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:: examples.btm
:: 24-jul-97
:: Copyright 1997, JP Software Inc., All Rights Reserved.
:: Published by JP Software Inc., P.O. Box 1470, E. Arlington, MA 02174,
:: USA, or http://www.jpsoft.com/
:: This sample batch file is distributed with 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT, and Take
:: Command. To see how it works simply run EXAMPLES from your command
:: processor's prompt.
:: You are free to extract items from this batch file for your own use with
:: our products. However, this file can not be modified and then
:: redistributed; it is distributed only by JP Software Inc.
*@echo off
*unalias *
*unset *
on break goto done
on error rem
window max
do forever
echos Executing: %_batchname under
ver /r
This batch file contains a few basic examples of how the
various variable functions can be used in your own code.
Please press a number [0-8] corresponding to one of the categories
below to see some sample output, or any other key to exit.
0. LIST this batch file
1. System status
2. Drives and devices
3. Files
4. File names
5. Strings and characters
6. Numbers and arithmetic
7. Dates and times
8. Utility
inkey /c /p /w60 /x Which? %%s
iff islabel _%s then
gosub _%s
echo ``
echo ``
iff "%s" ne "0" then
echos Press "L" to LIST this section,
echos any other key to return to the menu
inkey /c /p /x %%i
if "%i" eq "L" list /t":_%s" %_batchname
window rest
list %_batchname
echo 1.FUNCTIONS: System status
echo ``
setdos /x-5
echo %%@DOSMEM[[b|k|K|m|M]c] Free DOS memory: %@dosmem[bc] bytes
echo %%@EMS[[b|k|K|m|M]c] Free EMS memory: %@ems[bc] bytes
echo %%@XMS[[b|k|K|m|M]c] Free XMS memory: %@xms[bc] bytes
echo %%@EXTENDED[[b|k|K|m|M]c] Free extended memory: %@extended[bc] bytes
setdos /x5
echo ``
set jp=foo
set /m jp=bar
if "%@master[jp]" ne "" echos %%@MASTER[varname]
iff "%@master[jp]" eq "%jp" then
echo String "%%JP" expands to "%@master[jp]" in a single master/local environment.
echo String "%%JP" expands to "%jp" locally (shell #%_shell), but to "%@master[jp]" in the master environment.
unset /m jp
echo ``
echo %%@READSCR[row,col,len] The six characters starting with the ninth
echo column of the top row of the screen are
echo "%@readscr[0,8,6]"
echo 2.FUNCTIONS: Drives and devices
echo ``
set i=%_disk
echo (using current drive "%i:")
echo ``
echo %%@DISKTOTAL[d:,M] Total disk space: %@format[12,%@disktotal[%i,M]] MB
echo %%@DISKUSED[d:,K] Used disk space: %@format[12,%@diskused[%i,K]] KB
echo %%@DISKFREE[d:,b] Free disk space: %@format[12,%@diskfree[%i,b]] bytes
echo %%@LABEL[d:] Volume label: %@format[13,"%@label[%i]"]
echo %%@CDROM[d:] Drive is %@if[%@cdrom[%i] eq 0,NOT ,]a CD-ROM
echo %%@READY[d:] Drive is %@if[%@ready[%i] eq 0,NOT ,]ready
echo %%@REMOTE[d:] Drive is %@if[%@remote[%i] eq 0,NOT ,]remote
echo %%@REMOVABLE[d:] Drive is %@if[%@removable[%i] eq 0,NOT ,]removable
echo %%@FSTYPE[d:] The file system is %@FSTYPE[%i]
echo ``
echo %%@DEVICE[name]
for %i in (NUL: CON: COM1: COM5: CLIP:) (
echo Device %i %@if[%@device[%i] eq 0,NOT ,]found
echo %%@LPT[n] Printer port LPT2 is %@if[%@lpt[2] eq 0,NOT ,]ready
echo 3.FUNCTIONS: Files %@if[%_rows lt 26,(screen 1),]
echo ``
set i=%_batchname
echo (using this batch file as "filename")
echo ``
if x%@descript[%i] eq x describe "%i" "Batch language examples"
echo %%@DESCRIPT[filename] %@descript[%i]
echo %%@TRUENAME[filename] %@truename["%i"]
echo %%@ALTNAME[filename] %@altname["%i"]
echos %%@ATTRIB[filename,[nrhsda]] File is %@if[%@attrib["%i",r,p] eq 0,NOT ,]readonly
echo (%@attrib["%i"])
echo %%@FILEAGE[filename] %@fileage["%i"]
echo %%@FILEDATE[filename] %@filedate["%i"]
echo %%@FILETIME[filename] %@filetime["%i"]
echo %%@LINES[filename] This file contains %@lines["%i"] lines
echo %%@LINE[filename,n] Its sixth line is "%@line["%i",5]"
echo and its last line is "%@line["%i",%@lines["%i"]]"
echo ``
echos %%@FILEOPEN[filename,mode]
set jp=%@fileopen[%i,read,b]
echo Open file for READ in BINARY mode as handle #%jp
echos %%@FILESEEK[n,offset,start] Move pointer 8 bytes from beginning
echo (result=%@fileseek[%jp,8,0])
echos Move another 10 bytes
echo (result=%@fileseek[%jp,10,1])
echo %%@FILEREAD[n [,length]] Read next 5 bytes: "%@fileread[%jp,5]"
echo %%@FILECLOSE[n] Close handle #%jp: result=%@fileclose[%jp]
echo ``
if %_rows lt 26 (
pause Presss any key for more ...
echo 3.FUNCTIONS: Files (screen 2)
echo ``
set i=*.txt
set j=%@filesize[%i,b]
if %j eq -1 set j=0
echo %%@FILESIZE[%i,b] "%i" files occupy %j bytes
echo %%FILES[%i] with %@files[%i] matching file(s)
echo in this "%_cwd\" directory.
echo ``
set i=\*
echo %%@FINDFIRST[filename[,-nrhsda]] First directory in the root: "%@findfirst[%i,d]"
echo %%@FINDNEXT[filename[,-nrhsda]] Next directory in the root: "%@findnext[%i,d]"
echo Next directory in the root: "%@findnext[%i,d]"
echo etc.
echo %%@FINDCLOSE[filename] Close search handle for "%i" (result=%@findclose[%i])
echo ``
set i=%@unique[.]
echo %%@UNIQUE[d:\path] Create file with unique name: %@filename["%i"]
*del %i
echo 4.FUNCTIONS: File names
echo ``
set i=%_batchname
echo (using this batch file as "filename")
echo ``
echo %%@EXT[filename] Extension only: %@ext["%i"]
echo %%@FULL[filename] Name with path: %@full["%i"]
echo %%@FILENAME[filename] Name and extension: %@filename["%i"]
echo %%@NAME[filename] Name only: %@name["%i"]
echo %%@PATH[filename] Path only: %@path["%i"]
echo %%@LFN[filename] Long Name: %@lfn[%i]
echo %%@SFN[filename] Short Name: %@sfn[%i]
echo ``
echo %%@EXPAND[filename,[nrhsda]] The *.TXT files in this directory are:
echo %@EXPAND[*.txt,-d]
echo 5.FUNCTIONS: Strings and characters %@if[%_rows lt 26,(screen 1),]
echo ``
set i=%_dow
echo %%@ASCII[c] Numeric ASCII value: "%i" is:
echos ASCII %@ascii[%@instr[0,1,%i]] +
echos ASCII %@ascii[%@instr[1,1,%i]] +
echo ASCII %@ascii[%@instr[2,1,%i]]
echos %%@SUBSTR[string,start,length] The middle character of "%i" is
echo "%@substr[%i,1,1]"
echos %%@REPEAT[c,n] Repeat a character:
echo %@repeat[-,3] %@repeat[ ,5]-
set i= %i %_day` `
echo %%@TRIM[string] Remove blanks from "%i": "%@trim[%i]"
set i=Windows
echo %%@INSERT[n,string1,string2] "%i" becomes "%@insert[4,s of sorr,%i]"
set i=%@random[65,90]
echo %%@CHAR[n] ASCII %i is character "%@char[%i]"
echo %%@FORMAT[[-][x][.y],string] `|` `|`
echo adjust right: %@format[20,%_date]
echo %@format[20,%@eval[355/113]]
echo %@format[20.5,%@eval[355/113]]
echo adjust left: %@format[-20,%_date]
echo %@format[-20,%@eval[355/113]]
echo %@format[-20.5,%@eval[355/113]]
set i=*o[sw]*
echos %%@WILD[str1,str2] Wildcard "%i" DOES
echo %@if[%@WILD[%_cwd,%i] eq 0,NOT ,]appear in
echo "%_cwd".
echo ``
if %_rows lt 26 (
pause Presss any key for more ...
echo 5.FUNCTIONS: Strings and characters (screen 2)
echo ``
set i=The bug which you would fright me with, I seek.
echo (using string "%i",
echo from William Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale, III,2)
echo ``
echo %%@LEN[string] The test string contains %@len[%i] characters.
echo %%@LOWER[string] "%@lower[%i]"
echo %%@UPPER[string] "%@upper[%i]"
echo %%@WORDS[["sep",]string] Number of words: %@words[%i]
echo %%@WORD[["sep",]n,string] Third word: "%@word[2,%i]"
echos %%@INDEX[string1,string2] The first "u" is character #
echo %@index["%i",u]
echos %%@INSTR[start,length,string] The "f" is followed by:
echo "%@INSTR[%@index["%i",f],15,%i]..."
echo %%@LEFT[n,string] The leftmost 7 characters are "%@left[7,%i]"
echo %%@RIGHT[n,string] The rightmost 7 characters are "%@right[7,%i]"
echo %%@REPLACE[str1,str2,str3] "%@replace[ which you would,s you,%i]"
echo %%@STRIP[chars,string] No vowels: "%@strip[aeiuo,%i]"
echo 6.FUNCTIONS: Numbers and arithmetic
echo ``
set i=%@eval[1234567890 / 100000]
echo (using an arbitrary number of %i)
echo %%@COMMA[n] Inserts thousands separators in a number: %@comma[%i]
echo %%@DEC[%%var] Decremented value of a variable: %@dec[%i]
echo %%@INC[%%var] Incremented value of a variable: %@inc[%i]
echo ``
echo %%@EVAL[expression] Arithmetic calculations: 355 / 113 = %@eval[355 / 113=.5] (rounded)
set n=%i
echos %%@INT[n] Integer part of a number - enter a number:
input /c /x /e /l10 /w30 `` %%n
screen %_row, %@eval[%_column - %@len[%n] - 27]
iff %@numeric[%n] eq 0 then
set n=%i
echo number %n is %@int[%n] ` `
set i=%_4ver
echos %%@NUMERIC[string] Test if a string is numeric - enter string:
input /c /x /e /l10 /w30 `` %%i
screen %_row, %@eval[%_column - %@len[%i] - 36]
echo string "%i" is numeric: %@numeric[%i] (0=No, 1=Yes)
echos %%@RANDOM[min,max] Generate a random integer:
do 8 times
echos %@random[0,7],
echo etc.
echo %%@CONVERT[in,out,value] Base conversion:
echo decimal (10): %n
echo hexadecimal (16): %@convert[10,16,%n]
echo octal (8): %@convert[10,8,%n]
echo binary (2): %@convert[10,2,%n]
echo 7.FUNCTIONS: Dates and times
echo ``
echo (using the current system date of %_date and time of %_time)
echo %%@DATE[mm-dd-yy] Convert date to number of days: %@date[%_date]
echo %%@MAKEAGE[date[,time]] Convert date/time to file date/time: %@makeage[%_date[,%_time]]
echo %%@TIME[hh:mm:ss] Convert time to number of seconds: %@time[%_time]
echo %%@DAY[mm-dd-yy] Day of the month: %@day[%_date]
echo %%@DOW[mm-dd-yy] Day of the week: %@dow[%_date]
echo %%@DOWI[mm-dd-yy] Numeric day of the week: %@dowi[%_date]
echo %%@DOY[mm-dd-yy] Numeric day of the year: %@doy[%_date]
echo %%@MONTH[mm-dd-yy] Month of the year: %@month[%_date]
echo %%@YEAR[mm-dd-yy] Year number (2 digits): %@year[%_date]
echo ``
echo (using an arbitrary number of 1234 days)
echo %%@MAKEDATE[n] Convert number of days to date: %@makedate[1234]
echo ``
echo (using an arbitrary number of 1234 seconds)
echo %%@MAKETIME[n] Convert number of seconds to time: %@maketime[1234]
echo ``
echo (combining date/time functions)
echo In thirty minutes, the time will be %@maketime[%@eval[%@time[%_time]+1800]]
echo In one week, the date will be %@makedate[%@eval[%@date[%_date]+7]]
echo 8.FUNCTIONS: Utility
timer on /3 > nul
echo ``
echo (using a temporary alias for FORMAT)
alias format=`beep%+echo Too dangerous! `
echo %%@ALIAS[name] Value of an alias: FORMAT is "%@alias[format]"
unalias format
echo ``
echos %%@IF[condition,true,false] Evaluates a test condition:
echo Good %@if[%_hour lt 12,morning,afternoon]!
echo ``
echo (using this file as input - select a line from the box below)
set i=%_batchname
echos %%@SELECT[file,t,l,b,r,title] Menu selection:
echo You selected "%@word[0,%@select[%i,12,2,17,25, This is a test ]]..."
echo ``
echo (a TIMER was started when you displayed this page)
echo %%@TIMER[n] Elapsed time of specified timer: %@timer[3]
echo %%@CLIP[n] The first line of your Windows clipboard is:
echo "%@clip[0]"
:: examples.btm