal Flags As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cFilesInDirOnDisk Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFile As String, ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal nAttribute As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cFilesInDirToArray Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal nAttribute As Integer, FileArray() As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFilesInDirectory Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal FirstNext As Integer) As String
Declare Function cFilesMove Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal SourcePath As String, ByVal DestinationPath As String, ByVal MovePattern As String, ByVal Flags As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cFilesMoveExt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Obj As Object, ByVal SourcePath As String, ByVal DestinationPath As String, ByVal CopyPattern As String, ByVal Flags As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cFilesSize Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Double
Declare Function cFilesSizeOnDisk Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Double
Declare Function cFilesSlack Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, Size1 As Double, Size2 As Double) As Integer
Declare Function cFullPath Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As String
Declare Function cGetDiskClusterSize Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpDrive As String) As Double
Declare Function cGetDiskFree Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpDrive As String) As Double
Declare Function cGetDiskSpace Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpDrive As String) As Double
Declare Function cGetDiskUsed Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpDrive As String) As Double
Declare Function cGetDriveType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpDrive As String) As Integer
Declare Function cGetFileDateTime Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, SysCreation As Any, SysLastAccess As Any, SysLastWrite As Any) As Integer
Declare Function cIsFilenameValid Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cKillDir Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Integer
Declare Function cKillDirFilesAll Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpDir As String, ByVal lpMask As String) As Integer
Declare Function cKillDirs Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpDir As String, ByVal HeaderDirectory As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cKillFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Integer
Declare Function cKillFileAll Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Integer
Declare Function cKillFiles Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Integer
Declare Function cKillFilesAll Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Integer
Declare Function cMakeDir Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Integer
Declare Function cMakeMultipleDir Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Integer
Declare Function cMakePath Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nDrive As String, ByVal nDir As String, ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal Ext As String) As String
Declare Function cRcsCountFileDir Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileOrDir As Integer, ByVal FirstFileOrDir As String, ByVal MaskDir As String, ByVal Recurse As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cRcsFilesSize Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FirstDir As String, ByVal MaskDir As String, ByVal Recurse As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cRcsFilesSizeOnDisk Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FirstDir As String, ByVal MaskDir As String, ByVal Recurse As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cRcsFilesSlack Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FirstDir As String, ByVal MaskDir As String, ByVal Recurse As Integer, Size1 As Double, Size2 As Double) As Integer
Declare Function cRenameFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename1 As String, ByVal lpFilename2 As String) As Integer
Declare Function cSearchDir Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpStartPath As String, ByVal lpFileMask As String, ByVal lpFileResult As String) As Long
Declare Function cSearchFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpStartPath As String, ByVal lpFileMask As String, ByVal lpFileResult As String) As Long
Declare Function cSearchFileAttrib Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpStartPath As String, ByVal lpFileMask As String, ByVal iSearchAttribute As Integer, ByVal lpFileResult As String) As Long
Declare Function cSetFileDateTime Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, SysCreation As Any, SysLastAccess As Any, SysLastWrite As Any) As Integer
Declare Function cSplitFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal SourceFile As String, ByVal TargetFiles As String, ByVal PartSize As Long) As Long
Declare Function cSplitPath Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, SPLITPATH As Any) As Integer
Declare Function cSubDirectory Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal FirstNext As Integer) As String
Declare Function cTruncatePath Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal NewLength As Long) As String
Declare Function cUniqueFileName Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cWriteLogFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal sSection As String, ByVal sEntry As String, ByVal sLogEntry As String, ByVal sLogFile As String) As Integer
' binary
Declare Function cCreateBits Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nBits As Long) As String
Declare Function cFindBitReset Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long) As Long
Declare Function cFindBitSet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long) As Long
Declare Function cGetBit Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cGetBitB Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Byte, ByVal Position As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cGetBitD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Double, ByVal Position As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cGetBitI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Integer, ByVal Position As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cGetBitL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Long, ByVal Position As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cGetBitS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Single, ByVal Position As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cGetBitB2 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Byte, ByVal Position As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cGetBitI2 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Integer, ByVal Position As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cGetBitL2 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Long, ByVal Position As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cGiveBitPalindrome Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cIsBitPalindrome Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Sub cReverseAllBits Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String)
Declare Sub cReverseAllBitsByChar Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String)
Declare Sub cSetAllBits Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Value As Integer)
Declare Sub cSetBit Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long, ByVal Value As Integer)
Declare Sub cSetBitToFalse Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long)
Declare Sub cSetBitToTrue Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long)
Declare Sub cSetBitB Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As Byte, ByVal Position As Integer, ByVal BitValue As Integer)
Declare Sub cSetBitD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As Double, ByVal Position As Integer, ByVal BitValue As Integer)
Declare Sub cSetBitI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As Integer, ByVal Position As Integer, ByVal BitValue As Integer)
Declare Sub cSetBitL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As Long, ByVal Position As Integer, ByVal BitValue As Integer)
Declare Sub cSetBitS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As Single, ByVal Position As Integer, ByVal BitValue As Integer)
Declare Sub cSetBitB2 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As Byte, ByVal Position As Integer, ByVal BitValue As Integer)
Declare Sub cSetBitI2 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As Integer, ByVal Position As Integer, ByVal BitValue As Integer)
Declare Sub cSetBitL2 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As Long, ByVal Position As Integer, ByVal BitValue As Integer)
Declare Sub cToggleAllBits Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String)
Declare Sub cToggleBit Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long)
Declare Function cB2I Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cB2L Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String) As Long
Declare Function cI2B Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Integer) As String
Declare Function cL2B Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Long) As String
Declare Function cFromBinary Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cFromBinary2 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Bin As String) As String
Declare Function cToBinary Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cToBinary2 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Bin As String) As String
' compress
Declare Function cASHFileCompress Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String, ByVal order As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cASHFileExpand Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String, ByVal order As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cFileCompress Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String) As Long
Declare Function cFileExpand Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String) As Long
Declare Function cGZIPFileCompress Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String) As Long
Declare Function cGZIPFileExpand Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String) As Long
Declare Function cGZIPStringCompress Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cGZIPStringExpand Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cLZARIcompress Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String) As Long
Declare Function cLZARIexpand Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String) As Long
Declare Function cStringCompress Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cStringExpand Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
' timer
Declare Function cCheckWait Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nTimer As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cReadBasisTimer Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Long
Declare Function cReadTimer Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nTimer As Integer) As Long
Declare Sub cSetWait Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nTimer As Integer, ByVal nValue As Long)
Declare Function cSleep Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal delay As Long) As Integer
Declare Sub cStartBasisTimer Lib "t2win-32.dll" ()
Declare Sub cStartTimer Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nTimer As Integer)
Declare Sub cStartWait Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nTimer As Integer)
Declare Sub cStopBasisTimer Lib "t2win-32.dll" ()
Declare Function cStopTimer Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nTimer As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cTimerClose Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal TimerHandle As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cTimerOpen Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cTimerRead Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal TimerHandle As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cTimerStart Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal TimerHandle As Integer) As Integer
Public Const STA_VT_BOOLEAN = -STA_BOOLEAN ' internal size = 16
Public Const STA_VT_BYTE = -STA_BYTE ' internal size = 16
Public Const STA_VT_INTEGER = -STA_INTEGER ' internal size = 16
Public Const STA_VT_LONG = -STA_LONG ' internal size = 16
Public Const STA_VT_SINGLE = -STA_SINGLE ' internal size = 16
Public Const STA_VT_DOUBLE = -STA_DOUBLE ' internal size = 16
Public Const STA_VT_CURRENCY = -STA_CURRENCY ' internal size = 16
Public Const STA_VT_DATE = -STA_DATE ' internal size = 16
Public Const STA_VT_FIXSTRING_CI = -STA_VARSTRING_CI ' internal size = 16
Public Const STA_VT_FIXSTRING_CS = -STA_VARSTRING_CS ' internal size = 16
Public Const STA_VT_VARSTRING_CI = -STA_VARSTRING_CI ' internal size = 16
Public Const STA_VT_VARSTRING_CS = -STA_VARSTRING_CS ' internal size = 16
Public Const STA_VT_FIXSTRING_NUMBER = -STA_VARSTRING_NUMBER ' internal size = 16
Public Const STA_VT_VARSTRING_NUMBER = -STA_VARSTRING_NUMBER ' internal size = 16
' structure for VB array
Type ArrayType
Bounds As Long
LBound As Integer
UBound As Integer
ElemSize As Integer
IndexCount As Integer
TotalElem As Integer
End Type
' structure for SortTypedArray
RecordLength As Long ' internal use
ActualKey As Integer ' internal use
PreviousKey As Integer ' internal use
KeyOffset(1 To 7) As Integer ' 0 is the higher key, 1 is the lower key
KeyLength(1 To 7) As Integer ' length of the key (only for fixed string)
KeyType(1 To 7) As Integer ' type of the key (see standard/variant data type)
KeyOrder(1 To 7) As Integer ' -1 is reverse order, 0 is not used, 1 is ascending order
End Type
Declare Function cAddD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double, ByVal nValue As Double) As Integer
Declare Function cAddI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer, ByVal nValue As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cAddL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long, ByVal nValue As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cAddS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single, ByVal nValue As Single) As Integer
Declare Function cArrayLookUp Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Strarray() As String, ByVal Value As String, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As String
Declare Function cArrayOnDisk Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal sFile As String, Tarray() As Any, ByVal GetPut As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cArrayPrm Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Tarray() As Any, nArray As ArrayType) As Integer
Declare Function cArrayStringOnDisk Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal sFile As String, Strarray() As String, ByVal GetPut As Integer, rRecords As Long) As Long
Declare Function cCountD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double, ByVal Value As Double) As Long
Declare Function cCountI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer, ByVal Value As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cCountL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long, ByVal Value As Long) As Long
Declare Function cCountS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single, ByVal Value As Single) As Long
Declare Function cDeviationD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double) As Double
Declare Function cDeviationI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cDeviationL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long) As Double
Declare Function cDeviationS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single) As Double
Declare Function cFillD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double, ByVal nValue As Double) As Integer
Declare Function cFillI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer, ByVal nValue As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cFillL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long, ByVal nValue As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cFillS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single, ByVal nValue As Single) As Integer
Declare Function cFillIncrD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double, ByVal nValue As Double, ByVal Increment As Double) As Integer
Declare Function cFillIncrI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer, ByVal nValue As Integer, ByVal Increment As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cFillIncrL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long, ByVal nValue As Long, ByVal Increment As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cFillIncrS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single, ByVal nValue As Single, ByVal Increment As Single) As Integer
Declare Function cMaxD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double) As Double
Declare Function cMaxI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cMaxL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long) As Long
Declare Function cMaxS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single) As Single
Declare Function cMaxNotXD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double, ByVal ValueNotToReturn As Double) As Double
Declare Function cMaxNotXI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer, ByVal ValueNotToReturn As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cMaxNotXL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long, ByVal ValueNotToReturn As Long) As Long
Declare Function cMaxNotXS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single, ByVal ValueNotToReturn As Single) As Single
Declare Function cMeanD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double) As Double
Declare Function cMeanI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cMeanL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long) As Double
Declare Function cMeanS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single) As Double
Declare Function cMinD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double) As Double
Declare Function cMinI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cMinL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long) As Long
Declare Function cMinS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single) As Single
Declare Function cMinNotXD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double, ByVal ValueNotToReturn As Double) As Double
Declare Function cMinNotXI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer, ByVal ValueNotToReturn As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cMinNotXL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long, ByVal ValueNotToReturn As Long) As Long
Declare Function cMinNotXS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single, ByVal ValueNotToReturn As Single) As Single
Declare Function cReverseSortD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double) As Integer
Declare Function cReverseSortI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cReverseSortL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cReverseSortS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single) As Integer
Declare Function cRmvDupD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double, ByVal UseFileTemp As Integer, ByVal FileTemp As String, ByVal AutomaticResize As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cRmvDupI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer, ByVal UseFileTemp As Integer, ByVal FileTemp As String, ByVal AutomaticResize As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cRmvDupL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long, ByVal UseFileTemp As Integer, ByVal FileTemp As String, ByVal AutomaticResize As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cRmvDupS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single, ByVal UseFileTemp As Integer, ByVal FileTemp As String, ByVal AutomaticResize As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cSearchD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double, ByVal Value As Double) As Long
Declare Function cSearchI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer, ByVal Value As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cSearchL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long, ByVal Value As Long) As Long
Declare Function cSearchS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single, ByVal Value As Single) As Long
Declare Function cSearchStr Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Strarray() As String, ByVal Value As String, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cSetD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double, ByVal nValue As Double) As Integer
Declare Function cSetI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer, ByVal nValue As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cSetL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long, ByVal nValue As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cSetS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single, ByVal nValue As Single) As Integer
Declare Function cShiftLeftB Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Barray() As Byte, ByVal nValue As Byte) As Integer
Declare Function cShiftLeftD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double, ByVal nValue As Double) As Integer
Declare Function cShiftLeftI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer, ByVal nValue As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cShiftLeftL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long, ByVal nValue As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cShiftLeftS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single, ByVal nValue As Single) As Integer
Declare Function cShiftRightB Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Barray() As Byte, ByVal nValue As Byte) As Integer
Declare Function cShiftRightD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double, ByVal nValue As Double) As Integer
Declare Function cShiftRightI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer, ByVal nValue As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cShiftRightL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long, ByVal nValue As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cShiftRightS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single, ByVal nValue As Single) As Integer
Declare Function cSortD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double) As Integer
Declare Function cSortI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cSortL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cSortS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single) As Integer
Declare Function cSumD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Darray() As Double) As Double
Declare Function cSumI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Iarray() As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cSumL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Larray() As Long) As Double
Declare Function cSumS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Sarray() As Single) As Double
Declare Function cSortTypedArray Lib "t2win-32.dll" (TypedArray() As Any, ConfigArray As tagCONFIGARRAY) As Integer
' ieeenum
Declare Function cCVB Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String) As Byte
Declare Function cCVC Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String) As Currency
Declare Function cCVD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String) As Double
Declare Function cCVI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String) As Integer
Declare Function cCVL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String) As Long
Declare Function cCVS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String) As Single
Declare Function cCVSMBF Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String) As Single
Declare Function cGetCVB Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer) As Byte
Declare Function cGetCVC Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer) As Currency
Declare Function cGetCVD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cGetCVI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cGetCVL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cGetCVS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer) As Single
Declare Function cMKB Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Byte) As String
Declare Function cMKC Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Currency) As String
Declare Function cMKD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Double) As String
Declare Function cMKI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Integer) As String
Declare Function cMKL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Long) As String
Declare Function cMKN Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As String) As String
Declare Function cMKS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Single) As String
Declare Function cMKSMBF Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Single) As String
Declare Sub cPutMKB Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer, ByVal bValue As Byte)
Declare Sub cPutMKC Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer, ByVal cValue As Currency)
Declare Sub cPutMKD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer, ByVal dValue As Double)
Declare Sub cPutMKI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer, ByVal iValue As Integer)
Declare Sub cPutMKL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer, ByVal lValue As Long)
Declare Sub cPutMKS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer, ByVal sValue As Single)
Declare Function cPutMKBs Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer, ByVal bValue As Byte) As String
Declare Function cPutMKCs Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer, ByVal cValue As Currency) As String
Declare Function cPutMKDs Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer, ByVal dValue As Double) As String
Declare Function cPutMKIs Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer, ByVal iValue As Integer) As String
Declare Function cPutMKLs Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer, ByVal lValue As Long) As String
Declare Function cPutMKSs Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As String, ByVal iPosition As Integer, ByVal sValue As Single) As String
' disk array
' structure for disk array
daSize As Integer 'size of the type'd
signature As String * 7 'signature
nFileName As String * 128 'name of the file
nType As Integer 'variable type
nRows As Long 'number of rows
nCols As Long 'number of cols
nSheets As Long 'number of sheets
rHandle As Long 'returned handle for use with other functions
rElementSize As Long 'returned size of a element
rFileSize As Long 'returned size of the file
rParts As Long 'returned total part
rRemain As Long 'returned size of the remain part
rSheetSize As Long 'size of a sheet
rOffset1 As Long 'returned offset 1
rOffset2 As Long 'returned offset 2
rTime As Long 'time for the last correct transaction
nIsTyped As Integer 'is nType a type'd variable
Dummy As String * 7 'reserved for future use
End Type
' definition for variable type in DISK ARRAY
Public Const DA_TYPE = 0
Public Const DA_BYTE = -1
Public Const DA_INTEGER = -2
Public Const DA_LONG = -3
Public Const DA_SINGLE = -4
Public Const DA_DOUBLE = -5
Public Const DA_CURRENCY = -6
' definition for error type in DISK ARRAY
Public Const DA_NO_ERROR = True
Public Const DA_EMPTY_FILENAME = 1
Public Const DA_BAD_FILENAME = 2
Public Const DA_CAN_KILL_FILE = 3
Public Const DA_CAN_NOT_OPEN_FILE = 4
Public Const DA_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 5
Public Const DA_BAD_TYPE = 6
Public Const DA_BAD_ROWS = 7
Public Const DA_BAD_COLS = 8
Public Const DA_BAD_SHEETS = 9
Public Const DA_CAN_NOT_WRITE_PART = 11
Public Const DA_CAN_NOT_READ_HEADER = 13
Public Const DA_HEADER_SIZE = 14
Public Const DA_BAD_SIGNATURE = 15
Public Const DA_CAN_NOT_SEEK = 17
Public Const DA_INVALID_HANDLE = 18
Public Const DA_CAN_NOT_READ_PART = 19
Public Const DA_CAN_NOT_READ_REMAIN = 20
Declare Function cDAClear Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY) As Integer
Declare Function cDAClearCol Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cDAClearRow Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal sheet As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cDAClearSheet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal sheet As Long) As Integer
Declare Sub cDAClose Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal DeleteFile As Integer)
Declare Function cDACreate Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal CreateOrUse As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cDAGet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long) As Variant
Declare Sub cDAGetType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Sub cDAPut Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cDAPutType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Sub cDArGet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Col As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cDArGetType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Col As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Sub cDArPut Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Col As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cDArPutType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Col As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Function cDAsClearCol Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Col As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cDAsClearRow Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long) As Integer
Declare Sub cDAsGet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cDAsGetType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Sub cDAsPut Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cDAsPutType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (DISKARRAY As tagDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, nType As Any)
' huge memory array
' structure for huge memory array
Type tagHMA
daSize As Integer 'size of the type'd
nType As Integer 'variable type
nRows As Long 'number of rows
nCols As Long 'number of cols
nSheets As Long 'number of sheets
rHandle As Long 'returned handle for use with other functions
rElementSize As Long 'returned size of a element
rMemorySize As Long 'returned size of the memory used
rParts As Long 'returned total part
rRemain As Long 'returned size of the remain part
rSheetSize As Long 'size of a sheet
rOffset As Long 'returned offset
nIsTyped As Integer 'is nType a type'd variable
Dummy As String * 20 'reserved for future use
End Type
' definition for variable type in HUGE MEMORY ARRAY
Public Const HMA_TYPE = 0
Public Const HMA_BYTE = -1
Public Const HMA_INTEGER = -2
Public Const HMA_LONG = -3
Public Const HMA_SINGLE = -4
Public Const HMA_DOUBLE = -5
Public Const HMA_CURRENCY = -6
' definition for error type in HUGE MEMORY ARRAY
Public Const HMA_NO_ERROR = True
Public Const HMA_NO_MEMORY = 1
Public Const HMA_BAD_TYPE = 2
Public Const HMA_BAD_ROWS = 3
Public Const HMA_BAD_COLS = 4
Public Const HMA_BAD_SHEETS = 5
Declare Function cHMAClear Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA) As Integer
Declare Function cHMAClearCol Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cHMAClearRow Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal sheet As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cHMAClearSheet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal sheet As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cHMACreate Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA) As Integer
Declare Function cHMAFree Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA) As Integer
Declare Function cHMAGet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long) As Variant
Declare Sub cHMAGetType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Sub cHMAPut Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cHMAPutType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Sub cHMArGet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Col As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cHMArGetType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Col As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Sub cHMArPut Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Col As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cHMArPutType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Col As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Sub cHMAsGet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cHMAsGetType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Sub cHMAsPut Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cHMAsPutType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Function cHMAsClearCol Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Col As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cHMAsClearRow Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal Row As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cHMAOnDisk Lib "t2win-32.dll" (HMA As tagHMA, ByVal hsFile As String, ByVal hsGetPut As Integer) As Long
' structure for multiple disk array
daSize As Integer 'size of the structure
signature As String * 7 'signature
nFileName As String * 128 'name of the file
nType(1 To 20) As Integer 'standard variable type (for 20 arrays)
nIsTyped(1 To 20) As Integer 'is a type'd (for 20 arrays)
nRows(1 To 20) As Long 'number of rows (for 20 arrays)
nCols(1 To 20) As Long 'number of cols (for 20 arrays)
nSheets(1 To 20) As Long 'number of sheets (for 20 arrays)
rHandle As Long 'returned handle for use with other functions
rFileSize As Long 'returned size of the file
rElementSz(1 To 20) As Long 'returned size of a element (for 20 arrays)
rSheetSz(1 To 20) As Long 'size of a sheet (for 20 arrays)
rOffsetPos(1 To 20) As Long 'position of each array in the sFile (for 20 arrays)
rOffset1 As Long 'returned offset 1
rOffset2 As Long 'returned offset 2
rTime As Long 'time for the last correct transaction
Dummy As String * 28 'reserved for future use
End Type
' definition for variable type in HUGE MEMORY ARRAY
Public Const MDA_TYPE = 0
Public Const MDA_BYTE = -1
Public Const MDA_INTEGER = -2
Public Const MDA_LONG = -3
Public Const MDA_SINGLE = -4
Public Const MDA_DOUBLE = -5
Public Const MDA_CURRENCY = -6
' definition for error type in MULTIPLE DISK ARRAY
Public Const MDA_NO_ERROR = -1
Public Const MDA_EMPTY_FileName = 1
Public Const MDA_BAD_FileName = 2
Public Const MDA_CAN_KILL_FILE = 3
Public Const MDA_CAN_NOT_OPEN_FILE = 4
Public Const MDA_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 5
Public Const MDA_BAD_TYPE = 6
Public Const MDA_BAD_ROWS = 7
Public Const MDA_BAD_COLS = 8
Public Const MDA_BAD_SHEETS = 9
Public Const MDA_CAN_NOT_WRITE_PART = 11
Public Const MDA_HEADER_SIZE = 14
Public Const MDA_BAD_SIGNATURE = 15
Public Const MDA_CAN_NOT_SEEK = 17
Public Const MDA_INVALID_HANDLE = 18
Public Const MDA_CAN_NOT_READ_PART = 19
Declare Function cMDAClear Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY) As Integer
Declare Function cMDAClearCol Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cMDAClearRow Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal sheet As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cMDAClearSheet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal sheet As Long) As Integer
Declare Sub cMDAClose Lib "t2win-32.dll" (MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal DeleteFile As Integer)
Declare Function cMDACreate Lib "t2win-32.dll" (MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal CreateOrUse As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cMDAGet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long) As Variant
Declare Sub cMDAGetType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Sub cMDAPut Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cMDAPutType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal sheet As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Sub cMDArGet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Col As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cMDArGetType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Col As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Sub cMDArPut Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Col As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cMDArPutType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Col As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Function cMDAsClearCol Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Col As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cMDAsClearRow Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long) As Integer
Declare Sub cMDAsGet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cMDAsGetType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, nType As Any)
Declare Sub cMDAsPut Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, Var As Variant)
Declare Sub cMDAsPutType Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal ArrayNum As Integer, MULTIPLEDISKARRAY As tagMULTIPLEDISKARRAY, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long, nType As Any)
' serialization
' structure for serialization
Description1 As String * 52 'serialization description 1
Description2 As String * 52 'serialization description 2
Number As Long 'serialization number
Dummy As String * 52 'reserved for future use
End Type
' definition for error type in SERIAL DATA
Public Const SD_SERIAL_NOT_FOUND = 1
Public Const SD_CAN_NOT_OPEN_FILE = 2
Declare Function cIsSerial Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal sFile As String) As Integer
Declare Function cSerialGet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal sFile As String, SERIALDATA As tagSERIALDATA) As Integer
Declare Function cSerialInc Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal sFile As String, ByVal Increment As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cSerialPut Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal sFile As String, SERIALDATA As tagSERIALDATA) As Integer
Declare Function cSerialRmv Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal sFile As String) As Integer
' language control
' definition for properties for language management
Public Const RS_CAPTION = 1
Public Const RS_TEXT = 2
Public Const RS_DATAFIELD = 4
Public Const RS_DATASOURCE = 8
Public Const RS_TAG = 16
Public Const RS_MENU = 32
Public Const RS_ALL = 255
Declare Function cReadCtlLanguage Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Frm As Form, ByVal Property As Integer, ByVal FileLanguage As String) As Integer
Declare Function cReadCtlLanguageExt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Frm As Form, ByVal Property As Integer, ByVal FileLanguage As String) As Integer
Declare Function cSaveCtlLanguage Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Frm As Form, ByVal Property As Integer, ByVal FileLanguage As String) As Integer
Declare Function cSaveCtlLanguageExt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Frm As Form, ByVal Property As Integer, ByVal FileLanguage As String) As Integer
' interest rate
Declare Function cAtoF Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Interest As Double, ByVal n As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cAtoFC Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Rates As Double, ByVal n As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cAtoP Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Interest As Double, ByVal n As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cAtoPC Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Rates As Double, ByVal n As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cFtoA Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Interest As Double, ByVal n As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cFtoAC Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Rates As Double, ByVal n As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cFtoP Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Interest As Double, ByVal n As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cFtoPC Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Rates As Double, ByVal n As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cPtoA Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Interest As Double, ByVal n As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cPtoAC Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Rates As Double, ByVal n As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cPtoF Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Interest As Double, ByVal n As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cPtoFC Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Rates As Double, ByVal n As Integer) As Double
' matrix
' definition for matrix fill
Public Const MATRIX_ZERO = 0
Public Const MATRIX_UNIT = 1
Declare Sub cMatrixAdd Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Size As Integer, ArrayA() As Double, ArrayB() As Double, ArrayC() As Double)
Declare Function cMatrixCoFactor Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Size As Integer, ArrayA() As Double, ByVal Row As Integer, ByVal Col As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cMatrixCompare Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Size As Integer, ArrayA() As Double, ArrayC() As Double) As Integer
Declare Sub cMatrixCopy Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Size As Integer, ArrayA() As Double, ArrayC() As Double)
Declare Function cMatrixDet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Size As Integer, ArrayA() As Double) As Double
Declare Function cMatrixFill Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Size As Integer, ArrayA() As Double, ByVal nInit As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cMatrixInv Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Size As Integer, ArrayA() As Double, ArrayC() As Double) As Integer
Declare Function cMatrixMinor Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Size As Integer, ArrayA() As Double, ByVal Row As Integer, ByVal Col As Integer) As Double
Declare Sub cMatrixMul Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Size As Integer, ArrayA() As Double, ArrayB() As Double, ArrayC() As Double)
Declare Sub cMatrixSub Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Size As Integer, ArrayA() As Double, ArrayB() As Double, ArrayC() As Double)
Declare Function cMatrixSymToeplitz Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Size As Integer, ArrayA() As Double, ArrayC() As Double) As Integer
Declare Sub cMatrixTranspose Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Size As Integer, ArrayA() As Double, ArrayC() As Double)
' is
Declare Function cIsAlnum Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsAlpha Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsAscii Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsBalance Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nHour As Long, ByVal nMinute As Integer, ByVal nSecond As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cIsCsym Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsCsymf Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsDate Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nYear As Integer, ByVal nMonth As Integer, ByVal nDay As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cIsDigit Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsFileArchive Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsFileEmpty Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsFileFlag Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String, ByVal nStatus As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cIsFileHidden Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsFileNormal Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsFileReadOnly Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsFileSubDir Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsFileSystem Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsFileCompressed Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsFormEnabled Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cIsHour Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nHour As Integer, ByVal nMinute As Integer, ByVal nSecond As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cIsISBN Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsLeapYear Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nYear As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cIsLower Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsPalindrome Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsPrime Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cIsPunct Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsSpace Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsUpper Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cIsXdigit Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
' encrypt/decrypt
' definition for encrypt/decrypt
Public Const ENCRYPT_LEVEL_0 = 0
Public Const ENCRYPT_LEVEL_1 = 1
Public Const ENCRYPT_LEVEL_2 = 2
Public Const ENCRYPT_LEVEL_3 = 3
Public Const ENCRYPT_LEVEL_4 = 4
Declare Function cDecrypt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Password As String, ByVal level As Integer) As String
Declare Function cEncrypt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Password As String, ByVal level As Integer) As String
Declare Function cFileDecrypt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String, Password As String, ByVal level As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cFileEncrypt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String, Password As String, ByVal level As Integer) As Long
' hicrypt
Declare Function cCrypt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Password As String) As String
Declare Function cFileCrypt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File2 As String, ByVal Password As String) As Long
' crc32
' definition for crc32
Public Const OPEN_MODE_BINARY = 0
Public Const OPEN_MODE_TEXT = 1
Declare Function cFileCRC32 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String, ByVal Mode As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cStringCRC32 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Long
' string
' definition for error type for PATTERNMATCHEXT
Public Const MATCH_HEXA = 17
Public Const MATCH_PATTERN = 15
Public Const MATCH_LITERAL = 14
Public Const MATCH_RANGE = 13
Public Const MATCH_ABORT = 12
Public Const MATCH_END = 11
Public Const MATCH_VALID = -1
Public Const PATTERN_VALID = 0
Public Const PATTERN_INVALID = 1
Public Const PATTERN_ESC = 2
Public Const PATTERN_RANGE = 3
Public Const PATTERN_CLOSE = 4
Public Const PATTERN_EMPTY = 5
Public Const PATTERN_HEXA = 7
' definition for PROPERNAME2
Public Const PN_UPPERCASE = 1
Public Const PN_PUNCTUATION = 2
Public Const PN_KEEP_ORIGINAL = 4
' definition for EXTRACTISOLATE
Declare Function cAddDigit Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cAlign Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal TypeAlign As Integer, ByVal NewLength As Long) As String
Declare Function cAndToken Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Token As String) As Integer
Declare Function cAndTokenIn Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Token As String, ByVal Separator As String) As Integer
Declare Function cArabicToRoman Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Var As Variant) As String
Declare Function cBlockCharFromLeft Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long) As String
Declare Function cBlockCharFromRight Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long) As String
Declare Sub cChangeChars Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, CharSet As String, NewCharSet As String)
Declare Sub cChangeCharsUntil Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, CharSet As String, NewCharSet As String, nUntil As String)
Declare Function cCheckChars Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, CharSet As String) As Integer
Declare Function cCheckNumericity Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Sub cCnvASCIItoEBCDIC Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String)
Declare Sub cCnvEBCDICtoASCII Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String)
Declare Function cCompact Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cCompress Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cCompressTab Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal nTab As Long) As String
Declare Function cCount Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Separator As String) As Integer
Declare Function cCplAlpha Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cCplDigit Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cCreateAndFill Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Length As Long, Text As String) As String
Declare Function cDeleteSubString Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal SubString As String, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As String
Declare Function cExpandTab Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal nTab As Long) As String
Declare Function cExtract Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Key As String, ByVal FieldSep As String, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As String
Declare Function cExtractIsolate Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Key As String, ByVal FieldSep As String, ByVal LeftOrRight As Integer, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As String
Declare Sub cFill Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Fill As String)
Declare Function cFilterBlocks Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Delimitor As String) As String
Declare Function cFilterChars Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, CharSet As String) As String
Declare Function cFilterFirstChars Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, CharSet As String) As String
Declare Function cFilterNotChars Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, CharSet As String) As String
Declare Function cFromHexa Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cFromZ9 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cGet Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long) As String
Declare Function cGetBlock Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long, ByVal Length As Long) As String
Declare Function cGetIn Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Separator As String, ByVal Position As Long) As String
Declare Function cGetInPart Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Separator As String, ByVal Position As Long) As String
Declare Function cGetInPartR Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Separator As String, ByVal Position As Long) As String
Declare Function cGetInR Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Separator As String, ByVal Position As Long) As String
Declare Function cH2I Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cH2L Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String) As Long
Declare Function cInsertBlocks Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Insert As String) As String
Declare Function cInsertBlocksBy Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Insert As String, Delimitor As String) As String
Declare Function cInsertBlocksExt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Insert As String) As String
Declare Function cInsertByMask Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Mask As String, Insert As String) As String
Declare Function cInsertChars Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long, Insert As String) As String
Declare Function cInStr Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal StartPosition As Long, ByVal Text As String, ByVal Search As String, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cLFill Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal CharToFill As String, ByVal Length As Long) As String
Declare Function cLrc Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cLSetIn Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Separator As String, ByVal Position As Long, ByVal StringToInsert As String) As String
Declare Function cMatchTable Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Match As String, ByVal Separator As String, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cMixChars Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cMorse Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal morse As String) As String
Declare Function cNumDigit Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cOneCharFromLeft Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long) As String
Declare Function cOneCharFromRight Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long) As String
Declare Function cOrToken Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Token As String) As Integer
Declare Function cOrTokenIn Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Token As String, ByVal Separator As String) As Integer
Declare Function cPatternMatch Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Pattern As String) As Integer
Declare Function cPatternMatchS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Pattern As String, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cPatternExtMatch Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Pattern As String) As Integer
Declare Function cPatternExtMatchS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Pattern As String, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cProperName Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cProperName2 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal TokenToUse As String, ByVal Options As Integer) As String
Declare Function cRemoveBlockChar Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long, ByVal Length As Long) As String
Declare Function cRemoveOneChar Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Position As Long) As String
Declare Function cResizeString Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal NewLength As Long) As String
Declare Function cResizeStringAndFill Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal NewLength As Long, Fill As String) As String
Declare Function cReverse Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cReverseSortStr Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal nItem As Integer, ByVal ItemLength As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cRFill Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal CharToFill As String, ByVal Length As Long) As String
Declare Function cRomanToArabic Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Variant
Declare Function cRSetIn Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Separator As String, ByVal Position As Long, ByVal StringToInsert As String) As String
Declare Function cScrollL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cScrollR Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Sub cSetDefaultSeparator Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Separator As String)
Declare Function cSortStr Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal nItem As Integer, ByVal ItemLength As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cStringReplace Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Pattern As String, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As String
Declare Function cStringSAR Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Search As String, ByVal Replace As String, ByVal Sensitivity As Integer) As String
Declare Function cToHexa Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cTokenIn Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Separator As String, ByVal Position As Integer) As String
Declare Function cToZ9 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cUncompact Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cWrapLine Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Length As Integer, ByVal Separator As String, ByVal EndOfLine As String) As String
' random
Declare Sub cRndInit Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nRnd As Long)
Declare Function cRnd Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Double
Declare Function cRndD Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Double
Declare Function cRndI Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cRndL Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Long
Declare Function cRndS Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Single
' swap
Declare Sub cSwapB Lib "t2win-32.dll" (swap1 As Byte, swap2 As Byte)
Declare Sub cSwapD Lib "t2win-32.dll" (swap1 As Double, swap2 As Double)
Declare Sub cSwapI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (swap1 As Integer, swap2 As Integer)
Declare Sub cSwapL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (swap1 As Long, swap2 As Long)
Declare Sub cSwapS Lib "t2win-32.dll" (swap1 As Single, swap2 As Single)
Declare Sub cSwapStr Lib "t2win-32.dll" (swap1 As String, swap2 As String)
' type
Declare Function cCompareTypeString Lib "t2win-32.dll" Alias "cTypesCompare" (TypeSrc As Any, ByVal Dst As String, ByVal lenTypeSrc As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cCompareStringType Lib "t2win-32.dll" Alias "cTypesCompare" (ByVal Src As String, TypeDst As Any, ByVal lenTypeSrc As Integer) As Integer
Declare Sub cStringToType Lib "t2win-32.dll" Alias "cTypesCopy" (ByVal Src As String, TypeDst As Any, ByVal lenTypeSrc As Integer)
Declare Sub cTypeClear Lib "t2win-32.dll" (TypeSrc As Any, ByVal lenTypeSrc As Integer)
Declare Function cTypeMid Lib "t2win-32.dll" (TypeSrc As Any, ByVal Offset As Integer, ByVal Length As Integer) As String
Declare Function cTypesCompare Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Type1 As Any, Type2 As Any, ByVal lenType1 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Sub cTypesCopy Lib "t2win-32.dll" (TypeSrc As Any, TypeDst As Any, ByVal lenTypeSrc As Integer)
Declare Function cTypeTransfert Lib "t2win-32.dll" (TypeSrc As Any, ByVal lenTypeSrc As Integer) As String
Declare Sub cTypeToString Lib "t2win-32.dll" Alias "cTypesCopy" (TypeSrc As Any, ByVal Dst As String, ByVal lenTypeSrc As Integer)
' miscelleanous
' definition for error code for CONVERT
Public Const CNV_NO_ERROR = -1
Public Const CNV_ERROR_BAD_HOUR = 4
Public Const CNV_ERROR_BAD_DATE = 7
' definition for conversion parameter for CONVERT
Public Const CNV_TIME_FILL_ZERO = 100
Public Const CNV_TIME = 101
Public Const CNV_HUNDRED_TIME = 106
Public Const CNV_HOUR_AND_WITH_SIGN = 113
Public Const CNV_DATE_SHORT = 200
Public Const CNV_DATE_LONG = 201
Declare Function cMax Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Var1 As Variant, Var2 As Variant) As Variant
Declare Function cMin Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Var1 As Variant, Var2 As Variant) As Variant
Declare Sub cIncrI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As Integer)
Declare Sub cIncrL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As Long)
Declare Sub cDecrI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As Integer)
Declare Sub cDecrL Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Value As Long)
Declare Function cSpellMoney Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Double, ByVal Units As String, ByVal Cents As String) As String
Declare Function cFraction Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nValue As Double, nNumerator As Double, nDenominator As Double) As Double
Declare Function cCombination Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nItems As Integer, ByVal mTimes As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cSgn Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cBetween Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Var As Variant, Var1 As Variant, Var2 As Variant) As Integer
Declare Function cGetPid Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cBaseConversion Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Num As String, ByVal RadixIn As Integer, ByVal RadixOut As Integer) As String
Declare Function cConvert Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal WhichConversion As Integer, WhichValue As Variant, ConvertError As Integer) As String
' windows
' definition for win.ini section
Public Const GET_TIME_FORMAT = 3
Public Const GET_DATE_FORMAT = 4
Public Const GET_CURRENCY = 5
Public Const GET_LANGUAGE = 6
Public Const GET_COUNTRY = 7
Public Const GET_COUNTRY_CODE = 8
Declare Sub cArrangeDesktopIcons Lib "t2win-32.dll" ()
Declare Sub cCenterWindow Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long)
Declare Function cEXEnameActiveWindow Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cEXEnameWindow Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As String
Declare Function cEXEnameTask Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nFileName As String) As String
Declare Function cExitWindowsAndExecute Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpszExe As String, ByVal lpszParams As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFindFileInEnv Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String, ByVal lpEnv As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFindFileInPath Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Integer
Declare Function cGetClassName Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As String
Declare Function cGetCountry Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetCountryCode Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetCurrency Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetCurrentDrive Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetDateFormat Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetDateSeparator Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetDefaultCurrentDir Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetDefaultPrinter Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetDevices Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetDriveCurrentDir Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpDrive As String) As String
Declare Function cGetFullNameInEnv Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String, ByVal lpEnv As String) As String
Declare Function cGetFullNameInPath Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As String
Declare Function cGetHourFormat Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetIni Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal AppName As String, ByVal szItem As String, ByVal szDefault As String, ByVal InitFile As String) As String
Declare Function cGetLanguage Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetListSeparator Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetSystemDirectory Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetTimeSeparator Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetWindowsDirectory Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As String
Declare Function cGetWinINI Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Info As Integer) As String
Declare Function cGetWinSection Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Section As String) As String
Declare Sub cPutIni Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal AppName As String, ByVal szItem As String, ByVal szDefault As String, ByVal InitFile As String)
Declare Function cRebootSystem Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cRestartWindows Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cSetHandleCount Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nHandle As Integer) As Integer
Declare Sub cShowWindow Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal Method As Integer, ByVal interval As Integer)
Declare Function cGetSectionItems Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Section As String, ByVal InitFile As String, nItems As Integer) As String
Declare Function cTaskBarAddIcon Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hIcon As Long, ByVal lpszTip As String) As Integer
Declare Function cTaskBarDeleteIcon Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cTaskBarModifyIcon Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hIcon As Long, ByVal lpszTip As String) As Integer
' list/combo box
Public Const DDL_READWRITE = &H0
Public Const DDL_READONLY = &H1
Public Const DDL_HIDDEN = &H2
Public Const DDL_SYSTEM = &H4
Public Const DDL_DIRECTORY = &H10
Public Const DDL_ARCHIVE = &H20
Public Const DDL_POSTMSGS = &H2000
Public Const DDL_DRIVES = &H4000
Public Const DDL_EXCLUSIVE = &H8000
Declare Function cArrayToComboBox Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, Strarray() As String) As Integer
Declare Function cArrayToListBox Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, Strarray() As String) As Integer
Declare Function cComboFiles Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal Attributes As Long, ByVal FilePathMask As String) As Integer
Declare Function cComboSearchDir Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal StartPath As String, ByVal FileMask As String) As Long
Declare Function cComboSearchFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal StartPath As String, ByVal FileMask As String) As Long
Declare Function cComboSearchFileAttrib Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal StartPath As String, ByVal FileMask As String, ByVal iSearchAttribute As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cFileToComboBox Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nFile As String) As Integer
Declare Function cFileToListBox Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nFile As String) As Integer
Declare Function cListFiles Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal Attributes As Long, ByVal FilePathMask As String) As Integer
Declare Function cListSearchDir Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal StartPath As String, ByVal FileMask As String) As Long
Declare Function cListSearchFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal StartPath As String, ByVal FileMask As String) As Long
Declare Function cListSearchFileAttrib Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal StartPath As String, ByVal FileMask As String, ByVal iSearchAttribute As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cListSetTabs Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, TabArray() As Long) As Integer
' mdtkfv
' definition for sFile version information
Public Const VER_VERSION_FILE = 0
Public Const VER_COMPANY_NAME = 1
Public Const VER_FILE_VERSION = 3
Public Const VER_INTERNAL_NAME = 4
Public Const VER_PRODUCT_NAME = 7
' structure for sFile version information
VersionProduct As String
VersionFile As String
CompanyName As String
FileDescription As String
FileVersion As String
InternalName As String
LegalCopyright As String
LegalTrademarks As String
Comments As String
ProductName As String
ProductVersion As String
End Type
' structure for modules
dwSize As Long
th32ModuleID As Long
th32ProcessID As Long
GlblcntUsage As Long
ProccntUsage As Long
modBaseAddr As Byte
modBaseSize As Long
hModule As Long
szModule As String * 256
szExePath As String * 260
End Type
dwSize As Long
cntUsage As Long
th32ProcessID As Long
th32DefaultHeapID As Long
th32ModuleID As Long
cntThreads As Long
th32ParentProcessID As Long
pcPriClassBase As Long
dwFlags As Long
szExeFile As String * 260
End Type
dwSize As Long
cntUsage As Long
th32ThreadID As Long
th32OwnerProcessID As Long
tpBasePri As Long
tpDeltaPri As Long
dwFlags As Long
End Type
Declare Sub cChangeTaskName Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal Text As String)
Declare Function cGetFileVersion Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileName As String, ByVal nFonction As Integer) As String
Declare Function cGetFileVersionInfo Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileName As String, FILEVERSIONINFO As Any) As Integer
Declare Function cGetChangeTaskName Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal Text As String) As String
Declare Function cGetTaskName Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As String
Declare Function cModule Lib "t2w32mpt.dll" (MODULEENTRY As tagMODULEENTRY, ByVal FirstNext As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cProcess Lib "t2w32mpt.dll" (PROCESSENTRY As tagPROCESSENTRY, ByVal FirstNext As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cThread Lib "t2w32mpt.dll" (THREADENTRY As tagTHREADENTRY, ByVal FirstNext As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cWalkThruWindow Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Class As String, Caption As String, OwnerHwnd As Long, OwnerClass As String, OwnerCaption As String, ByVal FirstNext As Integer) As Long
' date - time
Declare Function cAddTime Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Hr As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cAddTwoTimes Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Time1 As String, ByVal Time2 As String) As String
Declare Function cCheckTime Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Hr As Integer, ByVal Hr1 As Integer, ByVal Hr2 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cCurrentTime Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cDateHourToLong Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nYear As Integer, ByVal nMonth As Integer, ByVal nDay As Integer, ByVal nHour As Integer, ByVal nMinute As Integer, ByVal nExtra As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cDateToInt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nYear As Integer, ByVal nMonth As Integer, ByVal nDay As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cDateToScalar Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nYear As Integer, ByVal nMonth As Integer, ByVal nDay As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cDayOfWeek Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nYear As Integer, ByVal nMonth As Integer, ByVal nDay As Integer, ByVal nISO As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cDayOfYear Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nYear As Integer, ByVal nMonth As Integer, ByVal nDay As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cDaysInMonth Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nYear As Integer, ByVal nMonth As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cExtCurrentTime Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Long
Declare Function cHourTo Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As Variant
Declare Function cIntoBalance Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Var As Variant) As String
Declare Function cIntoBalanceFill Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Var As Variant) As String
Declare Function cIntoDate Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nDate As Long) As String
Declare Function cIntoDateFill Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nDate As Long) As String
Declare Function cIntoDateNull Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nDate As Long) As String
Declare Function cIntoFixHour Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Var As Variant, ByVal Length As Integer, ByVal fillZero As Integer, ByVal CentiΦme As Integer) As String
Declare Function cIntoHour Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Var As Variant) As String
Declare Function cIntoVarHour Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Var As Variant) As String
Declare Sub cIntToDate Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Scalar As Integer, nYear As Integer, nMonth As Integer, nDay As Integer)
Declare Sub cLongToDateHour Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Scalar As Long, nYear As Integer, nMonth As Integer, nDay As Integer, nHour As Integer, nMinute As Integer, nExtra As Integer)
Declare Sub cScalarToDate Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Scalar As Long, nYear As Integer, nMonth As Integer, nDay As Integer)
Declare Sub cScalarToTime Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Scalar As Long, nHour As Integer, nMin As Integer, nSec As Integer)
Declare Function cTimeBetween Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Hr1 As Integer, ByVal Hr2 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cTimeToScalar Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nHour As Integer, ByVal nMin As Integer, ByVal nSec As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cTrueBetween Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Var As Variant, Var1 As Variant, Var2 As Variant) As Integer
Declare Function cWeekOfYear Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nYear As Integer, ByVal nMonth As Integer, ByVal nDay As Integer, ByVal nISO As Integer) As Integer
' process id
Declare Sub cPushID Lib "t2win-32.dll" (IDArray() As Integer, ByVal nID As Integer)
Declare Sub cPopID Lib "t2win-32.dll" (IDArray() As Integer, ByVal nID As Integer)
Declare Sub cPopLastID Lib "t2win-32.dll" (IDArray() As Integer)
Declare Function cGetID Lib "t2win-32.dll" (IDArray() As Integer, ByVal nPosition As Integer) As Integer
Declare Sub cClearID Lib "t2win-32.dll" (IDArray() As Integer)
' sFile I/O, direct routines issued from C functionnalities
Declare Function cFopen Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal sFile As String, ByVal Mode As String) As Long
Declare Function cFclose Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal IOstream As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cFgetc Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal IOstream As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cFputc Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal char As Integer, ByVal IOstream As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cFputs Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String, ByVal IOstream As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cFgets Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Length As Integer, ByVal IOstream As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cFwrite Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal IOstream As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cFread Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, ByVal Length As Integer, ByVal IOstream As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cFcloseall Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cFflush Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal IOstream As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cFflushall Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function cFeof Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal IOstream As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cFerror Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal IOstream As Long) As Integer
Declare Sub cFclearerr Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal IOstream As Long)
Declare Function cFseek Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal IOstream As Long, ByVal Offset As Long, ByVal origin As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cFtell Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal IOstream As Long) As Long
Declare Sub cFrewind Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal IOstream As Long)
Declare Function cFProcessAsciiFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal IOstream As Long, AsciiOffset() As Long) As Long
Declare Function cFGotoRecord Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal IOstream As Long, AsciiOffset() As Long, ByVal Record As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cFStdIn Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Long
Declare Function cFStdOut Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Long
Declare Function cFStdErr Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Long
' day - month
' definition for language in multi-language management
Public Const LNG_FRENCH = 1
Public Const LNG_DUTCH = 2
Public Const LNG_GERMAN = 3
Public Const LNG_ENGLISH = 4
Public Const LNG_ITALIAN = 5
Public Const LNG_SPANISH = 6
Public Const LNG_CATALAN = 7
Public Const LNG_POLISH = 8
Public Const LNG_NORWAY = 9
Public Const LNG_SWEDISH = 10
Declare Function cGetAscTime Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nLanguage As Integer) As String
Declare Function cGetLongDay Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nLanguage As Integer, ByVal nDay As Integer) As String
Declare Function cGetLongMonth Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nLanguage As Integer, ByVal nMonth As Integer) As String
Declare Function cGetShortDay Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nLanguage As Integer, ByVal nDay As Integer) As String
Declare Function cGetShortMonth Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nLanguage As Integer, ByVal nMonth As Integer) As String
Declare Function cGetSmallDay Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nLanguage As Integer, ByVal nDay As Integer) As String
Declare Function cGetTinyDay Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nLanguage As Integer, ByVal nDay As Integer) As String
Declare Function cGetTinyMonth Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nLanguage As Integer, ByVal nMonth As Integer) As String
Declare Sub cSysMenuChange Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal Position As Integer, ByVal NewMessage As String)
' Functions for calculating 2-D geometry
' structure for 2-D geometry types
Type tagVECTOR2
x As Double
y As Double
End Type
Declare Sub cV2Add Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR2, v As tagVECTOR2, w As tagVECTOR2)
Declare Sub cV2Sub Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR2, v As tagVECTOR2, w As tagVECTOR2)
Declare Sub cV2Combine Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR2, ByVal c1 As Double, v As tagVECTOR2, ByVal c2 As Double, w As tagVECTOR2)
Declare Sub cV2Copy Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR2, w As tagVECTOR2)
Declare Function cV2Dot Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR2, v As tagVECTOR2) As Double
Declare Function cV2Length Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR2) As Double
Declare Function cV2LengthSquared Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR2) As Double
Declare Sub cV2LinearIp Lib "t2win-32.dll" (lo As tagVECTOR2, hi As tagVECTOR2, ByVal alpha As Double, w As tagVECTOR2)
Declare Sub cV2Mul Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR2, v As tagVECTOR2, w As tagVECTOR2)
Declare Sub cV2Neg Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR2)
Declare Sub cV2Normalized Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR2)
Declare Sub cV2Ortho Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR2, w As tagVECTOR2)
Declare Sub cV2ScaledNewLength Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR2, ByVal newlen As Double)
Declare Function cV2SegmentLength Lib "t2win-32.dll" (p As tagVECTOR2, q As tagVECTOR2) As Double
' Functions for calculating 3-D geometry
' structure for 3-D geometry types
Type tagVECTOR3
x As Double
y As Double
z As Double
End Type
Declare Sub cV3Add Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR3, v As tagVECTOR3, w As tagVECTOR3)
Declare Sub cV3Sub Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR3, v As tagVECTOR3, w As tagVECTOR3)
Declare Sub cV3Combine Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR3, ByVal c1 As Double, v As tagVECTOR3, ByVal c2 As Double, w As tagVECTOR3)
Declare Sub cV3Copy Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR3, w As tagVECTOR3)
Declare Sub cV3Cross Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR3, v As tagVECTOR3, w As tagVECTOR3)
Declare Function cV3Dot Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR3, v As tagVECTOR3) As Double
Declare Function cV3Length Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR3) As Double
Declare Function cV3LengthSquared Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR3) As Double
Declare Sub cV3LinearIp Lib "t2win-32.dll" (lo As tagVECTOR3, hi As tagVECTOR3, ByVal alpha As Double, w As tagVECTOR3)
Declare Sub cV3Mul Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR3, v As tagVECTOR3, w As tagVECTOR3)
Declare Sub cV3Neg Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR3)
Declare Sub cV3Normalized Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR3)
Declare Sub cV3ScaledNewLength Lib "t2win-32.dll" (u As tagVECTOR3, ByVal newlen As Double)
Declare Function cV3SegmentLength Lib "t2win-32.dll" (p As tagVECTOR3, q As tagVECTOR3) As Double
Declare Function c3DWeightAverage Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ul3D As tagVECTOR3, ll3D As tagVECTOR3, lr3D As tagVECTOR3, ur3D As tagVECTOR3, ptToLocate3D As tagVECTOR3) As Double
' huge string
Declare Function cHugeStrAdd Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long, hsText As String) As Integer
Declare Function cHugeStrAddress Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long) As Long
Declare Function cHugeStrAppend Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long, hsText As String) As Integer
Declare Function cHugeStrBlocks Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long) As Long
Declare Function cHugeStrClear Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cHugeStrCreate Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsSize As Long) As Long
Declare Function cHugeStrFree Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cHugeStrGetNP Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long) As Long
Declare Function cHugeStrGetWP Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long) As Long
Declare Function cHugeStrLength Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long) As Long
Declare Function cHugeStrMid Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long, ByVal hsStart As Long, ByVal hsLength As Long) As String
Declare Function cHugeStrNext Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long, ByVal hsNext As Long) As String
Declare Function cHugeStrOnDisk Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long, ByVal hsFile As String, ByVal hsGetPut As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cHugeStrRead Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long, ByVal hsBlock As Long) As String
Declare Function cHugeStrSetNP Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long, ByVal hsPtr As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cHugeStrSetWP Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long, ByVal hsPtr As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cHugeStrSize Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hsHandle As Long) As Long
' t2win-32 version
Declare Function cGetVersion Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Single
Declare Function cIsRegistered Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Integer
' protect
Declare Function cDESencrypt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Key As String) As String
Declare Function cDESdecrypt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Key As String) As String
Declare Function cDIAMONDencrypt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Key As String, ByVal Mode As Integer) As String
Declare Function cDIAMONDdecrypt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Key As String, ByVal Mode As Integer) As String
Declare Function cHashMD5 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String) As String
Declare Function cIDEAencrypt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Key As String) As String
Declare Function cIDEAdecrypt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Key As String) As String
Declare Function cMod10 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cMod10R Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cMod11 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cMod11R Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cMod137 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cMod137R Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Text As String) As Integer
Declare Function cRegistrationKey Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal RegText As String, ByVal RegKey1 As Long) As Long
Declare Function cRegistrationKey2 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal RegText As String, ByVal RegKey1 As Long, ByVal RegKey2 As Long) As Long
Declare Function cRegistrationKey3 Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal RegText As String, ByVal RegKey1 As Long, ByVal RegKey2 As Long, ByVal RegKey3 As Long) As Long
Declare Function cRUBYencrypt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Key As String, ByVal Mode As Integer) As String
Declare Function cRUBYdecrypt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Text As String, Key As String, ByVal Mode As Integer) As String
' file protect
Public Const CRYPTO_KEY_TOO_SMALL = -1
Public Const CRYPTO_CANT_INIT_KEY = -2
Public Const CRYPTO_BAD_LASTBYTE = -61
Public Const DIAMOND_FULL_MODE1 = 1 ' more strongest (slowest)
Public Const DIAMOND_FULL_MODE2 = 3 ' more strong (slow)
Public Const DIAMOND_LITE_MODE1 = 2 ' strongest (fast)
Public Const DIAMOND_LITE_MODE2 = 4 ' strong (fastest)
Public Const RUBY_MODE_MINIMUM = 1 ' speed is of the essence, security secondary.
Public Const RUBY_MODE_DESK_LOCK = 2 ' reasonable compromise of speed vs security.
Public Const RUBY_MODE_DEAD_BOLT = 4 ' default = probably good enough for most things.
Public Const RUBY_MODE_PORTABLE_SAFE = 5 ' security is more important than speed.
Public Const RUBY_MODE_ANCHORED_SAFE = 8 ' speed isn't much of a concern.
Public Const RUBY_MODE_BANK_VAULT = 10 ' your pentium has nothing better to do, anyway.
Public Const RUBY_MODE_FORT_KNOX = 16 ' be cool.
Declare Function cDESdecryptFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileIn As String, ByVal FileOut As String, Key As String) As Long
Declare Function cDESencryptFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileIn As String, ByVal FileOut As String, Key As String) As Long
Declare Function cDIAMONDdecryptFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileIn As String, ByVal FileOut As String, Key As String, ByVal Mode As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cDIAMONDencryptFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileIn As String, ByVal FileOut As String, Key As String, ByVal Mode As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cIDEAdecryptFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileIn As String, ByVal FileOut As String, Key As String) As Long
Declare Function cIDEAencryptFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileIn As String, ByVal FileOut As String, Key As String) As Long
Declare Function cRUBYdecryptFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileIn As String, ByVal FileOut As String, Key As String, ByVal Mode As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cRUBYencryptFile Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileIn As String, ByVal FileOut As String, Key As String, ByVal Mode As Integer) As Long
' media ID - volume
' structure for get/set Media ID
VolumeName As String
VolumeSerialNumber As Long
SystemName As String
MaxNameLength As Long
FileSystemFlags As Long
End Type
' structure for get/set DOS Media ID
InfoLevel As String * 2 'use cCVI for integer conversion
SerialNumber As String * 4 'use cCVL for long conversion
VolLabel As String * 11
FileSysType As String * 8
End Type
Declare Function cGetMediaID Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nDrive As String, MEDIAID As tagMEDIAID) As Integer
Declare Function cGetVolumeLabel Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nDrive As String) As String
Declare Function cSetVolumeLabel Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nDrive As String, ByVal nVolumeLabel As String) As Integer
Declare Function cDOSGetMediaID Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nDrive As String, DOSMEDIAID As tagDOSMEDIAID) As Integer
Declare Function cDOSSetMediaID Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nDrive As String, DOSMEDIAID As tagDOSMEDIAID) As Integer
' network
Public Const ADAPTER_NO_ERROR = -1
Declare Function cGetNetConnection Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpDrive As String, iErrorCode As Integer) As String
Declare Function cGetNetUser Lib "t2win-32.dll" (iErrorCode As Integer) As String
Declare Function cGetNetNumberOfAdapter Lib "t2win-32.dll" (iErrorCode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cGetNetAdapterNumber Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal iLanAdapter As Integer, iErrorCode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cGetNetAdapterMacAddress Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal iLanAdapter As Integer, ByVal iFormat As Integer, iErrorCode As Integer) As String
'Declare Function cNetPing Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal sHostName As String, iErrorCode As Integer) As Long
'Declare Function cNetEnumConnections Lib "t2win-32.dll" (iErrorCode As Integer) As String
' multi-language message box - input box
' definition for message position
Public Const MB_MESSAGE_LEFT = 0
Public Const MB_MESSAGE_CENTER = 8192
Public Const MB_MESSAGE_RIGHT = 16384
' definition for timeout management
Public Const MB_TIMEOUT_2 = 32768
Public Const MB_TIMEOUT_4 = 2 * MB_TIMEOUT_2
Public Const MB_TIMEOUT_8 = 2 * MB_TIMEOUT_4
Public Const MB_TIMEOUT_16 = 2 * MB_TIMEOUT_8
Public Const MB_DISPLAY_TIMEOUT = 524288
Public Const MB_NO_BUTTONS = 1048576
Declare Function cLngMsgBox Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nLanguage As Integer, ByVal message As String, ByVal Button As Long, ByVal Title As String) As Integer
Declare Sub cLngBoxMsg Lib "t2win-32.dll" Alias "cLngMsgBox" (ByVal nLanguage As Integer, ByVal message As String, ByVal Button As Long, ByVal Title As String)
Declare Function cLngInpBox Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nLanguage As Integer, ByVal message As String, ByVal Title As String, ByVal Default As String) As String
Declare Sub cLngSysMenu Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nLanguage As Integer, ByVal hWnd As Long)
' desktop
Declare Sub cLoadDesktopBackground Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileName As String, ByVal Tile As Integer)
' registry
Public Const RK_NO_ERROR = -1
Public Const RK_KEY_IS_EMPTY = 1
Public Const RK_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_KEY = 3
Public Const RK_HKEY_USERS = 4
Public Const RK_HKEY_DYN_DATA = 7
' error codes for GetAllSettings
lSubKeys As Long
lMaxSubKeyLen As Long
lValues As Long
lMaxValueNameLen As Long
lMaxValueLen As Long
sInfoInStr As String
End Type
Declare Function cPutRegistry Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpSection As String, ByVal lpKey As String, ByVal lpValue As String) As Integer
Declare Function cGetRegistry Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpSection As String, ByVal lpKey As String, ByVal lpDefault As String) As String
Declare Function cKillRegistry Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpSection As String, ByVal lpKey As String) As Integer
Declare Function cPutRegistryExt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal KeyType As Integer, ByVal lpSection As String, ByVal lpKey As String, ByVal lpValue As String) As Integer
Declare Function cGetRegistryExt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal KeyType As Integer, ByVal lpSection As String, ByVal lpKey As String, ByVal lpDefault As String) As String
Declare Function cKillRegistryExt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal KeyType As Integer, ByVal lpSection As String, ByVal lpKey As String) As Integer
Declare Function cGetAllSettings Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Strarray() As String, ByVal lpSection As String) As Integer
Declare Function cRegistryKeyInfo Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpSection As String, REGISTRYKEYINFO As tagREGISTRYKEYINFO) As Integer
' bitmap
Public Const DIB_SAVE_WINDOW = True
Public Const DIB_SAVE_CLIENT = False
Type tagRECT
Left As Long
Top As Long
Right As Long
Bottom As Long
End Type
Declare Function cDIBSaveScreen Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String) As Integer
Declare Function cDIBSaveWindow Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal SaveArea As Integer, ByVal lpFilename As String) As Integer
Declare Function cDisplaySplash Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal lpFilename As String, ByVal MinimumTimeToStay As Integer, ByVal AutoDestruction As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cDestroySplash Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cShadeRect Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, lpRect As tagRECT) As Integer
Declare Function cTileBitmapOnWindow Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpFilename As String) As Integer
' hook keyboard and mouse
Public Const LOCK_MOUSE_LCLICK = 1
Public Const LOCK_MOUSE_MCLICK = 2
Public Const LOCK_MOUSE_RCLICK = 4
Declare Function cInstallHookKeyboard Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal InstallRemove As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cLockKeyboard Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal LockUnlock As Integer, ByVal SpecialUnlockKey As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cLockMouse Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal LockUnlock As Integer, ByVal ClickToBeHooked As Integer) As Integer
' printer
Public Const EPJ_SUCCESS = -1
Public Const EPJ_STRANGE_ERROR = 3
Public Const JOB_STATUS_PAUSED = &H1
Public Const JOB_STATUS_ERROR = &H2
Public Const JOB_STATUS_OFFLINE = &H20
Public Const JOB_STATUS_PRINTED = &H80
Public Const JOB_STATUS_DELETED = &H100
sPrinterName As String 'name of the printer for which the job is spooled
sMachineName As String 'name of the machine that created the print job
sUserName As String 'name of the user who owns the print job
sDocument As String 'name of the print job (for example, "MS-WORD: Review.doc")
lJobId As Long 'job identifier value
lStatus As Long 'job status (multiple OR of JOB_STATUS_x)
lPriority As Long 'job priority (1 : minimum; 99 : maximum)
lPosition As Long 'job's position in the print queue
lStartTime As Long 'earliest time that the job can be printed
lUntilTime As Long 'latest time that the job can be printed
lTotalPages As Long 'number of pages required for the job
lSize As Long 'size, in bytes, of the job
lTime As Long 'total time, in seconds, that has elapsed since the job began printing
lPagesPrinted As Long 'number of pages that have printed
wYear As Integer 'year of the job submitted
wMonth As Integer 'month of the job submitted
wDay As Integer 'day of the job submitted
wHour As Integer 'hour of the job submitted
wMinute As Integer 'minute of the job submitted
wSecond As Integer 'second of the job submitted
End Type
Declare Function cEnumPrinterJobs Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal PrinterName As String, JOBINFO As tagJOBINFO, ByVal FirstNext As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function cPrinterBins Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal PrinterName As String, ByVal PrinterPort As String) As Integer
Declare Function cPrinterWidth Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Single
Declare Function cPrinterHeight Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Single
Declare Function cPrinterOffsetLeft Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Single
Declare Function cPrinterOffsetTop Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Single
' open files
Public Const NO_ERROR_OPEN_FILES = True
Public Const NO_MORE_OPEN_FILES = 0
Declare Function cEnumOpenFiles Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal nDrive As String, ByVal EnumType As Integer, ByVal FirstNext As Integer, OpenFileName As String, OpenFileMode As Long, OpenFileType As Long) As Integer
' Mail and News processing
Declare Function cBtoA Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileIn As String, ByVal FileOut As String) As Long
Declare Function cAtoB Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileIn As String) As Long
' constants for error processing
Public Const MNRET_OK = 0 'everything went fine
Public Const MNRET_IOERR = 1 'I/O Error - examine errno
Public Const MNRET_NOMEM = 2 'not enough memory
Public Const MNRET_ILLVAL = 3 'illegal value for operation
Public Const MNRET_NODATA = 4 'decoder didn't find any data
Public Const MNRET_NOEND = 5 'encoded data wasn't ended properly
Public Const MNRET_UNSUP = 6 'unsupported function (encoding)
Public Const MNRET_EXISTS = 7 'file exists (decoding)
Public Const MNRET_CONT = 8 'continue -- special from ScanPart
Public Const MNRET_CANCEL = 9 'operation canceled
' constants for OptionNO in cMNGetOption and cMNSetOption
Public Const MNOPT_VERSION = 0 'version number MAJOR.MINORplPATCH (ro)
Public Const MNOPT_FAST = 1 'assumes only one part per file
Public Const MNOPT_DUMBNESS = 2 'switch off the program's intelligence
Public Const MNOPT_BRACKPOL = 3 'give numbers in [] higher precendence
Public Const MNOPT_VERBOSE = 4 'generate informative messages
Public Const MNOPT_DESPERATE = 5 'try to decode incomplete files
Public Const MNOPT_IGNREPLY = 6 'ignore RE:plies (off by default)
Public Const MNOPT_OVERWRITE = 7 'whether it's OK to overwrite ex. files
Public Const MNOPT_SAVEPATH = 8 'prefix to save-files on disk
Public Const MNOPT_IGNMODE = 9 'ignore the original file mode
Public Const MNOPT_DEBUG = 10 'print messages with FILE/LINE info
Public Const MNOPT_ERRNO = 14 'get last error code for MNRET_IOERR (ro)
Public Const MNOPT_PROGRESS = 15 'retrieve progress information
Public Const MNOPT_USETEXT = 16 'handle text messages
Public Const MNOPT_PREAMB = 17 'handle Mime preambles/epilogues
Public Const MNOPT_TINYB64 = 18 'detect short B64 outside of Mime
Public Const MNOPT_ENCEXT = 19 'extension for single-part encoded files
' constants for TypeOfEncoding in cMNEncode and cMNWalkInList
Public Const MN_UU_ENCODED = 1 'UUencoded data
Public Const MN_B64ENCODED = 2 'Mime-Base64 data
Public Const MN_XX_ENCODED = 3 'XXencoded data
Public Const MN_BH_ENCODED = 4 'Binhex encoded
Public Const MN_PT_ENCODED = 5 'Plain-Text encoded (MIME)
Public Const MN_QP_ENCODED = 6 'Quoted-Printable (MIME)
' constants for Mime Headers in cMNEncode
Public Const MNHDR_NONE = 0 'No MIME headers (use standard headers)
Public Const MNHDR_SIMPLE = 1 'Simple MIME (no addressing)
Public Const MNHDR_MAIL = 2 'MIME E-mail format
Public Const MNHDR_NEWS = 3 'MIME News format
' constants for FileState (may be OR'ed) in cMNWalkInList
Public Const MNSTATE_READ = 0 'Read in, but not further processed
Public Const MNSTATE_MISPART = 1 'Missing Part(s) detected
Public Const MNSTATE_NOBEGIN = 2 'No 'begin' found
Public Const MNSTATE_NOEND = 4 'No 'end' found
Public Const MNSTATE_NODATA = 8 'File does not contain valid uudata
Public Const MNSTATE_OK = 16 'All Parts found, ready to decode
Public Const MNSTATE_ERROR = 32 'Error while decoding
Public Const MNSTATE_DECODED = 64 'Successfully decoded
Public Const MNSTATE_TMPFILE = 128 'Temporary decoded file exists
Declare Function cMNInitialize Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Long
Declare Function cMNShutdown Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Long
Declare Function cMNGetOption Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal OptionNo As Long, LongVal As Long, StringVal As String) As Integer
Declare Function cMNSetOption Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal OptionNo As Long, ByVal LongVal As Long, ByVal StringVal As String) As Integer
Declare Function cMNEncode Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileIn As String, ByVal FileOut As String, ByVal NameInFile As String, ByVal TypeOfEncoding As Long, ByVal linesperfile As Long, ByVal MimeHeaders As Integer, ByVal Sender As String, ByVal Receiver As String, ByVal Subject As String) As Long
Declare Function cMNLoadInList Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal FileName As String, ByVal DeleteAfterDecoding As Long) As Long
Declare Function cMNCountInList Lib "t2win-32.dll" () As Long
Declare Function cMNFirstInList Lib "t2win-32.dll" (Ptr As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cMNWalkInList Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Ptr As Long, FileName As String, TypeOfEncoding As Integer, FileState As Long, NextPtr As Long) As Integer
Declare Function cMNGetSubjectInList Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Ptr As Long) As String
Declare Function cMNGetMimeIDInList Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Ptr As Long) As String
Declare Function cMNGetMimeContentInList Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Ptr As Long) As String
Declare Function cMNRenameInList Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Ptr As Long, ByVal NewFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Function cMNDecodeFromList Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Ptr As Long, FileState As Long, ErrorCodeForDecodeOperation As Long, ErrorCodeForMoveOperation As Long) As Long
' math
a As Double
b As Double
End Type
Declare Function cCpxAdd Lib "t2win-32.dll" (z1 As tagCOMPLEX, z2 As tagCOMPLEX) As tagCOMPLEX
Declare Function cCpxSub Lib "t2win-32.dll" (z1 As tagCOMPLEX, z2 As tagCOMPLEX) As tagCOMPLEX
Declare Function cCpxMul Lib "t2win-32.dll" (z1 As tagCOMPLEX, z2 As tagCOMPLEX) As tagCOMPLEX
Declare Function cCpxDiv Lib "t2win-32.dll" (z1 As tagCOMPLEX, z2 As tagCOMPLEX) As tagCOMPLEX
Declare Function cCpxConjugue Lib "t2win-32.dll" (z1 As tagCOMPLEX) As tagCOMPLEX
Declare Function cCpxModulus Lib "t2win-32.dll" (z1 As tagCOMPLEX) As Double
Declare Function cCpxArgument Lib "t2win-32.dll" (z1 As tagCOMPLEX) As Double
Declare Function cCpxPowerN Lib "t2win-32.dll" (z1 As tagCOMPLEX, ByVal n As Integer) As tagCOMPLEX
Declare Function cCpxSqrt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (z1 As tagCOMPLEX) As tagCOMPLEX
Declare Function cRootN Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal x As Double, ByVal n As Integer, ByVal Precision As Integer, Iteration As Long) As Double
Declare Function cRound Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal x As Double, ByVal Precision As Integer) As Double
Declare Function cRoundNearest Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal x As Double, ByVal NearestValue As Long) As Double
Declare Function cGreatCommonDivisor Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value1 As Long, ByVal Value2 As Long) As Long
Declare Function cRotate Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Long, ByVal Rotation As Integer) As Long
Declare Function cSortDigits Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Long) As Long
Declare Function cSumDigits Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Long) As Long
Declare Function cSumDigitsAlt Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Long) As Long
Declare Function cSumDivisors Lib "t2win-32.dll" (ByVal Value As Long) As Long