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ADD-ON LEVEL FOR DUKE NUKEM 3-D. To use this or other add-on levels,
copy it to your Duke 3-d directory, and at the dos prompt type:
C:\duke3d\duke3d.exe -map <filename>.map
NOTE: THIS MAP REQUIRES THE ATOMIC EDITION - Version 1.4 or 1.5 of Duke Nukem 3d
Date Finished : October 19, 1997
Filename : October.zip
Author : Bruce Sparhawk
E-mail : jsparhawk@worldnet.att.net
Web Page : none (yet)
Misc. Author info : Bone weary from making Duke levels - this may be my
last one, unless I dream up something that just HAS
to get created.
Description : Aliens again assault the Northwest during one of our
worst storms. For those who thought "The Storm" was
too easy or not long enough... get ready!
Other levels : Bfire.map Revenge.map
BlueSky.map Btrayl2.map
Tunnel.map Chupa.map (Atomic)
Betrayal.map TheStorm.map (Atomic)
Additional Credits : Tim Conneen for his Se0trick.zip. This guy's some
kind of wizard with special effects, though concepts
take some study.
* Play Information *
Single Player : Yes!
Co-op Level : Nope
DukeMatch Level : No - multiplayer palette colors conflict with some
of the special effects. It's way too big for any
multi-player games anyway.
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
Notes : If you play this map, please take a minute or two
to e-mail me with your impressions.
Hint : There are four buttons in the end-game area. Check
behind the desks. You don't have to turn off the
forcefield, releasing the Boss, in order to finish
this level, but it's more fun if you do.
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Build
Time to create : A couple of weeks
Known Bugs : No bugs as such, but you may see an irregularity or
two in the graphics when special effects happen.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Neither this map or its accompanying text file are products of 3-d
Realms, GT Interactive or any affilliates. 3-d Realms is in no way respon-
sible for these, nor will they lend support of any kind.
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
Please respect the author's time and efforts in attempting to create this
map. If you like, study it and tear it apart to see how it was all done,
but make your own levels, okay? It's often frustrating, but by now there
are some really good FAQ files free to download for your instruction.
You MAY distribute this map, provided that you include this text file
with no modifications. You may further include it in any electronic format
(BBS, Diskette, CD, etc.) as long as you include this text file intact. Any
vendors wishing to include a statement of copyright are over-stepping the good-
will shown by my freely uploading this to the internet. This shall NOT become
the exclusive property of anyone but the author, whose intention is that it be
available for free.
* Where to get this MAP file *
All over the place, most-likely. Look at the following sites for great stuff!
Stals.Com - http://stals.com/duke3d/
The Adrenaline Vault - http://elitegames.com/duke3d/
Mike Miller's Web Page - http://www.rat.org/pub/duke3d/
Fright Library - http://www.lglobal.com/~command/3dgame.htm
Mecca World - http://meccaworld.com
JNM's Duke 3d Page - http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Dungeon/4425/duke.htm
The Page For Cool Stuff - http://www.angelfire.com/ak/jorge152/index.html