Hot Shareware 35
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INI File
468 lines
; This file consists of the following sections
; (1) Changing program defaults --
; see the documentation under "Specifying parameters"
; (2) Entity references (about 260 lines of stuff) --
; see the documentation under "Defining Entity References"
; (3) Symbol lookups (how <A ...> etc links show up) --
; see the documentation under "Defining the Symbolic References"
; (4) Filter table items (e.g. how decimal 182 shows up) --
; see the documentation under "Defining the Character-Translations"
; Note that the current version of HTMSTRIP can be obtained from my
; Web site at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/2414
; Program written by Bruce Guthrie, WayneSof@erols.com
; -------- (1) Changing program defaults -------
; Here's the syntax chart from the command:
; HTMSTRIP [ filespec | (filelist) | @listfile ] [ /Cpath ] [ outfile ]
; [ /EXT=.xxx ] [ /COPY=path ] [ /CREATE ] [ /ALL ] [ /ATTR=attribs ]
; [ /WIDTH=n ] [ /FORCE ] [ /RULE=s ] [ /BORDER=c ] [ /BUFF=n ] [ /SPACES ]
; [ /RSPACE ] [ /WARNINGS ] [ /-TABLE ] [ /-INDENT ] [ /CPn ] [ /A=spec ]
; [ /IMG=spec | /IMGALT=spec ] [ /ALTONLY ] [ /MAP=spec | /MAPALT=spec ]
; [ /-INPUT ] [ /Linitfile ] [ /FILTER | /FILTER=filename ]
; [ /LOG=logfile ] [ /Tpath ] [ /MONO ]
; [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /-ENV ] [ /? ] [ /?&H ]
; Note that only options that begin with a "/" can be included in the
; INI file so forget "filespec", "@listfile", and "outfile" above.
; The following lines are examples of how to override system
; defaults. In actuality, they are for values that are
; already system defaults but they give you an idea of how you
; might change them if you wanted to. You might instead put
; similar statements in a separate INI file for this. To
; modify the default, remove the leading semi-colon (";") and
; then modify the item. There are some other options that can
; be changed that didn't make sense to declare as defaults
; below: /Cpath, /COPY=path, and /FILTER=filename.
;/A=NONE ; Change to /A=FSITE to embed full site names; see docs for other choices
;/-ALL ; Change to /ALL if you want non-recognizable files checked
;/-ALTONLY ; Change to /ALTONLY if you *only* want to see ALT=alias references for graphics
;/ATTR=-H-S ; /ATTR=ALL processes everything; changing is seldom necessary though
;/BORDER=T ; Change to /BORDER=B to replace with spaces, see docs for other choices
;/BUFF=1 ; Change to /BUFF=2 or more to increase spaces around vertical table divides
;/COLOR ; Change to /MONO to avoid color changes during execution
;/CP1 ; Change to /CP3 for the Windows TrueType-supported character set
;/-CREATE ; Change to /CREATE to creates the output subdirectory if it doesn't exist already
;/ENV ; Change to /-ENV to avoid trying to resolve passed-in environmental variables
;/EXT=.OUT ; Determines default file extension for output files
;/-FORCE ; Change to /FORCE if tables must be squeezed into specified page width
;/HTTP=[] ; Change to something else when site names are shown
;/IHTMSTRIP.INI ; Change to something else to read the INI file from elsewhere
;/IMG=NONE ; Change to /IMG=FSITE to embed full file names; see docs for other choices
;/IMGALT=NONE ; Change to /IMGALT=FSITE to embed full file names or ALT=alias references; see docs for other choices
;/INDENT ; Change to /-INDENT if you don't want <BLOCKQUOTE> sections indented
;/-INPUT ; Change to /INPUT if you want to see indications of where input zones are
;/LHTMSTRIP.INI ; Change to something else to read the entity references from another file
;/-LOG ; Change to /LOG or /LOG=filename to log files processed
;/MAP=NONE ; Change to /MAP=FSITE to embed full file names; see docs for other choices
;/MAPALT=NONE ; Change to /MAPALT=FSITE to embed full file names or ALT=alias references; see docs for other choices
;/-RSPACE ; Change to /RSPACE if you need spaces before/after <HR> tags
;/RULE=- ; Change to something else for <HR> indicators
;/-SPACES ; Change to /SPACES to keep all blank lines
;/TABLE ; Change to /-TABLE to skip processing tables
;/-WARNINGS ; Change to /WARNING to display warning messages about HTML problems
;/WIDTH=80 ; Change to another value to make output lines longer/shorter
; ------- (2) Entity references ----------
; Normal lookups. What HTML codes are replaced by what codes?
; These codes are defined as "entity references" in the manuals.
; The entities are listed alphabetically by type of entity
; but they don't actually have to be in any order whatsoever.
; For most of the symbols, there are three character lookups provided,
; one between each underscore pair. For example, "_AE_Æ_╞_".
; Item: (1) = 7-bit ASCII characters; this is a universal
; character set that should work under DOS and
; Windows as well as being e-mailable to anyone. It avoids
; all high order bit characters. This excludes most foreign
; characters as well as some others. Example, "AE" above.
; (2) = 8-bit ASCII characters--DOS only; this set includes
; high-order DOS characters which works only from DOS.
; Foreign characters appear fine under DOS but they come
; off totally wrong under Windows and may not work well
; under e-mail. Example, "Æ" above.
; (3) = ANSI characters meeting the ISO 8859/1 8-bit single-byte
; graphic character set. This set only works under Windows
; and may not work well under e-mail. Example, "╞" above.
; See HTMSTRIP.DOC under "Defining Entity References"
; Foreign characters (capital letters)
Æ = _AE_Æ_╞_ ; Capital AE dipthong (ligature)
Á = _A_A_┴_ ; Capital A, acute accent
 = _A_A_┬_ ; Capital A, circumflex access
À = _A_A_└_ ; Capital A, grave accent
Å = _A_Å_┼_ ; Capital A, ring
à = _A_A_├_ ; Capital A, tilde
Ä = _A_Ä_─_ ; Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
Ç = _C_Ç_╟_ ; Capital C, cedilla
Ð = _D_D_╨_ ; Capital Eth, Icelandic
É = _E_É_╔_ ; Capital E, acute accent
Ê = _E_E_╩_ ; Capital E, circumflex accent
È = _E_E_╚_ ; Capital E, grave accent
Ë = _E_E_╦_ ; Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
Í = _I_I_═_ ; Capital I, acute accent
Î = _I_I_╬_ ; Capital I, circumflex accent
Ì = _I_I_╠_ ; Capital I, grave accent
Ï = _I_I_╧_ ; Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
Ñ = _N_Ñ_╤_ ; Capital N, tilde
Ó = _O_O_╙_ ; Capital O, acute accent
Ô = _O_O_╘_ ; Capital O, circumflex accent
Ò = _O_O_╥_ ; Capital O, grave accent
Ø = _O_O_╪_ ; Capital O, slash
Õ = _O_O_╒_ ; Capital O, tilde
Ö = _O_Ö_╓_ ; Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
Ú = _U_U_┌_ ; Capital U, acute accent
Û = _U_U_█_ ; Capital U, circumflex accent
Ù = _U_U_┘_ ; Capital U, grave accent
Ü = _U_Ü_▄_ ; Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
Ý = _Y_Y_▌_ ; Capital Y, acute accent
Þ = _D_D_▐_ ; Capital THORN, Icelandic
; Foreign characters (small characters)
á = _a_á_ß_ ; Small a, acute accent
â = _a_â_Γ_ ; Small a, circumflex accent
æ = _a_æ_µ_ ; Small ae dipthong (ligature)
à = _a_à_α_ ; Small a, grave accent
å = _a_å_σ_ ; Small a, ring
ã = _a_a_π_ ; Small a, tilde
ä = _a_ä_Σ_ ; Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
ç = _c_ç_τ_ ; Small c, cedilla
é = _e_é_Θ_ ; Small e, acute accent
ê = _e_ê_Ω_ ; Small e, circumflex accent
è = _e_è_Φ_ ; Small e, grave accent
ð = _e_e_≡_ ; Small etc, Icelandic
ë = _e_ë_δ_ ; Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
í = _i_í_φ_ ; Small i, acute accent
î = _i_î_ε_ ; Small i, circumflex accent
ì = _i_ì_∞_ ; Small i, grave accent
ï = _i_ï_∩_ ; Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
ñ = _n_ñ_±_ ; Small n, tilde
ó = _o_ó_≤_ ; Small o, acute accent
ô = _o_ô_⌠_ ; Small o, circumflex accent
ò = _o_ò_≥_ ; Small o, grave accent
ø = _o_φ_°_ ; Small o, slash
õ = _o_o_⌡_ ; Small o, tilde
ö = _o_ö_÷_ ; Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
ß = _ss_ß_▀_ ; Small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
þ = _D_D_■_ ; Small thorn, Icelandic
ú = _u_ú_·_ ; Small u, acute accent
û = _u_u_√_ ; Small u, circumflex accent
ù = _u_ù_∙_ ; Small u, grave accent
ü = _u_ü_ⁿ_ ; Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
ý = _y_y_²_ ; Small y, acute accent
ÿ = _y_ÿ_ _ ; Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
; Symbols
& = & ; Ampersand
¦ = _|_|_ª_ ; Broken vertical bar (pipe symbol)
&cdots; = _..._∙∙∙_..._ ; Three dots on center line
¸ = _c_c_╕_ ; Cedilla
¢ = _cents_¢_ó_ ; Cent symbol
© = _(c)_(c)_⌐_ ; Copyright symbol
° = _degree_°_░_ ; Degree symbol
= \032 ; Thick space
&endash; = - ; Dash
= \032 ; Thin space
½ = _1/2_½_╜_ ; One half
¼ = _1/4_¼_╝_ ; One quarter
¾ = _3/4_3/4_╛_ ; Three quarters
> = > ; Greater than
¡ = _!_¡_í_ ; Inverted exclamation point
¿ = _?_¿_┐_ ; Inverted question mark
« = _\034_«_½_ ; Left bracket double quote
&ldots; = _..._..._à_ ; Three dots on lower line
< = < ; Less than
¯ = _-_-_»_ ; Macron accent
— = - ; Big dash
µ = _u_µ_╡_ ; Micron symbol
· = _._∙_╖_ ; Small dot on the middle of the line
= \032 ; Non-breakable space
– = - ; Small dash
¬ = _^_¬_¼_ ; Not symbol
ª = _^a_ª_¬_ ; eminine ordinal
º = _^o_º_║_ ; asculine ordinal
¶ = _P__╢_ ; Paragraph symbol
± = _+/-_±_▒_ ; Plus-minus character
£ = _L_£_ú_ ; British pound Sterling
&quadsp; = \032 ; Huge space
" = \034 ; Quotation mark
» = _\034_»_╗_ ; Right bracket double quote
® = _(R)_(R)_«_ ; Registered trademark
§ = _(s)__º_ ; Section
= _-_-_¡_ ; Soft hyphen
&sp; = \032 ; Space
¹ = _^1_^1_╣_ ; Superscript one
² = _^2_²_▓_ ; Superscript two
³ = _^3_^3_│_ ; Superscript three
= \032 ; Thin space
× = _x_x_╫_ ; Multiplication symbol
™ = _TM_TM_Ö_ ; Registered trademark -- unofficial
&vdots; = | ; Three vertical dots
¥ = _Y_¥_Ñ_ ; Japanese yen
; Numeric codes: ISO 8859/1 8-bit single-byte graphic character set.
; The beginning set are shared by IBM PC's so there's not much difference.
; to are not supported by HTML
= \032 ; Vertical tab; handling as space
= \013\010 ; Line feed; handling as new line
; to #031 are not supported by HTML
= \032 ; Space
! = ! ; Exclamation point
" = \034 ; Double quotation mark
# = # ; Number (pound) sign
$ = $ ; Dollar sign
% = % ; Percent sign
& = & ; Ampersand
' = ' ; Apostrophe
( = ( ; Left parenthesis
) = ) ; Right parenthesis
* = * ; Asterisk
+ = + ; Plus sign
, = , ; Comma
- = - ; Hyphen
. = . ; Period (full stop)
/ = / ; Solidus (slash)
0 = 0 ; Digit 0
1 = 1 ; Digit 1
2 = 2 ; Digit 2
3 = 3 ; Digit 3
4 = 4 ; Digit 4
5 = 5 ; Digit 5
6 = 6 ; Digit 6
7 = 7 ; Digit 7
8 = 8 ; Digit 8
9 = 9 ; Digit 9
: = : ; Colon
; = ; ; Semi-colon
< = < ; Less than
= = = ; Equals sign
> = > ; Greater than
? = ? ; Question mark
@ = @ ; Commercial at
A = A ; Capital letter A
B = B ; Capital letter B
C = C ; Capital letter C
D = D ; Capital letter D
E = E ; Capital letter E
F = F ; Capital letter F
G = G ; Capital letter G
H = H ; Capital letter H
I = I ; Capital letter I
J = J ; Capital letter J
K = K ; Capital letter K
L = L ; Capital letter L
M = M ; Capital letter M
N = N ; Capital letter N
O = O ; Capital letter O
P = P ; Capital letter P
Q = Q ; Capital letter Q
R = R ; Capital letter R
S = S ; Capital letter S
T = T ; Capital letter T
U = U ; Capital letter U
V = V ; Capital letter V
W = W ; Capital letter W
X = X ; Capital letter X
Y = Y ; Capital letter Y
Z = Z ; Capital letter Z
[ = [ ; Right square bracket
\ = \ ; Reverse solidus (backslash)
] = ] ; Right square bracket
^ = ^ ; Carat
_ = _ ; Horizontal bar
` = ` ; Acute accent
a = a ; Small letter a
b = b ; Small letter b
c = c ; Small letter c
d = d ; Small letter d
e = e ; Small letter e
f = f ; Small letter f
g = g ; Small letter g
h = h ; Small letter h
i = i ; Small letter i
j = j ; Small letter j
k = k ; Small letter k
l = l ; Small letter l
m = m ; Small letter m
n = n ; Small letter n
o = o ; Small letter o
p = p ; Small letter p
q = q ; Small letter q
r = r ; Small letter r
s = s ; Small letter s
t = t ; Small letter t
u = u ; Small letter u
v = v ; Small letter v
w = w ; Small letter w
x = x ; Small letter x
y = y ; Small letter y
z = z ; Small letter z
{ = { ; Left curly brace
| = | ; Vertical bar
} = } ; Right curly brace
~ = ~ ; Tilde
; Interestingly, the program HTMLCon from Satore Township defines characters
; 131 to 160 whereas Dave Raggett's HyperText Markup Language Specification
; Version 3.0 draft (03/28/95) says they aren't defined at all. Oh well.
; Can't hurt to have extras I guess.... Most of the characters that come
; up fine under Netscape here do not work correctly under Windows itself
; so they had to be translated generically.
= _ƒ_ƒ_â_ ; Looks like that musical forte indicator
= _..._..._à_ ; Elipses
= _^_^_ê_ ; Circumflex
= _S_S_è_ ; Comes up in Netscape as a capital S with reverse umlaut
= _<_<_ï_ ; Less than
= _`_`_æ_ ; Left single quote
= _'_'_Æ_ ; Right single quote
= _\034_\034_ô_ ; Left double quote
= _\034_\034_ö_ ; Right double quote
= _∙_∙_ò_ ; Middle dot
= _-_-_û_ ; Short dash
= _--_--_ù_ ; Long dash
= _TM_TM_Ö_ ; Isn't in the book but Netscape uses it
= _>_>_¢_ ; Greater than
= _Y_Y_ƒ_ ; Y umlaut
= _\032_\032_\160_ ; Space
; Back to codes that everyone seems to agree on (using Raggett's definitions)
¡ = _!_¡_í_ ; Inverted exclamation
¢ = _c_¢_ó_ ; Cent sign
£ = _L_£_ú_ ; Pound sterling
¤ = _$_$_ñ_ ; General currency sign
¥ = _Y_¥_Ñ_ ; Yen sign
¦ = _|_|_ª_ ; Broken vertical bar; pipe symbol
§ = _(s)__º_ ; Section sign
¨ = _\034_\034_¿_ ; Umlaut (diaresis)
© = _(c)_(c)_⌐_ ; Copyright symbol
ª = _a_a_¬_ ; Feminine ordinal
« = _\034_«_½_ ; Left angle quote, guillemot left
¬ = _^_¬_¼_ ; Not sign
= _-_-_¡_ ; Soft hyphen (shhhh)
® = _(R)_(R)_«_ ; Registered trademark
¯ = _-_-_»_ ; Macron accent
° = _degree_°_░_ ; Degree sign
± = _+/-_±_▒_ ; Plus or minus
² = _^2_²_▓_ ; Superscript two
³ = _^3_^3_│_ ; Superscript three
´ = _'_'_┤_ ; Acute accent
µ = _u_µ_╡_ ; Micro sign
¶ = _P__╢_ ; Paragraph symbol
· = _._∙_╖_ ; Middle dot
¸ = _c_ç_╕_ ; Cedilla
¹ = _^1_^1_╣_ ; Superscript one
º = _degree_°_║_ ; Masculine ordinal
» = _\034_»_╗_ ; Right angle quote, guillemot right
¼ = _1/4_¼_╝_ ; Fraction one-fourth
½ = _1/2_½_╜_ ; Fraction one-half
¾ = _3/4_3/4_╛_ ; Fraction three-fourths
¿ = _?_¿_┐_ ; Inverted question mark
À = _A_A_└_ ; Capital A, acute accent
Á = _A_A_┴_ ; Capital A, grave accent
 = _A_A_┬_ ; Capital A, circumflex access
à = _A_A_├_ ; Capital A, tilde
Ä = _A_Å_─_ ; Capital A, ring
Å = _A_Ä_┼_ ; Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
Æ = _AE_Æ_╞_ ; Capital AE dipthong (ligature)
Ç = _C_Ç_╟_ ; Capital C, cedilla
È = _E_É_╚_ ; Capital E, acute accent
É = _E_E_╔_ ; Capital E, grave accent
Ê = _E_E_╩_ ; Capital E, circumflex accent
Ë = _E_E_╦_ ; Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
Ì = _I_I_╠_ ; Capital I, acute accent
Í = _I_I_═_ ; Capital I, grave accent
Î = _I_I_╬_ ; Capital I, circumflex accent
Ï = _I_I_╧_ ; Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
Ð = _D_D_╨_ ; Capital Eth, Icelandic
Ñ = _N_Ñ_╤_ ; Capital N, tilde
Ò = _O_O_╥_ ; Capital O, acute accent
Ó = _O_O_╙_ ; Capital O, grave accent
Ô = _O_O_╘_ ; Capital O, circumflex accent
Õ = _O_O_╒_ ; Capital O, tilde
Ö = _O_Ö_╓_ ; Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
× = _x_x_╫_ ; Multiplication sign
Ø = _O_φ_╪_ ; Capital O, slash
Ù = _U_U_┘_ ; Capital U, acute accent
Ú = _U_U_┌_ ; Capital U, grave accent
Û = _U_U_█_ ; Capital U, circumflex accent
Ü = _U_Ü_▄_ ; Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
Ý = _Y_Y_▌_ ; Capital Y, acute accent
Þ = _D_D_▐_ ; Capital THORN, Icelandic
ß = _B_ß_▀_ ; Small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
à = _a_á_α_ ; Small a, acute accent
á = _a_à_ß_ ; Small a, grave accent
â = _a_â_Γ_ ; Small a, circumflex accent
ã = _a_a_π_ ; Small a, tilde
ä = _a_ä_Σ_ ; Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
å = _a_å_σ_ ; Small a, ring
æ = _ae_æ_µ_ ; Small ae dipthong (ligature)
ç = _c_ç_τ_ ; Small c, cedilla
è = _e_é_Φ_ ; Small e, acute accent
é = _e_è_Θ_ ; Small e, grave accent
ê = _e_ê_Ω_ ; Small e, circumflex accent
ë = _e_ë_δ_ ; Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
ì = _i_í_∞_ ; Small i, acute accent
í = _i_ì_φ_ ; Small i, grave accent
î = _i_î_ε_ ; Small i, circumflex accent
ï = _i_ï_∩_ ; Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
ð = _D_D_≡_ ; Small etc, Icelandic
ñ = _n_ñ_±_ ; Small n, tilde
ò = _o_ó_≥_ ; Small o, acute accent
ó = _o_ò_≤_ ; Small o, grave accent
ô = _o_ô_⌠_ ; Small o, circumflex accent
õ = _o_o_⌡_ ; Small o, tilde
ö = _o_ö_÷_ ; Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
÷ = _/_÷_≈_ ; Division sign
ø = _o_φ_°_ ; Small o, slash
ù = _u_ú_∙_ ; Small u, acute accent
ú = _u_ù_·_ ; Small u, grave accent
û = _u_û_√_ ; Small u, circumflex accent
ü = _u_ü_ⁿ_ ; Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
ý = _y_y_²_ ; Small u, acute accent
þ = _D_D_■_ ; Small thorn, Icelandic
ÿ = _y_ÿ_ _ ; Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
; -------- (3) Symbol lookups ------
; Special lookups.
; See HTMSTRIP.DOC under "Defining the Symbolic References"
<A> = (link)
<IMG> = (image)
<INPUT> = 5<@+>
<b> = (null) ; Also sets <strong> handling
</b> = (null) ; Also sets </strong> handling
<i> = (null)
</i> = (null)
<u> = (null) ; Some people like to set this to: <u> = _
</u> = (null) ; Some people like to set this to: </u> = _
<em> = (null)
</em> = (null)
; -------- (4) Filter table items ------
; Character-translation table entries.
; What characters are to be fixed up on input.
; Syntax is usually:
; \nnn = character where "nnn" is the decimal value of the item
; &Hxx = character where "xx" is a hexadecimal value of the item
; You can only replace a character with another single character; don't
; try to replace \169, for example, with "(c)"
; See HTMSTRIP.DOC under "Defining the Character-Translations"
\145 = '
\146 = ' ; As in DisneyÆs
\147 = "
\148 = "
\169 = c ; Copyright symbols as in ⌐ 1996