===-A Killer Loose-=== ===-in the Factory-=== ---------------------- An xm by Air0Day Speed: 160 BPM Length: 3:12 ---------------------- Notes: I wanted to make a sorta ndustrial- sounding song. I hope I succeeded in doing so pretty well. This song is also a horror story, and tells a small story about (duh) a killer that escaped from jail and is lose in a factory. I hope you like this. --------------------- Listening tips: At night, turn all of your lights off except for a small one (a flashlight if you can). Turn your monitor off after making the song start. Now it should thoroughly creep you out (I hope so anyway) ---------------------- Contact: . Email: xavier@voicenet.com . Web: http://www.voicenet ..com/~xavier/ music.html . ---------------------- See ya next release! . -Air0Day