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HISTORY.803 1 Mar 26, 1998
Revision history
Detailed revision histories for the programs are only maintained for the
last three releases. After that, you get the major revision summaries only
for the next three releases or so. In any case, if your version of any of
these programs is more than a year old, your version is definitely
obsolete. Hop onto the Web--preferably to the official site at
or find through http://www.erols.com/waynesof
--or e-mail me or something and get the new version!
Can't remember that site address? Either can I. Remember
http://www.erols.com/waynesof instead and use the link to the GeoCities
site from there.
-------------- (full detail; revisions made 1 to 3 releases ago)
Release 803 (March 1998):
All programs: Recoded documentation to be 75 characters in width instead
of 79 (I didn't mind changing the font style but I got tired of bringing
them into Notepad in Windows and having to adjust the font size too). I
also added a cross-reference to http://www.erols.com/waynesof in all of
the documentation files that mentioned the GeoCities site.
CONVERT: Recoded to allow exponential input numbers (for example
"12E3"). Fixed program so it allowed for ten filters (as it was supposed
to handle). I also dropped the SIMTEL.DEF from the documentation since I
wasn't sure if it was ever used and it might confuse people. [Replaces
FIXTEXT: Of course as soon as I stop its distribution... Found that the
/-I parameter wasn't working. Recoded. Also added documentation on
getting rid of tabs (replacing with NULL's) completely. Also fixed an
error processing some binary files. Fixed error processing multiple
files to another subdirectory. Also (when it rains it pours) added
error-checking to avoid 0-byte files. Added a separate FIXTEXT.ISO file,
provided by Paul Rosenberg, which converts the characters to the ISO
LATIN-1 character set used by Windows. [Replaces fixtx801.zip]
HTMSTRIP: <STRONG>..</STRONG> is now treated identically to <B>..</B>.
Fixed up /RULE under /BORDER=D and /BORDER=S. Program wasn't supporting
/HTTP=c (one character instead of two or "/HTTP=NONE") so fixed that.
Added four pages of documentation talking about how hypertext links,
image elements, and client-side imagemaps were handled by HTMSTRIP and
fixed a few inconsistencies in that area. /IMGALT=SYMBOL will now write
out the alt= specification for the image and, if none is present, write
the symbol instead. Added /IMG (same as /IMG=FSITE), /MAP (same as
/MAP=FSITE), /IMGALT (same as /IMGALT=FSITE), /A (same as /A=FSITE)
parameters. Modified handling of /RULE (without a parameter). A number
of other minor programming changes and some modifications to the
documentation. [Replaces htmst801.zip]
Release 801 (January 1998):
AV: Dropping from regular distribution. Updates available directly from
HISTORY.803 2 Mar 26, 1998
my Web site at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/2414
CONVERT: Fixed a problem with null fields when they're in an
ASCII-delimited file like this:
[Replaces convr710.zip]
FIXTEXT: Dropping from regular distribution. Updates available directly
from my Web site at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/2414
HTMSTRIP: Fixed a minor problem with pages with weird block indenting.
[Replaces htmst712.zip]
TXTABLE: Dropping from regular distribution. Updates available directly
from my Web site at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/2414
Release 712 (December 1997):
CHANGE: Fixed a bug with long column-specific changes. [Replaces
EUMAIL: Added /HEAD=ALL and /HEAD=FILTER. /D=dump_sub didn't work
correctly if the dump_sub was on a different drive than the Eudora
program; fixed it. [Replaces eumal711.zip]
FILUPDAT: Dropping from regular distribution. Updates available
directly from my Web site at
HTMSTRIP: Fixed a bug with <PRE>..</PRE> blocks within tables. Fixed up
some problems with /IMGALT= and /MAPALT= specifications. [Replaces
TXTABLE: Dropping from regular distribution. Updates available directly
from my Web site at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/2414
-------------- (kind of terse; revisions made 4 to 6 releases ago)
Release 711 (November 1997):
EUMAIL: Added /DMP=xxx and /D=dump_sub parameters.
Release 710 (October 1997):
Release 709 (September 1997):
CONVERT: Fixed a problem with reading negative values in dBase files.
HISTORY.803 3 Mar 26, 1998
Wish list & bugs to squash
Nothing in this list is guaranteed to be incorporated in the routines.
However, they may be. Realistically, most of these have been on the list
for a *long* time so don't hold your breath. The "(708)" or whatever
indicates how long the suggestion has been here ("(708)" means August 1997,
"(1996)" means it's been here a lonnnng time).
Given that these programs are freeware, it's hard for me to justify
spending the time adding features that of use to a small number of people.
Offering money to me to implement these would help; yes, I can do
specialized versions for your own purposes on a fee basis. In general,
bugs are more likely to be fixed over new features being added.
* (708) Add support for passing in multiple filespecs as "(filespecs)".
* (707) Currently, I can't add anything to this program due to memory
considerations. Any future changes will require extensive recoding.
* (1996) Ability to insert characters (/FROM NULL /TO xxx)
* (1996) Ability to change any character at a specified column to
something else (i.e. deleting columns)
* (1996) Add /INMISSD and /OUTMISSD parms
* (710) Add ability to specify size too
* (707) Prompt before copying over a file
* (707) Some sort of status report
* (1996) Add /S option
* (1995) Support for 4DOS
* (1996) Add setting to allow color switch for tomorrow's item
* (802) Add ability to reset archive bits after copying.
* (712) Ability to wipe out unused subdirectories in destination path.
* (708) Ability to specify which results show up in the report file.
* (1995) Support for 4DOS
* (711) Make file display items and sequence user configurable.
* (801) Add way of flushing mailboxes after /DUMP option used.
* (711) Some way to avoid dump files from similarly-named mailboxes
writing over each other (both if /D=subdir specified or if just long
ambiguous names in general).
* (711) Add ability to skip the mailbox listing and still get the
mailbox dumps.
* (708) Ability to directly support multiple nickname files (supported
under the professional version)
* (706) If disk is write-protected, or damaged, prompt for another disk
* (701) Consider new algorithm for fitting files
* (1996) /S (cascade) option?
* (1995) Support for 4DOS
* (704) Support for cascade (/S)
* (1995) Support for 4DOS
HISTORY.803 4 Mar 21, 1998
* (703) Some option to turn off the listing of defaults at the start of
the program, maybe expand this to the other routines
* (803) Inline JavaScript can sometimes screw up the program's
recognition of the end of an HTML tag (things like ">" characters in
formulas); need to fix.
* (803) Some ability to specify the character used for <UL> specs
* (712) Table cells should be aligned independently of <CENTER>
condition outside of <TABLE>..</TABLE> block (multiple Alignment
* (711) <LI> settings within and without tables should be separated; if
<LI> is in effect and a table is loaded, cells should not have "*"
unless another <LI> appears within the table.
* (709) <PRE>...</PRE> blocks should work within lines (just does entire
lines now)
* (708) /-CENTER option to turn off center handling.
* (707) <PRE>..</PRE> blocks probably should still be centered if
* (707) <P> within <LI> should still be indented.
* (703) Allow for <INPUT TYPE="RADIO"> to be on same line.
* (702) Radio buttons etc don't line up correctly within table cells
* (701) Handle COLSPAN and ROWSPAN better (should eliminate borders)
* (701) Tab expansion should take effect on output, not input
* (701) Consider handling the looser "<!-- ... -- >" form of comments?
* (1996) Need a better way to handle long table cells
* (1996) Handle embedded ALIGN statements better (vs Netscape's CENTER)
<Hn> def is flush left ALIGN="s" or ALIGN=s
<P> flush left
* (1996) Handle anchors <P ID="...">
* (703) Add ability to specify wildcarded files to retrieve
* (1996) Add grab-all for pages that are list of images etc (e.g.
accessing an ftp page in Netscape gives you just a list of files)
* (803) Some #BLOCK...#END feature to keep paragraphs together
* (803) There's a bug with writing out the last element of a multicolumn
selection when it's the first line on a page.
* (1996) HEADING | FOOTER [ FRONT | BACK ] ?
* (1996) Adding some other line options (e.g. double around table but
single within)
All routines:
* (1996) Maybe have a Windows SETUP interface and prompter?