133 CamRunner only supports 4, 8, and 24 bit files. Some of the CamRunner features \nwill not be available until you change your video driver settings. For Connectix\n drivers, please use the video format dialog box to change colors to millions.
136 "No Video Capture Driver installed"
158 Software\DCN, LLC.\CamRunner\Settings
174 Open the Annotations Dialog box\nEdit Annotations
176 Edit Transfers\nEdit Transfers
177 Edit Schedules
189 Show or hide the Toolbar\nToggle Toolbar
190 Add, modify or activate a schedule
218 Change Network Connection\nShow the network configuration dialog box.
240 Edit Transfers
241 Open the Edit Schedules Dialog box\nEdit Schedules
250 "Transfer Name"
252 "Annotation Name"
253 Edit Transfers\nEdit Transfers
1059 Current Transfer
1061 Current Annotation
1066 Name of file saved locally
1068 Name of transfered file
1092 Add a new schedule to the list\nAdd schedule
1093 Help\nHelp
1094 Remove a schedule from the list\nRemove schedule
1095 Modify the list of schedules\nChange schedule
1097 Remove all the schedules from the list\nClear list
1099 Please select a transfer.
1100 Please select a minimum of one day in your schedule.
1102 Please select a valid transfer or create one with that name.
1105 You must specify a name for the annotation.
1109 Please specify a remote file name for the transfer.
1110 You must specify a user name for the transfer.
1111 You must specify a host name for the transfer.
1112 Please specify a name for the transfer.
1145 Connection and sending status
1183 The transfer name cannot be 'Untitled'.
1186 You must specify a Local Filename with the 'Save File Locally' box checked.
1187 You must specify an Annotation with the 'Annotate Image' box checked.
1190 Please select a valid annotation or create one.
1191 The annotation name cannot be 'Untitled'.
1193 Please change the start and stop times so they aren't the same.
1194 Please select a delay between sending pictures.
1195 Please specify a name for the schedule.
1197 The schedule name cannot be 'Untitled'.
1203 Transfer file destination
1234 "Untitled"
32773 Show or hide the Schedule window
32784 Capture and display a single frame\nCapture single frame
32788 Show or hide the Transfer window\nToggle the Transfer window