~ "POLYPLeX" ~~~~ subtitled ~~"Mit liv som fisk" ~~~~~~24.02.98 ~ Composed by: ~~TORBEN HANSEN ~~~~~~~ aka ~~~~ - METAL - ~~~ a member of: ~VIBRANTS * FUDGE ~~ All the drum/percus. ~samples are from a Nordlead synth, and I found them on the ~internet.. Fat stuff! Thanks to Monz for ~the Roland JP8000 string-sample. And to Moonstone for the ~~~ choir-sample... The deep growling voice is myself... =] --- Greetings to: --- ~ VIBRANTS, FUDGE, ~~MON, ANALOGUE, ~~~~~CAMELOT, ~~~Ole Mogensen, ~~ Ulrik Henriksen, ~~~ and the rest... It has a rather abrupt ending..... I like it that way....