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INI File
181 lines
; 24-Jul-97
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Creates the JP Software program group under Windows 95 or Windows NT,
; and adds JP Software's products to it. The specific steps are:
; 1. Create a new "JP Software" group under Programs in the Start menu,
; if the group does not already exist.
; 2. Under Windows 95:
; * If the 4DOS files are present in the same directory as this
; .INF file, add 4DOS and the 4DOS help to the JP Software
; group, and also create a desktop shortcut for 4DOS.COM named
; "4DOS Prompt".
; * If the Take Command/32 files are present in the same
; directory as this .INF file, add Take Command/32 and the Take
; Command/32 help to the JP Software group, and also create a
; desktop shortcut for TCMD32.EXE named "Take Command Prompt".
; 3. Under Windows NT:
; * If the 4NT files are present in the same directory as this
; .INF file, add 4NT and the 4NT help to the JP Software group,
; and also create a desktop shortcut for 4NT.EXE named "4NT
; Prompt".
; * If the Take Command/32 files are present in the same
; directory as this .INF file, add Take Command/32 and the Take
; Command/32 help to the JP Software group, and also create a
; desktop shortcut for TCMD32.EXE named "Take Command Prompt".
; 4. Includes the above items among the features that can be
; "uninstalled" via the Windows Control Panel (as "JP Software
; program shortcuts").
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Normally this JPSOFT.INF file is installed automatically during the
; 4DOS, 4NT, or Take Command/32 installation process.
; When you install this file, it creates the appropriate Start menu
; entries and desktop shortcuts for the product it came with. If you
; have multiple products, the file can be run multiple times to install
; each product separately. It must be run from the product directory in
; each case.
; If you uninstall using this file, the uninstall operation will remove
; the JP Software group and all products in it from the Start menu, as
; well as the desktop shortcuts for all products. To remove some
; products and not others, first uninstall "JP Software program
; shortcuts", then reinstall for those products you want to retain.
; TO INSTALL MANUALLY: Right-click on the JPSOFT.INF file from a
; Windows 95 or Windows NT Explorer window, and select the "Install"
; option on the popup menu. If you have several products, install the
; JPSOFT.INF in each product directory.
; TO REMOVE: Use the Control Panel's "Install/Remove Programs" menu and
; select the "JP Software program shortcuts" entry. This option removes
; the JP Software group and all shortcuts in it from the Start menu as
; well as any "4DOS Prompt", "4NT Prompt", or "Take Command Prompt"
; desktop shortcuts, but does not remove the files or otherwise
; uninstall the products themselves.
; NOTE: The group and shortcuts created by this file can always be
; edited, copied, moved, or deleted "manually" using standard Windows
; procedures, but if you change the name or location of a shortcut or
; group, the "Uninstall" function will not be able to remove that
; shorcut or group.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
REMOVE_DESC = "JP Software program shortcuts (remove shortcuts and group)"
PRODUCT = "JPSoftware"
GROUP_NAME = "JP Software"
LONG_NAME1 = "4DOS Prompt"
HELP_NAME1 = "4DOS Help"
LONG_NAME2 = "4NT Prompt"
HELP_NAME2 = "4NT Help"
LONG_NAME3 = "Take Command Prompt"
HELP_NAME3 = "Take Command Help"
55 = "","",1
CopyFiles.Inf = 17
Signature = "$CHICAGO$"
Provider = "JP Software, Inc."
CopyFiles = CopyFiles.Inf
UpdateInis= LinksInstall.Inf
AddReg = Uninstall.Add
DelFiles = CopyFiles.Inf
UpdateInis= LinksUninstall.Inf
DelReg = Uninstall.Add
CopyFiles = CopyFiles.Inf
UpdateInis= LinksInstall.InfNT
AddReg = Uninstall.AddNT
DelFiles = CopyFiles.Inf
UpdateInis= LinksUninstall.InfNT
DelReg = Uninstall.AddNT
setup.ini, progman.groups,, "group=""%GROUP_NAME%"""
setup.ini, progman.groups,, "desktop=""..\..\Desktop"""
setup.ini, group,, """%LONG_NAME1%"", ""%01%\%RUN_STRING1%"",""%01%\%RUN_ICON1%"",,,"%01%""
setup.ini, desktop,, """%LONG_NAME1%"", ""%01%\%RUN_STRING1%"",""%01%\%RUN_ICON1%"",,,"%01%""
setup.ini, group,, """%HELP_NAME1%"", ""%01%\%HELP_STRING1%"","%10%\winhlp32.exe",2,,,"%01%""
setup.ini, group,, """%LONG_NAME3%"", ""%01%\%RUN_STRING3%"",,,,"%01%""
setup.ini, desktop,, """%LONG_NAME3%"", ""%01%\%RUN_STRING3%"",,,,"%01%""
setup.ini, group,, """%HELP_NAME3%"", ""%01%\%HELP_STRING3%"",,,,"%01%""
setup.ini, progman.groups,, "group=""%GROUP_NAME%"""
setup.ini, progman.groups,, "desktop=""..\..\Desktop"""
setup.ini, group,, """%LONG_NAME1%"""
setup.ini, desktop,, """%LONG_NAME1%"""
setup.ini, group,, """%HELP_NAME1%"""
setup.ini, group,, """%LONG_NAME3%"""
setup.ini, desktop,, """%LONG_NAME3%"""
setup.ini, group,, """%HELP_NAME3%"""
setup.ini, progman.groups,, "group=""%GROUP_NAME%"""
setup.ini, progman.groups,, "desktop=""..\..\Desktop"""
setup.ini, group,, """%LONG_NAME2%"", ""%01%\%RUN_STRING2%"",,,,"%01%""
setup.ini, desktop,, """%LONG_NAME2%"", ""%01%\%RUN_STRING2%"",,,,"%01%""
setup.ini, group,, """%HELP_NAME2%"", ""%01%\%HELP_STRING2%"",,,,"%01""
setup.ini, group,, """%LONG_NAME3%"", ""%01%\%RUN_STRING3%"",,,,"%01%""
setup.ini, desktop,, """%LONG_NAME3%"", ""%01%\%RUN_STRING3%"",,,,"%01%""
setup.ini, group,, """%HELP_NAME3%"", ""%01%\%HELP_STRING3%"",,,,"%01%""
setup.ini, progman.groups,, "group=""%GROUP_NAME%"""
setup.ini, progman.groups,, "desktop=""..\..\Desktop"""
setup.ini, group,, """%LONG_NAME2%"""
setup.ini, desktop,, """%LONG_NAME2%"""
setup.ini, group,, """%HELP_NAME2%"""
setup.ini, group,, """%LONG_NAME3%"""
setup.ini, desktop,, """%LONG_NAME3%"""
setup.ini, group,, """%HELP_NAME3%"""
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%PRODUCT%,UninstallString,,"%10%\RunDll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultUninstall 4 %17%\JPSOFT.INF"
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%PRODUCT%,UninstallString,,"RunDll32.exe syssetup.dll,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUninstall 132 %17%\JPSOFT.INF"