Flutey Sound Rain Wildlife Sounds Big Bass Bird Call Flute with Perc Breath Hall Drum beat Hall Drum Beat 2 Wildlife Sounds 2 Twip 1 Twip 2 Twip 3 Twip 4 Bongo Bongo 2 Bongo 3 Beep Me Bass Drum Snare Drum Strings Those overused strings :) Crescendo SYNVOX_1.W01 *Astr** *Ast*o* *As*ro* *A*tro* **stro* ungle Trek y Arcturus Shattered Fixtures Release This is my attempt at writing a j One of the samples is by me, and Greets go out to Shattered Fixtur Arcturus ontact Info: rcmeister@pemail.net ttp://members.tripod.com/~arcmeis hattered Fixtures Homepage; embers.aol.com/Flaschberg