"Looking at the rain falling down" tracked/sequenced by Teo/AbsurD my contribution to the TRIP multichannel compo, held in Benevento, 2-3-4 January 1998, ITALY. 100% recycled samples. ---------------------- "Quando piove speri che l'acqua possa lavare via tutte le ingiustizie del mon- do, ma quando smette ti accorgi che non e' cosi'." Credits for samples written below, anyway thanks to: AsYntote, Big Jim, Dustbin, Lizardking, Llooyd Yoon, Necros, Pix, Screamager, Skaven, Soundwave. My greets and respects to: Basehead,Necros,WAVE, Big Jim,Leviathan,Jase Juji,Zodiak,Nabo,FBY, Froyd,Dixan,Neurotix, Mix,AsYntote,Ez,Guy, Clockwise, Dustbin. All italian demo and music scene. Everyone who attended the TRIP. Special greets to Lord Kahl and Pedro. Dedicated to my girlfriend Serena, and.... ....to Diana Olivetti. Rest in peace, my friend. 3:32 mins of noise. contact me: teofr@freenet.hut.fi or... Matteo Zatti Via Vercelli 5 35020 Albignasego Padova - ITALY November 1997 @ 1997/98 AbsurD (first presented under the Fatal Rage label) this is taken from "The Secret" musicdisk by Fatal Rage. Please take a look (fr-scrt.zip)