Catch A Moon [<Goa Acid> ] Traxed By Sleipner Oceanic Records 98/07/05 Baked Beans to My Girl Linda Djpitt/Duracell Bj.rn [Fd Tequila] Phoenix/Hoax Sun-dance Thomas Westman Niklas Westman Browallia Balder CyberFlash Commander Dj Micro Gaus /Kay/Xcalibur .sa / Linn Vendela Dj Delirium Jimmy Myhrman aviad Physical Phantasm All in Nukleus crew & the rest in Oceanic Records Crew & some to the rest of ya that should be named ......... Visit Http:// Link !Music! for l8es Releases or Mail me At sleipner.musician that's it / Cu l8r Slp/980507