WARNING: This computer program is protected by US and international copyright laws. Duplication ot this program is limited to one backup copy under the terms and conditions of the license agreement that accompanied this product.
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$This program needs to be registered
Wrong code, please try again
-This is your last try, please type carefully
"Product to register Registered to
Expiration date code
Modules to register Unlock code
Expected date code Register
Register the program Continue
Quit the registration
Get ID
Get System ID
Fill in the blanks EXACTLY as they appear on the unlock code sheet. UPPER/lower case is unimportant, but everything else is critical. Marketwizz Internet Solutions Ph: 209-458-0250 I
Expired Registration
Sorry, the registration period has expired. To restore the program to full operation please call: Marketwizz Internet Solutions Ph: 209-458-0250 k
Thank You
Register the program Continue
Exit the program
Incorrect Registration
Sorry, there seems to be an error in the registration information. To restore the program to full operation, please re-register the program or contact: Marketwizz Internet Solutions Ph: 209-458-0250 6
Thank You
Register the program Continue
Exit the program
Wrong System Date
WARNING: There seems to be a discrepency in the system date. Please exit the program and enter today's date in your computer. Marketwizz Internet Solutions Ph: 209-458-0250 O
Thank You
Register the program Continue
Exit the program
Time Left...
This is an evaluation copy. The evaluation will end on the date below. at which time your access will be terminated. To continue using the program please call us. Marketwizz Internet Solutions Ph: 209-458-0250 +
Thank You
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Registered Version Only
Sorry, this program option is only available in the registered version. Register today to receive unrestricted access to the program. Marketwizz Internet Solutions
Ph: 209-458-0250
Thank You
Register the program Continue
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"Product to register Registered to
Modules to register System ID
Expiration date codeUnlock code
Expected date code This program was shipped to you with an expiration date. If the expiration above reads "99" then this is your permanent unlock code, if not please refer to "Temporary Unlock", below.
To unlock your product, start by running the program, click "Register" when prompted. After the registration screen loads, enter the above information exactly as it appears on this form. UPPER/lower case is not important but everything else is critical. ' If we have made a mistake please let us know as soon as possible so that we can provide you with a new unlock code.
If this is a temporary unlock code, don't worry! You still have 100% access to all the features of the program. Just be sure to send your payment before the expiration date, allowing us time to mail or fax you your new unlock code.